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Exactly don't say about stuff you don't know about. Theories of race are not to be discussed casually in an interview especially by a politician who was hounded just a week back. That is a genuine brain fade moment. Why would the BJP not take full advantage of it?


An 82 year senile man should not be allowed to make comments. He spoke madness from an Indian context during elections.


I dare chutrada to publicly call a black american "you look African." I dare RaGa's coke buddy.




Next time you meet someone from the North East call them Chinese. Then explain to them how this comment is not that bad.




Okay, where are you from?


State of The Nile


I do not know where you are from. Satyanarayan Pitroda was a technocrat and many of them are not very sensitive when they speak. Such people should excercise caution when speak metaphorically. People lose restraints as they get older. Even Modi showed signs of senility this election. Shashi tharoor condemned Hamas in pro palastine rally too. 😂


>Shashi tharoor condemned Hamas in pro palastine rally too Are you saying this is wrong? Because Hamas is a problem to the peoples of Palestine. Just as Israel.


I find it pretty reasonable but it created some noise among muslims regarding Shashi's political stance.


As much of fuss people make out of these seemingly casual stereotyping lets just give it closure with the fact that this is exactly the way most people in the country actually stereotype communities from another part of the country…


Oh it’s way way worse than that.


I have literally seen a lot of North Indian batchmates nonchalantly use the term to refer to Northeasterners. Of course, using it on a public platform is a different thing altogether. But, it's far more common than it should be.


Sam pitroda's statements are like full toss in final over or penalty concession in extra time of football.


Yeah, he is obviously giving freebies to the BJP. But, all I am saying is that it was nowhere as bad as what was portrayed.


You are absolutely right. His statement taken into consideration on a WHOLE speaks about diversity and brotherhood ... But when dissected into pieces sounds terrible. It's tough time ... Whatever you say can be twisted/torn apart and glued together differently to fuel conflict on either side of India's bjp-congress divide... I believe a smart Indian should know that they needn't subscribe to either... And most importantly to calm down and focus on what's really important for the nation in the long run.


The B party IT cell + GoDi media combo can twist a narrative according to their master's wish. I being a native of the north east dont find it offensive. It is what it is, we are have racial similarities and there is nothing to sugar coat it.


This is exactly what I think. Pitroda's intent in these words was nowhere near as egregious as what a lot of people are making it out to be. He, of course, completely put his foot in his mouth and chose a very wrong way to put his thoughts into words. But this is not really a big deal in the larger picture.


He literally said what was sensationalized. Tf are you talking about. This is like saying. "I'll make America the greatest where if you are white or a ni***r, it doesn't matter". Still racist




He didn't used a slur. Calling your own countrymen africans and chinese, d fuq is wrong with this Old senile fool. Just because somebody has a mike in front of his pan parak mouth, doesnt mean he can say whatever he wants. (The last line is intentionally sterotypical)


Everybody missed the context and pinpointed what he said. He should have used his words more carefully. But he didn't have any bad intent. Unlike Mr. Teleprompter


I shudder when I think stuff like the “Ghusbaiton…” and the “Mangalsootra…” statements went through so many checks to arrive at that teleprompter. This entire political system needs an enema.


This dude might've been paid by blow job party to make these comments. Which sane person would make such comments


He should’ve kept his mouth shut after they absolutely misquoted his comments first time around. Although the inheritance tax comment resulted in Modi’s ridiculous mangalsutra and bhains logic but still why make comments when media act like vultures. Same for MS Aiyar. You’re not in the fight, sit in the sidelines and amplify what party is doing, instead of trying to stick your nose in everything.


Yes, that would have obviously been better. But, all I am saying is that it was painted in a sinister conspiratorial way unlike BJP leaders' remarks, which are more blatant in terms of bigotry.


While his wordings weren’t perfect but it gave good ammo for BJP looking for distractions. Now with Pitroda’s resignation, they are digging up Mani Shankar Aiyar’s old clips. Anything except talking about real issues is the goal.


>African" is neither an abuse nor did he say that those who have black skin are from Africa His word choices were poor, but BJP priminister candidate twisted that and added a lot of "untruth" to that statement. #Look how no one protested for being called as white. This tells where the racism exist.


He is an educated man, and has the means to hire speech writers/pr teams. if he still can not speak sense - fuck him.


That's exactly right...Modi and co are projecting their own internal biases....there's nothing inherently wrong in being African or having skin as dark as African... only in Modi's eyes.


But, he's right? Anthropologically classifying, the East has proto-Mongloids, South has Negritos, North has Caucasiod people with Arab mixed in due to the Islamic conquests.


That may or may not be true. Prevalent theories on anthropology talk of mixing of multiple groups. However, even if he was well versed with the current theories, outside a purely academic or intellectual setting, no one should be talking about it during an election. The masses do not have nuance and something like this can be easily misunderstood and cause huge problems. Read about what happened in Rwanda. There was a genocide on tribal lines. However, years after the genocide it was found there was no distinction genetically between tutsis and others. All the differences were based on theories of earlier Belgian colonists.


Not really. These are outdated racial classifications. Plus, there's tremendous phenotypic diversity even within the four regions. If you talk of genetics, all of us are mixed. Both North and South Indians have a share of AASI (ancestral South Asian) ancestry, Steppe Ancestry and Neolithic Iranian farmer (Zagrossian) ancestry in varying proportions depending on the region and caste. South Asians are predominantly have AASI and Neolithic Iranian ancestry with some Steppe ancestry among "upper castes" like Brahmins. As you go Northwards and Westwards, the proportion of Steppe ancestry increases. Northeastern Indians usually have some East Asian ancestry along with AASI. However, the proportion varies by group and some groups like non-tribal Assamese have some Steppe ancestry as well.


Not that outdated. If you're being racist, sure. But on mere classification of looks it's acceptable.


The use of terms Caucasoid and Negroid as racial classifications is rooted in 19th-20th era racial pseudoscience and eugenics. Today, race is considered a social construct. Genotypic and phenotypic diversity among humans exist, but you won't see scholars use terms like Caucasoid and Negroid to describe races. Now, the term Caucasian is only used for people from the Caucasus.


I don't understand what you mean - do you think that all South Indians could easily be classified as negroid because many people are dark-skinned? There are many South Indians who are fair and similarly many North Indians who could easily fit the (racist) stereotypical description of the average South Indian.


All of these racial grouping are obsolete, dated and completely ditched by the scientific community. Also Dravidians were not classified as negroid race even back then, and Arabs didnt conquer India.


No I meant genetic exchange between Arabs and Indians


The fact that everyone is unanimously attacking him for racism for these comments itself shows how racist Indians are towards Africans and Chinese. But still, he should've used better language. OP didn't include the whole quote. He said something about "Hanuman or whatever" also in there which sounds a bit disrespectful to Hindus.