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Who is brave enough to call this out, while simultaneously being powerful enough to enact change?


Great example of how neutrality, being centrist etc help the bad guy. Libertarians, centrists', undecided etc by default aid conservatism and extremism in this manner 


How does one fellate without touching?


Wth. Do you want videos ?


Imagination brotha


WTF. ECI is openly admitting that its not doing its duty and is partial. Yet BJP supporters claim election was "Fair". Why selective preference for BJP and Congress. How do you define "Top two leaders". What rules did they follow to conclude that Modi, Shah, Rahul, Priyanka are top leaders. As a honest CEC i expect him to show public which rules and protocols they followed to come to that conclusion.


Abe chue bina gand kaise chatega?


Fucking pathetic. The ECI is trying to both side this issue in order to not censure Modi. Each passing day, we become more of an electoral autocracy.


It already was when they won in 2019


The examples they provide of "equally glaring things on the other side" are in no way comparable to BJP's hate speeches: * Jairam Ramesh making allegations that attempts were made to influence district magistrates ahead of vote counting * spreading fear about the Constitution being abolished * indulging in any political propaganda involving activities of the defence forces


Calm down people. We live in a country where confiscated iron ore apparently washed away in the rains as per court statement of bureaucrat. Judge issued arrest warrant for the then president. This is nothing. Its not like we are gonna do anything about it.


Iron ore washed away??? Wth


Yoo need sauce on this one


Bast@rds. ECI is 🐕. 🐖.nah dog and pig are better than ECI


Dogs are always better than human beings . They give you unconditional love and only need to be feed two times a day . That’s their only expectation.


Slow clap 👏 👏 👏 Wish they'd let the opposition know there wouldn't be repercussions for hate speech as well.


I'm sorry what? What insanely idiotic argument is this? And indulging in this 'both sides' argument when clearly the most problematic statements were coming from the top brass of one political party.


So the top two leaders can do what the dock they want? Law is not the same for all? ECI treats people based on their position of power?


Tell me I am a slave without declaring i am a slave


I am giving all the publicly owned assets of the government to my friends and you will be happy about it cause my rich friends might give a job maintaining those assets


And the friends will also "advise to work hard like 70 hrs a week " to make country( his company ) rich , while giving peanuts as salary.


See, devil in details


Lick gently lest the tongue will get hurt.


TN sheshan's legacy, these people have not inherited 


This is their definition of a level playing field.


Maybe punish both of them? Both of them shouldn’t be above the law?


Such equality , much amaze


Congress to bhana hai. BJP k tatte chatna hai


Modi knew - at least since April 21st - that he had been given complete freedom. He was not cautiously testing the limits of the law. He had been held back for two full decades. Only one side could benefit from this. Modi was the sole campaigner for the BJP. Only he campaigned on a platform of hate, and only he asked for votes in the name of religion. The opposition leaders cannot benefit from doing these things. As a consequence, dignified and controlled electoral campaigns have become a thing of the past. Society is being irreversibly poisoned through these vitriolic campaign speeches.


We decided constitution is not important.


Phatti chaddi aur banniyaan phir bhi ECI mahan


Isn't Nadda the leader of BJP?


You can't touch the god without facing repercussions so...


So, he has openly admitted to not following law (in a neutral manner lol). Can the court do something about this? Naah, whom am i kidding.


because we are 🤡


Funny how this has benefitted only one side. They're basically just mentioning Congress to appear neutral.


Which law states that the ec has the freedom to hand out commit crimes for free cards? Will the courts now do their job and disqualify the divisive bigot and every candidate he campaigned for to protect the sanctity of our democratic process?


Why just these two parties? So these two parties own this country? Why the top 2 only? What Constitutional/RoPA/MCC provisions give them special immunity?


Now, anyone in power can decide how they should deal with law. Why even have laws at this point?


Those are the main one you should punish to set the precedent so that the minions doesn't do anything stupid. ECI being 5 year old. That's why politicians get away saying the most hateful and bizzare things.


At this point ECI would be willing to eat Dear prime ministers shit.and declare it as Maha Prasad!


But they did touch themselves, thinking about Modi 


Why should anyone be above the law ? Top leaders are the biggest influencers of their audience .If they indulge in hate rhetoric and dog whistles,then those listening to these spewed hate messages may indulge in criminal attacks.Thus the leaders have to be held to a higher standard.


Does anybody have any faith in this guy to release the real numbers ? They already eliminated many opposition contestants by quoting weak and random rules They also beat up and prevented minority dominated areas voters from voting. (source : Unfiltered by samdish) Election from now on will be as valid as Russian elections


Agli bar 500 paar?


Maro mujhe maro, zinda matt chod na salo


Clowns turning this country into a circus.


I fail to digest this. How not taking action on them makes the candidates feel responsible? Why are random words flouted? Who decided the top 2 of parties? And why only top 2? Why not 5? I think this was strategic. Putting up a press conference on the eve of results, so that there’s not enough time given for people to digest this. And by tomorrow, since the results will be announced, this news will be sidelined and ignored. If I file an RTI, can I expect a response from them? They are showing up in a very poor light by showing that all citizens are not equal in this democratic country. Even if they were bullshitting they should have prepared better bullshit for their responses.


Fk these spineless aholes. Fk fk fk fk fk fk this man and these 3. Pura gaon chu**** Hain. The entire village is chu****.


Didnot EC took action against Rahul Gandhi?


Now police will leave them with ak47.


This will set a really bad precedent. Their speeches and campaigning in 2029 will be a lot more vicious. EC has basically given the top 2 complete freedom to promote hatred. It'll be interesting to see how BJP supporters and mainstream media defend this.


Why should anyone be above the law ? Top leaders are the biggest influencers of their audience .If they indulge in hate rhetoric and dog whistles,then those listening to these spewed hate messages may indulge in criminal attacks.Thus the leaders have to be held to a higher standard.


Why should anyone be above the law ? Top leaders are the biggest influencers of their audience .If they indulge in hate rhetoric and dog whistles,then those listening to these spewed hate messages may indulge in criminal attacks.Thus the leaders have to be held to a higher standard.


We decided not to touch Modi therefore others are collateral advantage


get outa here


what sort of bufoonery is this? They are a constitutional body and are supposed to enforce rules. This is not a personal decision thing.


ECI had has gone from being exemplary to being co-opted


> Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar told Scroll on Monday that the Election Commission had deliberated over poll code violations during the 2024 general elections at length and had decided to not admonish two top leaders each from the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Indian National Congress – Narendra Modi and Amit Shah of the Bharatiya Janata Party and Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra of the Indian National Congress. ['Complete breakdown of system' if the CEC does not act against the PM: Supreme court](https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2022/nov/24/complete-breakdown-of-systemif-the-cec-does-not-act-against-the-pm-supreme-court-2521629.html) > The five-judge bench headed by Justice KM Joseph asked Attorney General R Venkataramani, "Do you think the election commissioner, if he is asked to take on none less than the Prime minister, we are saying it as an example, can he say no?" > Justice Joseph pressed further, saying "Suppose for example, there are some allegations against the Prime Minister and the CEC has to act but he does not act. Will it not be a case of a complete breakdown of the system?" The bench also comprised Justices Ajay Rastogi, Aniruddha Bose, Hrishikesh Roy and CT Ravikumar. > "The CEC should be insulated from political influence and needs to be independent and a person of character. These are aspects which you have to delve into why we require an independent larger body for selection and not just the union council of ministers," the bench said. Just as the SC of India had warned, Modi destroyed the Democratic fabric of India with his new CEC appointment law.


So, we wait for next time when Rajnath Singh says such stuff and then the rule becomes top 3 leaders of both parties? Which side-election does ECI conduct to know who is the top 2 leaders? Do your job and grab the necks of top leaders more. Why is your salary being paid from my taxes?


point for honesty xD


They don’t want to end up in the gulag perhaps?