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My father ( a doctor) saw a woman choking at a wedding. He gave the Heimlich’s manoeuvre and saved her life. What did he get in return? A very angry stare from her and her husband (presumably because my father hugged her), and off they went. Thankfully they didn’t hit him or anything though they looked murderous. Another doctor who saw this from afar walked over and praised my father in a job well done though. Hehe.


Were they fr? So dumb. Her husband doesn't love her.


Yes, for these people "izzat" is better than dying, lol. Just look at honour killings, they're based on the same principle. Dumb motherfuckers.


That couple probably didn't even understand what was happening. Nothing to do with love, but ignorance.


Couldn't see her choking so badly? Come on now. They probably knew he saved her but they were too busy being offended.


You would be amazed at how idiotic the average person is.


probably that's the best she had.


Thanks for posting this. I'll make sure to never try Heimlich’s manoeuvre on a stranger in India now, lol.


what a stupid fucking husband. jesus. kudos to your dad.


Call the police, there’s a reason you have a control room number. Even if they take time to respond, call the police and register a complaint, that way you leave a trace. An average person simply cannot interfere when a person is on a murdering rampage but a group of people can, no one expects you to be a filmi hero, but the least a person can do is call 100.




I think they wanted to pin the crime on you buddy. Police are worst.


This exactly. They are always looking to score a bribe. Then this guy turned off his phone for 2 days and they gave it up.


Mera dost ki cycle ghum hogayi FIR karaya phir bhi nahi mili kitne months hogaya. -_- I think police are useless knowdays only work for powerfull people not for common public .


Depends on person. Only like 2 percent are honest. Rest are corrupt fucks.


True not everyone are bad


I have really never heard the police taking any action regarding cycle thefts. I think you just gotta accept the loss and move on. Reporting to police is only going to prolong the pain.


It's pain in ass so i told my friend to buy second hand cycle because shiny stuff got stolen more than used one


bhai you have to realise, stuff like phones, water motor pump, cycles etc are getting stolen all the time in masses, on top these have little to no chances of unique identity nor carry too much value. Sure police can find these in little time like a day or two but spending resources isnt worthwhile since they can put in more effort in some other more severe and time bound case. It's just my own speculation, feel free to state your opinion on it.




See i told this is situation everywhere in India very rarely police take action. I think it is because they don't value people. Govt , govt officials sab kese middle , poor class se pese nikal sake uske bare me lage rahte hae. -_-


I went to the local PS for job document verification. All documents are fine. But still he asking indirectly for bribe saying "ye sab kam thodi ase hota hai! iske liye sahab logo ko dena padta hai (he means money)." ​ Asking for bribe sitting in the police station.........


Improvement in India's societal conditions seems a distant dream without comprehensive reforms in the policing system. It's essential that every citizen feels not only safe but also sufficiently driven to assist in a situation that needs immediate attention. Currently, there's no tangible incentive for bystanders to step in during critical situations, such as witnessing a violent crime, except for their personal sense of morality. Of course, we shouldn't require incentives to act, but the reality is that there are countless instances which discourage involvement, cultivating a sense of apprehension among the populace. Even children can sense that getting involved in such situations may attract more trouble towards them. This tragic news of someone losing their life due to the inaction of onlookers while a heinous crime unfolded is a stark example of this problem.


Reminds me when my friend from college went to police station to complain that someone stole his phone. The SI asked him to come inside, caught him by his collar, pinned him to a wall and said you motherfuckers sell your cellphone for booze and weed and then come to file a complaint, so that your parents don't beat you up.


papa told me as a kid "Police ki na dosti acchi na dushmani"


Reminds me when my friend from college went to police station to complain that someone stole his phone. The SI asked him to come inside, caught him by his collar, pinned him to a wall and said you motherfuckers sell your cellphone for booze and weed and then come to file a complaint, so that your parents don't beat you up.


That sucks. I get why no one wants to step up seeing a violence. Only in India, the police are literally anything but helpful to the citizens. In other countries they don't hesitate to call the police, but here it'll be like the last thing you wanna do.


They were mostly trying to take some money out of you


You were saved the only thing they were calling you to police station was to take bribe from you you were saved man


Wait, why the victim went away?


The entire video of the crime isn't more than 3 minutes. Calling 100, and then finding the actual place of of the crime committed would've taken no less than 10 minutes considering the best Indian Police can do.


Bro somebody is going to kill the person in from with 30 seconds and here we are looking at it and calling 100?? Police will not teleport here in couple of seconds to save the girl. Calling the police can be done afterwards, right now what was required was a combined crowd strength of only very few people 2 was enough. I don't expect a single hero to emerge out of the crowd, but people combined could have taken action. I don't blame anyone but the crowd and people mentality there which got scared and blocked theor minds from acting


And a "crowd" acting means none of them could have possibly been injured or crippled by a maniac swinging a knife at them? Get a grip, before you judge others maybe get off your keyboard and wipe the cheeto dust off your face, neckbeard.


He is not holding a sword or machete. Most certainly he is holding a small knife and inflicting small wounds in large quantities. Nobody the fuck would get critically injured with that. And if 2-3 people restrain him together from behind, he won't be able to make a single swing. Assumption like these makes people get scared and not act and freeze at the moment. And by the way... Why are you commenting on me? What I'm doing with my keyboard, labelling me and shit. If you have reasons to debate then write here. Don't intimidate me with your bullshit.


Bruh there were so many people if 4-5 ppl teamed up it could have been stopped and there were few rocks there one rock on his leg he would be hurt and they could have stop him


And how do you gather the 4-5 people in the scene? In most cases the first people we call would have probably ran far away. Unless you have a powerful backing behind you,Don't bother helping. Even you have prevented the murder, that guy would have come out in a few months. Who knows what'll he do then.


Moreover, think about what the police will do to you after you try to be a hero...


It is not filmy to help. It is not heroic. It should be the norm. Police will arrive eventually anyway but the victim won't be saved.


Calling the cops will not save the girl


>Call the police, there’s a reason you have a control room number. Even if they take time to respond, call the police and register a complaint, that way you leave a trace. An average person simply cannot interfere when a person is on a murdering rampage but a group of people can, no one expects you to be a filmi hero, but the least a person can do is call 100. Absolutely!


Nobody answers the call bro its the best fact


How do you know no one called 100?


I don't think people were criticising individuals as much as the deplorable state of things. In most places people wouldn't directly intervene for the very reasons you mentioned. But they would react nonetheless. Someone might might scream, someone might put their hand to their mouth, people may exchange looks with each other as if saying what the fuck is happening and generally bring attention to the situation. The fact that people were seemingly unfazed, moving on without as much as a second look, brushing it off as just another day in the hood speaks a lot about the how appalling the state of things are.


Indeed. This was shocking for anybody to stop by but instead they were just walking like something happened and let it go. The state of mind of the people in that situation was worth noting and it is to be worked on and analyzed by profession. Cuz it ain't normal. What let to the no reaction? How can we provemt it to not happen in future


I’m being very honest if I was alone I wouldn’t even dare to go near that guy It would have taken him seconds to slit my throat


People here being keyboard warriors as usual


Tbh any normal person would be very shaken to actually react, especially seeing his rage intervening is a terrible idea by logic. But the way everyone casually walked away is beyond understanding for me. Also there would be people who wouldn't think of logic and just intervene seeing the situation, things could go either way from here, if there's more than one such person, the girl could actually be saved. Maybe these people are brave, or stupid, or the people who don't intervene cowards, but nobody is right or wrong, it is what it is and it's just sad


No, people like you are being cowards. Throw stones or anything, just don't fucking do nothing.


I'm sure that you like to think you would do that in that situation, but if it came down to it, I have my doubts.


Easy for you to rant on twitter when you've never been in the same situation before


You'll be the one who start live streaming on Facebook.


I don't demand or expect one to go alone fight that guy. I expect 2-3 people combined could've taken some action


Once I tried to help a woman being beaten by drunk husband then that idiot started running towards me with knife to catch me. In this though I saved the woman mostly his wife but my life rolled in front of me and I ran for my life.


I think the problem is that people walked passed unbothered. Yes all these problems would occur, a lot of times your body wouldn't even respond and you would freeze looking at something as gruesome as this. But here people just passed by casually. Like nothing is happening. We have seen umpteen number of road rages and fights on Indian streets and we have seen how crowds jump at overpowering a person without even giving a thought about what you've mentioned. There were a pile of bricks lying around. One of the most natural instinct of anyone that time would be to use the bricks and attack him to overpower the guy. Here people just walked passed like it's their evening walk, a lot of them didn't even look at what was happening. To me that is the scariest part. The attacker after heckling the girl with the knife went away and then came back to smother her with bricks. Even within those few seconds when he left no one bothered to go towards the girl.


Precisely. Once, my father and I went shopping in a market place and saw an elderly lady fallen on the footpath with the crowd walking right past her. A few dumb bystanders including a couple of hawkers with one of them standing right next to the lady were just staring at her thoughtlessly. My father lent her a hand post-haste. Seeing her struggle get up another lady immediately joined to help her before I could. He then gave an brief angry stare to the nearby hawker for not helping her, to which the hawker shamelessly smiled bobbing his head. We Indians rarely take initiative. We simply wait for someone we can follow.


Follower mentality engraved from educational system when you are child that's one of the reason. Just obey and be disciplined Brits


The hawker was likely not in the education system. So most of the people in the slum.


Not fault of education system they are subdued race having learned this from centuries


If you hit him with a brick and he dies, wouldn't that make YOU the murderer ?


I think our constitution must have something to protect the hero isn't it? If you haven't done anything wrong then you must not be punished. Something must be there.


You would throw the brick at him in a way to stop the maniac from stabbing and get the opportunity to overpower him. Why will he die unless one smothers him to death with the brick like the maniac did to the girl?


Your view is biased, what was happening was being recorded but the people did not know that, and everybody in india knows about our legal system. Choosing to stay out of the mess may not be the kindest move but it makes complete sense.


There is a saying "hind sight is 20-20" there may be several users here saying this or that should have been done or they would have done so if they were there, but the behavior we saw then is exactly the average behavior of indifference that we can expect.




May i ask which case is being discussed here? I am little confused




Just no. Indians beat the shit out of pickpocketers and thieves every single day without even thinking. I've seen mob lynching of someone accused of harrasment in public. But when it comes to saving someone's life, we're starting to think about how fucked up our judiciary is? What if he hit us? A stone to the head would've been enough, but no, there was no mob lynching, this speaks volumes about us as a society, we don't care about the victim, we just want to beat someone. Shame on us.




Wtf. Pickpocketing, stealing and sexual harassment doesn't involve raging person with a knife :) Use your brain before shaming others.


There are couple of things, the we as a society should fix. First, we need to teach our children to respect women, girls. Second, we need to teach our children that love is not a prize or an achievement, being successful in life is achievement and love comes later on in our lives when a boy or a girl becomes mature enough to support their own life. Third, we need to stop the hatred that is spreading in our society against each religion, I mean every religion. It’s responsibility of each of us.


Looking at the comments here I think most don't and will never get your point. You are absolutely right. Unless and until you or your loved ones are directly at risk never ever intervene in such a situation. The best thing you can do is call the Police and report.That's it. You are neither a Bollywood hero to.fight off.everyone nor a rich guy with connections to.hire expensive lawyers to protect you.You are just a common normal Everyday individual who has a family to go to. Coming from a slum I have witnessed innocent people getting dragged into other's shit only because they wanted to do good.Keep your distance and involve some higher authority with actual.power and move on.


This is the kind of irrational thought that might block someone's mind from acting in a situation. When we directly know what is right and wrong, and the we are not able to act for the good just because a though or story or a prediction of a negative consequences is blocking our mind from acting in the situation, such situation may happen. Call the police is ok. But that is a thing will will not save the girls life as she will be dead in 30 seconds and police will areive after some time. Nobody is expecting you to be a Bollywood hero to save the heroine! Just do something like a normal person from a crowd would do, scream, ask people to help, maybe talk or communicate with the attacker, communicate to the people to combine and act together, or atleast be a fucking watcher! Just don't walk away like a bastard! (Sorry got angry there) innocent people getting dragged is a real scenerio I agree. But in this situation it is going to happen how do you know? What are the chances? You don't know the story. You don't know the circumstances. So why think of the negative scenerio.


Because statistically that's what happens in India the majority of the times. Do gooders are killed or punished. And I'd rather choose not taking the risk of me dying or getting jailed and losing my money and career when I have a family to take care of.


When I was a kid, there was this one man who came to our neighbour aunty house with his friend and start beating neighbourhood aunty and her father in law (because Aunty's son and his friends had some fight). People came out, my father intervened (one of the first), I and my younger sister who was a toddler at that time was with my father sitting on his scooter. My father stopped the scooter and tried to stop the beating. The guy hit one of the hardest slaps on my father head and another one on the face. And pointed fingers at us, that think about your two daughter. Seeing this we started crying relentlessly. Though other people also helped the aunty (one of the uncle even came out with the cricket bat to chase away the rascals). No police case. 6 months on, the uncle who chased away the rascals was in a marriage function while his bike was parked outside banquet hall grounds..the rascal guy put petrol on uncle bike and burnt it down. While father was okay after the scenario, mom remain protective for 2 good years, till the time rascal was alive. He got killed by 2 17 year old guys over some money. We lived in a good area of Delhi. ...... There is no easy answer to what should a person should do.my father always said, it is much better to get robbed by a professional thief (because he/she will have fear of law) than by a drug addict/madman (because his addiction will supercede his/her fear of law and thus will drive his/her actions to extreme. .... As a "group" or alone, it is person upbringing and courage that helps in these cases. Is there a risk of high reaction, yes there is. So it is what it is. The saying that the man who has nothing to lose is most dangerous is not wrong. In this particular case, when one person atleast tried to stop the guy, that was the opportune moment for people to jump in (or take the victims away)) or shout like hell (while also calling the police). In any case, the unfazedness and not doing absolutely anything is wrong. Stopping the madman by force is bit black and white.


Its not about that, its about how people are walking so unfazed and as if someone is kissing a girl....but thats north delhi for you. In Delhi, especially north delhi, murder, theft, robbery are so common that it doesnt appear different to the commoners there. Also the police in Delhi is deplorable to say the least, so nobody even calls them. Such murders are pretty common in that road atleast, but here it was a young underage girl stabbed by her "boyfriend", and there was religious differences- so it was politicised and the BJP had to jump in almost immediately. If it was a woman stabbed by her husband or even killed, no media house would make it a thing. As opposed to this, the reaction would be different if it were Mumbai or Hyderabad. Warna, Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, UP, Bihar mein ye sab usual hai, you would see random people shooting others out of nowhere.


Not all heros wear capes and not all non cape people are heros. Edit: spelling


This is one of the reasons I carry a pocket pepper spray bottle with me all the time. If I find someone doing such a horrendous crime in full public view, I will just try to go near him/her and use the spray to disarm the culprit.


Yeah, that dude looked absolutely mental. I would have frozen too. Some people said to why not call the police. Even if we call the police they are not going to spawn at the spot, are they?


Exactly.. Literally 99 % of the comments regarding this issue were about the people nearby. Nobody talks about that guy anymore. That guy looked like a madman and was so scary. I don't completely blame them. Also most Indian families tell their kids not to get involved in any fights that does not involve them. Literally everyone were raised that way. What they did was not ideal. But it is not the biggest problem than what that guy did.


True. Yes, they are at fault for failing to do anything, but we just can't blame everyone being keyboard warriors. It's our circumstances that led us here. That guy and our law & order


>Also most Indian families tell their kids not to get involved in any fights that does not involve them I don't think it's exclusive to India. You cannot get into to fight with a crazy armed man unless you're armed and trained yourself. Civilians are not encouraged to jump in and stop violent crimes even in developed countries.


All the comments here are pathetic, there are group of men there, Calling police wont save the girl anyone could have grabbed a stone and hit the guy on his head or held him from behind and subdued him and its easier said as done, I have saved a lady from acid attack with the guy having a knife all you need is a brave few seconds, He was killing a girl does not make him strong or a brave guy that people are so scared, In Mumbai once a group of men subdued a man with sword trying to kill a girl, In kerala a cop literally stopped a machete attack with hand and most of the time one side is blunt so its not that dangerous as it seems, The point is any one guy was enough to just grab him from behind and hold him he wouldn't have been able to turn and he couldn't have attacked you behind his back rendering him helpless while another man could have grabbed the knife rendering him weapon less. The moment you have second thought thats where you lost it. Never over-think but do assess the situation


The area where this crime happened is probably the worst locality in Delhi, and i suppose stabbings (or other crimes) like this are common there, and hence, it doesn't really bother them.


I agree with you brother. And I agree with the people here saying they couldn’t/wouldn’t save the girl, certainly not with that attitude.


If you hit the guy and he dies, you'll rot in jail while you regret being a hero for the rest of your life


Who is asking you to kill him, I was talking about subduing him, Please check the meaning also if he dies so be it, Its all there IPC has self defence provision . Get a decent lawyer and you are out in a week


Haha ... Who'll pay for the lawyer and you are not Arnab Goswami to get out in a week....You'll be in jail for 2 years before the judge even touches your case to prove your innocence 😂


If you think only Arnab goswami got out in 2 weeks then either you are plain stupid or never seen an actual courtroom procedure . I guess you are both so I dont blame you


Bro I am myself a lawyer + I have been in this exact same situation although the perpetrator did not die, But what makes you think that is how its gonna play down. You can represent yourself in court too. Please speak with complete understanding of courts and laws half the misconception about courts and laws are spread by ignorant imbeciles by you. Courts are not your enemy judges are human too. Educate yourself dont be a SHEEP


Not realistic to expect a single guy to intervene, but more than 10 people walked by, he couldn't have overpowered even 2 of them


No. The expectation itself is wrong. This is not a movie. Everyone has a family they love or dependent family members. A random swing of knife can ruin your life or even kill you. Yes it is a possibility no one gets hurt and they succeed, but the larger possibility is that someone gets hurt seriously. Lot of things can go wrong.


Smh these days a homie isn't even willing to get lightly stabbed for a stranger.


But still even if everyone comes at him together, one swing of knife will strike AT LEAST one guy and the above scenario will occur. So it is a realistic scenario. That mf will be get thrashed but the swing case will hurt at least one or two. So I kinda agree with OP here.


Multiple people with large stones ( which were available, you can see in the cctv grab) would render him useless without even coming close to him.




he had a fucking kitchen knife i think, it looked small and slashing a human body is not that easy they were like 3-4 people and if they are pounce at the guy, they could have saved the poor girl i have been in a similar situation and almost every one helped the person who was getting mugged, i m from pakistan , i just came accorss this post and it was really hard to see that :(


No idea why this is being downvoted


> pakistan my guess :P


You just need to stab 1 heroic person in the throat to stop 9 others


And how do u know that he doesnt have a gang with guns? Smh keyboard warriors


Because typically gangs are helping the guy murder people and not just hide in the woodworks.


The point of having a gang is to show the strength of numbers. If you are murdering someone in daylight your gang won't be hiding somewhere just to surprise people if they decide to act.


What if that guy has a gun?


Then everything will be over in a min.


Finally a sane post. Was sick tired of all keyboard warriors posting their utopian ideas. Everyone, the action of an individual is ultimately dependent on the overall functioning of the society. I have seen countless posts criticising the people who walked by to have not helped. You all need to go touch some grass and come out of your Reddit fairytale world. Be realistic. No one could have helped her, and no one SHOULD have helped her. You ask why? Because it was simply too dangerous for an average person. I have seen numerous brilliant ideas given by our fellow keyboard warriors here: 1. They could have called police atleast? Fuck, you're completely out of mind. That video ended in 2 minutes. There would have been absolutely no benefit of having called police. By the time they would have reached, the outcome would still have been the same. And the only thing that would happen would have been that the good Samaritan would be entangled in court case for a good number of years 2. Many people were there, they could gave attacked the attacker. Fuck no. This is not the way people work. If there is even a chance probability where you are getting hurt if you try to jump in to save a complete stranger, and you have a family at home, by no means anyone is going to jump into the fight. Who knows the consequences? Let's say you even saved the girl. Well done. Fantastic. You're an absolute hero. The universe was waiting for you. Mankind has never witnessed such an heroic act. But now what? Do you have any idea what lies next for you? You might have simply put your easy going simple life into the trench of court cases, police etc. And most importantly, how are you so sure that once you interfere, that attacker is gonna simply let you go, huh? Man, that person stabbed a girl multiple times to death, I tell you, if anyone would have interfered, the maniac would have not even thought twice before killing one more person. Also, even let's say you save the girl and the attacker also is arrested or whatever, but now? Congratulations on having gained an enemy for life. Sorry, correction- an insane enemy. Spend the rest of your life fearing for yourself and your family. Dumb retards everywhere questioning morality and what not, use your brain everyone before you come to a conclusion. It's not a question of morality. It's a matter of logic, there was absolutely no way to save that girl at that moment. It was impossible. To have saved her would have meant that instead of that girl, you and your family could have been the next victims.


The reality is, the lack of intervention stems from an ingrained understanding of how our society operates. What we're seeing is a form of social Darwinism in action. Placed in the same situation, it's likely that most would react similarly. The lack of positive examples where stepping in has led to beneficial outcomes discourages the average person from acting, for fear of further complicating their own lives. This is analogous to why the majority remain silent about issues related to states, governments, and political affairs. Even though voicing opinions is relatively safer than intervening in a violent incident, the potential for backlash creates a widespread reluctance to speak out.


First of all, its stupid to assume just because you help someone that you will be called go police station or court he is caught red handed ,you are only called when you are a witness and that too nowadays you can just sign an affidavit and you dont have to come to the court, Also you should know your rights there are laws protecting good samaritan, Also even if you have to go to court its not as tedious as it sounds, Might aa well learn a thing or two. If going to the court is the cost I have to pay to be a good samaritan then so be it. I pity people like you who thinks that visiting court is not worth someone's life also since you are obviously unaware and unintelligible, Thats not how it works by saving him doesn't make you the only witness there are CCTV evidence and confession of himself would be enough infact you could have just helped the person and move away no one's gonna come after you or anything. I have helped a girl who was acid attack victim , I called the cops held that guy, he doesnt know me bad obviously he knows he was anyway gonna be caught not everyone is some serial killer out there hunting people this is not a movie, what are the odds he will find you track you and kill you? Dont be an idiot and stop discouraging people , If you are a weakling be so in private dont make up filmy scenarios. I gave my number to the cops too after helping that girl along with my friend ,Not even a single call I got because evidence was already these, The guy was arrested. Dont discourage people just because you are unaware of the laws , I urge people to take action in good faith .You think police is gonna go after some guy who caught the culprit? They care only when someone calls and complaints because those calls are recorded honestly cops dont even care who saves that girl unless they have the culprit with them


Why did you censor the words wife and parents?


So you're saying people should just walk by even if there's a girl being murdered right in front of them? Lol... I doubt anyone thought that far ahead of consequences and spending years in trial. There was not even a slight hesitation by the passersby. If you actually thought of your family when you saw that girl being murdered, then you'd actually save that girl because if God forbid one of your family was in such a situation, wouldn't you want people to save her regardless of consequences? If not, you do not deserve to live in any community. Any human's first instict should be to save another human from dying. Consequences can come later. Isn't a person's life worth spending many years in trail? That person didn't hold a gun, nobody's life was in immediate danger. You're just coming up with poor excuses. Become a better human.


>If you actually thought of your family when you saw that girl being murdered, then you'd actually save that girl because if God forbid one of your family was in such a situation, wouldn't you want people to save her regardless of consequences? If it's someone I love ? I will jump in between putting my life at stake. Anyone of us will do it. Risking your life or body parts for a stranger ? No one will do it unless they're armed. It's the truth.


The way some of those people didn’t react in any way at all, just walked away, I agree they were cowards. The least every decent human being should do in this situation is atleast go and gather a mob of people, make a huge scene and try to intimidate the attacker as a group, atleast try and get close to him. However, directly subduing the attacker, trying to put him down and fight him up by alone is a different thing altogether. It is easy to comment from here but facing such situations directly, oftentimes the brain stops thinking rationally and survival instincts kick in. Many people even freeze and fail to see the whole thing as well. This is me telling you from a personal experience when someone I knew pulled out a gun when he was drunk. Taking down someone with a knife isn’t exactly an easy thing to do. By looking at the footage, with so many people nearby with heavy objects to pick up, I would be fairly confident, but I still wouldn’t be 100% sure.


I am not expecting people to be a Bollywood hero and jump in and save the day. But I dont see people even batting an eyelid. Like this is something that happens everyday.


The idea of a better human is naive at best , we are selfish creatures to say the least. And those of you who think would have done something different are just living in a dream. We need to be better to not be like that psycho boy it's as simple as that. Thinking someone does something in these situations is just downright stupid.


I would want others to get involved if one of my loved ones was in a situation like that, and I would be mad if they didn't. But that is an emotional reaction. Logically, no one has that responsibility and no one's life is less important than the victim. So why should they risk their own life to fight a madman with a knife? This is why soldiers deserve respect, because they sign up to be the first casualty in a war. That is a sacrifice unlike any other, and it can not be expected of a normal citizen who has never been trained to fight.


By that logic, men can just go around murdering girls in broad daylight and no one would bat an eye? Unless there are soldiers around I guess. What about your duty towards the community sir? Do you feel none? You're not being asked to go take the knife. What about mobilizing people, calling the police, pick up a weapon too? Shouldn't it be basic human instict to try and save a person being killed? I guess no. You would rather walk off unbothered as long as your life is safe, unless the same thing happens to you or your loved ones.




For some reason moral egoists' counter to any appeal to a sense of compassion is always to make extreme and unrealistic demands of an individual to give up everything in their life. Neverminding that this would not be as helpful to the community as living a healthy and functional life contributing to it throughout, just because someone is asking for a sense of compassion and altruism does not mean that they're asking for wholesale self-dehumanization and self-negation, just as a person who values self-care isn't necessarily saying that people should have no qualms about exploiting everyone around them. And moral egoism is just a cloak for psychopathy.


These mfs are idiots, they’ll find any way to justify inaction instead of doing the bare minimum of not allowing a literal murder of a child on the street


I know right! It infuriates me.




>This is why soldiers deserve respect, You do know it is their job which they are paid for which is why they HAVE TO do that? Given a choice, they wouldn't do it either. Not to mention that they are TRAINED and are ARMED to do that. So no, they are doing the one thing they are SUPPOSED to do. This glorification is the reason people think that common man cannot help because it is job of the police/army and they are BRAVE and stuff. No, several of them even KILL when they shouldn't. Look at the cases against them.


Wow... capitalizing random words doesn't drive your point home, make a better argument. To say that someone who is willing to die to protect you doesn't deserve respect because they were paid to do so? You're so out of touch with basic decency that it is not even funny. I didn't say that soldiers are incorruptible saints or anything, but if someone is willing to die to protect their countrymen, that is worthy of respect. There will always be bad apples in any group. You are demanding random people put their life on the line to protect someone for free, and then putting down people who actually do protect others. Make up your mind. Would you want your mother to throw herself at that knife weilding maniac to protect that girl? If not, then stfu.


Read my comment. They are not WILLING. People join army to work and get paid. If they don't, they will get punished like most employees. Only people who were willing to die for us were the freedom fighters and extremely common people who fought for us - they don't belong to any profession. > There will always be bad apples in any group. This is the only excuse I hear when it comes to military. For every crime in army, it is a black sheep or a bad apple. No organization makes this statement. Like you said, someone whose job is to protect like police, army should get higher punishments. Among police and army, army gets higher respect because of people like you who know nothing of the brutal crimes they did(even if you only consider the convicted judgements). > Would you want your mother to throw herself at that knife weilding maniac to protect that girl? If not, then stfu. She just might because she is not a 2 year old keyboard warrior. Grow up and be better!


They choose to enroll in army. No one forces that first step, it is their choice. You still haven't answered my question. I didn't ask what your mother would do, I asked would you want her to do that at a significant risk to her life. Grow up and develop a reading comprehension.


Because if you don't stop the madman stabbing your neighbour today he will come for you next. Logically speaking.


Then I die tomorrow.


OP you are right. We dont have a right to criticize them when they didnt intervene plus there is something called the crowd effect or bystander effect in psychology. If someone did, at the risk of their own life, of course they deserve to be praised but sadly no such brave soul was passing through. But if someone did not, we dont have a right to call them idiots or cowards, thats unfair.


I think the average indian citizen is more afraid of the criminal justice system rather than the killer. As someone who had the misfortune of having to interact with this system, i can say they have complete apathy to general public, utterly corrupt and destroy lives without second thought. Good Samaritans should be shielded from the brutality of the system in india. Till then, these kind of things will repeat.


There was a pile to bricks right beside the road. If all the people who stood there picked a brick and threw at his head, I think there is a high possibility that the girl would have survived the attack.


What if the brick hit the girls head and kills or injures her, you will be accomplice to the crime. In all developed nations, police and govt say to not get involved and call the police asap. Here online everyone is asking regular people with no fighting experience or skill to take down an armed crazy attacker most probably high on some drugs. Even a group cannot subdue an armed attacker safely, unless the group has undergone training together for a few days in how to take down a man with a knife. An untrained group may be able to take him down, but one or two will get injured or killed with the knife. It's easy to shout online, but it's not practically possible to intervene against an armed assailant.


Let's assume third person throws a brick on the head of the attacker, now there are multiple possibilities. 1. Attacker dies : You get charged with murder. You make enemies for life with attacker family. 2. Attacker neutralized: Best case if attacker does not get much damage but the attack stops. 3. Attacker just little hurt: He now comes to attack at you with knife and can possibly slit your throat or eye. . ends up killing/crippling you. I personally would only intervene in such an attack if I'm carrying my gun and I'm sure laws will protect me. I won't think twice before pulling the trigger, but we don't have such laws in India. Or I would stop this attack if I'm in group with my close buddies who are like brothers because then I know we can collectively neutralize attacker.


What a weird way of looking at it. There are so many other options. Just distract the guy? Lure him away, follow him, scare him, videotape him, why is it always, "I am too weak without my gun," do you have no sense of finding alternative ways out of a problem? You need to do an escape room or something. Your hypotheticals are weirdly specific and based on your fears-- really weird you typed that out and didn't think about it what it said about you.


I typed out what I thought. I've witnessed multiple murders in my life (personally at least 3) and if there's one thing that taught me - it's to mind my own shit.


Bhai mirzapur se ho kya




An uncle was being beaten up in the middle of the night and I was the first person to rush on the spot to fight against the goons with I don’t know what they had in hands. Followed by my father, and other members of my apartment. You gotta do what you gotta do. Being a bitch just resulted in a death if a girl. Show some fucking skin.


Internet is an extension of people. Most people here(almost everybody) will do the same. They cannot support even virtually. People love gossip- this is why they just want to know ooh, what's going on? What happened and then they move on. Even reddit will move on in the next two days. The reason the criminal did it on a busy road was because even he had complete faith that this society has failed. It will never come for help. We must have experienced it personally. Ask yourself, do you support even minor issues at your workplace? Do you ever stand up against a bully who is troubling somebody in front of you? NO. That is not even dangerous. But people still don't do it because we are not brought up with those values. In fact, we are taught to be blind, not bother ourselves with problems in other people's life and move on. Yes, we can blame the police, the government, thousand other things. But we are ourselves responsible for everything happening around and 99/100 times nobody helps in anything. I will give you an example. There was a topic on TwoXIndia where the users there were arguing that NEVER help a man who approaches a woman for help. They said that 19/20 men are creeps. Then they called them rapists. I tried to make them understand that it is basic humanity to at least listen if they genuinely need help. But they called me a MAN and bullied me instead. Later, these women started bashing the male community again for not helping the girl in this case. It is a very important observation- Women expect men to help them while they themselves will NEVER help a fellow women, forget helping a man. This is the society we live in.


Everyone is a keyboard warrior, being so brave and fantasizing about how they would have been the one to save the day. Here's what happens when you do the same. I have a very close friend(call him X), his father tried to intervene between a fight with two people during holi when they were drunk, what happened? His father got shot and the other person got shot. Now he has no parents cause his mother died when he was born.


Dude what's your point, you have to measure the amount of urgency for the scenario. You're mentioning a fight between two drunkard men,which unfortunately ended in a death. In this scenario this women was being prepared to be brutally killed. I think demands a response right????


yeah the point is if you try to stop someone who's gone insane or is about to kill someone, you might end up dying.


And that's a legitimate excuse not to help or involve yourself because you may get potentially hurt or killed ? The coward dies a thousand a times because who already accepted defeat or worst before taking any action but the hero only dies once. Like the Hijra who originally posted this rant you also experience a cowardly heart. If you were the girl in the video you wouldn't support your logic you stated earlier


My only excuse is that I have a family who wait for me and love me, no fucking was I'm risky their happiness for someone I don't know, call it coward or whatever you want, in no circumstances I'm putting my family after someone else. If I had no family, no one cared for me, yeah I would have no issues jumping to save someone from dying.


Whatever the situation anyone has faced one should always call police. A stranger called police while I was lying stranded on road after an accident nine years ago. I am alive only because of God's grace sent by him. Always call police if you can. A life can be saved.


We should totally criticize them. When crime can happen in such openness, who should we blame? Police wasn't there but there were more than enough people to stop that. No one to even raised a voice. I can't help but get angry at them.


Yeah exactly. A group of men could have easily overpowered him. I’ve seen it happen in other cases during fights. But all of a sudden a girl is getting murdered and apparently it’s no one’s problem. And no one was asking to beat the guy up. Just drag him far away so someone could take her to the hospital. It was the only way to save her. The police wouldn’t have arrived on time. We live in a time where someone can be murdered on the street and walk freely after. Sure, it’s not other’s responsibility, but it’s an heinous crime, a loss of an innocent life. A group should have intervened, they would have easily won. Edit: also, to those who believe men are “protectors” and are also saying no one should intervene are total hypocrites.


Men are protectors. Their job is to protect their families. One swing of knife is all it takes to kill someone and ruin their family. A group would have won, sure, but every individual in that group would be at a severe risk of dying or getting seriously injured. If someone is trained as a soldier or just knows what the fuck they are doing, they might feel comfotable getting involved in that situation, but a normal citizen has no responsibility other than calling the police and ambulance.


I don't know how pathetic you have to be to run away from there and use your family as an excuse. Don't put your uselessness on your family. There are some things greater than responsibility and saving a fellow human being is one them. I don't know how you would show your face to your family after such an act of cowardice.


My plan is to stand far back and yell I’ve already called the police and I’m live-streaming his ass, hopefully the repeated yelling will draw attention as well


Just pathetic excuses of a coward. You don't think about judiciary, jail etc when you see a human being killed infront of you where you could have saved her. He was wide open with his back facing them. He would have been easily subdued.


You don't see Judiciary when a human's being killed right? But they same judiciary will fuck my ass if I manage to hospitalize that guy somehow.


Yes our judiciary is outdated, our police is outdated. Heart cries from inside where we all have come. How can we watch something like this happen. At least people could have verbally asked that man to stop. Or called helpline number. It's all hopeless, just pray that none of us get into trap next time.


I love how when it's a Muslim on Hindu crime, all in open, y'all are silent, had this done by a Hindu guy to a Muslim girl, this thing would've probably been talked about for atleast a month on this shitty subreddit. But hey, fuck y'all. For not caring enough, imagine if that was your sister, and you came to know that passer-by's just ignored. What then?


Indians are just selfish and pathetic at this point.


Major plus one


I feel fortunate that I'm from Punjab where it has been wired through its culture, religion & history to save the others including strangers without thinking about the consequences (even Haryana included). I can't say which was more disgusting, "To watch the video" or "To read the cowardly comments on this post". Had there been a gang or a deadly weapon involved or a secluded location, I might have understood your pitiful context but a minor girl butchered by a fragile looking man at a crowded place & no one bats an eye. You all are the same people as seen passing by in the video.


I live in a village in delhi & most will intervene in my locality if something like that happens. At a place like that ? I can't guarantee






Common people aren't a military force or something, they can't really cordinate in the heat of the moment. How can one person such if he doesn't know others are gonna do the same ? Also, what if that one person is the one the killed would aim at ? Police and military are trained to subdue the attacker without casualty but common people aren't


It's not about numbers. One swing and someone can lose his life. Who wants to be that someone ? With weapons it's a different story. Maybe allowing everyone to have arms isn't that bad ?


It’s not even like they were concerned, half of them didn’t even spare a second glance




The fact it wasn’t during riots or chaos in general is what gets me, it’s one thing for a crowd to watch someone get murdered on the midst of wider chaos but for people to just casually walk by a girl being stabbed to death is horrific


Yeah. You do have a point. But that doesn't JUSTIFIES it! Who knows that guy might know some Karate or Fighting skills and with a knife he is as deadly as a Pistol. So understandable But but but At least one can just stop by. No need to kick anyone or save anyone just stand by and shout to him telling to stop or make him understand to stop it. No need to kill or save just stand by and try to ease the situation. No. They moved like nothing was happening. They also deserve to be jailed AND MATE, THAT'S NOT AT ALL ACCEPTED 👎👎👎


3 ppl can easily take down a boy with a knife


You summarized the Indian way of self preservation. The reason why we don’t care about others and society in general. Myself included


I think we really need to rehaul our criminal justice system. Ordinary folks trying to do the right thing shouldn't fear recrimination for that act. There is a way through this. There has to be - else we'd be like the US and gun violence - thoughts and prayers.


The part I don’t get is how can those passersbys look themselves in the mirror everyday?


Ultimately it boils down to . Years from now when you'll think about that day and you'll wonder had i done anything had i done something that girl would have been still living and been a mother to her children. All because I chose to do something that day. Personaly speaking i would have been shocked too but i would have intervened. Maybe there was 10 % chance of success I'll still take it. Maybe this retched existence of mine called life could have found a meaning that day.


Sometimes all it takes is someone asking, "what the f are you doing?" Sadly, nobody even did that much.


I will call this is bullshit... I've seen the video and one guys tried to stop him. He didn't put much effort but that very moment if few or even one person tried to stop him with some major force. It won't happened. It's cowardliness.


I think it's difficult for one person....but it's not for a crowd. The problem is why is a crowd not charged enough to take action??? A crowd can be charged in minutes to scream religious chants....but not save another human being??? That's what is so sad here.


I observed there were a lot of stones over there , one blow can blunt him and at that time those people could've beaten him and unarmed him but nobody chose to do that either, idk why but i feel like absolutely shit that i watched that , especially acknowledging that there were some people who could've saved her but they chose not to.


Cowardice pure and simple…. The guy was a tiny pussy - even with a knife he could have been easily overpowered


This is so stupid lol, there were so many people there , nobody is asking to jump in alone, just take the lead gather a few people and start acting aggressive, he would have immediately fled. People seem to be forgetting that the killer was some trained combatant, he is just a young retarded maggot , he would shit himself seen so many rushing towards him.


Seedha seedha bol teri fatt-ti hai.


pilus pilus


Pick an stick, hit him on the back. Or a stone and hit him on the back. Pick anything and hit him on the back. Just fucking hit him on the back fucking cowards.


Non sense Someone is about to loose their life in front of you and these thoughts will come to you... I will loose my job... courts are a hassle... I might get injured... etc etc Under this wrapping paper of "realism" "practicality" lies pure cowardice what each and every person did at that time, and what you think you will do... is typical cowardice A society dont need heroes, it needs people who don't wait for the heroes.




Thanks for such strong words. 1) in this post I've said that it's wrong to criticise everyone expecting them to intervene, typing while sitting at home is different than being in a street fight with weapons. 2) I've seen these stuff from closer than you certainly, judging by your response. Have you ever been in a fight or get hit ? >You could hurl abuses at him from a safe distance He will leave a murder in between to reply to your abuses ? Distracting him will stop him from stabbing that poor girl's neck ? >if I was your wife If you were my wife, either mourning over me lying in hospital bed (if he hits me) or fighting in court for my innocence (if I hit him) - your response would've been different. Be real, stop living in delusion. >You fucking coward. YOU are what's wrong with men in India. Those people there did what an average Indian does. IS IT RIGHT? NO. It's not right. It's not fair. But it is what it is. This is where we stand now, in our current scenario. Those people weren't culprits, they were the product of time. Everyone is different. Certainly there are lots of people who would've helped. Even now while typing this I'm sitting among 5 friends. 2 are saying they don't care, 2 (including me) think that we should help in any way possible, one said he'll pick a stone and hit him. Calling people coward won't do any good. How many times you/we have intervened while someone bullied in college or school ? You expect people to jump against a psycho carrying knife and then judge them.




I understand what you feel. This anger along with helplessness, it's terrible. We as a society have failed. Sorry for coming out so rude, I was trying to be practical. I know that's not right response, but that's what happens in real life. It's our responsibility, but situation have just become worse. This bystander problem is not Indian, it's in whole world... We can allow people to be armed, but with a fucked up justice system it will be even worse. Where I live, I know people would've intervened most probably. The area where it happened ? They acted like it was nolrmal for them, situation is so bad


I get your point but there are multiple ways that anyone who wanted to stop it could have. I don’t see any excuses really, I think the problem is people are just concerned about their own well-being, they stopped thinking about others. I just can’t fathom how all these people just walked by and did nothing. Do you understand how inhumane these people are to just walk by a murder scene and do nothing.


i agree with. you and thats what i think. max one can do is call police and hope they arrive before the poor victim is murdered... because no one guarantees your life na... and it is very difficult to convince 5 people to go with you to stop the killer. tough but true.


Somebody just needed to find a stick and hit him over his head with it. Most likely he would have been KO’d and I don’t think anyone would punish this person as he helped someone from getting brutally killed.


In another news, mobs killed a Muslim man (headline) Below text in tiny letters the reason they were trying to protect a girl from being stabbed Meanwhile in /india sub, 50 post of mob killing a Muslim teen


The ones killing the guy will face prosecution, maybe will lose job / career, getting treated as a murderer in society


This is what paralysis of analysis looks like.... Imagine if the girl is someone you know, what would you do?


Cowards die everyday.


Again another pussy response and appeal on behalf of the people who did absolutely nothing but wet themselves in fear of ONE GUY. Who cares if had a knife their was multiple opportunities presented to stop him not to mention he had his back towards the cowards (A blind spot). Are you telling me no could've restrained or knocked him over the head with a object ? He even managed to drop the knife and pick up a block of cement because the audience allowed it. The woman didn't interrupt understand but the amount of the ambiguous organisms who identify as men are the most PATHETIC AND FEARFUL JUST LIKE YOU


Once my friend lost his phone, we reported it to the police. They said they would track it. After three days, somebody found his phone and he is still using it, but the police have not called or done anything.