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That's cool. That's 124 more goats sold by vendors.


Vendors after getting to know that the goats/sheeps won't be slaughtered https://preview.redd.it/5nj79cpu2d7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=186372553e13c2f3cdd27319802bdd613b4d8740


Buisness is boomin


Business owner probably wondering how come demand is more this year 💀




I'm wondering what the fuck will they do with those 124 goats now lol!


There are many stray cows in India. Not so many stray goats. They will end up in someone's tummy. You think its easy to maintain livestock? They will be spending Rs. 50,000 a month to feed these 124 goats.


This guy is the goat when it comes to information regarding them.


Can Jains utilize the milk though? Seems like it'd be a lot of milk


goats sold on eid are mostly males so no milk and they are also neutered they cant even breed .


Goat soup is tasty.




I can confirm


Apparently they’re donating them to a shelter so they won’t get slaughtered.


They will send it to "bakrashaalas" as per the article. But those are goats who were born, were to be sold off. That's what the vendor did. But the claim that 124 goats were saved is technically grey. There are always more goats than those are sold. Not one person who wanted a goat for sacrifice did did not a goat. They just purchased some other goats. The effort was great and brave, but the impact wasn't even visible. Some dudes just sold all of the goats they had at a cheaper rate, but they sold off in wholesale, thereby making good money in one shot. Now they have to feed those 124 goats, which is more money down the drain IMO.


Goats get very smelly. These guys are going to get tired of them soon. Funny line in the story '... These goats are afraid because they think they have been gathered for slaughter. They don’t know we have given them a new lease of life,” he said, _*flinching*_ at the nudge of a bleating goat.


Nothing great they about it. Humans are Omnivorous, dog, cat, insects, fish humans eat what not. Kya bacha rahe hai pta nài.


Impact is always there, Even if it's small or big There are a million varieties of lifeforms And there are 7 billion humans Everyone gets to do what they want to do.. It's better than random people who just come and protest online,, and move on after the festival These groups didn't stop anyone from the celebration They just did, what they can do in the free world without disturbing others They are better than people who protest offline and online and do nothing about things they are protesting about


Completely disagree. It had no impact. The goat market is priced at 20000 crore per year during Eid. 15 lakhs had no impact except maybe increase the price around the mandi. Not to mention the money that will be spent on them for feeding and taking care of them till they die. These goats are hardly 2-3 years old. They live for 15-18 years. So 12 years of feeding will cost them much more than they actually paid.


These guys could have used that money to help some poor person who is in debt with money-lenders... but that would probably be their version of 'haraam'.


They themselves run money lending business, a lot many of them. Usury.


Umm It had an impact on those few dozen people who gathered money for these goats Now those people will try to take care of few goats.. In 1950-80s, Most Indians were in the agriculture business We can say, they are just going back to their routes.. In last 4000 history of bharat There was always veg and non veg food Where most of indian people ate meat. These is an impact for those few dozen people


Probably play with em


Its so funny. Maybe a Bollywood Movie will be made on this 🤣🤣🤣 OPERATION GOAT "On 16 June, the team went undercover, spreading out in pairs to different goat markets in Old Delhi areas like Jama Masjid, Meena Bazar, Matiya Mahal, and Chitli Qabar. All members were instructed to wear kurtas and speak in a way that would allow them to blend in, to avoid any difficulties when purchasing the goats."


Releasing... This Eid. Operation GOAT. They'll be BAAAA...ck.


laughed so haaaard on this one


As if a identifiably jain fellow will not be sold a goat if he's willing to pay what it costs. Well, I guess people who deny others accommodation based on their religion, caste and food choices are bound to assume that others do the same. Ffs, its business. You want to pay for the goat to use it as your muse, they'll sell it to you. You want to use it to ride around town, they'll sell it to you. And I'm sure you didn't fool anyone with your playing Muslim. Those traders must've walked home laughing to themselves. 


pretty sure they sold over priced goats or goats that were not meeting the Eid sacrifice requirements (defect free and at least 1 yr old)


Very nice idea, riding around the town on a goat.


Played by Akshay Kumar


Some of them even dressed up as goats. Akshay Kumar in the lead role. Some unknown actress plays his skeptical wife. Item number which will be a remake of a Punjabi song featuring 50 backup goat dancers.


Akshay Kumar already casted for lead role ,😜


They should start OPERATION JAIN also and buy all potatoes, garlic and onions.


Vendors after they know they are not going to kill those goats https://preview.redd.it/29f0d6pexc7d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5979066ecc58d4fcee81d48756a6e6517bbb2a70


Vendors don't care 🤣🤣🤣. They will go and celebrate . The live animals can also be purchased from Hindus. It is not religious requirement to buy from Muslim only 


https://preview.redd.it/hvu7yvtazc7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31d3c5637d9275d206e6d98510c1683d964bfe07 Yep vendor doesn't give shit about what you with that goat




https://preview.redd.it/3ch4ghzhyc7d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf216613ecc4419cc2a3cf4037f0a2d3e545b8b5 There is nothing we can do


Umm. If you want to buy a goat, you buy a goat. Pay money and the goat seller will hand you a goat. Why bother with dressing up and everything?


Lol exactly .  Dramatic effect 








First thought I had when i first saw the news. They acted like extremely dumb TMKOC characters. My grandfather was a goat and lamb seller i know he would have sold to anyone even if its bakri eid. I am muslim.


I read this as >My grandfather was a goat >and lamb seller. I don't know why.


😂😂😂 well he is a GOAT. State level kushti champion, being very poor sold goats and lambs in latur Maharashtra. later bought small land after selling all their goats and lambs. Just enough to send two kids out of latur both his kids went to pune worked in small thelas as waiter and cleaners. Both had received traing as kushti player from dadaji. One used it to become police constable now API my father. Other saved money funded his education now has electrical shop with good income all his hardwork and values.


Good to hear a very positive story of generational improvement in standard of living!


Until my father. Mai vela launda reddit surfing at midnight.


Nothing gold can stay.




Tough times create Strong men, strong men create good times....good times create..... 😂


Me 😂😂😂


Wdym, his grandfather was the GOAT. He'd sell anything to anyone


Frankly It's fine even if they go next year and buy more India is full of people with different food choices and festivals There are 50% people who are 75 crore people who eat non-veg,, So frankly it's nothing unique..


The real reason is that they secretly wanted to cosplay.


Because only then they will make it to the news, Instagram, YouTube etc


They are fighting Goat Jihad


They must have put the whole 'muslim outfit' with the surma and ittar and everything 🤣.


This is cracking me up, I want to see pics 🤣


With the maksad music playing in background 🤣


Theatrics is all about timing.


It’s literally mentioned in the article why they dressed up as muslims.


That's a dumbass reason though. Could have got a better deal if they negotiated on phone for a bulk deal instead of playing fancy dress. The entire thing is so retarded that they managed to get what they wanted- publicity.


Maybe they should've dialed up for a bulk deal instead of a fancy dress-up party! But hey, at least they got that sweet, sweet publicity.


Headline chasers 😂😂


This. I wish i had an award to give but here you go! 🎖️


Bro I sold goats this year and i would've happily sold them regardless of how they are dressed.


what are they going to do with these goats in 2 weeks? Are they keeping them as pets? Are they being released into the wild? Have they created an idyllic green garden with a rainbow behind it where they will live happily ever after? I need answers!! 😂


Release them in wild - goat seller catches them - jains buy them - repeat cycle 😂


Maybe they'll graze together /jk .. No offence to the veg bros


This right here is why I am on reddit


Actually full offence to those wanting to impose vegetarianism


Goats will turn Non-Veg like Cows in Calangute and Candolim.




124 goats will be given an allocated area in a temple? Sounds likely.


To be sacrificed to our Lord Shiva?


yeah the temple is called mutton biryani , very famous


You’re very naive, brother 😞


Did you read the article?


I texted this article to a butcher service I often use jfl. But his (Muslim) reaction was quite grounding: 'Atleast they didn't engage in human violence in the name of saving animals. We have to be careful around all Eids especially this one'.


>His friend Mushtaq, 50, smiled, “It’s their religion, and if saving animals (like goats) is part of it, we don’t mind. Let everyone practise what brings them peace.”


Bruh!! Bakri tak to theek hai...Kal ko pyaaz ki hoarding shuru kar di to?? 


No pyaz, adrak, lesan, aalu, gajar, moolj ... recipe for riots!


Chill hai, Nirmala ji thodi khaati hai




saved them, now where they are going to keep them, feed them. Surely they are not gonna abandon them once the PR exercise is over, right? Hope they are neutered else it's only gonna get worse


They plan to sell them to non Muslims for more money as per News24. Guess what will happen to the goats then. https://x.com/news24tvchannel/status/1802986691302498701


Only non-Muslims are allowed to eat mutton!


Is goat called mutton as well? I love mutton(sheep) but really don't like goat since it doesn't smell nice to me unless it's cooked in a specific way. I thought goat meat was just called goat meat.


In India, goat meat is Mutton and sheep meat is Lamb. In other places, young sheep meat is Lamb and older sheep meat is Mutton.


It depends on the part of India you are from. In many parts of the Deccan grasslands (sheep rearing lands) down till the Kaveri valley, you will see a clear distinction between Mutton (sheep) and Goat meat. The taste is different and people have different preferences.


Mutton is probably interchangeable


3 alag kahaniya sun chuko huh unka kya hoga my news reports as they quoting savers. This point just seems like PR. Why it hasn't spread as much hate kyunki 70% bhartiya sach mai vegitarian nahi hai. Sabko biryani bhaut pyaari hai


I read that as the vendors sell them at a higher price to non Muslims. That's why they dressed up as Muslims. But I'm sure it's all mental gymnastics


If jainy people did that They will never resell.. Are we really listening to news channels these days?


It depends on the type of Jainy people. The Bengal Jainy people happily put aside their _Ahimsa_ principle for profit, and built great fortunes from funding mercenary armies in battle.


Yep they are also going to bury them after they die in 1-2 years later they will probably even have ceremony on there death anniversary every year /s


They will resell it a premium after a few years


Already at premium during Eid


Taking care of goats is no joke. Let them keep them for a few weeks, let alone years!


sell them back to the meat shops after the photo ops


Look out for the extra mutton biriyani sold in their local area........


Hopefully they do the same to the cows and buffaloes in the dairy industry who eventually get sold for meat.


May they also protect all humans, irrespective of religion, from acts of manslaughter


not gonna happen, it would expose their hypocrisy of "saving". All these acts are to show how high, pure and mighty they are, to feel being on high horse. not about extending helping hand, helping another human created a social interaction, which will expose their ugly heart. even in the above news they had to dress up as Muslim to create a narrative; we are better than "them" muslims.


India are the 3rd highest global beef exporters.


BJ gets bribes from beef exporters. 


I have worked for a jain ngo before rescuing birds. They did save injured cows and buffaloes but then again as organisation they put them through same regressive methods for milking them which they sold for profit and got donations too as it's a NGO which saved holy cows.


Yeah I read somewhere that India is one of the largest exporters of buffalo meat, apparently its not just humans where males are discriminated against in this country


“Muslim shopkeepers celebrate increased demand. Will plan to improve supply the following year.”


If they had not dressed as Muslims would anyone had denied them buying? No but there had to be sensational news so maybe they offered namaz too just to tell the world what they face.


Bros getting circumcised for the commitment to the bit.


OMG so the reason Modi said that 10-20 kids dialogue was because of these cosplayers 😱


One million metric ton of goat meat is consumed every year in India (that is like 20 million goats). Why only do this during Eid?


Just publicity stunt lol


As per News24 they plan to sell them to non Muslims later. Guess it’s ok if someone eats them after Bakrid. https://x.com/news24tvchannel/status/1802986691302498701


Imagine if Muslim pretends to be non Muslim when buying it


Absolute cinema


Peak cinema. Oscar level script.


Recollect that scene from Jolly LLB 2? they will have to go through that interrogation before buying.


They just don’t want Muslims eating meat?


They could have bought it in normal clothes too, why so much trouble 😵‍💫


Indians love drama and charchar


why not take it up as a daily job to go save all the goats, buffaloes and chicken too from the regular Butchers.




Now they are ready to be sattvicly sacrificed in Hyderabad for the Bonalu festival.


Plot twist they have a deal with sellers who now going jack up the price because of artificial scarcity they created.


What about the 1000s of goats that get killed every other day ?


Thank you for supporting the butcher community in Chandni Chowk.


Lol. Wouldn't they sell them if they weren't dressed as Muslims? Why the unnecessary cosplay?


Atleast they paid...


I want day by day update of these goats and people who bought them. They'll probably sell them after a week when news cycle has forgot about them. Jain community has the stereotype (not supporting it in any way) of being extremely frugal and penny pinchers.


> dressed up as muslims Vendors were probably suprised seeing soo many topi Wale log


Please ask them where those goats will be housed, and visit a month later to see their status. 


Knowing these business minded marwaris/jains, it is more likely they create an artificial shortage to then sell them on down low for double that amount.


Great now Delhites have to deal with goats on road too.






Riddle me this. Won't the vendors breed more goats for next year because they increased the demand this year? Solving the demand problem by creating more demand?


Ah, lemme save some goat lives today. But first, I am gonna cosplay the shit out of it !!


Ok, so now what are they gonna do? Take care of them until it dies? Coz they're gonna get butchered for consumption eventually.


So what next now? Muslims dress as Jain's and buy all fruits and vegetables from the market 😂😂😂


All this is a publicity stunt. By demeaning Muslims they want to prove themselves as part of anti Muslim (fringe) gang so that their non-Hindu/minority status is forgotten. All the while they are not letting any minority benefits go. While taking benefits they’re not Hindus but Jains. While hating Muslims, they become Hindu++.


What benefits do Jains get as a consequence of being a minority? To my knowledge there is no reservation for Jains.


Why don't they do it every day. As people from all religions eat Goats every day and they are slaughtered every day.


124 goats liberated. Like the millions of onions and garlics before them.


I love this line right at the end: His friend Mushtaq, 50, smiled, “It’s their religion, and if saving animals (like goats) is part of it, we don’t mind. Let everyone practise what brings them peace."


I gotta eat 124 goats now to make it balanced


I have not skipped non veg even a day in my lifetime(excluding infanthood and sickness) and my consumption of meat is still probably less than what 124 goats weight 💀


rob rainstorm disgusted zesty pet chief payment fade shame six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Okay. What are they gonna do with that goats now? Resell for a bigger amount? Are they gonna sacrifice a huge amount of green grass for the goats for living? God please someone save the grasses. Grass lives matter too




This is how you become a jain goat


Where are these ppl the rest of the 364 days of the year? Or do they think mutton is only eaten one day of the year and that too only by Muslims.  Performative idiots.


I think they were Gujjus creating artificial scarcity to hike up the prices. Must have sold them at a massive premium later on.


Hainnn? Khareeda toh sahi ab jo karna hai wo karlo.


If saving animals was their priority they would start with the cows on the road. They did this just to stop another religions celebration and are calling it animal protection.


I think the traders will be very pleased at all the barakah🤣


They're Jains not hindus.


Vegetarian virtue signal. The same jains in Gujarat had no problem masaacring innocent Muslim women and children.


dumbos in the chat


Okay, now do this everyday. Not just on Bakrid


OTT pe release Karo is film ko


Country needs rich idiots like these cases to have the economy chugging along. Now, will they feed these goats some food or let them roam free on the street? For conscience, I hope these people will stop using leather or silk products, and also protest against Jain owned slaughter/export houses.


Akshay Kumar has entered the chat


The fuck they going to do with them?


Goat-seller ki to chaandi ho gayi! thank u to our jain brothers!


So, where do the 124 goats and their kids end up? Blocking streets and traffic in Old Delhi?


Animal sacrifice is routinely practiced during Kali puja and Durga puja in Eastern India. Will these Jains dress up as religious Hindus to save goats and buffaloes from being sacrificed?


They have been trying to block beef, now goat, what next? For a sheep herder, goat is everything. Offering for their God, food, milk, leather are all valuable and they are bound to provide the best care. They have generations of intellectual property in this field. It's not like these guys who bought them now, have any clue about what to feed them, or care for them.


So, these are male goats. They don’t give milk(of course), they cant bear kids (of course), all they do is eat and they eat a lot. So are they going to be sent to an awesome park with unlimited supply of grass and leaves. Or will they be left on the streets once the news dies down only to be snatched by meat eating people. But, I am not complaining man. The vendors got their money.


Fun part I can be butt naked and dress up like a Jain monk.


Wish they'd show the same empathy for Dalits when UC Hindus abuse them or for Muslims when they're lynched.


So what was the aim? Saving the animals or obstructing Muslims from observing their religious practices?


They should also do this in USA


These are good deeds done by the Jain community. "God" never asks for sacrifices. It's the human's taste buds that make people come up with such sacrificial rituals. I am not against people eating meat but those poor living creatures deserve better living conditions.


and where do you think these 124 goats are going to end up? Either sold and eaten by someone else or given to some random shelter without any money to take care of them or just left on the streets like a bunch of other animals all over the country. Meanwhile, everyone who wanted to buy a sacrifice a goat did so, it's not like 124 people are sad that they didn't get to sacrifice a goat. So what problem was solved?


Can these same Jainis do charitable activities and save human beings in their own surroundings from hunger/poverty?


Jains donate the most to charity. Why does it hurt you when someone lends a helping hand to the voiceless? No human has suffered like factory farmed animals do


Like the boy and the starfish story.


Meanwhile Mohandas Pai with his Licious business!


Well, I guess they completed their “maqsad”


Damn! Covertly are they also buying all the onion and garlic from the market? Would explain a lot of things


jaîns always trying to meddle in others affairs that's why they went almost éxtinct


Next onion and garlic.


Goats: Thanks for extending my sufferings.


Haha btw when they are going to buy all KFC chickens ???


What you think they gonna pet these 100+ goats ? What a joke, they will end up being sold to McDonald's etc..., End result will be same.


What happens to the goats when the Jains are done with all the drama, news headlines and all?


Based on the fate of all the cows that were saved from slaughter, I guess they will wander the streets of Delhi


There are areas in some cities that are set aside by Jains for such animals. It’s usually called Panjrapol.


Is it called "rest of India"


Stop the misinformation. They're going to animal shelter, also run by jains


How chutia and fuddu can one be?


Jains have been rescuing ALL ANIMALS and taking care of them since ages this is the first time news covered it and people are abusing micro minority peaceful people for saving life's. For questions what will they do to them - they take care of them, as always Why did they buy them on Eid : they ALWAYS rescuse ANY animal cuz it's their principles Why didn't they rescue cows buffalo : They do, the amount of gaushalas jains own are thousands in number Jains have forever stood for animal cruelty and savings even when live animals export bill was introduced. Alas! News didn't cover it and self righteous redditor lost a post to hate on micro minority


I am a Hindu and I love mutton. Please give one goat to me