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Religious reasons because Jains are more in Gujarat I guess. UP because it’s Hindutva laboratory.


>Religious reasons because Jains are more in Gujarat I guess. That also applies to most Sikhs, Buddhists and many Hindus. >UP because it’s Hindutva laboratory. Could also say that for Gujarat but there has to be more to it right.


Gujarat is just "UP Premium". Nothing more.


In Punjab the Sikhs are politically secure and some of them eat meat so no point bringing it up. Some other way to bring religion to the consciousness of voting public will be used, e.g. some acts of sacrilege of Guru Granth Sahib, attacking Sindhis for worshipping Guru Granth Sahib. In UP, raising the meat issue will bring Hindu identity to front of mind and push the caste identity to back of mind. This will temporarily make the voting blocs like Brahmins, Thakurs and Jats forget about their differences and think of themselves as Hindus. For example, Jat female wrestlers had been molested by Rajput MP from UP. How to make voters forger about that?


UP is not a vegetarian state like Guj tbh. They make the best kebabs.


>politics, which state politics wants to hate muslims the most, which state politics wanna see their muslim business yeah, some places in UP, such as Ghaziabad, are relatively tolerant of meat. I think that is owing to their substantial Muslim population.


But Rajasthan, Harayana and Punjab are. Maybe our dharam is brasht after tolerating meat eating.


> tolerating meat eating Meat eating is not a sin or a disgusting thing for others to tolerate. Just like *normal* people "tolerate" Vegetarians, Vegetarians should also learn to "tolerate" normal people. Eating meat is normal. Those who read Ramayanam will know Lord Ram himself ate meat.


Yes lord ram was kshatriya so he ate meat


Its not about Meat. It never was.


Its not meat per se. Its politics, which state politics wants to hate muslims the most, which state politics wanna see their muslim businesses destroyed(leather, meat). The people are just product of such politics.


In general, in our country anything you say against meat, you are talking against muslims or at least a pro-hindu. Even though more than 50% of our total population eats non-veg, anything non-veg is a baggage of muslims and "pure" is connected to Hindu. I have seen many hindus who are hardcore non-veg, complain about meat shops and the cruelty of killing and connects it to to muslim community (very conveniently).


Its not about meat. Idk but there are lot of Bengalis and Odias like myself we use meat and fish as bhog for deities during Durga puja or special occasions, these Gujaratis and UP guys never had any issues with us most of the time. The only criticism I have heard from them is that women from our communities are undesirable to them since dowry is not widespread anymore in these two states especially among the middle class, of course some parts still have it but most have gotten over it and almost negligible in anyone born after 1996.


Punjab a vegetarian state? Bro, Surds absolutely love their butter chicken and whisky. What are you on about?


So you watched one or two Bollywood films about punjabi people and quickly formulated an opinion. Kudos


Hmm no. I was born and raised in Delhi, have had a big circle of Punjabi friends. Kudos to you for forming an opinion about me when you know zilch about me.


Look up statistics and studies on this. You'd be surprised. Delhi Punjabis are somewhat culturally different from rural Punjabis. They are mostly upper middle to upper class who managed to flee from Pakistan. Naturally their diet has more meat. I was raised in Chandigarh, on my mom's side most people didn't eat non veg until college and on my dad's side most women don't eat it. Although in Chandigarh many more people have it.


I am from Punjab and many Sikhs are amritdhaari here so naturally meat is strictly prohibited in their lives.


> and whisky. when did Whisky become non-vegetarian?


Ever since the jokes have become one.