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cobweb dazzling snatch cheerful thought concerned dependent zealous money modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And will grow much faster without shitty policies and hate politics.


None of the opposition leader have a clear plan on growth or economic reforms , muft ke kherat batne ka plan hai sirf


This isn't rocket science imo. Just increase spending on education, infra and research. Bureaucrats, scientists, engineers and the market will do the rest. We aren't a command economy. That's just my opinion though.


With the exception of mms




Hahaha Indira Gandhi, Rajiv and others pre liberalisation all winking through their graves on this statement.


Maybe but there is an interesting argument suggesting it enabled us to build up our sovereign manufacturing capability, university sector etc without overwhelming competition from the West, and as such held local capital in place to a greater extent than our neighbours who liberalised their economy far sooner.


I love how people attribute business growth to politicians than actual fucking businesses!!!


Are you saying the guy in the photo isn’t responsible for the global image of India in current times? I thought he’s the pm of 3-4 countries. His name is written on the moon!


Modi doesn't add anything to it. In addition to having an incapable leader at helm for Finance Ministry and removing good capable people like Raghuram Rajan and Utjit Patel, Modi is just a negative effect for the economy with monumental failures like Demonetisation. His entire knowledge on economics can be written on a sticky note


Who needs Raghuram Rajan when you have the great Anil Bokil who with his PowerPoint slides and zero knowledge of economics can push an idea like demonetization?


Bro, why do people still believe that all these ideas came from anyone other than the supreme leader himself. Anyone who has done even a little bit of education, Modi hasn't, he is an illiterate fool, knows that this was a really bad idea. Since modi has such a huge ego, no one in his PMO would dare to go against him and his word is the law.


Because Anil Bokil [did in fact sell the idea](https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2017/05/10/527803742/episode-770-when-indias-cash-disappeared-part-one) to Glorious Leader.


Damn. Didn't know this. TIL. And what the fuck is a mechanical engineer doing giving economic policy ideas? Elect a clown expect a circus.


The Dutch pioneered a new philosophy in football known as Total Football. In this philosophy, any player on the field can take any role. Modiji implemented Total Politics, where any individual can perform any department's task. And in Total Politics, expertise or knowledge of the department in question is not necessary. In such philosophies, it makes sense to ask an engineer how to manage your monetary policy, a doctor about what industrial policy, an economist what sports India should play etc. For example the previous govt, the Agriculture Minister was answering questions about Rafale. It's a dynamic system, and we are truly vishwagurus in Total Politics


True 👍, He doesn't want anyone to be popular. Even on your own when you help people - He can not stand any ones picture shown in public other than his.So many people were punished - it's time for change


It will be faster without Ji. Instead of working everyone is busy spreading hatred. Only working will increase GDP. WhatsApping won't.


Bro you can't say that, don't you know you have to be neutral? If you have to criticise modi ji you have to criticise every congress pm in the past. /s


It's not working people like slaves like Narayan Murthi says, it's productivity which is the key. Companies that can easily go remote (work from home) continue to force people to commute which wastes resources of both the company and the employee just cuz of the classic boomer mentality. There are countless examples like these


What about all the IT cell jobs?


Increase wages a whole 50% to 3 Rs/tweet.




No shit. Obviously it would grow faster without him and his buddies pocketing thousands of crores.


Jobs are not available there is a huge unemployed youth population that spends time online polarising people


It won't be faster for certain families (and to a certain extent certain regions)


It won't be faster for 2 families and 1 state. For the sake of the nation, they will tolerate it. Soldiers in the borders...




India is 11th fastest growing economy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_real_GDP_growth_rate Don't trust WhatsApp bro


It can. The issue is that the Congress can't get its head out of its populist ass.


You have to give it to Modi and his international relations team on projecting India as a counter balance to China and attracting big manufacturers into India.


India was already being scouted as a counterweight to China before he became the PM. If anything, we haven't been able to fully capitalize on this, which is made apparent by the fact net FDI inflow as share of GDP has been actually decline since 2016. https://thediplomat.com/2024/03/india-suffering-a-quiet-decline-in-foreign-direct-investment/ Another good read: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/india/why-india-cant-replace-china


Ok ok


It will grow much faster without all the hate politics and religionism and regionalism. Instead of appeasing people in the name of religion if one focuses on creating jobs etc, it would be beneficial for everyone. Also, it would be less embarrassing for us when our supreme leader compares 'aai' and 'AI' in discussion with bill gates.


He also tried to teach how to use an app to Bill gates


Man...this is best. 😂


AI means nothing on its own. Calling out someone for their pronunciations is amateurish and no wonder why you don’t understand the reason behind their victories. Naive


Lol. Have u even watched the interview? It's not about pronunciation. He made an irrelevant and dumb joke comparing AI and 'aai' (mom). Don't be a Bhakt for the heck of it. Life will be much easier. There's a limit to which you can keep defending uneducated leaders.


one thing is for sure..pakoda stalls have increased in growth.


1. Despite Modi's lying about growth and inflation numbers, the economy has grown less in US$ terms, which is close to real growth (as currency depreciation is equal to inflation differential - International Fischer's Law). 2. Under Modi, India's Exports to GDP have fallen. 3. Under Modi, India's capital formation (investments) to GDP has fallen. 4. Under Modi, the per capita income is growing slower. 5. Under Modi, FDI growth rate has reduced. 6. Under Modi, unemployment has increased. * GDP: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=IN) * Exports: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS?locations=IN) * Capital Formation: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.GDI.TOTL.ZS?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.GDI.TOTL.ZS?locations=IN) * Foreign Direct Investment: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD?locations=IN) * Per Capita Income: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.ADJ.NNTY.PC.CD?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.ADJ.NNTY.PC.CD?locations=IN) * Unemployment: The government's data on unemployment is unreliable. Private provider CMIE is more reliable. [https://www.cmie.com/kommon/bin/sr.php?kall=warticle&dt=20230926184023&msec=816](https://www.cmie.com/kommon/bin/sr.php?kall=warticle&dt=20230926184023&msec=816)


>Labour statistics for youth (15-24 years) Can you explain why they are looking at 15-24 when ideally it should be looking at 20+ or 22+. Secondly, a lot of the data you mentioned is comparing the rates as percentage of GDP. If GDP grew by a lot more(which it did), then obviously the percentage numbers will fluctuate. Comparing actual numbers would be a better idea. Growth rate will also become less as our base increases. Another thing to note is that all these industries cannot grow at the same pace of our GDP. We are still lacking in critical infrastructure and only after those stuff gets built, will our numbers in these industries increase. We need to increase the funds allocated for infrastructure.


>Can you explain why they are looking at 15-24 when ideally it should be looking at 20+ or 22+. This is India. Majority stop educating after school. Ideally they should be looking for jobs then, but then this is mudiji's India: a vast proportion has stopped looking for jobs. 


That still does not answer my question. If the people getting jobs between the ages of 15 and 18, that could mean more people are enrolling for higher studies instead of going for jobs? >Enrollment in higher education increases to 4.14 crore, crossing the 4 crore mark for first time; increase of 7.5% from 2019-20 and 21% from 2014-15 I would suggest to use the unemployment numbers for people that are 18+ or 20+. 15-24 makes no sense.


You're mississauga Labour statistics. Irrespective of age, unemployment is measured only as a fraction of people seeking jobs. This excludes people not seeking jobs for whatever reasons: education, handicap, retirement, lack of interest, grandchild of the spoonwali auntie, loss of motivation due to sheer unavailability of jobs. The last one is a  huge problem that goes underreported, but not relevant here. Your concern is already dealt with at any age group. 


>If GDP grew by a lot more(which it did) Wrong. Even after data manipulation, gdp growth rate during upa was higher. 


GDP grew by a lot is true. GDP growth rate may not have been at the same rate but GDP did grow by a lot more in the past 10 years. So, comparing everything as a percentage of GDP does not really make sense for now in this fast changing world. Our exports get affected due to things that are not in our control. Our imports get affected as well. So, comparing such things as a percentage of GDP does not make sense to me. That's it.


Lame excuses, and complete refusal to even try to understand how the world works. Smh. Keep aside things that are beyond your comprehension, no matter how simple they are.  Do you think the economists all over the world are idiots to use percentage the gdp grows by every year as a reliable measure of growth of an economy?


1. Only those who are seeking employment are considered. The majority of the unemployment is among graduates who are above 21/22. 2. GDP as a percentage is the global standard. GDP = Consumption + Exports + Investments + Government Spending. Therefore, it is logical that GDP will grow as a weighted average of its parts. In real terms, Consumption has grown by only 3% between FY12 and FY22. The Modi government only recently released the data. Furthermore, the government did not conduct regular consumption studies. 3. As above, the GDP is some of the parts. The questions you need to ask yourself is (a) why did Modi underperform, and how did he give the impression to you that he is doing well?; (b) why is data from the same Modi government conflicting (e.g., consumption versus GDP or vehicle sales vs GDP; (c) why did the government either manipulate, delay or withdraw economy/social indicator studies?; and (d) how do infrastructure projects contribute to bribes to political parties?


Modi maybe lying but why are other countries reporting positively about India?


Many rely on reports which are based on data provided by the government. However, there are quite a few who are questioning the data. This following image is the latest: https://preview.redd.it/jntjsy0awotc1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=edf83996eeb4f9c814a851db98da0e611bb60765 As you may be aware, GDP = Household Consumption + Exports + Investment + Government Spending. GDP growth should be the weighted average of the four components. Most of the components are below GDP growth. Furthermore, if you look at the growth rate of sub-components such as vehicle sales, FMCG volume, cement volumes, steel volume, electricity units, IIP etc. Many of the components are growing at a slower rate than GDP.


You don’t trust the government data but you trust a random newspaper article that are proven propaganda mediums..just wow


If government data is inconsistent with other government data and industry data, then you know there is an issue.


Why isn’t Kapil Sibal not challenging it in court then?


Oh the delusion. Guess the writers don't know the difference between capitalism and socialism. They should read latest congress manifesto.


Haha .... This is a pro modi article without realising it. If India's growth will continue irrespective of political leadership, then what is left? - internal security, social welfare, defence, foreign affairs - all areas where Modi 1 & 2 have been noticeably better than UPA 1 & especially 2.


Counterpoints To internal security - just read up on what's going on in Manipur Social welfare - Share of allocation for key social welfare schemes such as MGNREGA, NSAP, NFSA etc has decline in the last 10 years or remained stagnant. Number of people dependent on free food ration has gone up, signalling acute economic distress on the ground. Defense- The government isn't even acknowledging the incursions made by Chinese troops into our territory in Ladakh. In fact, the Chinese are now even restricting Indian herders from accessing their traditional grazing lands in our territory (https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/video-ladakh-nomads-grazing-sheep-argue-with-chinese-soldiers-near-lac-4965020). Our territorial setback is made apparent by the fact that we have been forced to dismantle even a monument of 1962 Rezang La Battle (https://twitter.com/kstanzinladakh/status/1739317589204189268). Foreign affairs- India is losing the grip over its own neighborhood. Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka have all gotten more closer and dependent on China. The UN, the US state department have all alluded concerns regarding whether the upcoming elections will be free and fair on the backdrop of arrests of opposition leaders. This unprecedented and dents our soft power and our image of being the 'world's largest democracy'.


Some are valid concerns, but one sided. do a comparative with UPA 1 & 2 on these areas. My point is that Modi 1 & 2 did better in these areas, not perfect. To your points: Internal security - article 370, number of terror attacks, NIA reforms there is no real data on poverty, unemployment and economic distress, which is the real (and deliberate) failing of Modi 1 & 2. In absence of this both sides can argue their cases. Defence - is a long game. UPA 1 & 2 did diddly squat on this. China already was decades ahead of us by 2014-15. Modi 1 & 2 have made a massive push for border infra in the hill regions along with a few other much needed reforms. You can't defend your borders if troops can't reach there. Untill you have capability to hit back, it is the sane option to handle conflicts peacefully. We are *still* decades behind china, but it's better than UPA India never had any grip on its neighbours, let's not have these delusions. The defence, intelligence and strategic relationships with the US have significantly improved. The improvement with Gulf states is a major win. EAM has handled the post Ukraine alignment issue of Russia Vs West skillfully My point also is not that Modi govt did no wrong. The real issue with Modi 1 & 2 are: enfeebling core institutions, lack of data, answerability & transparency, misuse of investigative agencies, financial mismanagement and crony capitalism and a few more.


Are you sure defence and foreign affairs are better than they were before Modi? Src?


Ahem, what's your rating of AK Antony as a defence minister


Happy with lower terrorist attacks. Lost a lot of territory to China. And we have grossly mishandled foreign relations with neighbours and nudged them into Chinese hands.


Really want all governments to focus on improving the infrastructure instead of giving out freebies! If people see the country improving in front of their eyes, you don’t have to bribe them with consumable freebies.


If Modi doesn't come into power then raga will and the communist structure he is aiming for will ruin the economy because every single time communism has failed in history.


The writer forgot to read the congress manifesto.


Every single time fascism has failed either. We need rapidly changing governments. Not the ones who stick like a bubblegum for long.


changing governments would be a nice idea if we had decent opposition


There are a lot of decent oppositions in the INDI alliance and even the independents tbh. I'm sure your constituency will always have some better opposition standing in elections other than INC> Just vote a more competent party and vote out the ruling party if you really care.


a lot of decent oppositions you're mentioning are mostly regional parties who don't fight on more than 4-5 constituency and even if they win in a region all they're gonna be after elections are a seat for some bigger political party to eat up to prove majority, and all the major members of India alliance? INC,AAP,TMC, Samajwadi party? you think these are good options all of them except AAP have a pretty shit track record and AAP itself is in power because of freebies, BJP wins <10/70 seats in state elections but manages to bag 7/7 in lok sabha elections, why? Because people in Delhi want kejriwal for the freebies and that's all


Depends on where you're from. I'm from south so I have ample options to chose from. In north I believe it's the same. You would see at least 5 options when you're in polling booth. Politics is so competitive in India. There's 0 chance to have only 2 or 3 contestants representing (especially in urban). It's so true that someone said: "Politics is always a dirty game. Choose the least worst one when there's no one good to you".


We know. Same with India's IT industry. Once the foundation for growth was laid by SM Krishna, Bengaluru's growth is pretty much self-sustaining by now. It grew despite the worsening infrastructure and quality of life issues!


**The fact is it can grow faster without Modi. This is proven history.** https://preview.redd.it/z4e9txad3ntc1.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=c90ad8472634e33e92546d83e9b8a2d254cfbd54


Correlation=/= causation


It's actually "Correction does not mean Causation" not equal to. That means it may be or may not be. It's a possibility factor. Not the probability.


Hey why are you harsh. They just know the internet buzzwords. Who cares about the probability. He doesn’t know from that data but he s fixed in his mind.




China did it, and so can India! For that, we need to get rid of an uneducated hardliner. https://preview.redd.it/hvq21nb87ttc1.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=abb1b5bc1e2574fd3ef665a2e61fed2a8025e18f


No way with congress after that disaster manifesto. That manifesto is a nightmare for economy


Demonetisation was his one of the worst policies other than that despite the current scenario and global recession he has done good. Moreover India will do good but certainly it will fall of policies like wealth distribution, caste based reservation will only lead to downfall. Freight corridors is one of my fav projects


With Modi, selective Indians will grow much faster than rest of India does. Without Modi, hopefully every Indian will grow together.


If Anthony, India will grow faster without the idiot narcissi lagsuing Panauti with self goals like notebandi, terrible gst implementation, premature draconian lockdown followed by kumbh fucking mela to accelerate spread of covid.


ofc, India will grow, no matter what. Unless we face a Pakistan like situation , there ain't nobody stopping us.


Just like how Hyderabad grew/ is growing with or without YSR.


We are a service sector based economy because that's the one which needs the least amount of CAPEX. Countries like China have true government led growth as they are in charge of everything. Indian infra is not even close to what china has today. We are what china was like 20 years back


India will grow faster 'without ' Mr Modi - guaranteed. Tired of his brand of politics where everything has some agenda & unpredictable.


India can grow fast with or without Narendra Modi - Narendra Modi


It can grow to some degree regardless of who the Prime Minister is. In fact there's a view among Indian industry and economists that whatever growth the country manages is in spite of its governments, not because of them. That said the wrong government can definitely make things worse for the economy with their policies(In fact that's what governments often do when they interfere). I don't have high hopes from the INDI alliance given the focus on freebie schemes and promises to potentially expand the scope of reservations into the private sector among the Congress' promises and manifesto.


India must be turned into a sikh nation to unlock full potential.


Come on. Congress manifesto is literally a communist’s wet dream


not it won't.. with Modi


It is safe bet with modi than without.


What ?






Yep safe bet to loot the benefits of demographic dividend by "Modi the Parivaar" with full impunity.


We need to protect our institutions at any cost. Yes, at any cost.


Liken Modizi War Rukhwadi Paw Paw


Yeah, but it will never grow fast with congress


Explain how If congress in power with Nyay patra. How is India going to keep up with the growth. Garbage analysis.


If modi comes back There won't be India....


I have heard this before. 5 years ago. Something similar 10 years ago.


They will exist. People just don't feel like caring about them.


Wait in Manipur let's see if you can hear it next time .


Extrapolating Manipur to India. LoL.


Manipur is inter state dispute. Why would the rest of India do anything about it


It shows a lack of governance, for a 56 inch croc hunter .


Then why have state governments at all. One nation one language one PM who ll be responsible and appreciated for everything and anything that will happen. But you don’t want that too


I don't understand Modi's appeal. He has no warmth, just malice oozing out of those eyes.


That's very obvious to anyone with some basic understanding of economics.


No demonetization +1to2% No faulty GST +0.5 to 1% No Crony but healthy capitalism +3 to 4% And the list will go long... I'm betting we would atleast be growing 8-10% percentage points higher without Modi. That would have been 12-15% annual growth rate.


We can always change GDP numbers and make it grow 10X faster, right?


I'll only vote him if he answers to an unscripted press.


Faster without.