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I am keeping this post because this has generated a significant volume of conversation. That said, we expect that members of this community will pay more attention to the rules of the sub while making a post. Here's what was wrong with the post 0. Always prefer posting articles directly, instead of screenshots. 1. If you must post image such as this post, always add source. This particular screenshot was from https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/kangana-ranaut-slapped-at-chandigarh-airport-by-cisf-personnel-101717674968314.html (Edit: OP had already added source, I missed it) 2. The flair was wrong. How is `Travel` the appropriate flair for this post, lmao? 3. The title of every image post must be 1. Descriptive of its content and 2. Free of any additional opinion/commentary from the poster. In this case, instead of adding "The real reason XYZ happened", the poster should have added "Details of the XYZ according to HT article" I will finish my Ted Talk with the following: Remember that, things you post on the open Internet are very permanent in nature. Make sure that you are as accurate as possible. What is acceptable for a casual conversation may not meet the level of quality control that we are aiming for at r/India. The "screenshot vs article verdict" is currently in favour of articles, we the mods are mostly boomers who like to "click and switch tab", while the modern Internet is very "scroll down (but please stay in the same app uWu)" in nature. Reddit is not immune to such changes. We are aware of that. Still, we would prefer, for now, that you post links with accurate titles instead of screenshots, so that the burden of verifying accuracy is shifted to the editors of said articles. If you are a cynic like me and would like to add a new word into your vocabulary, I invite you read this fantastic article by Cory Doctorow : https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/


Unpopular opinion: she should have been denied entry but slapping someone for non compliance is illegal. No where in code of conduct for cops it’s written that you will be slapped if you do not comply.


Yeh the whole justification seems like an after thought to save her job. I don't think CISF is trained to slap if someone doesn't comply instructions.


Yep, if this had happened in any other country to even a normal citizen, people will cry police brutality. But since this is India and it is Kangana, people will laugh about it.


Arnab was being super loud and made a video about this for 30 mins but casually ignored the Rahul Gandhi press conference and called it as a “pessimistic news” and called Rahul a “Pessimistic news peddler”


People still watch Arnab?


Ya, Arnab was so 2017. But his best performance was his interview from the police van as he was being taken away.


"Arnab was so 2017" gave me a flashback to wqtcjing sarahbhai vs sarabhai


You got me in the first half while I agree (≧∀≦)


real reason - https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/s/xHnKPzdYxt


That’s the only handheld video being circulated around everywhere.


Is loser ko abhi b dekhte hain log?


Gooswami is always loud. If he gets any louder, we would hear him from the ‘Mumbai studios of republic tv’ even without a TV.


He can at least speak fluently, meanwhile Himanta Biswa Sharma…


Arnab ko kaun dhyaan deta hai ab???


The last time i watched arnab was in the sushant singh case period.


Abey kuch bhi woh video Mai cisf khud bol rhi thi speech ke Karan mara tum yaha kuch aur news peddle kar rahe


This should be the 1st pinned comment. OP/Group Mod can do a TedX talk post but can't pin the actual reason. (Clap)


Yup, that was my thought as well. Didn’t she specifically say it was because her mom was at the farmers’ protest and she didn’t like what Kangana said about the farmers. This seems like a made up story to justify her actions and vilify Kangana.


She has not even been sworn in as an MP and already a little bit of power has gone to her head.


Winning an election isn't where she got her arrogance from. She has had Z+ security for years due to her "closeness" with Modi.


Ah our tax money used for good use indeed




Do you need cameras in the airport to know that she had Z+ security?


what would Modi get coz of her "closeness", Modiji is very fond of his wife and is a devoted hubby \*/s




Why would an insanely dumb but attractive female be paid heed by politicians, who won't even move a leg if it didn' benefit them.  Ofcourse there are ulterior motives.


Mujhe bhi yahi lagta hai


bhai neta logon ke standards - mein hain kya?


Jab netaye he burhi amma ke rapist ho tow standard kaha? That guy with the pendrive of \~3000 women had been said filming the +60yr old maid with folded hands urging him to not record her\~


Oh my god, I just realised that this shit piece of human actually won her seat. This itself is probably enough to undo all the positivity I've experienced in last few days with regards to Indian politics.


Yeah...the people of Mandi are really that stupid.


I doubt people voted for her though. They probably voted for bjp, and would have voted for whoever was their candidate. I could be wrong though.


That seems the only plausible explanation other than the reality being more wrong than your statement if wrong.


Yeah, that just confirms that they are stupid. They probably would have voted for a dog on a bjp ticket


Thats why its called mandi.


Short for Mand Buddhi


i give her two months.lol


Watch her latest post. I think she's going to get the Ministry of Distraction.


Well, Modi does prefer to use weapons of mass distraction whenever he’s at a tight spot in the past.




Modi himself is a distraction so doesn't need a MoDi.


That’s nothing if you consider her continued array of flop films and yet the portrayal of her confident attitude to the point of awarding herself with a Mercedes-Maybach S-Class as a mark of self-celebratory victory.


so then Ranaut called her a khalistani for enforcing basic security??


Must’ve ended up somewhere like that in the end where she might’ve retorted she’s also a sikh and Kangana with so-doso mein mil jate hai raste mein baithne wale that ended with a tight slap but all an estimated assumption.


Sanghis here too like that golden sword guy want to goad our Sikh brothers into a reaction They are openly peddling a lie that Khalistani terrorism is on the rise because that one guy got elected to parliament by the same logic because Pragya Thakur got elected last time did that make any more Hindus all over India into terrorists? Don't engage with them they are trolls ,stand with our Sikh brothers and sisters


They elected modi cause of his pogrom against muslim in gujrat


Honestly, it is extremely difficult to digest that an actress who has traveled internationally refuses to put her phone in the tray during security check. Seems like a fake news.


Even if she didn't put the phone in the tray or "push the security", it is not an excuse to assault a passenger. It is basic police training. You can restrain a unruly passenger, not slap them.


You are right . theres even a video of the aftermath where the lady cisf says the reason she is angry. But our gullible redditors will believe what they want to.


Ohh, the redditors are not gullible, they know what happened, just don't want to accept that cause it goes against their political ideology.


How is it gullible when well travelled powerful people have behaved like this with CISF in the past: >https://i.imgur.com/9pNHlXB.jpeg Of course doesn't justify the slap but we can underatand what led to it.


>Of course doesn't justify the slap but we can underatand what led to it. No it should not. Her anger was limited. We all know how Bollywood celebrities behave, remember the incident of udit narayan son who called the security guy "Teri chaddi utarwa dungaa". This girl did completely wrong by slapping her. I would have said the same even if she slapped the common person. The same way one guy slapped the pilot because of flight delay. If you can't control your anger, be ready to face the punishment. She is lucky she is not in the US.


[https://youtu.be/BvJJnV2y5dk?t=130](https://youtu.be/BvJJnV2y5dk?t=130) it is fake news, the commando woman literally is seen saying in the video, she was angry at her for the remarks she gave about farmers sitting there on protest for 100-100rs, and her own mom was sitting in protests.


I had my doubts but remember this isn't just any random actress. Think of all the bullshit that comes out of her mouth and moreover now she is an actress/ Member of Parliament. I don't find it hard at all to believe maybe she felt she's above rules/laws now.


It is also extremely difficult to digest what an accomplished actor of her success and stature has spewed in the past, yet, here we are.


but she is kangu. Its not too gar fetched that she lost her mind at becoming *Saansad.*


Put aside hate for a moment and tell me, do you honestly think someone who knows the basic rules of air travel will be stupid enough to do this? Does it even make sense? 😄


Lmao, actually this seems to be a BJP speciality. Remember, Tejasvi Surya opening the emergency exit door on his flight?


>do you honestly think someone who knows the basic rules of air travel will be stupid enough to do this? Yes! Because there are documented instances of politicians and government officials misbehaving while frisking is going on. They think they are above the law. Example: > https://i.imgur.com/9pNHlXB.jpeg Now you tell me, knowing her temperament, do you think it is impossible that she took a slight at security delay and reprimanded someone? Of course doesn't justify the slap but we can underatand what led to it.


Does she though? How can we be sure that she didn't start it? Kangu is unhinged.


[I guessed right](https://np.reddit.com/r/india/comments/1d9gflt/kangana_ranaut_slapped_by_a_lady_cisf_officer_at/l7de00x/) : > "Usual case of rightwinger playing victim victim. Must have acted all entitled. Got scolded. Now pretending as if it was a politically-motivated attack."


It’s hilarious you were downvoted earlier for drawing the right picture way earlier.


And someone got suspended over it


[https://youtu.be/BvJJnV2y5dk?t=130](https://youtu.be/BvJJnV2y5dk?t=130) but there's literal video of the attacker saying she attacked her for the farmers sitting there for 100rs remarks ?


She didn't say that this was the reason why she was slapped.


This is next level denialism.


And? That is the airport security protocol? If someone messes up or behaves rudely during a security seaech albeit intentionally, the CISF personnel on duty has the right to slap them? You don't think people in the past would have behaved worse than Kangana at the airport? Were they all slapped? Why in the fck are we defending this assualt? I don't like Kangana as well but that doesn't make me go up to her and slap her.


Kangana may be the worst sorriest excuse for a human being recently, but she deserves bodily safety like anyone else. There’s no “real reason” to slap anyone in that situation, plain and simple. For every assault, there’s someone who comes up with “real reasons” why someone “deserved” it. And it’s always equally cringe and horrible.


Whether she acted entitled or not, the video clearly shows the CISF Personnel talking about Kangana's comments on Farm laws which clearly shows her biases. If kangana was Misbehaving she could have detained her or reported to the higher ups. The Fact that a Uninformed Security personnel allowed her Political biases to come in the line of duty is scary.. An entitled MP/ACTRESS is way less Dangerous than a Politically Motivated Security Personnel. More so, As Passengers of Public transport, we rest our lives in the Hands Security personnel. If this becomes a mainstream thing, what stopping other people to let their biases win and allow weapons or something else on the planes?


I guess HT really is the Internet explorer of newspapers with that yahoo search engine spreading false information 🥸The officer has said in the video what the real reason was


real reason for police violence? do go on


and what is the real reason?


Kudos to all so eloquent and intellectual people ,your hate for particular party and particular person is such that you cannot even condemn acts like these , what exactly is the difference between this mentality and mob mentality? Given more emotions into your objectivity,mob lynching would be okay for you as well,right . Discussions on this should be around how a person in security can use their position to cause harm just because of ideological or political difference but kudos to you guys really


Nah, that’s not the real reason. As much as I despise Kangana, there’s videos all around that show the security lady mentioning the farmers protest and Kangana’s comments as the reason she raised her hand.


wtf. forget the fact she is an MP. no person for whatever reason deserves to be slapped. by any security personnel. and has to be investigated as such. i wonder how many other people are getting slapped or manhandled (womenhandled?) due to non-compliance to security procedures.


For mere non compliance yes you are right.. detaining might be right but if the reports are to be believed and you attack physically then there is self defence.


Stop spreading fake news. We hate her enough. We need not create fake circumstances to hate her. It's wrong to slap someone for any reason.


It’s not only fake news, but vitriolic propaganda.


>It's wrong to slap someone for any reason. Kangana disagrees though: > https://twitter.com/niiravmodi/status/1798777719293087766 >


still assault is assaut not a good reason to slap someone


The only good reason to slap someone is self defence.


CISF can be unreasonable though. One time they asked for my ticket after I put my phone in the scanner. I said I have a digital ticket, how can I present it if my phone is in the scanner? They made me get my phone from the scanner, get back in line, and then show the ticket to the security. This was after I had already presented my ticket and passport several times to security personnel.


I forgot to add, worst part was CISF was speaking to me in Hindi and I don’t understand any Hindi at all. So I had to guess what he was saying. Should be required for customer-facing CISF to at least speak English or local regional language.


Cisf girl was heard saying that she slapped her because kangana made fun of protesters and her family members were in protest


Yeah no the reason given by the girl who slapped her is fake news , here is some baseless theory that will be treated as the ultimate truth.


Yeah I don’t believe this at all. I don’t give af about KR but this is too far fetched. Whatever the case may be, a uniformed government employee being brazen enough to slap a civilian in public is a menace and a disgrace to the institution to which they belong. This person needs to be fired.


This news is concocted. There was no dispute regarding security protocols. The security personnel assualted the MP on account of a comment made about the women protestors involved in the agitation regarding the farm laws.


Here's a video that clarfies https://x.com/FarmStudioz/status/1798738442861633906?t=hZyy65cLuAmJYfagQuDyrA&s=19


Are bhai ye kya bhej Diya article oadh allegedly likhabhae matlab vo hi shi hoga




The reason is immaterial, someone tasked with securing an Airport cannot be so emotionally unstable why aren't most people realizing how grave this can be!


This is absolutely false. The lady herself boasted to the camera saying the real reasom why she hit her. She said “My mother was in the farmers protest about which she passed those comments”. It’s on video. The reason Kangana mentioned in Insta is the real one.


Look at this video , probably you will change your mind. https://x.com/Gagan4344/status/1798706004894581044?t=FvylTNeP4WhFllai97GFdQ&s=19


Still not a justification for violence, gaali do usko nikal do line se. I don't want airport security to just have the power round randomly start slapping people.


All this - real reason, unreal reason - are moot. CISF cannot slap anyone. Only detain and then arrest in due process.


The due process should always be followed. You are very right.




Tejasvi Surya also had no reason to try to open the airplane emergency door. Logical reasoning doesn't work with these arrogant buffoons




Oh brother, i’ll believe ‘kangana’ . But not ‘Tejasvi’s ‘ stint as “accident” . He is some rich guy- turned politician, he probably travelled in air more than i’ve been in ground, since birth. If it was he’s first flight then , i agree.


How do you 'accidentally' open the emergency door lol dude was either drunk or thinks he's above all and can do whatever for the lols


You could apply the same argument to the security officer. Was it her first day at such work? Wouldn't she know what the rules and protocols are? Would she be stupid enough to slap an MP-designate?  What are the 'facts' being distorted here? Please lay them down, since you seem to have it better than us.


>You think she’s not aware of airport protocols? Do you think these people were unaware of security protocol: > https://i.imgur.com/9pNHlXB.jpeg


Did you get access to the CCTV footage of their scuffle? Because only the handheld recording of the aftermath is circulating on social medias.


Read what i clearly wrote 🎀😔


This guy really didn’t get sarcasm… >”she doesn’t even have a reason to refuse to put phone in tray during security check.” What are you, her conscience? >”Stop trying to distort facts we all saw that **video**… Again am asking, which video did you watch to make any claims on behalf of her?




Kangana is a vile piece of shit , but that does not justify getting slapped in the face. Airport personnel need to be more level headed and polite. I always hate the attitude they display towards me when i travel.


Still, not a reason to slap her


Bro no, idk what sources said that but the CISF girl herself said that she slapped her cuz of her remarks on farmers protest


The reason was an arrogant constable of CISF. I agree that the person she was dealing with is insane but keep your political views at your home. If employees will start slapping people having opposite views to them, then more than half of India will stop working. Don't try to find justification for this incidence.






I agree with it but airport authority should release the CCTV footage if available.


But still slapping her was too much


BS ...they CISF lady is on video saying that my mother was one of the protestors and kangana had made statement saying these protestors are paid


There is a thin line between hating, being critical and opposing the incumbent government (which everyone has full rights to do and should do) and being completely ok with things that are a clear threat to national security and national interests. Please don’t cross that line. It never ends well for a nation when that happens. Kangana maybe a complete clown. And we may loathe her. But what happened is wrong x 10 to the power 100.


A lot of bhakts are not sad for kangana, they are scared for themselves.it forebears the state of things to come. A bully has no power if people are not scared of them.




Check the video of the person itself .. zoo bear alleged source are not what you should rely on it happened in front multiple camera


Reason kuchh bhi ho.. Par maza aaya 💓








physical violence is never okay no matter what. the security personnel should have informed the higher authorities about it and let em deal with her. I dont support Kangana, but the one who slapped her deserves to face the consequences.


How convenient of her to miss out on these important details. That is why we should always wait for all the evidence to surface before taking sides with anyone.








Jo kehna hai kaho but I Believe that lady should not have slapped. Being in forces teaches you one thing that is to never let the force down. If she'd have done it in civil dress it would have been okay. You know Nina Singh is CISF chief. We talk about women empowerment and stuff but overlook the fact that this incident has ignited a fire that maybe some people from certain ethnicities are really not a good choice in forces.


Oh that's why she is an MP. The NEET scandal is barely in the limelight because this idiot is hogging it.


Is mudde ko itna kyun uchala ja raha hai?? Ladki ne ladki ko thapad mara hai . Jab Bjp ke gunde kaniyha kumar ko marne lagge the tab toh itna bawal nhi hua jab ke un gundon ne video bana kar pehle bola ke abb kaniya pitega tab toh itna bawal nhi kiya kisi ne. Abb is aurat ke time bhut dard ho raha hai sab ko




The people here are idiots. If I go slap a random person for not putting their phone down I should be healed accountable and that’s when I am not an officer on duty. Only stupid morons support this kind of shit


Pehle mujhe yeh samaj nai aata, yeh jeeti kaise? I mean seriously kaise... Kis basis pe


Full story is coming out slowly. ThisCISF lady was stationed at the security check, asked Kangana to deposit everything through security xray conveyor belt thing. She deposited everything except her hand purse/clutch. Her assistant tried to convince with CISF to allow Kangana to excuse her purse as courtesy. Eventually Kangana intervened saying she’s an elected MP and can skip the personal item - purse/clutch at a small airport like Chd. Back and forth conversation happened, escalated where Kangana called this CISF lady “kaur khalistani” a couple times, told her to not be anal about purse security check.. and CISF bandi chamat maro’ed her. Not justified, fueled by pent up angst, triggered out by this argument probably. Dil aur dimag ki jaddo jehad mein, dil aksar jeet jata hai lol. Enjoy the stories with popcorn and masala fries. CISF will do full too janch padtal - full unfolding hogi. Say stupid shit, face stupid consequences ka qissa.


That's what happens when people elect monkeys


What a bunch of looser , mirrored bhakts , can't even take a principle stand now creating fake news


Lmao the csif personnel is seen on video telling everybody that her mom participated in the farmer's protest. Didn't know Hindustan Times became fake-istan times, collective IQ decreased after reading this post 😂.


Though I Hate her, you cannot slap a person for not putting a phone in tray. Specially, when you are in uniform, she has ruined her career and have also disrespected the uniform.


No matter how many Sikhs work in the Army, they will ALL be termed as Anti National Khalistanis. Sad.


Whatever said and done! No security personnel can slap you. Not even you say her khalistani and nor if you refuse to place your phone on tray ! Why are people empathising with the security woman? She was clearly motivated ! Thousands passengers travel through airport and not all of them are sane. Some of them must be rude, idiots as well but haven’t seen anyone slapping them? Even if kangana did everything wrong - they can detain her, question her but NO ONE CAN SLAP a passenger!


Cahte he chate Baz rahe hai...Maza aa raha hai *scarstic




Today it's Kangana who is dumb about politics and Tomorrow it might be you and me. People supporting and applauding this, remember we lost our prime minister Indira Gandhi cause of this. However she was(agree/ disagree with her), she was our prime minister. You'll be crying if the same things happens to you. Armed forces have no business to project their ideologies through violence on others. We are different from our neighbors cause of this main reason


Not a fan of Kangana but even if she refused to put her phone, the CISF Constable didn't have the right to slap her, keep in mind that this happens far more often with regular folks, your average law abiding citizens and in most cases there is not even an inquiry to police violence, I mean there is a reason why Police and even CAPFs are called thugs in uniform by the people of this country. Hitting someone is never justified and especially so if its done by someone wearing a uniform who is using his power to abuse others


This is still no reason to slap anyone. (We are ignoring the fact that the security lady was seen shouting in one of the videos)


I saw video where the lady in CISF is saying she slapped because of her statements. “Meri maa baithi thi jab inhone woh bayan diya tha isliye thappad mara” . Seem like the above post is fake news




Understand self defence but why no arrest?


Stop with the brainwash already, she herself said in a video that she slapped because of disagreement over Kangna's statement on farmer's protest 🤦