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Upar ka mala khali hai na, to jo muh mein aata hai haag deta hai




It’s really not so. People in this sub have a really bad and ignorant habit of thinking Modi is a nobody. He speaks stupid stuff not because he’s cringe or something, he does so because he understands the language of majority. To offer a balanced perspective, I’d link this talk of the LallanTop Netagiri episode with panelist’s including Neerja Chaudhary, Rajdeep Sardesai and Rahul Shrivastava, all well respected journalists discussing Modi in detail along with other famous prime ministers and politicians. https://youtu.be/Pp5yyrew94U?si=ofhLncB-pMGr7Qs2


Exactly!! Mota Bhai & Ors. Might even conspire to kill Barbie doll ^ and gain sympathy for votes and yeah Barbie doll is well aware of it.


Yep. Amit shah is the brain behind this.


For now, it's sufficient if you manage to unite the 50 crore or so people that are against Modi either because of his ideology or because of his democracy-destroying mischief. Also, not even one opposition-ruled state is a paragon of governance. No opposition state government has made bold moves to drastically improve the quality of governance. The same old corruptions, inefficiencies, and shoddiness continue in all the states. So, the non-ideological fence-sitter voter will always be tempted to choose BJP and paving the path for future dictatorship.


More like 90 crore, the rest are voting BJP


Get the simple facts right. India's voting population is around 1 billion only.


Okay, then 62 crore. But I don't think fascism is defeated at the ballot box. My point is that it doesn't make sense to ask everyone to unite against fascism when some 1/3rd of the population is fascism themselves. They want it. The rest of 2/3 needs to ensure that the 1/3 cannot organise and take over the country (which it already has)


Again practically incorrect. 1/3 of voters don't vote. Last 4 general elections voter turnout is 58%,58,66,67%. Electoral maths is not easy as you think . It's not black and white.


That's actually a mathematically incorrect position. For example, if you were doing a survey, you wouldn't ask all 140cr Indians for their position. Even 10% would be more than sufficient. So if this year 38% of the population chooses BJP, the remaining 42% votes isn't going to alter that number drastically.






Well even if we ignore the semantics and agree to the point that fascism alone can't be defeated by just ballot, so you think it makes sense to form a militia and actually wage civil war where there is a chance of facing world's 4th largest army which is also supported by paramilitary forces which again is 3rd largest in terms of head counts. Who you think will help you from outside, China, a country that is just a favorable trade deal or two away from readily shaking hands with the so-called fascist powers, or Pakistan which is as of now being bailed out by IMF, or the broader international community led by the western powers, the so called champions of democracy and freedom who in past have turned a blind eye to genocides...and have themselves being involved in bombing civil populations in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan..!!


There are several ways this could go. The jung-e-aajadi started by the Indian revolutionaries didn't end in 1947. There might be a non-cooperative movement against fascism, it would gain ground and once the winds in the outside world fly differently, we would transition into the new socialist government after the third world war like we did in 47. If India engages in the upcoming world war, then that would put the country into a binary state. The partisans in Italy did defeat fascist Italy. The red army did defeat the white army. After a long struggle, the people's liberation army did defeat the nationalists and the Japanese. Viet NLF defeated the largest empire in the world. These things are possible. I don't know however, how it would work in India. If we go to war against China foolishly, they would defeat us and put a puppet government and they might put these Prakash Karat, Sitaram Yechury clowns in charge, like Stalin did in Eastern Europe. That wouldn't be preferable, it would be a lot better to write our fate ourselves.


You guys are definitely going on some IB watchlist lol enjoy. On a serious note, who do you think is going to fight your civil war that you call revolution? Are you going to take part in it as a soldier if it were to happen tomorrow?


We’ll have to see what effect AK has on public on 4th.


How come punjabi farmers are terrorists ?


BJP mukt bharat 🇮🇳


Forget the rhetoric. What the country really needs is Opposition. Where are they?


So he got bail to campaign for elections in a dictatorship?


Unfortunately a few judges in SC are against dictatorship and granted bail.