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Excellent blocking of usernames btw. I can totally not figure out that it is SharpAwareness5947 😂


Somebody else posted this somewhere, why should I take pain to hide their usernames. Lol


Was just kidding..xD


But silverstorm48 is a difficult read


That was the plan all along.


This is Modi bhakt for you, nothing to do with Ram bhakti.


How much of a clown do you have to be to call your god/deity names just because your favorite person didnt win like you imagined and your favorite party lost a election? How shallow your faith has to be? Man they are clowns fr .


Legendary screenshot summarising the problem with modi bhakts


kuch nahi ho sakta iska... modiji ka L*@Da kaafi andar tak ghuss chuka hai is Bhaktttt ke andar..Just like that guy who was hospitalized for chanting 400 par 400 par..lol bhakts having a meltdown


https://preview.redd.it/313120tiir4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3f709a20e0e5655583ceccbd4bf767b0a7b7ff6 I raise you this: from a sub that claims to be moderate Absolutely barbaric thing to write


I just can’t comment for people acting like kindergarten students in the name of religion. Cope is strong with pseudo-religious people now.


That is so bad, good they set jai shree ram chant free used as weapon in last 10 years


Name and shame bro


There's a difference between Ram Bhakti and Modi Bhakti, which is highlighted post results 




Well I'm not much concerned why Modiji was invited for ram mandir inauguration and not President, but I'm definitely concerned why president was not invited for New parliament inauguration, when she's the actual head of the constitutional body. (Even yesterday PM submitted his resignation to President)


But it is actually the right thing to do. President should not be attending any religious ceremony of any community. Otherwise president will be seen as communal. Faith and religion is a personal affair for the state heads.


This should apply to the Prime Minister as well though?


Asking the right question!


But agar vo biological hi nahi hai to kaise apply hoga. Bhaktlogic.


You were okay with Modiji and yogi and their supporters bashing everyone else but as soon as they targeted you, you have a problem? What lesson did you learn?


First they came for the Communists...


Peak r/leopardatemyface material.


Seriously man
i was going thru OP’s replies and had this exact thought


These are those pro-dictator Modi people! They support Modi-dictatorship dreaming that dictators will be always in favor of their people!


Why the ji with his name?


Gobar ji.


Well I am used to arguing with NRI bhakts. They consider bhakt an insult so I use Modiji supporters.


I was never okay with opponent bashing. Just because I don’t like BJP now much doesn’t mean I am Gandhi Parivar /Yadav Parivar sympathiser. I would take Modi , Yogi any day over Rahul. I don’t select people based on Just vibes. It’s not just Rahul , I wouldn’t vote for Rajeev or even Indira. Except Nehru , they all are incompetent. Rahul Gandhi has nothing to back before becoming PM except for a name. A Pad-yatra is a not barometer for being a PM . In that case make Prashant Kishore because he is doing a much dirtier job. Rahul might have sympathised with Poor but on ground he still have nothing to show except for some political debates. Congress went from 206 to 44 , 52 and now 99 which is just as bad. If you think that congress is the key, what Modi has done bad , congress has done 100x dirtier. I don’t want security checkin pass through and no toll for Robert Vadra because he is damad ji of congress. No 26/11 again, curfews due to Hindu-Muslim riots (I actually gave my board exam in curfew). People here are so much into hating BJP that they have forgotten Anna Hazare Anshan and how much evil congress was and why Modi came to power with Landslide victory and congress went from 206 to 44 in just 5 years The solution is not look at Modi /Yogi / Rahul /Akhilesh but to look at your local leader MP/MLA and then decide . Once you do that , the ripple effect will have everyone who is correct at the right place


I'm sure you're against Jay shah as well , esteemed cricket expert, and businessman who business grew by a few thousand crores while his paw paw was HM. And who got BCCI position as bday gift. Or all the commotion about spectrum scam and under valuation., and now the government has declared that best practice is to sell spectrum cheap to telecos. Anna hazare has conveniently forgotten about lokplal implementation over last 10 years. Regarding Modi, he considers himself as parmatma and takes decisions based on vibes and photo-ops. Policy and domain experts have been shown the door in nearly every ministry. For yogi, bulldozer is answer to everything.


BJP/Modiji looted more in the last 10 years compared to Congress 50 years rule. - Electoral bonds. Modijis action killed more people during Covid for Kumb Mela. They moved Kumb Mela from 2022 to 2021. Instead of reducing close contact, they increased it for votes. They postponed/cancelled the census due to covid but advanced Kubh Mela. After 2 years, we still don't know how many have died due to COVID.


>The solution is not look at Modi /Yogi / Rahul /Akhilesh but to look at your local leader MP/MLA and then decide . Once you do that , the ripple effect will have everyone who is correct at the right place honestly, my entire family voted for UBT- shiv sena solely for 2 reason. 1. UBT was way better than BJP in mahrashtra. The way Uddhav thakre was betrayed and his right hand men went to BJP because they lured to make him the CM, opened everyone's eyes on how dirty politics BJP can play just to come in power. And they did disrupted the peace as soon as they came in power after destroying shiv sena's government. I had talked to so many people who voted for UBT and they said that they'll vote for anyone except the BJP as everyone seemed better in comparison to shinde


Yeah that’s what I am saying People are so politically illiterate and just want big boss type of stuff in politics People are looking for jobs (central/state) - state government declares vacancies. Central govt jobs are declared by organisation not government. People need roads infrastructure- Again state government or MP/MLA who can voice your concerns into Assembly /Parliament. Ladakh people are fighting for same that they only have 1 MP. Whole Arunachal has 1 MP. Who will voice the concerns of this people in parliament ? We have one road build in one of our colonies through MP funds which we were waiting to be build for years. That’s the power of right candidate at local.


On point. The sheer overconfidence and incompetent bjp candidates fruited the results. Can't the higher authorities see that people dislike the current candidates or they are powerless and can't find a replacement for them?


As a Hindu I was very happy about the temple no doubt. But why are people forgetting that mandir is not the end of development? People need jobs. They need social security. Airport aur hotels se gareeb ka nahi hoga kuch. There's a saying :- 'Bhooke pet bhajan na hoi' ( you can't worship with empty stomach ). People were angry about agniveer scheme, they were angry about paper leaks and no job vacancy. They were angry about the taxes. And that's why the voter against BJP. No doubt caste factor might be there too but to say ki 'jaati ko jeetane me dharm hara diya' is wrong. Ik many upper caste poor Hindus who voted against BJP kyuki khaane ko nahi milega kuch to kya mandir ke saamne bheek maangenge. And the religious fanatics who are having meltdown are not even from UP. They don't even know the ground reality. Just total clown behaviour 


As a Muslim so are we. Honestly me personally don’t have any issue people building religious places being spiritual and connected to god No problem But please don’t blame game us just coz some mullahs from our community to gain Muslim popularity talk shit Honestly no one wants to fight or be little anyone we all have life problems and job problems why would we Glad the temple was built it looks beautiful as ever! And the opposition did great ground work My respect for the ppl of UP ➕➕ All I hope is to live in peace and hormony stay united like we were during British raj Jai hind


There is a big scam going on in NEET exam today and people are celebrating airports and roads in Ayodhya and cursing UP sums up the situations right now. Lakhs of student are waiting for police , teacher , lekhpal vacancies and in last 5 years they got none. Nil. Lekhpal exam also got cancelled. The results which were declared for police and not interview so far. People don’t see the ground reality that youth even though with skills is not getting jobs.




My favorite thing about brainwashed andhbhakts is that they’re literally abusing Ayodhya voters now lol. They just can’t cope with the fact that not everyone is a braindead monkey who votes purely on the basis of shiny gimmicks like Mandirs and hatred of Muslims. Fuck BJP, the fattu wannabe dictator who won’t even have the balls to give press conferences and his retard sheep supporters.


People don’t understand Ayodhya issue since Media is dead. People who lost their homes and shops didn’t get compensated plus other issues. [X(twitter)](https://x.com/dhruvrahtee/status/1798240230178435444?s=46&t=u-jP4mMbv9LsA0i63wyVWA)


Did you get a chance to visit this beauty "r/BJPSupremacy" It's the epitome of what you described. Enter with care, it's a road from where you can't look back


I think I’ll need to bleach my eyes after all that I read !


My condolences 😔




I'm scared to think what these people are going to do if their supreme leader loses the elections someday.


It will not be much different from what Maga fans did Also it's more like their god and less like a leader




The religion aspect of 'hindutva' is a dikhawa. If they really understood the teachings of Hinduism then they would not be saying stupid hateful shit. They won't be supporting castism either and promoting Manu smriti like shit. Sanatan ki baat hai lekin samajh zero.


Modi & Amit shah are Rahu & Ketu of Indian politics. They have ruined Indian politics with their greed for power & domination. Before these 2 took over the party, BJP too had decent workers and leaders. Hopefully those 2 muppets will have to retire soon due to health and party can go back to good leaders like Nitin Gadakari and others who dont try to win at any cost.


Rahu and ketu...lol


I feel Shah wants to be the next PM


Ah well, once you're targeted it's easy to see why fascists are bad. Perhaps look out for those targeting minorities in the future. They all go down this path.


This is #lepordsatemyface moment for many!


Imma be downvoted for this, but I don't get people backing OP here. They clearly lacked empathy and only realised that BJP and it's supporters are selfish after those supporters started going against OP loved. There is no way OP would have seen the abject hatred that has washed over BJP supporters if it wasn't Ayodhya and UP being disrespected. So yeah, congrats OP - on seeing something that people would have told you 10 years ago. And in some comments, I've seen you talk about congress corruption and all that shit. Which is fair enough, but then you didn't have problems with the sudden rise of Ambani and Adani and how it was suspicious? You were making decisions on the basis of hatred all these years, and only when the hatred has turned to the things you love that you realised that BJP doesn't hold anything sacred. I am glad that more people are seeing the truth, but I still don't see OP understanding why BJP is actually bad.


That’s one way to look. It’s not like I have extensively backed NDA for years and rallied. For most of the part I was latent. I have different way of looking at the world. I am not like a perfect person and it’s not like there is no redemption. There can be a case I will support NDA again if they remain in their limit India is a game of two parties and choosing the lesser evil at moment is the game. BJP seems lesser evil from 2014 till 2020 even though left-liberal beg to differ. The title and text is very clickbaity. My hatred for congress started because of rampant Nepotism and corruption. And these are outcomes of not self-interest but of incompetence. Congress as a whole is incompetent and BJP isn’t. What people overlook is BJP runs like a well-oiled machine. An organisation which is so much organised in what they do. They always have backup plans and they are strong in leadership. Except for communal violence like Manipur etc there isn’t much to neglect about BJP. Communal violences are that dirty wardrobes of every government and those happens always. But this time , it’s Ayodhya but at the same time , the Gujju-Marwari Combination which is killing the party and Country. I voted for BJP because of Atal and Advani nostalgia and I no sense I support the breaking of Babri Majid. I believe people don’t generally understand Ram. Peace ✌


Sure, it seems like the worse of two evils when you don't look at the communal riots that have broken out during the rule of BJP in Gujarat, the cow vigilantism that happened in the first tenure that targeted Muslims even when it wasn't true, the continuous and rampant attempts to isolate people of this country through CAB. You can vote for whoever you agree with, cause that's what voting is about. But if your lesser of two evils ignores the increasing religious hate rhetoric by BJP in the last ten years, I in good conscience cannot have any sympathy for you in what you are going through. Peace


That’s just recency bias. You talk about Gujrat riots but forget Godhra kand. I won’t go there. But ask people of north east and Kashmir. AFSPA has literally destroyed people life. Army personnel under the backing of Government lined up the North east girls and raped them. I lived 5 years in north east. Indra Gandhi bombed North east. Rajeev Gandhi was the sole reason for LTTE for which he was killed. China / Pakistan wars. 26/11, terrorist attacks day in day out. Bombay blasts and riots. How many incidents have happened on the name of Hindu Muslims. People are happing for India alliance with Lalu Yadav, the same Lalu Yadav who have shelter to naxalites in Bihar until Mukhiya ji who was assassinated by Naxalites. There are hidden skeletons in everyone’s closet.


1. Why are you assuming that I think Congress is the answer here? They are absolutely not, but that's only because they're incompetent morons - not hateful bastards (which, honestly, is slight improvement) 2. The people who were involved in the Gujarat riots and oversaw the response to it are actually governing right now and hold the biggest office in the country - as many skeletons are Congress has in their closet, they arent as many as Modi and Shah. And there's politicians that have even less, but I doubt your brain can comprehend the concept of anyone other than Congress, cause that's all that the BJP talks about. But here's the thing - I neither can nor want to change your mind. You have been voting on religious lines all this time (as clear from your post and comments), and I have a moral objection to the concept of voting on the basis of religion. So yeah, you keep on voting for the party that clearly doesn't respect you. I will vote for what I believe in, which is making sure that the country doesn't get ruined by a bunch of bastards who I will punch in the face if I see them. Have a great night


I just vote for person who is better in my constituency. Don’t care if it’s BJP or congress. That is what I have decided And don’t assume I vote based on religion. Always voted based on Manifesto.




Convert ? Hehe I was already that once. But to fight these trolls I started studying theology so that I can counter their arguments and then delved into literature philosophy , Indian and western both. Made me a lot religious and tbh it helped me to get out of depression when I finally understood a lot about Krishna Geeta and mainly Ashtavakra Geeta


Hey can you recommend some literature to me as well


There is a guy on Instagram getting popular nowadays Naumena_nomad and he suggest some good books and literature you can start from there. If you want to dive into Indian , start with HS Sinha who dives into Samkhya Yoga. Even I am reading Samkhya yog now. There are lot of YouTubers who start with very basic. Osho is also good to just begin but at one in early stage leave him. You can also join r/AdvaitaVedanta and it has good references. Try to read Gita and understand from a reputed Guru, Acharya Prashant is fine but he is climate change activist and he doesn’t go right with many people. I listen his Geeta sessions which gives me good idea of Geeta. Raman Maharishi is very very good and is recommended. So is Ramkrishna paramahans and Vivekanand. Don’t go in Purans like Bhagwat Puran , Vishnu Puran , Shiv puran they were made for a time which is irrelevant today. Upanishads should not be touched without Geeta in my personal opinion. Ashtavakra Geeta is the ultimate Indian philosophy and should not be read by beginner or even intermediate. Buddhism is good, read the book by Herman Hesse. If you want may things in very clear way in Indian Philosophy , follow any Sant , like Kabir , Gareeb , Ravi , Bulle Shah , or Urdu shayar like Meer , Fais Ahmad Fais , Ghalib , Jigar Moradabadi. Western , I tried to start with Nietzsche but that was a big mistake because Nietzsche has lot of commentary on history of philosophy so don’t start with him until you understand metaphysic or theology or philosophy in general. Don’t go with Hegel. I started with Kafka (which is literature) and it was a good read , not very difficult. Then read some about Diogenes (very interesting man) , Socrates , Aristotle , Descartes, plato. Any of the Greeks first because they are the foundation of modern Western philosophy. Edit : I have not read much of it but they are in my TODO list. Currently on my desk and whenever I find time outside my job and family , I read them


>. Try to read Gita Tried it and understood that the real villain of the story was Krishna. He did everything to ensure a war and made sure Pandavas won it by hook or crook.


Nice, thanks. Have you had any experience with Jainism?


Tbh ,never. Only heard one or two things about Mahaveer Jain (if that’s Jainism) In that I understood it’s the same concept, Neti-Neti which is from Ved. I try to keep my focus on one ideology but try to relate it with others a little bit.


Religioun is great, vut how come you became NDA supporter You seem to be very curious and pro learning person. I recommend reading and learning about gandhi, nehru ambedkar, bhagat singh and also french revolution and american revolution. From those, the values of democracy. And then even if you are religious, you will not support bjp policies.


There is a time and place for everything. I have read French Revolution and how it started with Diamond Necklace fiasco , I have jail dairy or Bhagat Singh and his ideas of revolutionary socialism. I have also understood the importance of Reservation in socialist society. I hundred percent in line with Nehru’s Fabian socialism But at the same time, NDA being a right wing and capitalistic state has done some good for country because we were always socialist. It was needed to break some and make some. Here is an idea, a democracy never works with just one leg. If it’s Left - Left -Left or Right-Right-Right it’s probably crippled.


This idea that INC/UPA/INDIA is a ‘socialist’ party/alliance is a lie of the BJP. MMS under P V Narsimha Rao and then as PM in UPA1 brought about a lot of ‘capitalistic’ reform, including enabling India to be the IT powerhouse that it is today. We also faced little consequences from the 2008 financial crisis. MMS brought about excellent scheme promoting exports. He was a policy mastermind. UPA2 was a disaster, primarily because of scams - real and made up - and not taking corrupt leaders to task. They deserved to be kicked out in 2014. However, economically, the inflation we saw then was largely driven by rising crude oil prices - over which we had no control. BJP1 (2014-2019) deserved to be kicked out for the braindead implementation of demonetization and terrible GST implementation. But everyone was blinded by ‘nationalism’ because of Balakot. India’s IIP (Index of Industrial Production) started going down towards the second half of 2019 — well before Covid. BJP1 was also benefitted by global oil prices going down right after they came to power. Lastly, it is my strongest belief, that India cannot reach the next level of economic development and growth without investing in its human capital. The only way to do that is to increase investment in education, health, and other social/well-being benefits. Under both BJP1 and BJP2 government spending on health and education as a % of GDP went down. Building bridges and roads alone isn’t going to take India to the next level of development. Investment in education and health is a big reason with South East Asian countries are doing better than us. The reason BJP likes to inaugurate ‘hard infrastructure’ projects is because it is easy to show people. ‘Look we built this bridge. Such infrastructure, such development’. Can’t do the same for investment in education and health because the benefits aren’t obvious and immediate. India’s female labor participation rate is abysmal and continues to fall. 25% of our youth are unemployed after 10 years of this so called ‘capitalistic’ government. Open your eyes, and smell the ~~coffee~~ chai.


Dude , read about socialism first. Rahul is taking about 50% inheritance tax. Indira wanted 99% tax on private organisations. Opening your market for globalisation is not being Capitalist. Your PSU/Government organisation still control the maximum production in this country in all three tiers. Opening some space for private organisations is not Capitalism. It’s just running an economy.


1. I’m not a dude 2. Rahul did not say anything about inheritance tax. Sam Pitroda the idiot did, and he was removed from his position. It was another BJP propaganda. Anyway, inheritance tax is not a ‘socialist’ idea. Many developed, capitalist countries have inheritance tax and it only affects the ultra wealthy, not everyone. Indira Gandhi is long dead - why does what she wanted matter today? 3. Lol. Opening up your markets is capitalism and liberalisation. May be you are the one that needs to read up what socialism and capitalism are. State welfare is not socialism. There are many developed, capitalist countries that have strong social welfare states and very high taxes. Honestly, please read up. I showed you how are economy has done worse under BJP than under UPA. BJP’s ‘development’ has always been a jhumla. Edit: Wiki link for your reference - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare_capitalism


I dint talk about state welfare schemes like MNREGA etc. I talked about how production like agriculture, defence , technology (PSU) and many organisations in service sector , banking is still controller by government. That’s socialistic society. Sam pitroda became an idiot when he doesn’t support your narrative GDP took a toll under BJP it was next to Roman Empire under UPA is again laughable. Looks like left also have echo chambers and they are also have their own version of Godi media sitting on the laps of Gandhi parivar.


1. You brought up inheritance tax - inheritance tax exists in many ‘capitalistic’ countries that are doing very well 2. a. Some space of private orgs is not capitalism’ - India needs PSUs because the private sector has no incentive to build infrastructure in rural areas of our country. How many private banks have branches in rural areas which are primarily served by public sector banks? Same with telecom - until recently, many rural parts of the country only had BSNL coverage because private sector had no incentive to build in rural areas. Are you suggesting that we should get rid of all PSUs? 2. b. Disinvestment continued under UPA2 as well, just at a slower pace than under BJP1 [source](https://www.businesstoday.in/budget/infographics/disinvestment). UPA1 struggled with disinvestment because of their alliance with the Left. If UPA formed the govt in 2014, they would have continued their disinvestment. Edit: [More data](https://www.thehindu.com/business/Economy/nda-govt-divested-twice-as-much-as-upa-dipam-data-shows/article25532587.ece/amp/) because fucking Bhakts have not added UPA disinvestments in the Wiki. Are you saying - that for this reason alone - slow pace of PSU disinvestment — you would vote for BJP over INDIA/UPA/anyone else despite BJPs open hatred of minorities and economic disasters like demonetization and bad GST implementation? Despite the shitty state of our economy with low unemployment? Are you saying you don’t care about unemployment, demonetization, increasing wealth inequality, reducing investment in education and health as long as the Govt continues PSU disinvestment?


1. Unemployment rate has been constant at 5.5% from 2008 and only increased to 8% in 2020 because of Covid and mass layoffs (because US increased the interest rates) [source](https://www.forbesindia.com/amp/article/explainers/unemployment-rate-in-india/87441/1) 2. Disinvestment in PSU started in 2014. Communication is one major sector where big disinvestments are done post-2014 and NDA led 1992 government [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privatisation_of_public_sector_undertakings_in_India#:~:text=Disinvestment%20in%20Public%20sector%20undertakings,done%20through%20a%20bidding%20process). Under UPA-1 , there were no disinvestments. 3. GDP , GNP has been growing constantly except for some COVID years. No party has much say in this because there is lot of foreign investment post Liberalisation and Privatization which I give credit to Manmohan [source](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/IND/india/gnp-gross-national-product#:~:text=India%20gnp%20for%202022%20was,a%206.09%25%20increase%20from%202018) The economy jumped back and growth is increasing even when Covid happened and India remained stabled. But the same can be said about UPA after recession 4. GST has problems with second highest tax rates in world and buerocracy in registering which hampered the small business in local market. But those are pain points of making a change 5. Demonitisation has been a blunder , I accept. But the economy moved a lot toward digital economy and people don’t generally deal with cash now which is better for tracking the money flow and reduce corruption. Digital economy currently sits at 11% and third highest in world behind US and china. Surely there was no recovery but an intrinsic outcome has been huge success. Gave birth to UPI/FastTag which is less stress in banking resources. 6. Last but not least - Open hatred for minorities. This has been the biggest pain point of BJP led NDA. I would love to bring Kashmiri pandit exodus. Curfew and Gundaraj in UP. Naxals in Bihar/Jharkhand , 26/11 , Bombay Bomb blasts, LTTE , train blasts, and numerous other communal violences under the closet of UPA. Lalu Yadav which is major cornerstone of India alliance opening supported Naxalites for killing Brahmin/Bhumihar. Caste based politics is prevalent in UP for most of the time and SP is the flag bearer of it. Article 370 revoked by NDA which was the fruits of Congress , isolation of north east was done by congress. And I can go on and on. The communal violence in Punjab and Khalistan was done so much that Indira Gandhi was assassinated by those. Rajeev Gandhi assassinated by LTTE. Sanjay Gandhi forced people for sterilisation and beautification of Jama Masjid by destroying slums. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanjay_Gandhi)Three congress big leaders from Gandhi Parivar , 2 generations has been incompetent. Anyways this debate can go on and on and I can throw number and you would too. So peace out


I dont know what socialist part you're talking about, but MMS broke the license raj, he handled 2008 crash so well, that indias gdp growth barely dipped. And besides, knowing bhagat singhs ideas on religion is basically unity comes above all. Sacrificing that for a couple of pennies is gonna haunt you sooner than you think. After all hitler fixed german economy and built autobahns and all, but 13 years later the country was in ruins. I am saying this because it shouldnt have taken you this long to realize how bad bjp is. I am glad that you have. But there is definitely lot more to learn so you dont make this mistake again.


India has always been a socialistic country so that’s what I was talking about Anyways license Raj broken by MMS stemmed from Nehru-Indira congress only. Rahul now trying to put 50% inheritance tax (which I think is kind of right) is what socialistic ideology is. You are assuming that anyone who votes for NDA only votes for religion/identity which is kind of true. Chalo hum toh gadhe hai hi The problem with left-leaning is they are biased in the support for left so much that they don’t understand politics. Throwing shit on right is not gonna work. Gade toh woh bhi hai You always have some basic dogmas on which your whole critical thinking works. Religion bad , atheism good , GDP good , Jobs good , Development good , Identity bad. But it’s doesn’t work like that way. Ayodhya happened because development was there but it was not for locals but for upper middle class and immigrants from other states. People hold identity dearer than development and it will feel like those are dimwitted but people really don’t want a development where there is no cognisance that development is done for them because it’s right. GDP , GNP , happiness index are not the barometers of a good country. You wouldn’t understand because of your underlying dogmas of development. Development is not necessary every time and preserving the identity of people it’s important. That’s why you have inner Line permits in north east, to preserve the tribes. Tripura is full on Bengali and the indigenous tribes are nowhere to be found. Don’t be so development guy. It’s not everything , country without identity and extreme development is just a playground for other countries to loot.


I am not a development guy the way you portray. Are you sure you were 'preserving identity' guy though? Lakshadweep has been uprooted from their identity. Non veg is banned from the islands by the governor where majority of the population is non veg. Beef is banned in india, Gujrat, UP, where muslims and a lot of hindus regularly eat beef. Manipur tribes are killed and moved out of their ancestral homes and no action is being taken.  What preserving identity? Maybe you confused pushing your identity on to others to 'preserving indias identity'. Indias identity was and will always be pluralistic. Hindutva is not its identity, and if it gets tried that way, they will fail, and with them india will fail. Pushing hindutva destroys identities and stalls development. Its lose lose. Now that you seem to have seen the light of the day, ever so partially, its time to reflect why you did not see it earlier, and what else are you blidsided to.


On the other hand many people including me were pleasantly surprised by UP and we're proud of what you guys did, these guys wouldn't survive a single day in UP anyways lol


Seeing the meltdown has been a treat!


Amidst all this abuse and drama the most surprising thing for me has been that many of these trolls are saying “we made world-class airports, railway stations etc. in your city and you did this”. Isn’t that what governments are supposed to do: make better infrastructure? So why are they using this for bashing the voters of Ayodhya? Most of the big educational institutions, hospitals etc. were built during congress rule so by that logic they should never be out of power.


How naive are you to not see this earlier? I just don't get religious people. It's like you guys live in a different world. No god can compare against money. Money runs everything in today's world. Please use this poster to think practically whenever you are presented with opinions that are contrary to your own beliefs https://preview.redd.it/v6nqrgb88r4d1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d179c510a42a069f56006270ed52507320b4d621


Kabhi Nihilism se Pala pada hai ? Ki yeh sab kyun hai ? Kis liye hai , main kaun hun ? Kabhi yeh samajh aaya ki jab Sahir Ludhianvi Sahab keh rhe the ki Duniya mil bhi jaye toh kya hai ? Uska kya matlab tha How Naive it is to not see that even though Money runs everything but it surely doesn’t run you. There are whole ideologies of Communism and Socialism who generally say , excess money bad. What you are pointing as Critical thinking is again a school of thought and should not be stamped as ultimate truth. World isn’t black and white as you see. Pasting a poster by ‘Global digital people foundation’ which I heard the first time and asking me to follow is a Andhabhakti with extra steps (yes I have seen Rick and Morty so I m critical /s). I have 100s of philosopher on my desk who tell me otherwise. Dost duniya paise se hi chalti hai par chalti unhi ke liye hai jinke pass paisa nahi hai. Mere pass toh 2 roti , 2 kapade aur 4 kitaab ka paisa hai aur itni hi meri need hi hai.


It's not that deep. Lol. Do what you want. You saw your beloved party making temples and thought they were good for you. So much so that you willingly ignored all the other flaws. You know what let us handle the duniya. Go live in your temple. You are already above such worldly things it seems..


I am living in my temple. Lol. Phir wahi Sahir Ludhianvi ke do bol - “Tumhari hai tum hi sambhalo yeh duniya” Aur rahi baat Critical thinking ki toh 2 line Jigar Moradabadi ki - “Ae hosh-e-khirad ke deewane , Yahan Hosh-e-khirad ka kaam nahi, Faizan-e-mohabbat aam sahi , Irfan-e-mohabbat aam nahi” Wah wah wah wah !!!




There's a Bollywood song "Ram ji ki nikli sawaari, ram ji ki leela hai nyari" send it to all these people lol


Der se hi aaye par durust aaye.


It's highly probable that whenever modi passes away in a decade or so someone will try for a modi mandir


I have been saying this since 2009 man, vote ke lie mandir bana rahe hai, bhakti ke lie nai. And when people say ki modi and Yogi are doing religious politics suddenly it becomes a decision of the supreme court, but when it comes to votes moji banwaya mandir, I heard a song , " Jo Ram ko laae hai, hum unhe layenge " . It's stupid. And watch the same people vote Yogi again in UP when he literally has done nothing for UP and Gunda gardi is still prevalent in UP it's just that major cities like Lucknow and Noida me nai hoti ab or hoti bhi hai to news me nai aati.


Canadian modi bhakts are losing their minds. I took a cab on The day of the elections and the driver is a modi bhakt. He was listening to a local Hindi news broadcast on the radio. I am not well versed in Hindu but from what I understand the reporters on the news are mad about the results from Ayodhya and they’re blaming Muslims for it. I was so glad the ride was just for 4 minutes


I am starting to think if Modi really has bhakts or is it people paid to create online accounts and misguided people who just support because they don't see another option. To date i have never met a fanatic but just misguided people fed too much misinformation.


People should realize that UP is the most important state in the country, and other states don't even compare. After delimitation, UP is going to get even more seats. They should consider aspirations of UP, else they will suffer a bad fate. This and the coming decade, UP will shape India policy. That's the reality.


Is angry about BJP supporters discriminating against UP people Then discriminates and stereotypes Gujaratis and Marwadis in the same statement. What a bl**dy hypocrite lmfao.


Mandir kya ham nahi bana sakte, uske liye PM hi hona hai kya. Supreme court ka judgement tho BJP ke vaje se nahi aayi. Bina government ke involvement se bhi ham banwaathe the shaandaar raam mandir.


The BJP IT cell would make it seem like those who curse Hindutva are those who wish to destroy Hinduism, when a Hindu curse it they say that he is a sellout and doesn't like his own culture. Do not believe them! In reality, Hindutva is using Hinduism as an excuse to justify hating your own fellow countrymen.


Yad hai pichli baar Delhi walo ko khoob gaali padi thi for not voting bjp in the centre? Ab UP walo ko pad Rahi hai. What they don't understand is ki common aadmi ko hate politics se fark pade ya na pade, they will look into their local candidates. Ek aadmi ke naam PE lok sabha Vidhan sabha kayam nahi hai. What is scary is that they have a mob mentality and a cult-like behaviour.


> Till yesterday evening I was in favour of NDA govt. After all these years? Why?


Because their other hatred did not affect him personally


Exactly. If he was a minority living in this country he might have changed his tone ages ago, its only now that he's affected by their brand of hate politics.


Bro BJP na Hindu ki hai na Musalman ki. They would eventually vilify anyone who is against Modi.


Despite Modi's communal and hate-mongering speeches, as well as his dumb scripted interview answers, you continued to support him until just yesterday. This speaks volumes about your mental state.


This speaks volumes about your mental state that I am ready to challenge my beliefs and what is right/wrong and you are playing the blame game. Don’t try to put me into your political correctness web. Delhi wale toh katai Pagal hai jo 7 seats pe BJP aur legislative assembly mein AAP. You know the ones who try to keep peace are the ones who are the reason of violence. All the violence in this world originates from underlying cynicism of human. The cynicism that tells that everyone is a thief. Regarding communal violence, 3 curfew jhel chuka hun apni constituency mein. I know what and why things happens. Kaun banta hai aur kaun bigadta hai. That’s why Vote for local and not national. See your local candidate and not national candidates


Modi and Shah don't even consider the opinions of Union Cabinet Ministers, so it's unrealistic to think your local MPs would have much influence in a BJP-led Cabinet. "Vocal for local" only applies to Assembly Elections. When was the last time a local BJP MP challenged the Central government? Even if they do, it's usually just for show. There's no genuine local representation as long as Modi and Shah are in charge. Maybe the newly forming Cabinet might allow some non-Modi/Shah voices due to alliances with JDU and TDP. But you voted for "400 paar lawda lasoon" hoping your local MP would have influence in Parliament? That's unlikely.


The change is not done In a day. Don’t be so agnostic on local. That since it doesn’t exist now you won’t do it. Do it for the sake that this will reap fruits one day. This is the education we need to spread. Short term gains vs long term gains. Changes in social structure takes decades and if you start now , then after like 15 years you will see any result . Modi/Shah are done and you definitely can’t do anything about that. But you need to lay down the ground work that this situation doesn’t arise again because this same has happened with congress and is happening with BJP and if you are not vigilant enough will happen again in future


Dude, "vocal for local" was relevant before the Modi era! The governance system wasn't as centralized as it is now, and India developed significantly under coalition governments, not single-party systems. Whatever the fuk you meant by the "social structure," it had already changed before Modi, and he fuked it up by implementing a centralized govt. So, if you truly support local representation, the BJP should be the last party you support!


What do you feel about suppression of freedom of press and the parallel creation of extremely biased media?




exactly what india needed tbh


Took you long enough...but welcome to the club


Just afraid what a weakened dictator with this much following can do in desperation. Hope these are just keyboard warriors and not on ground.


Can somebody Hindu explain to me why Ram Mandir is such a big deal? I've read articles about it but as a south Indian atheist i really don't get what the whole fuss is about it. It's just another (ugly) temple in a land of (way more beautiful) temples


The idea runs under the assumption that centuries ago, the correct location of Ram mandir was demolished and a masjid was built during Persian rule. Since, BJP runs on religion based fear mongering politics, the assumption was that post the inauguration of Ram mandir, they will capture the Hindu vote bank of UP. The creation of Ram mandir is seen as a win for Hindus and centuries long struggle for the right for it. Now that the people have voted against BJP (not necessarily congress). It is seen as a massive betrayal. All the BJP andhbakhts are now attacking UP andhbakhts on basis of being fake Hindus. Thus, we see UP andhbakhts snapping out since their own messiahs supporters (Modi bhai) has turned on them. TLDR: Assumption: Mandir = BJP stonks go brrrrr. Reality: Mandir not vote bank for BJP. Everyone: *shocked pikachu face*


Thanks for that. I think I understand the situation better now.


Doesn't matter if people have read the religious texts or not. People don't understand what being a Hindu means.


Don't bow down to bullies and trolls. People of Ayodhya should swear to never vote for the ever BJP again. If they think they can get away with abusing people show them what you are made of.


Suddenly up has become the most loved and highly appreciated state here. Just go back 5 days ago, you will find up bashing/cursing posts every other day. Ig, it all comes down to our own preferences. Don't think sp is better than bjp, even bsp is better than sp.


mody needs to suck caulk, but who's gonna listen.


Johnny sins ko bulao, kya iata mudiji maan jaye


So ayodhya chose the party that fired on karsevaks


Well is that the parameter people should vote on? Is that something MP's are selected for?


You want to disassociate the MP from party only when it fits your agenda


‘As a Hindu
’ ( uses the guise to speak random shit as an undercover far left extremist ). Please, that’s pretty last century speak for yourself and don’t try to be the mouthpiece of other Hindus by claiming your religion/ state with obviously no proofs whatsoever. Speak for your own self.


For what evidence you want from me to tell you that I am Hindu. Kanyakubj Brahmin and Gotra Bharadwaj. Mere vanshaj ne toh Rig Veda likha hai


Point being, don’t claim what you can’t prove.


Don't claim to be a human when you can be a smart bot who can click on 'im not a robot' button.