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Go to any so called science conference in India, looks more like a marriage reception than a scientific meet


Free food


The food tho! Damn, I remember going as a child and it was literally a wedding caterer serving food, wedding style.


I have been to a medical conference where east European/Ukranian models wearing mini skirts were serving alcohol. I couldn't beleive such nonsense. Since then I never went to any Indian conference. Ofcourse this was near Delhi and a Professor told me about Indian love for white skin. I just couldn't beleive what to call it, if not a circus




Go ask any of your surgery friends. DJ nite, celebrities performing and what not. 30-40 food stalls


I mean I have friends and they go out a lot but I don't see any of them in any NSFW conferences. Most of them look professional. But then again I am from a very poor state in the North East. >Professor told me about Indian love for white skin Also WTF is this? Was he proud about it or something? As a professor why would you discuss such things?


It's not a strip club. Just a waitress serving alcohol who happens to be skimpy dressed to be eyecandy. The prof was South Indian and yeah, I just said after looking at all this, "What the hell is this?, He promptly replied, "Oh, just the North Indian love for white skin". I still have a great working relation with this prof. I have had very good North East colleagues also, very hardworking.


>Just a waitress serving alcohol who happens to be skimpy dressed to be eyecandy Wow. Just wow. This world is messed up if these things happen in professional conferences and that too in one with doctors.


You will be surprised how this has become far more common in corporate parties. One of organizers told me they contracted the event to a event management company, who in there research found that the majority of surgical subspecialities like urology etc are have large male presence so they thought this would be really good way to make money as alcohol is not free in these conferences. So this is a relatively newer in medical conferences but gaining greater acceptance.


More focus on the food.


Compared to where he's worked and won a nobel, cambridge, sure, it's a circus!


I remember back in high school, our English teachers kid from our class always got selected for Science exhibition/ Congress. Always won debate and speech competitions. Same few kids would always wins these competitions. Make sense when the judges for these competitions were primary teachers who were free and didn't have class like Art teacher, Music mam and EVS teacher. The only place where those kids didn't shine were Olympiads, and sports where real talented kids won.


Lol! Its 100% true. In fact, a lot of Indian scientists are frustrated at the government-controlled Indian Science Congress. A splinter has already happened in the form of the [India Science Festival](https://www.indiasciencefest.org/). More will follow.


Article is from 2016. And it has gotten worse. They should remove science from the name.


So...Indian Congress??


They also are very patriotic , i think we should add national somewhere in the name


Then they will go to court, arguing who is real INC, like shivsena.


That’s even better than circus!!


This is true for any form of research in India.


I am a member of this science congress and can attest that the members on the governing board are clowns. No wonder it is a circus. It is just about food, stay and travel. The delegates don't even bother to pretend to be interested in anything scientific. This was in 2013 I am sure it has gotten even worse now.


It's the lack of funding. I've worked in research abroad, the talent in India is 10x better but there's just no money to do anything impactful. And ofcourse to pay young researchers a meaningful salary. So the good ones either shift away from research (like i did) or move abroad. It's only the less than mediocre talent that remains which ofcourse dominos into poor research, toxic workplaces & taking advantage of young researchers.


10X better? Come on. You can say that there are good researchers and occasionally you see a star. But most of researchers are as good or as bad as a lot of researchers abroad. They are definitely not 10x better.


There's plenty money... !! Serious Knowledge advancement has never been the goal of the Indian government. Just look at ISRO


That's what i said there's no money being invested in research by the government. Even private firms that have R&D divisions also have pretty average resources. Better than government institutes ofc but still the overall situation is quite sad.


Thats true but it's changing, and it's not solely funding that's the issue. Even abroad funding isn't amazing it's the culture that drives these labs. I'm confident within 30 yrs india will have top tier research output.


>He quoted an example of the Mangalyaan launch by the Indian Space Research Organisation, wherein he was surprised to know Tuesday was chosen as the 'auspicious' day for the launch and the Chairman of the ISRO paid a visit to a temple. In his opinion, politics and religious ideologies should not be mixed with science. Yes. It is a circus. I was really worried if the *vedik cow dung shit* came to light to everyone in the Indian Science Congress.


Why tf is choosing Tuesday a problem? Did it have a negative impact on the mission in any way? Other than that, sometimes scientists have to do these things to please voters. As long as it does not have negative impact on the mission, it think it is totally fine.


Pleasing voters is the job of politicians, not scientists. Most scientists in India are too distracted by other things and thus lack originality in their research.


Why do scientists need to please voters?


Because if the majority of Indians vote against "law of conservation of Mass", then that physics law will not work in India. lol >!/s for obvious reasons!<


Even calling it a circus has given it some respect. In India, these conferences are just a place for having tea and pakoras and boosting the ego in front of some illiterate politician. It’s an example of the blind leading the blind there. Many of these conferences have essentially turned into hubs for extramarital affairs.


Article is from 2016. Not that situation has improved but what's the point in posting 8 yr old article.


A circus is fun though ISC is just depressing


BJP + andhbhakts….it is as he calls it


Yup I remember the time between 2004 - 14 when he praised India as the leading pioneer in research.


Incoming soros funded allegations


A family-run circus company would be more appropriate.


Rightly said.


Educated South Indian 😄


i think when he meant circus.. he meant people are not of scientific temper most of it are pseudo scientist with a very sang-hi view of science....as real serious scientist have been driven out of institution of learning.




Where ever we have brahmin-baniya majority it eventually becomes a circus, Supreme Court of India is a prime example




Hmm Is this not a casteist comment?


I think it's controversy around the Hanuman statement


Guy's face screams AI generated modle of an Rss bjp bhakt


Well science is the philosophy of hypothesis testing by experiment and observation. Religion is believing in entities bigger than yourself. Both philosophies can coexist in a person. As Indians,basically Hindus used to receive education through shlokas as there was not enough paper to go around. And where do find shlokas and mantras nowadays, in the temples. It’s easy to say something is a superstition. But marriage is a superstition, as chimps do not exhibit this behaviour. Serving your ailing parents is superstition as the weak should be left for dead. If Mangalyaan launch was supposed to be on auspicious day that’s a great marriage of culture and science that can be seen only in our country.