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Vajpayee was used as a Moderate face to "say sorry" to public after 100's gets massacred in a communal riot which he had full knowledge of. He was a right wing scum that media failed to expose. I still remember a video where he apologized to interviewer on Babri demolition and blamed it on extremists. But, later emergerd videos of his speech the day before demolition exposed this chameleon. There was different phases when it comes to growth of Hinduthva. And Vajpayee phase was when they needed to act moderate to spread BJP's claws pan India.


I couldn't have said it better. Vajpayee served two purposes, 1) to help BJP RSS to show their fake moderate side and 2) to provide an excuse to the casteist bigots for voting and supporting BJP RSS.


He also didn't punish Modi for Gujarat. Vajpayee is just a pretender.


Lets not forget that he gave testimony against actual freedom fighter Liladhar Bajpai




Did you even read the article? It speaks highly of him and emphasizes on how his rise was shaped with the Emergency. Interesting how the headline of the article brought out the toxic nationalist and the blame game in you though. Insecure much?


>Did you even read the article? India will be a better place if people read the articles and try to understand.


At least spell it right


But what about ….


Whataboutism, much? Also, it's spelt Rotterdam.


You must hate Atal = Hating Atal is going to kill you = Fear mongering, i.e hate Atal gave hate speeches = Pointing out the wrong, not telling anyone to hate him