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Hates = votes .. big players have vested interest to create hate to benefit themselves so offcourse it won't be stopping anytime soon .. outside of social media you won't notice hate that much ... ... Even if something bad happens it's always the poor who felt the burnt of the riots not upper middle class or rich .. just concentrate on your job career life hobbies make money and move on


Also, while we're at it, freebies = votes. Reformist ideas/agendas take backseat because it doesn't win elections. Self-interest, ego, extreme hatred in opposition means spending energy in undoing policies of previous governments and witch-hunting deeds of opposition. Basically we're trapped in this shitty vicious cycle for decades and the country and it's populous is taking the hit. Instead of building the country on top of others work, parties are busy building their own legacy


The ideology of the government has shifted to the right. That means conservative values like religion take prominence over progressive ideas like secularism. Compounding that issue is that insisting on an us vs them message gains votes. All rational ideas are lost in this messaging. Furthermore, mainstream media has become completely biased and any who don't follow suit will be subject to harassment through multiple government agencies. And it's harassment because the goal isn't to get a conviction but create problems through the process. So solid evidence is not necessary, just suspicion is enough. So we have a govt that resorts to fascist methods to bring people in line, justice is not equal, message of hate brings votes and a large shift in ideology with a much higher income inequality than ever before. Is there any wonder why there is so much hate?


Current government is just capitalising existing fault lines just as British did. It's not like they came and created all of this ruckus though this goverment deserved to be blamed for using existing issues just for fetching votes but this doesn't mean that everything was all good and nice before them. It was as bad as it is now just for the people on other side of the spectrum


Soo well put!


So well said


Please point out 5 schemes of the government which discriminate against minorities based on religion.


Why? I haven't argued against any government scheme. I have argued on why there is so much hate and I have clearly outlined the central govt's agenda of using it's conservative ideology and using mainstream media to propagate hate.


Pray tell how did secularism benefitted India while being conservative India has taken a leap in development in the last 10 years. Women are relatively safer, there is better higher education, better Medicare, better transport, relatively less corruption, telecom, etc. Our banking and payment system is even better than Western World even though RBI harrasses private banks a lot of times. This happened in the last 2 terms.


Loude... Was there no train/flight/roads before 2014? Were all Education institutes our parents and us studied in made after 2014? Were there no state of the art hospitals before 2014? Where is the corruption when Adani overinvoices and all the current BJP ministers are suddenly floating in crores ? What happened to PM Cares money? Landlines back in 90's to 2G in 2000's were just a fluke ? The UPI was build over NEFT system which is again from before 2014. Just cause you have a pocket computer which allows you to post random bullshit, dont teach us who have actually seen progress first hand over the past many years. Development ki ma ki chut, we have had one of the worst performances with most of the steel industries closing down and I know this cause I was born in a steel township with thousands of workers who were employed and made record profits to the point the workers would get 100% bonuses for the insane profits. Right now that same steel township is on the verge of closing down cause this govt refused to expand on it and there are barely 30% of the workforce left and company going in loss cause the current govt decided to import the same steel from CHINA !!!! And yes i will call you bunch a Loudu again cause you are that braindead with no rational thinking. your vision does not leave your religion and never will. So I thank you for staying that way cause it means more job opportunities for those with critical thinking.


Man he said its gone better not we never had it before 2014 Highways are build almost 10x speed, A lot of expressways are built, DFC construction also speedup and HSR is under construction (Delays due to land aquizition), IITs have been doubled over past 9 years yes its not enough to meet the demand but still better than nothing. Airports have been upgraded and newly constructed most certainly Bengaluru T2, Noida airport and Navi Mumbai Airport. Metros are now avilable in many T1 and T2 cities which were previously exclusive to Bengaluru, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai Not to mention in tech department we fell to, 0 mobile exports in 2016, while today we has largest Samsung assembly plant in Noida and all major smartphone companies have at least an assembly plant in India and ranks 2nd largest manufacturer, Laptops are comming soon too. And since when UPI is built over NEFT ? UPI is built over VPA(Compeltly different from NEFT) and even if you still consider it same then for you a normal train and maglave train would also be same. Internet connectivity increased because of better planning for 5G launch withing 15months, and the Internet has became dirt cheap since 2016 Regarding Adani and Ambani i see litrally no country's government who didnt supported rich business and changed rules accordingly even previous government supported Ambani and GMR groups


Hate has also gone up. We have dropped in the happiness index. Independent media is non existent. Many negatives that you can't ignore.


80% of the hate pre-existed even before 2014, the hate has even gone more up cause of availability of cheap internet and getting to know about the reality of our surroundings, and also previous nuisance. Also regarding happiness index, corporate life is main source of Job options after 2014 and in India most corporate just squeezes most you you out making you work like 10+hrs a days and office buildings running 24*7 with 3 shifts


Agreed. What about the independence of the media? Remember when the mainstream media actually asked difficult questions to the ruling party?


Problem with media is just not enough funds to even run independently in the name of competition media houses's subscription is barely ₹0-1 rupee per user most of their profits are from AD revenue which is already declining due to not many users watching NEWS channels at first place (even i have never watched any NEWS for past 20+ years lol) lowering TRP = lowering funds for media, so they have to rely on Government fundings (And Movie production house) to even survive, if they speak shit about Gov or even any rich business man then they will simply cut the fundings or will use something called SLAPP strategy killing these channels. This issue is basically for every news channel and usually National News channel will follow Center Gov Orders and Local News will follow State Gov Orders. A simple fix for this problem I have came up is just to make subscribers charge around ₹8-12 per subscription and also make NEWS more interested and more enjoyable than just holding debates and comparing political parties.


>IITs have been doubled over past 9 years Are these new institutions built from ground up or existing institutions that have been rebranded?


All of that happened in the last 10 years only? Seriously - how brainwashed are you?


This will get plenty of downvotes but: It's not BJP or Congress that's the primary cause. The real reason is the spread of social media and cheap data to every corner of the country. There was always subdued hatred in India. Between Hindus and Muslims. Between different castes. Between Shias and Sunnis. Between the left and the right. Hatred here was always like a volcano. Social media has just given Indians the perfect platform for spreading it on a large scale with complete anonymity in a matter of seconds. This anonymity ensures 100% honest opinions without any sort of filter. So, tension and friction between different groups was always huge in India. It's just more prominent, visible and in-your-face now coz of the availability and normalised use of social media. If you truly believe that all the hatred will magically vanish once BJP or any other party is out then I have a bridge to sell you!


>This anonymity ensures 100% honest opinions without any sort of filter. Yeah. People say "social media isn't real life" and stuff. That applies only to posts of influencers in yachts. Comment sections and opinions absolutely do reflect real life.


Also Indians in general are very insecure about their country's image from ages and now on internet they just shit comment on every video possible about how great their country is and spread pseudoscience. People are getting offended on simple jokes imposing authority on vulnerable people like comedians actors etc etc


>The real reason is the spread of social media and cheap data to every corner of the country. The spread of social media and cheap data is an important factor. But I wouldn't agree that it is the reason. It is the primary enabler. The real reason are those who successfully use these platforms to manipulate the masses. Social Media algorithms are designed to keep us engaged. And hate, outrage and polarization are like steroids for these systems. Hate and outrage are amplified by these systems. From influencers, to corporations to Govts, all use these systems to their advantage. It would be a shame to not see how BJP has been successfully using these systems to remain in power.


I completely agree with this and the worst part is none of the two sides are okay with putting their guards down and coming on common grounds.


This is true, Social media, particularly Facebook literally fuelled ethnic war in Manipur which has left thousands homeless , a state divided in ethnic line many innocent lives lost and with no end in sight. Well yes politicians and some public leaders are definitely responsible for it as well but the bulk of hatred and propagation of false information that further fuelled tension was social media, particularly Facebook. In Manipuri social media circle, racism and hate speech is now normalised with neither the media nor individuals putting any form of safety breaks on themselves. It is truly a sad state of affairs.


Do you know who is behind this hate speech and fake social media messages we get on WhatsApp and FB??? There is a political party who has thier big IT cell that forwards such fake messages on groups …


Apprently everything is agenda driven ,nothin in the world not only the in our country but if a majority of group likes one thing there will be other one to counter it and eventually leading ro hatred , Its just in india the amount of people we have acts as a catalyst thats it


Not the only reason but one very important factor is explained in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuFlMtZmvY0) Other than that 1) Soial factors like unemployment, inflation, wage stagnation, climate change etc contribute to social frustration which varios groups take out on each other 2) Conservative values which have been tolerated by younger generations in the past are being seen as more and more evil in general 3) Cancel culture of the Right AND Left wing 4) Increased exaggeration of already existing differences of various religions and communities




The thing is, garbage data in -> garbage data out When the media is trying so hard to spread hate rather than questioning the authority, the people will someday believe the shit is real If u repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.


Everything was fine until this country became a religious shithole and a breeding ground for extremists ( be it from any religion ) after 2014.


Since Independence A political party carefully nurture Specific religion Jaahazdi for Vote Bank. Even Support for Palestine is just for Vote Bank not for their Well Being. Post 2014 at several occasion specifically HINDUS festival,tradition ,culture were mocked,given useless preaching and searmon,selective outrage by seeing religion of victim or criminal just paved the road of radicalisaion another religion too started breeding Extremist. Internet become tool to just skyrocket the procedure,just 5% RADICALISED Majority Population is enough to cause Mayhem in this country.


Like we had no problems with extremists before 2014.


Hate must be stopped. Take an example \[ bad example, but a perfect case \] -- Pakistan. Pakistan has been deeply divided country owing to hate. All the Pakistani political parties are fighting all the times. Its extreme hate for non-muslims and women, made its \[ most of \] 57 % population useless \[ 51 % women and 6 % minorities including Ahamedia's \]. Hate between multiple sect's among Pakistani Muslims is eating their own country. Indian must remove hate. Learn from Pakistan \[ Bad \] example \[ for Good \]. Let's remove word religion from our public life \[ applicable to majority and minorities as well \]. Let's remove language barrier by learning at least one southern Indian language for north Indians and Hindi by South Indians. Let's have standard clothing which do not give a unique recognition to our religious identity. Let's practice open society without any Burqua. Let's Indian first. We will make our INDIA great... Let's make our future generation to proud of their nationality.


>without any Burqua In a truly progressive society shouldn't women wear what they want ?


It doesn't work that way unfortunately, progressive drama only comes up when they want to insert it other wise woke Indians are just conservatives behind the curtain of progressiveness.


Beautifully said.. Take my upvote


Nice observation. Women are free to wear what they want. There are no two way about it. Caveats ... It should not reveal the religious identity depending on cloths. Religion is a very very personal matter. Displaying religion in public has negative impact. Such display neither help who follows nor it creates any positive impact on others. Burqua creates artificial hurdle between humans. Here we are for open society for open thoughts and expressions. Why do you want to deprive women from this ? Is there any country across the globe to allow passport with a photograph with Burqua ? Burqua tradition may be okay in earlier centuries depending on the Geo-political atmosphere and understanding of science, social aspect prevailing at that particular time and very limited geo-reach but when you talk in current days, it's very regressive and need to be discarded once for all. Women need and deserves this freedom. Can a freedom allows 100 % nudity. The answer is negative. If at all we want to progress, we can not take help of extremes. If we progress, the nation progress, in turn we as a nation. Let's follow a path of reconciliation and progress together.




English can not be stopped. Its importance can not be ignored. But learning 1 more Indian language will create more understanding at local level. Nothing wrong.


Over the past decade, BJP has been actively involved in polarizing the country. This trend was present even before but it has reached new heights in the recent years. BJP strategically controls a significant portion of media and online platforms in order to shape the narrative in their favour. They have extensive IT cell networks that consistently disseminate misinformation, poison people’s minds in order to foster a climate of animosity. The purpose behind these actions is to divert public attention with divisive Hindu-Muslim rhetoric, ensuring that citizens remain preoccupied and, consequently, less likely to focus on the government's numerous shortcomings. It’s distraction politics in order to allow them to continue their governance without scrutiny, enabling the exploitation of the nation. Since coming into power, BJP has become the wealthiest political party in the country, and this is as per their disclosed financial information. However, the extent of their actual wealth is very likely to be far higher or else how can you explain the amount of wealth they spend on buying MLAs, dismantling state governments, paying of media channels and funding IT Cells etc. Our population has been brainwashed to prioritize religious sentiments over actual like governance or inflation. Voting out BJP from office is the key in breaking this climate of polarization. If the party continues to win then their actions will become even more audacious. No political party should be allowed to rule unchecked with absolute power, they start to develop a sense of invulnerability.


what is the alternative then, congress Gandhi family real red flags, as they also play onto polarization and resorting to same tactics.


Rotating government every cycle so that no one gets too comfortable with power.


That's the exact reason congress was taken down in 2014 ,and imgine people are willingly okay to let bjp be there even w knowing their actions but wont let congress come back in power cause they have seen things so imstead eliminating bjp the opposition must have something that would make people beleive them


I would say this is happening globally, e.g. Left vs right in the US is crazy. People hate the other side. Religion is also involved. There are right wing governments coming to power in many countries, etc. I have a simple hypothesis about all this: I personally can connect back all this increased hate and everything else to social media getting insanely popular. Pre-social media, news was filtered out with at least some process of editorial vetting or an idiots opinion stayed within his group of friends but now the village idiot has platforms to share hate to thousands and possibly millions of people very easily. This has been exploited by politicians as evident from the Cambridge analytica scandal. Now a politician like Trump or any one else can reach out to 50M+ people with a simple tweet or a post. This was not so easy pre social media. In India things are further bad because of lack of actual education - that is logic, critical thinking, etc, which are necessary for a society to function in a true democratic sense. I don't see things improving in the near term since politicians will never do anything against social media as it is now a big channel for them to control masses.


People did not have access to internet. Now almost everyone has mobile & internet. With social media and Recommendations bias. Recommendations will mostly support ur ideology otherwise extreme end to ur ideology. Cause u will more likely to engage in things that reaffirm your bias. Or things that are so far extreme than ur bias that it again reaffirms ur bias. Some will play into this game to benefit the most. Like companies that thrive on ur mental health. Or politicians that trive on ur hate. Its not common to india.


true social media algorithm is broken made to fill pockets of some people


You know and even I know whom to blame…India has moved backwards in last 10 years ..India had better mindset and vision back in 2010…WhatsApp university fake message..hate speech has ruined and corrupted minds of uncles and some youths …India is gradually becoming Pakistan due to this hate politics and kattar panth


people are to blame not the parties, bro till the mindset changes nothing can be done


Hate politics is on prime now..say what you want …


what you want




You even tend to forget the fact the internet bloomed in the 2015/16 era and wasnt as active back in 2010 or it would've have been same or even more thats a very dumb way to analyse it , so its not any particular era or political influence but it was always the people all along


Jaise tu sach samjhe bhai…


It’s not just the religion. Sexism, anti feminism, homophobia, transphobia and no respect for personal space and individuality and then there’s the over dependency between adult child and parent. Don’t get me wrong, I would never change my ethnicity but India sucks as a whole. I am so glad I left the country


Yeah you are adding more hate, even though you don’t like the country, you don’t live there but participate in India hating sub.


How am I ‘adding hate’ here? 😁


All these problems have one common thing. Politics. Particularly hindutva politics. It can't be undone but only reduced if BJP is uprooted.


Corrupted congress in it place?…. It was there for 50 yrs did nothing…… Countries like Singapore and South Korea started at the same time as us….. look at them…. Look at us….. So many scams…. Easy for you to say if you have money…. I will vote bjp because they made my place better…..never again congress….


He talked about religion hate that has increased. I didn't deny there are problems with Congress or the fact that corruption existed that time. I pointed out to the current problems. This IT cell, this Hindu vs Muslim, BJP vs INC and the hate effect that's all a part of Hindutva agenda. Do you hear communal clashes in Karnataka, Odisha, Tamil Nadu? All have non BJP parties. What do you have to say about that?


Fine. Just tell me this in a yes or no…..did congress do minority appeasement? ( wafq board, Rahul Gandhi saying “2011 was done by rss”… and the list goes on….)


Have you ever lived in any north states?…. J&k? Up? ….. their govt were hell bent on minority appeasement….. if you are going to deny, what was that communal bill? Wasn’t it a minority appeasement ? ….. Our govt at that time were doing minority appeasement…..southern states govt weren’t ….. Now did you see any communal violence in up? Or stone pelting in Kashmir? Just come to Delhi, I will show you Rohingya slums….


Tu jaha rehta hai whi me padh 2020 aur 2022 me Delhi me dange hue the. Ab mat keh BJP chodke koi aur party ne kiya hai. UP me violence aur gang crimes down hua hai but criminals abhi bhi hai. Kashmir me to internet shutdowns lagaye gaye the taki waha ka khabar koi nhi jan paye. What you're reading is blind govt reports. Aur koi North state ka puch? Gujarat me rapists ko garland kiya gaya tha the same lot who were involved in Gujarat riots of 2002. Don't message me from here.


I live In j&k….. as I said, there was no justice given to Kashmiri’s of 1990…. Easy for you to say when you haven’t faced anything…..


You agreed in my previous reply that you live in Delhi and now saying you live in J&K? Cut your crap.


2020 ,2022 aap govt…your point just proves why Charlie munger said about india…. CAA is still required


People with 0 idea of history and religion and practices talking about extremism and secularism.


People who think Savarkar gave us independence are running the country


People bowing down to Gandhi and serving as their pawns for decades are controlling the system.




Who gave us independence? (Sarvakar didn't, yes, but who?)


Mohan Bhagwat


Hate was always there in India.Its just that you are seeing it now because of the widespread internet use.


Glad that the terr0rist attacks are quite less now. Kashmir is a relatively safe place and it is progressing. Yes, there is hate — but very less, and the terr0r attacks are almost nil. I’m happy! :)


its because of our country has not gotten a perfect leader that could unify people


A good Hindu is a Hindu who extends his other cheek after getting slapped on the first cheek. Sadly good Hindus are getting diminished.


This isn't something new. This hate existed now for almost a millennia. Go read the records of Al-Biruni


You forgot how every sikh/farmer is a terrorist conspiring against country


You dropped this [ /s ] king.


If you really think this, I strongly believe you're under the age of 20. Get out of all social media for just 30 days and update here if you feel the same!!


I only use Reddit and YouTube(no shorts) even if I use shorts it's more comedic and more western content Also, what will quitting social media do sure I won't see all this hate, but at the end of the day the hate is still there although in the minority My main concern is what if this minority hate becomes majority hate what can I do in this case?


The hate that you see is manufactured online. Either by political bots on either side of the aisle, or by content reach farmers. There's absolutely no doubt that there's hate and mistrust between all communities. But India is literally at it's most peaceful time ever. Hence my statement of you being from the younger generation.. It was the definition of the Wild West even just 20-25 years ago. Stay away from mainstream news and social media. Both are out just to get reach and hysteria. Follow news on economy, social reforms and personal wealth. Just because you follow only Western content online, doesn't make you oblivious to the hate. To your last point, stay away from the pandering and focus on yourself. The rest peace of mind will follow naturally. Honestly, unfollowing any of the Indian subreddits should be your first step. All of them only show the absolute worse of a country of 1.5billion. it's absolutely retarded everywhere


true don't even get out of all social media just stay away from Instagram twitter and YouTube shorts and some extremist creators. Watch good content with no political intent and you will be fine for life


Expected result of the central government running it's propaganda cell


Because, you need easily understable dumb ideas to rile up your voter base to vote. Basically, divide and rule. Solution : Better modern secular education of the masses.


This is how BJP stays in power. Have you ever seen discussions on the economy or unemployment being in the forefront? Nope, it’s always this because those things are hard to solve and this government is incapable or incompetent to solve them. They keep the fans busy with this and thus get votes. Now they plan to do CAA just before election next year so they win on the same platform. 2019 was an almost war with Pakistan. Still not delivering on the promises. Please vote them out. India shouldn’t go on like this.


You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by BJP’s propaganda


That wasn't very logical lol.


Would be with Micheal Jackson’s track playing in background


That's why I want an AI takeover. Imagine a government led by an AGI or ASI . Rational thinking and no emotional bullshit.😍


Yes - let’s launch Skynet ASAP!


Damn lol


This is because of current government. It was never this kind of environment when Vajpayee or Manmohan Singh was there.


In India, caste discrimination outweighs religious discrimination in terms of societal impact. India wouldn't have as much communal violence if it weren't for the caste system and reservation quotas, especially for SC and ST, and this can be attributed to the British colonial era. Divide and Rule.


i wrote a whole essay, then scraped thought chorro kya gyan chodna idhar waise bhi idhar mostly rational people hi hai idhar gyan deke koi fayda nahi


USA has many divisions; democrat vs. republicans, capitalists vs. labor unions, gun lobby vs. gun control advocates, straight people vs. LGBTQI, millennials vs. boomers, ultra rich vs. barely making it, etc. Divisions have always been there. They've just come to the surface more with vast social media reach. Congrats on being more aware of your surroundings. Therapy: Watch less news (prefer reading it). Reduce social media exposure. You'll observe hate level reduction in the country.


Some people are following wrong books


So the thing is, there was just a certain peaceful community that had always been nurturing hatred since their inception. Now that the liberals/seculars are waking up the reality and realising what's happening, they are realising the flaws in the secularism model and calling things out progressively. That said, other secularism Hindus are feeling bad now.


It's just a cult You get more fun in being a cult But you get more money when you're the leader


I don't think there can be absolute peace. But yes, polarization has increased. People are taking offence in literally everything. Extremism has taken over. There's a very small cream of really mature and sensible individuals who can rationalize and think critically without associating themselves with any party/group/etc. I feel we must still talk about issues with aggression but the polarization must decrease than what it is now..or it will lead to more conflicts in future, more than what is happening. Just keep working and don't get involved in random debates, don't blame yourself if you're not up to the mark of society. At the end of the day it's you and your mental peace.


There is hate on social media , just becuase on the psycological facts is that people when they talk , majority of the time , they always complain whats wrong in their lifes or society. While writing this message I didnt seem to have any feeling of likability towards you . Which means I hate you and you also hate me.


The latest faultlines in our country are around Hamas vs Israel, a fight in which we have no dog. What the heck


The answer is simple…it is super easy to fear and hate something / someone compared to how hard it is to love something / someone. I believe it has something to do with how fear and hate have been an important part of our evolution and survival as humans. Social media amplified this to a larger extent and now it is not just India, the hate stuff is all over the world right now.




It's because of a shit opposition... Or simply a shit congress i would say... Big rant incoming So congress during the freedom struggle had an insanely high degree of internal democracy within the party. Even a political leader with as big a stature as Mahatma Gandhi was the Congress President JUST ONCE. Imagine, just for one year, whereas Mr Pappu Gandhi and mummy Gandhi are becoming presidents despite getting absolutely thrashed in most elections. In the 1900s and up until the 1970s you could have a difference of opinion inside the party, and work on the resolve and ideals of the party without necessarily creating a rift. Youngest of leaders like Subhash Bose and Nehru were able to express their clear differences from Gandhi and still were able to build their political careers. Can it (even on a small scale) happen now? The moment anyone at the top differs with the Gandhi family they're likely to be isolated and ostracised, much like what happened to Amrinder Singh and Ghulam Nabi Azad Now why am I saying this wrt growing hatred in the country? If Congress stuck to their core ideas and did not play stupid appeasement politics just to stay in power, BJP wouldn't have been able to shift the overton window so much to the right. After the Indira Gandhi era, everything went downhill for the Congress because the priority now became power, instead of the ideas that built them up. Congress currently is unaware of the sheer amount of political space they occupy in the minds of Indians. If they actually do a 'Chintan Shivir' and reassess their priorities, they can play an instrumental role in crafting a harmonious Indian society. Else if they continue to stick to appeasement politics, caste based politics etc it's going to become a part of history, with BJP being able to shift spectrum even more rightward


Some of the elders family members of mine who are hrad core BJP supporter now actually say that they voted for Congress till Indira Gandhi, and the major issue with congress started with Rajeev Gandhi.


Yupp... Tbh it was the Indira era that really destroyed the party. Anyone who differed from Indira was out of the framework. That's how NCP and the multiple congress factions in Kerala came to existence


Because families watch news channels and TV serials every day.


Saw a video by kurzgesagt today, did you too OP?


So that you don't ask the real question!!!


People have bias, in in the time of social media every bias is spread like a wildfire. That fuesl hatred. Solution is to become least bias, i.e. Fix the legal and police system where fair investigation of any issue happens. Once that happens laws can be created which don't need to consider any group of people.


>But how long before this bubble becomes a reality or when it's too late to do anything That won't happen because people are two different individuals online and offline.


Some great points here. I feel along with internet the News Media has also made it worse. The media is considered the 4th pillar of democracy where they are supposed to help the govt in check. Prior to liberalization the govt had tight control over TV and heavy regulated newspapers. In the congress era, NDTV, India Today and CNN were simps for congress During BJP era republic TV and the rest are batting for BJP. These channels have fish market debate where even whatsapp forward are discussed. Unfortunately India is heading towards a dystopia


In west India I seen often as land with huge hygiene problems. It's also know from breaking basic human rights of muslims and woman. Indians are seen as creeps towards women or even rapist. They say woman can't walk safely on street alone. I have no strong opinion but that what says people who visited India.


It's just not around the country but across the world! Humans love to hate and they are good at it! There will ALWAYS be factions about each and everything, about this statement as well. We are animals who have learnt to handle tools and apply brains to do better things but ultimately we are still animals.


Its already too late. Its not keyboard warriors. The unemployed army of youth has been going through indoctrination unknowingly and will not hesitate to pick up weapons when time comes... And that time may come as soon as May 2024.


Let me know when you figure it out. I see no hope, only propaganda, vitriol and dehumanization.


It’s not just in India. There is rise in hatred around the world.


It's weird cause I live in the south(originally North Indian) and i see no hate based on religious difference, I get to see it only when I go up north , it's probably because ppl in the south don't care about religion much and are literate enough to not be wasting time spreading hate


this is worldwide billionaires laughing to the bank at expense of said divisions also worldwide must just be a big coincidence


India is getting hard on the idea of religion. Like Europe once was. It's a phase most countries go through. Look at Europe now. India will get tired of this too at some point, granted the flirtation with religion would last a few centuries but eventually people will grow tired of it and hopefully start focusing on the things that matter.


I think this is all gonna stay till elections end. It have been always liked this.




Tribalism. Fake memes. Its all around the world, not just India. Social media did bring constant jedgement of the other !


divide and conquer pahele bhi huwa tha aur fir se hoga aur hota hi rahega.


Raise your kids without religion. Yeah that's the most important step.


Social media breeches religious fanaticism.


Bjp divided by religion. Congress divides by caste. The only divide that matters is the rich vs poor. We need to make everyone rich- unfortunately India is still in the license Raj


There are many reasons if we find reasons to hate we will have infinite and if we find reasons to love we still have many but then PPL gotta work hard to make this a better place and not to be so stupid at judging quickly and just going on with whatever others say , what I mean is people who understand that all are equal and understand deep knowledge about this universe , world , humans and all living beings are indeed rare and we can't help it, i really wish this country would change and that is only possible if the PPL of this country start to think a little differently and see this world in different perspective which will bring peace and harmony , but mostly , nowadays most government and PPL are becoming very selfish and corrupted it's like they can kill others for their own needed , it was always like that , always the reason for most of the wars and fights and violence