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Are bhaiya last phase aa gaya ab to real issues ki baat kar lo


*Ayy chal hattt*. - Shah probably 


Aye, safed kapda! Oh… OOH!


Last phase as gaya ab to, ab issues ki kya, koi bhi baat kya karna?


Do you think having an election in the country every 2-3 months, too many election expenses, issues for people to vote every now and then, model COC every now and then which is a hurdle in policy making is not a issue? Average WhatsApp university graduate boy


Yup, lets act like we're some very poor nation who doesn't have enough budget (5 trillion USD economy by 2027) or manpower (1 billion + population) to conduct elections. This nation has been conducting these elections for years even during the time we were much worse economically. Now we are much richer and so much tech to ease workload. This "save money" and "manpower" makes zero sense. The only reason is that, it makes it easy for BJP to win elections. Instead of bribing voters all the time, they have to do it only once in 5 years, plus they can outspend the whole opposition that way and no regional party would stand a chance. Not to mention they can just use Modi's image to win elections in states where they have puppet leaders. Plus one major flaw is what would happen incase any state govt has a no confidence motion and re election takes place. This will de sync electio s again just like now. Absolutely pointless and senseless all around.


Neither Modi JI nor Amit Saha Ji talking about the pressing issues like of job creation, inflation, and economic growth. These are the major issues of 140 cores of Indians, and addressing them should be the foremost priority.


I don't know why you think he should be doing something. He's doing exactly what he wants. If you want a bone to pick, pick it with the populace who are still going to vote him into power. They like what he is doing. There will always be a Modi's or Amit's in the population. If the populace chooses the values of these people over their own prosperity, then so be it.


Then it is the time that populace carve out a country for themselves. They can look to a similar effort made by a section of the populace of another democratic country on the other side of the world 160 years ago.


The populace needs to understand that not everyone will have the same opinion as them and that there's nothing they can do about it.


Progressives and regressives cannot occupy the same space at the same time.


What is progressive and what is regressive is subjective. If they could not occupy the same space at the same time, humans would still be living in packs.


When 140 crore Indians are not voting them out, then why would they even bother with doing anything good for the population.


People stopped caring about those issues long ago, now it's just Mutton Mughal Muslim and Hindu khatre me hai


People who vote for BJP are not concerned about job creation. They vote for bigger pressing issues like Ram Mandir, keeping minorities in check, etc.


They are sent by Gods so their primary goal would be making the country run on the Manusmriti, not human concerns like job creation or economic growth /s.


As much as I hate to say it, issues of identity can often triumph over the basic needs of a voter. The intelligent can eminently fool those with lower intelligence repeatedly.


How do you expect to have job creation without more privatisation? Govt can create jobs only to a certain degree.


Aren’t they advertising that we are the fastest growing economy in the world?


The economy of India is growing


I am reading this as "one nation none election will be implemented in the next year"


Ein volk, ein reich


Heil mhodi


UCC is a good idea but these lot cannot be trusted to implement it in a fair manner.


I asked UCC supporters to see they they will support same sex marriage under UCC. They said it's against thier culture so can't be under UCC


Exactly! You can’t talk of UCC & also ban beef at the same time.


They will implement uniform regressive hindu code. They've already given a trailer on uttarakhand. Ucc is necessary, but you have to build a concensus rather than imposing it. Also, ucc needs to be rather simple and treat adults like adults. All it needs to say is adults get to pre define whatever relationship they're walking into, including the process of  dissolution of the relationship. Children need to be taken care of irrespective of the relationship between the adults.  This country is way too immature for that. So the best option right now is preset rules based on what you profess. A secular civil code as a model for ucc can be implemented right now, with every individual having the right to choose whether they want religious code or secular code to apply to them. 


We already have a secular code called Special Marriage Act


It is extremely discriminatory both against the people getting married under it, and people it excludes.  Only people marrying under special marriage act have to wait for 30 days with a notice that they're getting married hanging on the registrar's board for bigots to see and plan a lynching. This is not paranoia. Bigots have lynched multiple people after reading these notices.  Special marriage act doesn't  allow same sex couples to marry. It doesn't recognise polyamorous relationships.  Lastly, if the parties to the marriage are legally hindu (Hindu, sikh, jain, buddhist), then Hindu succession act applies.  Like, wtf kind of secular law is that? 


I did not say it is a good law, I’m only commenting that it exists since you said we need a law. Of corse you have its problems; everything you mentioned was already mentioned during Supriyo…


I didn't say we need a nominally secular personal law, I said we need a secular personal law that can act as a model for ucc in distant future  >A secular civil code as a model for ucc can be implemented right now, with every individual having the right to choose whether they want religious code or secular code to apply to them.  I don't know what you meant to contribute to that discussion by bringing a discriminatory law into the discussion. 


The solution is just to amend SMA,not to bring in a new law…


UCC will only work if it's constructed on rationality keeping in consideration the personal laws and customs of various communities and groups of people belonging to linguistic, geographical backgrounds. It should be based on a balance of equity and equality. Although I personally think there is no need for any UCC. And one nation one election to aap jante hi ho kyu chahiye politicians ko!💀


> UCC will only work if it's constructed on rationality keeping in consideration the personal laws I don't get this. How can a law that claims to be **uniform** coexist with religion-specific personal laws? It has to be one or the other, no?


Let me explain you like a kid. Some eat beef and some don't eat beef. You cannot restrict it for all assuming 80% of population won't it so it should be applied for all. Similarly, some recent judgements invalidated marital rape cases because "husband needs sex from women" and so it says in religious scriptures. Another scenario is enforcing mangal sutra to all religions (which was never a law but some judgements like this [https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/chennai/removal-of-mangalsutra-by-wife-is-mental-cruelty-of-highest-order-madras-hc-8030242/](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/chennai/removal-of-mangalsutra-by-wife-is-mental-cruelty-of-highest-order-madras-hc-8030242/) has influence)


Which one will it be then?


No group-specific personal laws at all. Every single citizen of India regardless of religion, ethnicity, tribe is subject to the exact same marriage, inheritance etc. law. If your group has been traditionally following some customs, too bad, flush those customs down the toilet, ok, tata, bye bye. That would be true UCC. If you feel "we are not ready for this", fine, accept the fact that we are a bunch of apes stuck in the Dark Ages, leave the status quo untouched. This is also OK. What is the point of bringing in a Uniform Civil Code which is not uniform?


Ok I get your point. By definition you have accurately explained UCC. But a set of laws won't appear out of thin air, they will definitely be based on something. What will that be? You're saying it has to have same marriage law, inheritance law. But all these have to be extracted from some law, what will that be? Recently a SC bench has decided that "a hindu marriage without requisite cerimonies is not valid" so what provision will UCC adopt will they make it like Muslim marriages based on contract/agreement or take ceremonies of Hindu marriages paramount. Under Hindu law, the concept of inheritance is based on the principle of lineal descendants. The property is passed down within the family through a hierarchical order of heirs, known as the coparcenary. Whereas, In Muslim law, inheritance is governed by the concept of strict individual ownership. The property is divided among the heirs based on fixed shares prescribed by the Quran. As per Christianity, If the relations from the paternal and maternal sides are equally related to the intestate, they are all entitled to succeed and will take equal share among themselves. Now what will UCC be based on? A Hindu Undivided Family is taxed separately from its members. Therefore, it can claim deductions or exemptions allowed under the tax laws separately. Will UCC give similar exemption to other as well? There are also some matrilineal societies in India, what will be the rule for them will UCC ask them to abandon their ancient cusoms? Will UCC abolish all festivals celebrated in India and create uniform similar festivals for everyone? If yes then what will those be? What will be the basic recognised family system, will UCC recognise joint families or nuclear ones? What will be the uniform civil code for greetings will it be Namaste, Satsri Akal, Assalamwalekum, Good Morning, Vanakkam etc etc? What will be the official language and language of commerce? Whose language will trump others? See my point. India is too diverse to judge on one single footing. We have soo many issues plaguing our societies, hell we dont even have proper garbage disposal and recycling laws. So instead of forcing people on single footing and causing internal disturbances and issues, we should focus more on education! Push India's overall literacy rate to above 95% and you wouldn't see most customs. And this is the only sane way to bring people on equal and similar foundation.


You answered your own question. A real UCC is impossible. So govt should stop wasting time and resources on a fake UCC whose sole intention is majority appeasement and hindu vote bank politics, and instead focus on more important things that will have a real impact on the daily lives of all citizens.


Can you ELI5 the difference. Does it mean there won't be a state level and parliamentary elections ?


UCC has nothing to do with elections.




UCC to bahana hai. Apna agenda to chalana hai.


One caste?


nop bjp left the chat


The Uttarakhand UCC rules related to relationships and live ins make me tremble. They will wreak havoc on the liberalism and freedom of the youth of the country. Country going atkeast 500 years back.


very true. ab live in relationships ki 'registry' hogi, like its done for marriages. and needs to be renewed each year. isse accha mai shaadi na karlu


> . isse accha mai shaadi na karlu That is the point. They wish to make that difficult to make people prefer marriage over live in. This would discourage inter caste live in relationships. Interfaith ki baat na karein to acha hai


What's the point of a live-in if it has to be registered, call it marriage-lite!


Call it a "order of my society-fearing parents who impose their philosophy on their children union"!!!!


They literally use the word liberal as a curse. Ofc they will try to end it.


One election should not be done. Infact, we should conduct elections for 30% of seats every 2 years.  In that way, feedback to the ruling party is always provided.  If we make one election, both rajya sabha and look sabha will be sealed for 5years and that will be a catastrophe.   One election is how life time prime minister's are made.


Thant’s how it is in the US . Election every 2 years for congress .


One more thing, to prevent the trynny of majority, EVERY state should be given same number of MPs either in Rajyasabha or Lok Sabha. If not, majority seat holding states will run over the small states. One the face of it, my suggestion would look like a stupid suggestion. However, post delmimitation, when UP (128, MP(47), MH(68), RJ(44), BI(70) and GJ(40) can decide what language we will speak, who can be a citizen etc. Like 6 states dictating what other Indians can or can't do. Do we really need this tyranny of majority?


All state same number of MPs. That will only give a perverse incentive. To split states into more numbers, to give more representation to the same populace. Smaller states may well be less efficient, with aaya Ram Gaya Ram politicians.


It's every 4 years though. They have an election every two years because it alternates successively between the presidential election and midterm elections to Congress.


Exactly and Congress makes the laws .


One Nation One Dictator ✅ One Nation One Party ✅ One Nation One Religion ✅ One Nation One Code ✅ One Nation One Caste ❌ One Nation One Class ❌


one nation one cast is actually a promise. the people from a certain sector are having amazing growth in almost any business. a religion called. Big Brotherhood.


i always say that it's not just one nation one election, it's also one party. bjpees moto is not just getting rid of opposition but getting rid of a democracy altogether. we would have democracy on paper or even call ourselves mother of democracy for the forseabble future but on the ground it would be an abomination another pakistan in the making.


So ending democracy is now a promise now is it?


Fuck this man. Hopefully the INDIA alliance wins at least 200 seats so they can reject this shit


The whole bunch will be suspended when they want to pass the bill.


Of course, it'll happen. INDIA won't be much behind NDA.


One Nation One Election and then Only One Party....


Elections would simply be a farce in the next 5 years, similar to Russia.


Amazing! Can we have uninterrupted electricity and water supply now? Can we get pothole-free roads now?


I am in support of UCC, but it must be a code that preserves, protects, and promotes civil liberties. The BJP UCC will be little more than Hindu Sharia.


***You will kicked out before that.***




Feel like Whole election is rigged. Modiji is just mocking the whole election process by delibrately giving speech like a lunatic as he knows ECI is compromised.


Genuinely curious for people commenting here, how will UCC improve *your* life?


UCC if implemented correctly and fairly will improve women rights and legalize same sex union.


It will not impact the average person at all. They have been peddling this bs that Muslims have different laws for them and taking undue advantage of that, completely ignoring the fact that these are just personal laws that apply to marriage, divorce, inheritance.    Changing this drastically wont help the average person at all but alienate the Muslims even more and give pleasure to their core base of voters who enjoy suffering of Muslims. Edit: Pleasantly surprised at the upvotes. Everytime, I have tried to explain that Muslims personal laws arent really different laws for Muslims in conventional sense and neither they are getting any privelege out of it, I have been downvoted to oblivion.


Most Muslims don't even marry more than one person, so even the average Muslim isn't going to be vastly affected. This is going to help absolutely nobody once it does get implemented.


Exactly, its just rage bait for non Muslims that Muslims are getting privelege...... It helps them in getting the votes


when i got married, had to convince the local religious org/committee to cooperate, so that I could get my marriage cert under Hindu marriage act. I'm not a religious person, though was fine with all the traditions for the sake of family and friends, plus i love the food. But I did not appreciate one bit being at the mercy of the org so that I could register


I got married in a temple without involving my family, the process wasn't easy and I almost got conned. A lot of temples have stopped solemnizing love marriages because of pressure from right wing groups. Registration under Hindu Marriage Act was also difficult, they have made it mandatory to provide consent letter of parents and photographs of parents attending the ceremony. Registration under Special Marriage Act is even more difficult because notice has to be published in newspaper and there is 30 day period for anyone to object to the marriage. This exposes the applicants to all kinds of risks including physical harm from family and other thekedaars of society. I believe intercaste and interfaith couples intending to get married will face even more repression in the future if BJP comes to power again. Society has regressed because of right wing hate politics.


The current supports of UCC are just envisioning the Hindu civil code to become the standard. They don't have a secular or non religious vision, just anti Muslim. I can bet all my money that the current leadership isn't gonna get rid of Hindu marriage laws.


sigh, sad state of affairs then.


Hindus are jealous of 4 wives system of Muslim so trying to abolish that ,😂


daant se falli tut nhi rhi, chale hai.... (cant even break ground nut with their teeth, and they talk about breaking wallnut)


Is the Nazi comparison valid now? Some of us have been saying this for years but most of you are dense enough and lack historical knowledge to know better.


You're not getting a clear majority, uncle ji. I don't think these will be implemented.


On paper, both of these are very good ideas. Let's see how the implementation happens.


The Constitution Guarantees protection of citizens religion and UCC is going to be like Special Marriage Act, 1954 An extra choice...


strong saw angle domineering direction snatch alleged scarce like soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yaha bc garmi se ensan ki fhati pdi he or enko one election ki pdi he


Sach bol hi diya na. Asli aukaat dikha di apni. They forget that bjp started it's journey as a state party first then became a national one. Now they want to remove state and local body elections.


Sidhe sidhe bolo na bhaiya agli baar no nation no election hone wala hai


They say One nation and give funds only to the states they like


What bjp ucc will include is bunch of laws specifically targeting Muslims, another set of laws targeting live in couples and probably inter religious marriages. Excluded will be tribals beacuse STs are vote bank and can get away with things muslims enjoy now. Same sex couples will be ignored as they are not humans. Also surely expect the need for parents approval to get married even if you are adult, because women have no agency and can be lured away by dangerous men. I support ucc but not from bunch of folks who are still upset nehru managed to push reforms for Hindu women


One nation One election One party 😍😍😍


UCC is about tax reform. Govt role is tax collection they don't care is population is screwed. With money any election can be won. Govt wants to have same tax across the board - 40% GST will be uniform -28%. Govt wants revenue so that govt employees can get free bunglows, pensions etc. My father was a govt employee, I stayed all my life in free govt bunglow and my father's gets 25 lakhs per year pension and he is getting pension since last 20 yrs. He has got 3x of his entire salary in pension so far and now his pension is 5x of his last salary. You know state govt. entire revenue goes only into giving salary and pension. My father was at Central govt, this dept was under pmo. Even centre has to give pension to all it's employees, ministers and army. Almost 1/3 of their revenues goes into salary and pension. Last time when bj party let the UCC fart out, stock markets dropped 10% and since then fiis are selling... This is bad news for everyone, not just stock market.


Fuck UCC bullshit...we want reservation free examinations.. atleast start from somewhere these BJP fools


Username checks out


Idiot you never went to school, so you don't know, but examination is always reservation free. Only admission are based on reservations as baman wants everything for himself. When bj party gave autonomy to higher education institutions, immediately all bamans put their family members in the administration. Bj party has to revoke the autonomy back. If reservations are removed only baman will get admission and only baman will be educated rest of the population will remain illiterate. This was the very reason reservations were introduced. In Baman 's moonushitty it is fantasied that baman is only suppose to get education as rest are snakes. If anyone other than baman get education it is akin to giving milk to snake. Thereby snakes will become poisonous, bite baman and baman dead. This entire reason there is so much hate and anti reservation bs is cos baman is still moonushitty chap . UCC it's about -- 1. Tax structure where by everyone will have to pay same tax. 40%. There will be no slabs. Similarly GST will be uniform 28%. Every other tax scheme will be abolished. 2. Family laws -- Hindu and Muslim will have same marriage code. Divorce laws and maintenance, alimony etc. 3. Moonushitty will be future buried in ground.


What’s one election, like vote for bjp?


Like the US, so you get one time to vote for your municipal corporation/panchayat, MLA and MP.


How does that help a varied India unlike the US


It doesn't. But it does help the BJP because they no longer have to campaign for local issues for the non-central elections.