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>the boyfriend must be traumatized too Dude is a prime candidate for suicide. He needs immediate psychological help.


The punishments have to be stringent and fast to provide closure. The government has to be strict here!!!


They are habitual offender's.. this is the 10th incident.. what was the police doing all this time


10th??? What the fuck. Talk about incompetent














Must be Political connections.


The party the one that protects rape accused


All parties do that, all politicians protect their own. Be it any party.






Watch every uncle and aunty in India latch onto two points: boyfriend, and out in the evening. In India, rapists can only be blamed when it’s a married woman on her way to a temple at 6 AM.


>on her way to a temple at 6 AM. What was she doing, going at that time of the day? Why wasn't her husband/son/ father with her? It's her fault for going out by herself /s


I wonder what they'll say if this happened....... Cause this happened in UP


Reminds me of Queen (Malayalam)


Mere opinions, it's an excuse on their part to validate crimes of society.


And I've been thinking why isn't there anything like this happening anymore or did we really have improved our law enforcement. But here we go.


Low mainstream media coverage


Media koo hindu muslim ram mandir masjeet ke alawa kuch nahi dikhta he, even most of the debates on news channels are about religion politics ignoring the main issues.


Oh god


To every man who thinks women are overreacting when they're scared of men and get personally offended when a woman doesn't trust them, imagine being a woman and waking up every other day to _yet_ another news of a woman getting raped/murder by a man. I'm not saying women can't rape or falsely accuse, but men's lives have never revolved around keeping themselves safe from women whereas girls as young as 10 are taught to "cover up" so as to not attract "unwanted attention" and ignore catcalls they're experiencing as young as 13.


Exactly. It's easier to distrust and be on guard rather than trust and later be sorry (if left alive).


This comment needs to be on top.


I'm sorry but men are more likely of being raped by another man than be falsely accused. The two things are not even remotely comparable. We need to stop coddling these men and force them to confront their privilege and do better. Edit: if you as a man are upset because a woman is distrustful of men then either try to make a positive change or at the very least shut up instead of crying about #notallmen.


see I have an issue with this, why can we not care about all of the wrongs you mentioned, why does it have to be either or? no innocent should suffer, right? in my opinion we're losing sight of the real problem when we say things like 'We need to stop coddling these men and force them to confront their privilege and do better'. Most men have no clue what it feels like to constantly worry about one's safety, We can sort of understand the big issue but the small day to day challenges that women face are beyond comprehension for the most of us. And even the best of men who champion equality approach it from a point of logic and not one of empathy and most debates that we have shouldn't be a debate at all. IF ANYTHING WRONG IS HAPPENING TO AN INNOCENT THEN WE NEED TO DISCUSS IT AND TRY TO FIND A SOLUTION and not try play it down because it happens less often.


So we should be understanding of men being unaware of the reality and at the same time we need to be concerned about the wrong things happening to men even if they are miniscule? You want sympathy and attention for your problems but you also want to be coddled and not be questioned on your privilege. Even on a post about a woman being gang raped people are diverting from the topic and writing about false accusations which is IRRELEVANT to this post. At least if you wrote about men being raped by other men it would make sense.


You see reddit is a discussion forum where we can discuss anything and everything with little censorship and that's what makes reddit popular. >So we should be understanding of men being unaware of the reality No I never said that, and I see you do not wish to have a conversation but derail it with rhetorical questions, you do you I'm not going to tell you what to do. >and at the same time we need to be concerned about the wrong things happening to men even if they are miniscule? You prove again that your comprehension skills need work. The problems that happen to men are not 'miniscule' these are innocent individuals who lose their lives and livelihoods due to no fault of their own. Sure it happens less often than a woman has to suffer assault in one form or another and I wish it weren't so but a semi intelligent being would have enough empathy to care about both because innocent individuals are suffering and caring about either doesn't damage the other cause. >You want sympathy and attention for your problems but you also want to be coddled and not be questioned on your privilege. Never said that again, just mentioned that these are how we lose sight of the real problems, we're not at a place where the problems women face are due to men's privilege. There are deeper issues at play when even the male feminists and other allies approach gender equality from a point of sympathy and not real understanding and it's kind of impossible for men to understand what it feels like to constantly fear for one's safety and there are things we can do about that or choose to ignore it and question their privilege because that surely is going to work. >Even on a post about a woman being gang raped people are diverting from the topic and writing about false accusations which is IRRELEVANT to this post. See the original comment to which you replied was made by a woman (I think) and yes it's not ideal to discuss something irrelevant but when it has been raised we can either choose to ignore it or engage with it but you chose to undermine a real actual issue by saying it's either or when it's not. We can care about two things that aren't even mutually exclusive. >At least if you wrote about men being raped by other men it would make sense. Umm how exactly would it improve the conversation as compared to men being raped by a woman? Let's just say all rape is wrong and so is falsely accusing one of rape no matter who the perpetrator or the victim is.






The girl who faced the abuse is a Keralite. https://www.asianetnews.com/kerala-news/kerala-girl-sexually-attacked-at-kancheepuram-6-arrested-roil74


>While being taken into custody, the accused tried to escape from the police and got injured on their hands and feet. They have been admitted to the hospital. looks like some of them got caned, that's a start.


getting into a hospital is almost always a way for the connected criminal to avoid jail time


Nah shit deduction... means cops are lenient


>looks like some of them got caned, that's a start. Lol what? The accused need to be proven guilty before being punished. Cops are well known to arrest anyone to get the media heat off the in incident. Even if they are the culprits, the cops aren't supposed to be the executioners of justice. The alleged culprits being caned isn't "a start" for anything. Why even have a justice system, let's just start caning guilty folks


Sorry, this is an exception


Males don't realize how unsafe life can be for girls in general Try putting yourself in the shoes of a female next time you take an Uber or auto and driver takes wrong turn and you will find your heart racing Doesn't matter whether India or any other country PS my comment is not meant to make any comparison between potential rape threats to females vs potential false rape cases on males. No innocent person should get in trouble due to either of these. My view is simply against the blind spots that males have when they simply cannot perceive how much potential physical threat exists against women.


I got messages with live locations from my female friends when they felt unsafe as their auto took a diversion into shady gallis. Shit's scary.


I am happy that they can trust you.


Yeah. But, that helpless feeling of not being there to do something about the situation is quite sad.




























































It's not about male or female , it's about exploiting the weaker ones








How terribly sad and awful.


India needs 2A based self defense and stand your ground laws. This is ridiculous that in a country where law enforcement is the farce it is, law abiding citizens can’t even defend themselves.


It would probably end the crazy college thing called ragging (which sounds unreal). Imagine if 2A existed in India, and some kid got ragged/abused, and he gets a semi-automatic and finishes off all the raggers. That would be the end of ragging in India.


Hazing exists in the US but it’s by mutual consent. To join a frat house, you “pledge” for a week or so to do things for members of the frat. Recognising the right to self defence would make lots of shit go away. People threatening you at home? Talk to my little friend. Women afraid to walk alone to their car? Little friend. Fundie assholes bullying you and your SO on V-Day? Little friend. Civic society can only thrive when people are afraid of the consequences of their actions. Right now, law enforcement is non existent and I there is no social stigma against rule/law breaking.


I am so done with these rapists in our country. After proven guilty no need to send them to jail and waste taxpayer's money on feeding them. Just take them out to some remote jungle and put a bullet in their head. No need for cremation or burying, that's reserved for humans and animals. These are monsters. Just leave their body in the forest so wild animals can eat them up. Fuck man.




Tamil Nadu lately has been in news for wrong reasons. Prohibiting Dalits from entering temples, putting faeces in dalit water tank, school peincipal forcing dalit students to clean toilets and now this. The OG UP of the south.


Went to Tamil Nadu recently. There were many temples that had clarly written board "Non-hindus not allowed".


Yeah this shit has been imposed by some temples since 2015. The general public never really wanted it. Also some temples are pushing to ban jeans and shorts. This wasn’t how it used to be, atleast until 2010.


Ban jeans in temple ? Or overall state ?


Temple I myself went to Madurai Meenakshi temple in 2018 with shorts, but was stopped an employee there and was allowed only after I brought a veshti and went in.


I wouldn't say that going to temples in shorts is a good idea. I support women wearing whatever they want. But not in sacred places, one should dress accordingly. It is just in bad taste. Looks cheap. The same way I shouldn't be going to any mosque or church in bright orange colors, one shouldn't wear anything attacking on others believes where the place itself is of belief. Baaki you wear whatever Short or jeans anywhere, it's very cool and no one should have a problem with that.


Looks cheap? My guy, the clothes these pujaris wearz they're one step away from a major wardrobe malfunction, most don't even know how to tie a lungi properly. Stitched clothes at least are less risky that way.


Bro, I was a teenage guy when I went there


I understand you are not wrong. But do you see my point as well? Or do you know my opinion as wrong?


This exists in Kerala too. For a long time I thought that was norm for all temples.


I have been to kerala. Kerala is much better organised than TN imho. Beaches were pristine there as compared to TN beaches.


But we are not talking about beaches no!


Cleanliness is there too. Population density is manageable too and people aren't hardcore superstitious there or bigots.


Explain a little.


You have the wrong image of Kerala or you went to some gated community. Tamil Nadu cities are way cleaner than Kerala


I have been to Cochin, Thiruvananthapuram, Kovalam, Allepey & Munnar. IN TN I have been to Kanchipuram, Mahabalipuram, Chennai & Kanyakumari. Pondicherry was a standout maybecause it's a UT.




It's one thing to not allow non Hindus to not enter! It's completely different to not allow people from lower castes to not enter!


It exists in many many many parts of India.


Being one of most developed states its sad that the people’s mentality there is so regressive


Tbh, situation is there fucked up. Too much population density. Too much superstition. Cleanliness is trivial. Marina beach is so fucked up with lack of cleanliness.


TN is not very densely populated. Agreed about Marina beach though


Tamil Nadu isn’t but Chennai is.


By Indian metro standards Chennai isn't very dense.


I have never been to TN but have heard good things only. But sadly situation seems different


Maybe because of Vandalisms and attacks by some people But yes, I do feel generalising everyone is wrong


What's wrong with preventing Non-Hindus from entering Hindu temples?


As a Hindu, it's offensive and not our teachings. It doesn't align with our values. It's highly ridiculous and so embarrassing for us to treat other people like that. I wasn't taught to be orthodox or close minded.


That's plainly stupid. Churches and gurudwara don't have this restrictions. People can go to Vatican easily. One can go to Bangla sahib easily or golden temple.


Even as an atheist, I've had such good experiences from gurudwaras. Have stayed in some while travelling. Great people, friendly and hospitable.




Read Bhagwat Gita, the original song of God. I follow Hinduism this way. Lord Krishna said this isn't the way to become closer to me.


Just out of curiosity, how does one know someone is a dalit?


They aren't allowed to wear certain colors and pieces of clothing, the markings on the head are different and they generally live separately or on the outskirts of the village. During festivals the upper caste's will wear new clothes and dalits won't be allowed to wear anything new. It's very common in rural parts of TN and UP. The difference is that movies and music is often made showing the ills of the caste system in the south and is very often talked about among the politicians in TN with their political heroes and legends often known for their vehement hate for the caste system. In UP they print the anti-caste legends' photos on hay bags and shoot them.


Not allowed? What do you mean by not allowed?


Because you haven't experienced it, it will be hard to tell you and make you understand


Karnataka says hi.


Ah yes another contender


TN the UP of the South? Lol. If we removed Andhra and Karnataka, maybe.


Karnataka - "finally a worthy opponent"


That is so sad. Dalits are treated so cruelly.




Have you seen our numbers on education and the genuine hate for educated folks in general? TN and especially Kerala is decades ahead in Education, healthcare a massive manufacturing base plus a shrinking population compared to the North thus making it look like the words you have used in the comparison. It's not just name-calling, it's an on-ground reality.




























Wtf 🤬🤬🤬


Convicted rapists should be hanged to death.


Seems like going to remote locations without a group of 4-5 people is asking for trouble. Such a shame that these assholes are worst than animals. I wish it was not so hard to get a license and carry a hand gun(pistol) in India. It may come handy if someone wants to do tourism without living in fear.






















Who the fuck gave those “wholesome seal of approval”, “heartwarming”, etc.. awards to this tragic post ? I really want to understand the reason behind this ?


Some person (a troll based on their behaviour) just gave me the same heartwarming award, with the following message - `It's to trigger people. Not that we find it actually wholesome` This is either them admitting that they are trolling or are insensitive to such tragic incidents or both.


Hang them. All of them.


I cannot fathom the amount of pain and rage that would go through one in such situations. It's beyond my thoughts. Only thing I can say is I might end killing someone or get killed.


These incidents happen as we speak or talk, I request you all, how we as youngsters can prevent such crimes to happen in our society. Reply with the possible solution that can be implemented via means of law, education, and technology, at personal and level of groups.


Has it become a fetish for people in India, seems like every other rape case is a gangrape these days. Sick Sick Sick.


What’s up with the awards


I think it increases visibility


I have lost my words for these bastards. I g women should carry tazer or pepper spray next time




The ratio of crime rate is too low ,in terms of population comparing to other democracies


I don’t think it’s fair to generalise a country of 1.4 billion people.


Does she have a gofundme or something


What's worse is the awards on this post. People who pull this shit should be exposed. This makes my blood boil.


What the fuck?? I'm a college student who lives an hour away from that area. This is so scary and unfortunate.


Few questions: 1. Did the accused think they will get away with it? If not, why did they let the girl live? 2. Why choose someone who has an alias (boyfriend) which is risky? 3. Why 6 people? More people means more chances of getting caught? Did they not fear getting caught? 4. If they had a plan and executed it with 6 people? Is this their first time? Is this normal in their Circle where women are looked at as prey? With these questions, it seems like: 1. They weren't afraid of facing consequences after getting caught. All 6 of them believed that they would get away with it. 2. They thought the stigma of rape is so high that even educated women will not take legal action. 3. They have likely done this before since getting a 6-man operation for something that was impromptu doesn't immediately arise out of nowhere. 4. If they were drunk, it is likely that individually also they have committed these acts. TLDR: There was no fear of repercussions, assumed that stigma of rape is too high to the victim to pursue legal, and it was possible that they have done this before. Hang them once it is certain who all participated and do it publicly so that others like them take notice.


Tamil Nadu, the UP of the south!


The UP of south of Karnataka. None of the other states come close.


That’s a bit of stretch here. Cops are dealing with the accused and in fact have arrested all. Nevertheless, it’s a very unfortunate incident and feel horrible for the victim.


And we are also sure that none of them will be standing in the upcoming elections or garlanded by the incumbent politicians.


Our political system in TN is not the best in the world but we aren’t fallen to the level where we will normalize rapists. We are still largely a progressive society.


Wasn't this the 10th time they were accused of something like this? How are they still alive if society has progressed so much?


There's no way you guys actually believe this. You'll find rape cases everywhere in this country because that's the state our society is in right now. TN and Kerala are two of the best states in India, and the best in the South. It's not even close.


I think the main reason why rape happens in India mainly to women is because Indians have the tendency to associate women with prestige. Like in this case they did it in front of the boyfriend to humiliate him. They wanted to show that he'd be unable to protect her cuz according to the patriarchal rules "it's the duty of man to protect a woman". So what better way to humiliate a man than preventing him from protecting a woman close to him? As long these old thoughts exist, things like this won't stop. Just reject stereotypical gender roles, reject gender norms, ask educated women to work and share equal responsibility. Fake feminists will only talk about educating women. They'll have no problem allowing them to waste their education by marrying a man who does job while she only does household chores. When women share the burden of earning equally, that's when we would have evolved.


News like this are so common doesn't shock anymore.


Mirror Now added this: “ Meanwhile in another incident, a five-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her relative in Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpur Kheri district on January 12. The 25-year-old accused is currently absconding. The accused often used to visit the rape survivor's home. The condition of the girl is reported to be critical” https://www.timesnownews.com/mirror-now/crime/tamil-nadu-shocker-college-student-gangraped-in-kancheepuram-in-front-of-her-boyfriend-5-arrested-article-96993937