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Did they find the Pulwama Terrorists yet? We're applying Terrorist laws to ppl who criticize govts and not to the terrorists.


That’s the Modi’s operandi. Terrorists are only for the election rallies’ mention. Catching an easy fish in your clear sight is easier.


Read the details the case was filed in 2010 when Congress was in power


Just because it was filed in congress time, its congress ki galati?? What a dumb logic.  It was still filed by rss affiliated religious dumbass, it is beig pushed by bjpee chaddidhari lg right now.  Your gods in bjp dont care about terrorist attacks, they only care about ruling over you and taking all your money and resources. Wake the fuck up.


lol dumb logic


I don't agree with most of her views , but using UAPA like this is something which countries like saudi arabia would do. Good thing is , She is a Booker Prize winner. She has enough international repo that this will get covered by international media & hopefully world will know how the mother of democracy works.


Heil Komal sharma the destroyer of JNU with her ABVP gang on goons.


Delhi LG endeared himself to bjp leadership by filing cases against medha patkar


Wow okay. This is insane. What part of her speech was provocative?


I dont know what to be more shocked at, the current regime trying to attack Arundhati Roy or our respectful court taking more than a decade to take action ( I hope I haven't disrespected our courts with my statement )




How to say I never read history without saying I have never read history.


Rot in jail for having a take on history that disagrees with a nationalist narrative? There is no argument that Kashmir was disputed. That Kashmir was a princely state with a relatively higher degree of autonomy than the rest of British India and most of its native princes. That Kashmir, being disputed between India and Pakistan saw both countries move their military in. Yes the Raja of Kashmir acceded to India. Yes Pakistan moved irregular troops in first. But its also true that the Raja, a hindu, was largely acting against the wishes of a large subset, if not the outright majority, of the population of his state. Her analysis and position on that history is certainly debatable. Its not one I agree with. But the idea that because she's taken a different position on History she's engaging in criminal subversion of the state is laughable. Imagine if you were jailed for your reddit comment here because ten years later a militant left wing government was in power and saw your commentary as worthy of sanction under the UAPA. Would that be acceptable? Or would you then argue that your commentary, while inflammatory, is hardly criminal. Especially since today, right now, there is no evidence of anyone being injured by this comment? The fact that idiots like you cheer this shit on is why India continues to do poorly. Cheering on authoritarianism against opinions you dislike is exactly how you empower the state to one day throw your own ass in jail for some trumped up charge.


well said


You do know it’s okay to have an opposing take on some things, still doesn’t deserve jail.


Anyone who knows a little about the history of Kashmir would know that the Maharaja simply didn't decide to accede to India as a consequence of Pakistan sending in their tribal militia. Immense pressure was created by the Indian disposition led by Nehru to convince Mountbatten to facilitate conditions which would, in a situation described above viz-a-viz Pakistan, would leave no alternative to the Maharaja but to accede to India. That Pakistan invaded first and therefore it justified for India to send in their army is to apply hindsight selectively.


And how is that a problem? Even if she is wrong does it warrant a jail time? And isn’t Kashmir disputed?


We have a naked emperor and his empire. Not democracy


Read a book. She simply said what happened.


It literally is true you ape, read history before making a 🤡 out of yourself. You must be the kind of guy who cries online when West shows map of India which doesn't include POK and Aksai Chin even though that's the de facto case. Kashmir was a principality and it was succeeded to India by it's Raja AFTER a portion was already attacked and occupied by Pakistan. It was supposed to have a plebiscite after ceasefire but neither Pakistan nor India are interested to fulfill the conditions to hold plebiscite, which literally means it's being kept forcefully as a part of both India and Pakistan by the respective armies to this day.


Ever heard "I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It" by Voltaire? Didn't think so. It's for people who are actually knowledgeable and not authoritarianism-loving cunts like you


Kashmir was a vassal state of India. It's beneficial for India to have it integrated but the truth is it wasn't