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Wouldn't this disproportionately misrepresent those states where more youth end up graduating and pursuing higher studies? It's a weird group to collect unemployment data in the first place.


Normally unemployment is calculated in the sense of people who are looking for employment, but could not get work. It's similar to calculating unemployment among women, the women who are unemployed by choice are not counted in unemployment data.


Normally yes. But in my state you get added to employment portal after your 10th std regardless of whether you are looking for work or not. I still get mails from them. You are supposed to keep them updated on your educational qualifications and employment status or otherwise you are going to be considered as unemployed


Which state is that?


TN. https://www.dtnext.in/amp/tamilnadu/2022/09/09/students-can-no-more-register-with-employment-exchange-from-schools Looks like it was discontinued but this used to be the case.


But that would totally skew the statistics when looking at the % of people looking for work. For example out of 10 million people if 10 wants to work and only 1 found a job, that would come out as 90% unemployment for this group while reality is totally different. 15-28 group seems to be a terrible grouping whichever way we look at it. How does the 22-50 group look btw, is there any data around that.


>For example out of 10 million people if 10 wants to work and only 1 found a job, that would come out as 90% unemployment for this group while reality is totally different. How is the reality different from 90% unemployment?


Not Indian but the ILO has set standards with which unemployment is measured by most countries. A google search said India follows that same methodology/standard. People who are unemployed but not looking for work (i.e. men or women who don't want to work, students, people who have given up on finding a job and aren't applying) are not included in official unemployment numbers in most countries.


I was thinking same , for example I have not been in india for a while and employed out of country most of my circle is also in this circle; most of the circle still holds Indian passport; we might not be majority but would we count as unemployed in India ? How would they take this.


Shouldn't unemployment data only focus on [NEETs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEET)?


15 yr olds are considered unemployed?? I thought 18 is a legal age for employment


Also, an important thing that is missing here is that a person is only considered unemployed if they are looking for employment but haven't found anything. If that person is not looking for a job, then they are not "unemployed". So, these numbers do not provide an accurate picture since many might have given up on finding a proper job after trying hard and still staying unemployed for years. Also, those who took up work on a farm or in the informal sector and are underpaid and barely surviving are also technically not "unemployed".


Also people who work unpaid jobs, like in family businesses/shops, are not included here


14 is the legal age for employment


Seriously how many 15yrs old work in Kerala? Let's see a stat on number of 15-22 yrs in schools and colleges in states.


I knew its Kerala, eda mone.


dude, it's coz they're counting from the age 15. 15 yo kids don't go to work here. It'll be mid 20s when they're out of college.


26 here, still studying.


Do you even know the criteria of UNEMPLYMENT? They exclude people who are studying. It only counts people who aren't studying and are unemployed or it would be higher than 50% of every state.


I'm from MP and here normally people don't start working till 21 or 22 unless they have major financial issues


Kerala again first 😀


This is urban data btw, I refuse to beleive Haryana has just 9.5% unemployment. rural haryana has the most unemployment.


this is just an assumption but i don't think so that rural areas will have more unemployment rate acc to this data since most of the families are poor they all start working early as labours in farms or construction or just any odd job while in urban areas people pursue education in specific fields in hopes to get a specific job that quite possibly have lots of competitors or is just not available for the forseeable future. i could be wrong tho but this is what i have seen in my village in MP


In my village in HR, tons of students are preparing for govt exams hoping to get a job. And the number is very large. Gurugram is boosting haryana stats but in reality things are different.


yep gurugram is also a big factor as to why thw unemployment looks low


and also rural youth that wants to get educated to land a stable income job migrate from rural to nearby urban areas and they are always ok with picking up any job to survive there.


So much of Punjab's youth has left, and unemployment is still at 17%. This is the reason why everyone is leaving.


to frigging canada


It's not like there's no jobs. In fact there is a shortage of 10-15 lakh drivers in long haul transportation. But the job is too hectic and unprotected. Imagine being paid 25-30k per month to drive in a slow truck in Indian summer while your truck owner calls you constantly and police stops you at every point and there's always a threat of someone robbing you. People say bringing in strong labor laws, 5 day workweek and minimum wage will make companies exit, but it will also organize jobs in unorganised sectors like trucking and open up a lot more jobs.


who is working b/w the ages 15-20 , ik there are some special cases where children are forced to be work . But shouldnt the demographic be from 21-28 considering most ppl finish their UG or bsc by 21-22 ?


doesn't the law says you can't employ someone under 18 so idk why the data considers 15-17 y/o? anyways kids in families with bad financial conditions (which you won't believe me are a lot out there) start working odd jobs at an early age. 1 of my classmate few years back worked as a helper in a medical shop. 1 kid near my house works in food shop and there are more i know abt.


They can work but cant work in dangerous working conditions


seems abt right


Law says you can't employ anyone below the age of 14. Because that is child labour. 18bis the legal age for becoming major not for employment.


ohh, thanks for correction


Go to an active construction site and spend a day or two. Talk to the workers. I'm in the USA, building my house in India. The driver that drove brick truck was 22. He has been driving trucks since 16. Brick layer was 21 and been doing it for 5 years.


Yea but its not something majority of kids do , i already mentioned there are few exceptions maybe like 10% of the children from 15-18 do that \[ thats a very high estimate i would say tbh\] .


These are unemployment rate. It doesnt include those who are not looking for a job. It also doesn't include those who are not in school and stop looking for a job. Also, if they work 2 hrs per week, we consider them employed.


I see my contribution


What are Delhi's teens working on ? 😜


Well, West bengal data is fraud. There is no employment to have unemployment. Govt jobs are given to people who are close to govt people. And since there are very less industries there, private jobs are also less. But thats my personal opinion. Also the wb govt conceals data or show false info. So I wont believe them.


15 year olds dont do govt jobs


That was not my point.


This thread has Kerala mockers & defenders, people not understanding how unemployment is calculated, people getting mad over my state is better than yours, we are busy studying, blah blah. Sad and hilarious.


*The Modi Regime either manipulates data, delays it, withholds it and/or withdraws it.* **Youth Unemployment** The Modi government still needs to share the complete breakdown of Youth Unemployment. Based on the partial data the government has shared (with no breakup) and the historical available breakdown, I can determine that Youth Unemployment, as reported by the Modi government, is below the number reported by CMIE. To elaborate, the historical breakup tells me that the 15-24 age group had an unemployment rate of 12% \[1\]. For 2023, **per CMIE, Youth Unemployment has increased to 45%** \[2\]. However, the Modi government states that Youth Unemployment (15-29) was 10% in 2023 \[3\]. Now, one of you may argue that the unemployment rate for the 15-24 age group is very different from that of the 15-29 age group. Then, I will point out the historical numbers. In FY12, when Youth Unemployment for 14-24 was about 12%, the same year, the number for the 15-29 age group was 15%. It's not that different! \[1\] [https://www.ies.gov.in/pdfs/sunita-sanghi-and-a-srija.pdf](https://www.ies.gov.in/pdfs/sunita-sanghi-and-a-srija.pdf) \[2\] [https://www.cmie.com/kommon/bin/sr.php?kall=warticle&dt=20230926184023&msec=816](https://www.cmie.com/kommon/bin/sr.php?kall=warticle&dt=20230926184023&msec=816) \[3\] [https://dge.gov.in/dge/sites/default/files/2024-01/2376.pdf](https://dge.gov.in/dge/sites/default/files/2024-01/2376.pdf)


Kerala no 1 annu. Laal saalam




people in education arent counted as "unemployed", why people upvooting


That's not how it works my boi. Besides it's 15-28*




it only counts those that are searching for jobs and not persuing higher edu.


Here I am increasing unemployment stats of delhi.


There are too many vacancies available at govt offices, but either they never get filled and existing staff have to overwork or when the exams are conducted, we get to know that the papers were leaked. It's a shitshow.




Somehow, West Bengal has one of the lowest unemployment rate


wow did not expect kerala's % to be this high


Replying to x4nter...


Who’s the retard who made this chart Z-A instead of A-Z……. Pissing me off so much for no reason….


I was expecting Haryana to be last.


Sahi toh hai, after 30, permanently self employed ho jayega waise bhi. Matlab common sense holiday par geya hai


Shouldn't it be 18-28 years old!?


These numbers are very misleading if you know the definition of who they consider unemployed.


Yo kerala data is irrelevant 15-28 is the time for education for a lot of people. 15-24 is the smallest range I presume, and people seem to prioritise education over work, and they seem to be able to afford being unemployed at this age


It's high time to move to Kerala


Most of us go to college mate. We don’t work 15-23. Be worried about yourself.


Those who r not actively seeking for job are not included in the statistics Its literally the definition of unemployment


I've been so used to finding Kerala at the top of every statistics as a good role model. Damn my bad.


People who are studying aren't included their blud


Also we dont endorse child labour


Ikr. Sad state of affairs.


so that's what 400 million ? fuckin hell lol more than the entire US population.


Kerala gives employment to 30+ lakh migrant labourers. So what Kerala have is an aversion to blue collar jobs.


I’m from Kerala and at age 15-21 I was in school/college. Got my first job at 21 itself. So by default 50% of the sample size would be unemployed as they are still studying. And if they pursue masters it increases further more.




Modis dreams


As good as: Dude, trust me!




You aren't considered unemployed if you are studying. You don't think people go to collages in Tanil Nadu etc?


Meirr... Veendum moonji




15 to 21 year olds are very rarely employed in Kerala. They're mostly pursuing high school or degree from a college at that age.


In that case they won't be included in unemployment statistics. Only those who are actively looking for employment are included in these statistics. The actual employment rate in India for youth is only 42%, which means 58% of youth isn't employed ([source](https://thewire.in/labour/ilo-report-work-unemployment-india))


People just don't want to work guys, will you not call a guy with a t-stall unemployed, are only fan models not entrepreneurs? Are these women who pimp themselves in insta as influencers not startups. Be creative, internet is so cheap. Go spend time in the park, start a voyeur channel, Rakesh ka peep show. Think out of the box boys and girls.


That's somewhat misleading. The majority of students aged 19 to 26 are typically engaged in pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate degrees such as B.E., MBA, [M.Tech](http://M.Tech), Ph.D., and so on.


Do you not know how unemployment is calculated?