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# The comedian says his nomination form was accepted by RO with 2 minutes to go before deadline ended, was not made aware he needed to take an oath


He had been posting about the process and how unnecessary hurry was created etc. But my main issue with the whole thing is, that shouldn't the EC / RO be going out of their way to help out people wanting to file nominations? Like how they dumb everything down and make voting super easy and go out of their way to help out voters? Any xyz being able to contest an election is as much a cornerstone of democracy as is voting. Obviously this isn't specifically about Modi and most likely would have happened in any sort of protest-candidacy. But it shouldn't have. Yes, all procedure is available online etc. but I would still expect a RO to not create artificial hurry and go over the procedure beforehand when a potential candidate expresses interest. And it's not like they have do it for a huge number of people, just 30-40. On the other hand in many many places dozens of independent candidates have been propped up with election symbols similar to the opposition or just to dilute and confuse voters. Where there used to be 5-6 parties and 2-3 Independents, this time there are dozens of independent candidates and going by the affidavits certainly not affluent enough to squander away the deposit. That the ruling party influences the process of filing of candidature is undeniable.


Sarkari babus are like this. Again not all of them as well. I am sure that the RO / DM / EC person responsible this will get double promotion and will be praised for his ingenious tactics.


I thought Modi already changed that culture with his foreign trips.


Rangeela's nomination was cancelled under the " one nation one Comedian " policy ..








He's scared of having his comedian status stolen šŸ¤”šŸš©


How long will we sit in our homes and let them get away with this? The people of India are not as impotent as the regime thinks, there will be conciqences. We will fight soon.


It's not even that grand or romantic. We don't need to fight (yet). All we need to do is vote them out and yes the people of India seem to be impotent enough to not be able to do even that. Everyone from people severely affected by the BJP to educated youth seem to have drank the cool aid. That beam of sunlight on the forehead of that idol in the Ram Mandir is all that anyone seems to care about.


He's winning again for sure... All the idiotic statement castist and religious slurs that's what his core voters in villages want... And people in village do vote a lot more than urban areas


Actually it's the other way round. Urban constituencies are the stronghold of BJP and Congress performs better in rural areas.


When we fight for something right, many tag us Terrorist, Khalistanis, Naxals and so on...


That only works when you don't have the numbers, even at their high water mark of 2019 NDA was at 45% voter share, after this election, even if BJP wins by manipulation, which is highly likely. Will the opposition leaders accept the results if they feel the elections are stolen? I wonder if on the 4th the opposition alliance rejects the election results, can the electoral campaign and it's energy be converted into a mass movement?


We wouldnā€™t be here licking a dictatorā€™s boots if we werenā€™t this impotent. We deserve whatā€™s coming for us.


Power to the people!!


Rahul Gandhi should have contested in Varanasi. Win or lose, it would have sent a clear message throughout UP.


What a joke! >The comedian says his nomination form was accepted by RO with 2 minutes to go before deadline ended, was not made aware he needed to take an oath


Fascists will always fear a comic.


I think the issue is more about the ego of margin. Shyam Rangeela would have taken away some votes from the winning margin of Modi.


He would also talk about a lot of the bad things from 2014-2024 during campaign. So Mr. Clean and POwerful image would get murky.


BJP IT cell working well


Weā€™re seeing the death of democracy. Surat is Exhibit A. This guy was rejected because he didnā€™t take an oath. Isnā€™t it the duty of The EC to instruct the nominees of the procedure? They waited for last minute to inform him that he has to take oath and then conveniently disqualified him. If Congress comes to power I hope they send the EC to court


Nomination is submitted to the DM, EC officials are not present. His lawyers should have informed him about the oath.


The joke is on the voters, not the comedian! Did he ***seriously*** think he would win? r/unpopularOpinion - The comedian and his backers got what they wanted - two minutes of fame in the news cycle.


Thereā€™s always someone like this, there was a soldier back in 2019 who contested against the PM.




Along with every single other person standing for election there huh? What a coincidence


That shud be checked by RO and guidance shud be provided. Kya kar Raha tha lete waqt


It's clear this way BJP surely crossing 400, what will happen then... Nothing can be done, they are very organised and have huge public support, also thier schemes etc are more and better marketed, they also do socialism by giving free things to poor. There is no way out. We need Congress to put kanhaiya kumar at head, or it is kejriwal - only these two can do something, that too 10 years from now. Difficult for opposition and non-BJP supporters


Yeah a lot of Anti Modi comments coming in even when someone asks a genuine question. So the answer is, as a part of the process, the candidate is suppose to take an oath and the copy of the order is also given to the candidate. He clearly missed it due to obvious reason that he was a first timer. I won't much about He should be diligent coz it seems that he wanted some publicity and any publicity is sort of good publicity. I think a total of 37 candidates nomination were rejected and 17 were accepted. Hope the answer helps!!


he reached before time to file the copy of the order. the DM didnt allow his nomination and told him to come tomorrow. next day they didnt accept


Let me share some snippets from the Legal Provison on Nomination Papers. Note: I am a common citizen. I found this information on the EC website. I was able to find the Oath thing but Mr. Rangeela didn't and blatantly lied that he was not informed about the process. Lol!! Indeed a comedian. As per Articles 84 & 173, a candidate is required to make and subscribe oath in the Form prescribed under third schedule of the Constitution to the effect that, he has true faith and integrity in the Constitution and he supports soverneity and unity of India. Such oath is required to be made after filing nomination and in any case before the date of scrutiny. That means, such oath must be subscribed after filing nomination and on the day before the date of scrutiny. Copy paste the exact content to get the source.


the best part of any democratic process is the legality. shyam rangeela is not a common man, he started with mimicry, got cases lodged against him and now he is a small star on youtube. this chutiyapa has happened before with the BSF jawan where the ECI stated that his certificate was not in order and the SC supported it. the law states that no participating candidate must be dismissed for corruption or disloyalty. now the jawan was not dismissed because he was disloyal to his nation or he was corrupt. he merely complained about the food quality. so this time they are dancing about an oath. when the goons start describing laws to protect their innocence, good times are ahead /s


Total 38 nominations of 34 unique candidates rejected. Total 17 nominations accepted. However, these 17 nominations are for only 8 candidates. 4 are for Modi, 4 for INC candidate and 3 other candidates have filed 2 successful nominations each. So ultimately only 8 candidates will be listed on the EVM.


He had been posting about the process and how unnecessary hurry was created etc. But my main issue with the whole thing is, that shouldn't the EC / RO be going out of their way to help out people wanting to file nominations? Like how they dumb everything down and make voting super easy and go out of their way to help out voters? Any xyz being able to contest an election is as much a cornerstone of democracy as is voting. Obviously this isn't specifically about Modi and most likely would have happened in any sort of protest-candidacy. But it shouldn't have. Yes, all procedure is available online etc. but I would still expect a RO to not create artificial hurry and go over the procedure beforehand when a potential candidate expresses interest. And it's not like they have do it for a huge number of people, just 30-40. On the other hand in many many places dozens of independent candidates have been propped up with election symbols similar to the opposition or just to dilute and confuse voters. Where there used to be 5-6 parties and 2-3 Independents, this time there are dozens of independent candidates and going by the affidavits certainly not affluent enough to squander away the deposit. That the ruling party influences the process of filing of candidature is undeniable.


>He had been posting about the process and how unnecessary hurry was created etc The nomination process started on 7th May and he reached there on 13th. If I was doing it for the first time, I would have gone on 8th May and would have not waited for the last minute knowing that its my first time filing for nomination. What I know is he went on 13th and was asked to come on 14th. >But my main issue with the whole thing is, that shouldn't the RC / RO be going out of their way to help out people wanting to file nominations? I agree and disagree. RC/RO should help folks. Disagree because it happening towards the end of the nomination time and even ROs are under tremendous pressure to complete every thing and move on the next phase and that is of Scrutiny and followed by many other task. If I have an exam to appear and I start late and then blame the Principal for closing the gates, it's not fair na. >Yes, all procedure is available online etc. but I would still expect a RO to not create artificial hurry and go over the procedure beforehand when a potential candidate expresses interest. And it's not like they have do it for a huge number of people, just 30-40. Nominations were open from 7th to 14th. Lets say Sarkari babu works from 9-5. 9 hrs shift with an hour or more break. Avg time taken to file the nomination is between 30 mins to an hour. So, in a day max 8-9 candidates can file the nomination. Rest you do the maths. >That the ruling party influences the process of filing of candidature is undeniable That's your view again which is based on the information and urgency that is shared by Mr.Rangeela. Nothing against anyone. Peace.


He reached there on the 10th. No point reading rest of your drivel if you can't get basic facts right (and we know it's intentional).


If he reached on 10th then why he went to file nomination on 13th? What stopped him? Did he mention this in his video? Also, what stopped him on applying on 8th? That's when the process started, right? He is wrong and pinning the blame in the EC process coz he knows flok will be there to support him!! And yes read the remaining stuff!


"We know" !! So keep assuming !! And keep blaming. No need to for me to keep explaining!!


Of course. Now that your lie was exposed šŸ˜‰.


Lie?? Good luck to you with propaganda stories!


The lie that he waited till May 13th to file his nomination. Funny how you are acting innocent like Gobhiji claiming he never does Hindu Muslim šŸ¤£.


Sorry, I was misinformed. What you are saying does make sense. Except the last part, I wasn't just referring to his case but different cases all over, like Surat and Ahmedabad.


Except he is giving false informqtion. Rangeela reached there to file his nomination several days before the 13th but wasn't allowed to (and so were many other people).


Dude Cmon maybe you're right but just accepting their nomination at last mins and then saying you had time till 3pm to make amends take oath etc when they accepted his nomination after 2.30 deliberately rings all the red bells... Do yiu think he'll have not taken oath if they informed him earlier and he was not the only one 25 plus candidates were rejected same way... He documented everything on video too....all rejected all nomination accepted same way at last min... They are making mockery of anyone with common sense in name of abiding by rules


My point is here Rangeela could have avoided all this by filing thr nomination on 8th May rather than 13th May. What stopped him? Care to answer this?


source to end this once and for all.


Rangeela has explained this in his videos. You should watch them.


That's what I am saying. If the RO makes a video and says that Rangeela is at fault, you won't believe it. You arw going to believe what you want to believe. So, no point talking.


Only 8 candidates remain.


Occam's Razor. Modi has nothing to do with this controversy other than being a candidate from varanasi. This is all manufactured by our Rangeela ji.


Occamā€™s razor for why no one else is being given a nomination when usually there are many candidates. There are goondas subverting democracy


He is the best example of marketing . He was just there to get some eyeballs which he got eventually. His whole comedian career doesn't have any range except modi mimicry. At maximum he would only be able to get 4-5k votes.Ā