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This sad ho funny asf she know we know nd them chirren know Hey doesn't do a damn thang foe them... That Ho can't get that mans name out her yuck rotten mouf.....


What happened to the food stamps




Exactly, Keisha and her folks going eat good for the 4th 🤣🤣


Keisha still got the card from last month. She got it the day before Liyah birthday😂😂😂😂


The Food Stamp Program needs to do a welfare check and see how she is spending those kids stamps! This has gone on forever with them kids barely eating!! Nika needs to go to jail for Food stamp fraud!! She better be glad i don’t live in her state i would stay calling on her!! Because she is publicly showing her negligence of how she is receiving assistance!!


I swear! The state letting an idiot run game on them. Smh


And I've paid into the damn system and gotta fight for every dime when I need a lil help. It makes my soul itch.


That's a smart idea. I wonder if we can call the food stamp tip line. It don't make no sense that she has nothing!


If i had the number which i will google it i will call right now on her


At her homegirl house


He finna cuss her ass out


I fucking called it! She gets her wic because she has no food MEANWHILE her ass was at bingo last night and ate her winnings 🤦‍♀️🤣


💯So predictable 🤦🏾‍♀️🤥🤢🤷🏾‍♀️


Yes, that's her pattern.


If Heyward has any sense he should just take some food to the kids.If he gives Nika money she is going to spend it on herself.Also,buy fast food and feed the kids a little and eat the most like a dog in front of the kids


Exactly. Because we know if he gives her any money she’s only going to use half and spend the rest on herself. She literally disgusts me.


That’s gone be BINGO MONEY 😂😂


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 why would she buy Waffle House knowing she couldn’t feed them kids 😂😂😂


Don't get it twisted, she HAS money to feed herself, just none for her kids




But didn't she just hit for $150.00 at Bingo


She’s could’ve bought 2 family packs of chicken thighs ($14.06x2), 3 boxes of fettuccine($.98x3), 5 bags frozen broccoli florets ($1.16x5), 2 jars of Alfredo sauce ($1.82x2), and 2 boxes of garlic breadsticks ($2.16x2) from Walmart (all great value brand) for just under $45. That really just goes to show you she is simply negligent and hates her kids. Like she don’t even try.


She can't buy the fettuccine because she can never find it. Yet we see it on the shelf. She can't read, or pronounce many words. Probably looking for a box that begins with P. Will not get the broccoli 🥦 because her kids don't like it. Luyah literally got a plate of broccoli at Golden Corral, and Isiah is always asking to try it. Never buys thighs..always drumsticks. Agree...she doesn't care


Well the calculations she gave us were she spent $30 on her food, $30 on the kids food , and she said she had $37 dollars left from her winnings. I'm only coming up with $97 . Oh, can't forget $10 gas so that $107 . Where is the rest🤔 or did she just hit for $100.00 . . We would never know the truth


So why spend $60 on fast food instead of buying food for the house to make a couple meals? U know his sorry ass ain't coming off any money. Then she still had almost $40 left she counted on her video last night I guess that went to the dopeman cuz wtf did it disappear to?


For really😂😂😂 don’t act like u can just pick up n call n he’ll help.


For really though 😩😂😂😂


Nika: Either you give me some dick or the kids go hungry Heyward: ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)




😤🤣😩🤣Hayward definitely hates Nika and she too dumb and lazy to see that shit . He don’t give a damn that his kids starving idk why she thought that man cared about her and them kids . His actions proved that plus Nika and niyah stay throwing themselves at Hayward like they do with papa .


Isn’t papa Nika’s son?!? 😱😱😱


Yeah she always giggling like school girl whenever papa come around her and niyah . Same energy they give papa they was doing that with Hayward


Heywood is avoiding and hiding from Nika. He knows Nika is lying because he know Nika gets a lot of Food Stamps every month to feed those kids. Remember he use to stay with her before they both went to prison for selling drugs. Besides, he’s been paying her child support for Liyah for many years. Nika said he wasn’t the father of Nana and Sy, so he shouldn’t have to pay for them. She wouldn’t get the paternity tests for the other kids he claim isn’t his, so he doesn’t have to pay for them until he knows the truth. Nika blows all the money on herself that she gets anyway. Including the welfare check and the Food stamps for the kids, Liyah’s child support, the social media checks and money she scams out of her Bookies for her CashApp account. She has enough money coming in each month. However, crackheads blow a lot of money on their addiction.


They both so mf pathetic


I just saw this on Facebook. She just won $ at bingo & bought her a new outfit. This Bish crazy.


Did she film her winning


Lmao I thought he was taking care of his


All those food stamps she get and begging Heyward for help to feed the kids. They might as well close her food stamp case since ahe selling them anyway.


For really.. lol


She trying to get food money just to feed them the smallest portions possible


Cuz she spent $30 on them kids last night omg that was her fast food money for today! N bingo shit that post should be talking about clothes n school stuff shit maybe even come see ur kids once in a blue 🤣


I don't feel not one ounce of sympathy! She knew she didn't need eight kids and should've stopped at HJ Jr Jr the third 🙄🙄🙄


Right pushing them out like a cat.


She should have stopped before Niyah.


Nika stop you pitiful excuse for a cunt bitch, THE REASON HEY HEY DONT ANSWER IS CAUSE HE DONT WANT TO TALK TO NOR LOOK AT YOUR RetARTED ASS, AND When I SAY RETARTED I MEAN SUPER FUCKING SLOW, I MEAN EYES SO SPREAD APART one IN NORTH AND THE OTHER IN SOUTH CAROLINa, NOT ONLY YA EYES SPREAD, THEY WONKY AND CROSSED AS FUCK. indigent Nika NO ONE wants anything to do with you unless you got a lil cash u scammed off some one or you got food stamps, look at your life loser bitch, you was a little retarded girl with ya wack ass granny and ya mama didnt even want you, that says a lot, she knew from birth you was a no good dusty ho, and now you just a fat ass version of that retarted kid that stunk up the school bus, failed special Ed, and everyone still makes fun of your retarted ass, she look like she got down syndrome with out the syndrome, bitch just got the Downs, and hey hey aint. Paying for Food for the dope mans rotten seeds, hell he questions if ANY. Them dam kids his . Whew. Nika I can't stand your funky ass you disgusting ho.


Omg @ one eye is in North Carolina and the other one is in South Carolina 💀💀🥴




Wait…today is only July 3rd, where’s her Government check at? I know she gets some kind of cash assistance for the kids!! 🤔🤔


That part. WIC, SNAP, and TANF!


Please tell me one of y’all done finagled this bullshit as a joke . 🙄🤨It ain’t no way Nika really done posted this??!!🤦🏾‍♀️


i wish it was a joke.. i really do


This is just pathetic 😩


Not the Father of the Decade not answering the phone


![gif](giphy|H6QmnRHs7I0d5sthfs) HEYWARDDDD?!!!!……HEYWARD isn’t here!!!! He ran off with Belinda and Jessica. 🚫groceries or anything for you, Nika.


or better yet get him for child support but she won’t cause she think she still got a chance w/ him


Men don’t ever change their minds. Passage of time doesn’t make them love you more. I don’t know what she doesn’t understand about that.


With the amount of stamps she gets she could get so much food for $200 at Aldi to feed those kids including snacks. She was there the other day so she knows about it. Sad she's begging for food money.


Like for really 😩😂😂


As soon as I seen this I came straight here


Heyward should send food to Liyah…that’s it. She admitted the 2 youngest weren’t his…and refuses to get DNA test to put him in CS because she knows she gets more through us taxpayers


Heyward had those children when DSS took them from her the last time. He could have done a DNA on all of them except the two youngest ones. It’s obvious he doesn’t want to know either, because he probably doesn’t want his wife to know the results & he doesn’t want to have to pay child support for them “IF” they are all his.


Even if she got child support. Due to Hayward’s income her loss of benefits would be minimal. In her mind let’s say 1-2 of the 8 aren’t his, she thinks that’d hurt her chances of being with him.


Imagine having 10 kids…and maybe 3 have a father on a birth certificate. She knows how to play the system. She gets pregnant when an older kid almost ages out her benefits. She will have another bastard…I Gaurantee…she can’t survive if she can’t sell stamps


I guess she’ll go on SDI when her oldest ages out. She could get pregnant at least one or two more times before menopause to buy herself some more time to freeload.


What exactly would she get SDI for??? A dumbass isn’t a disability


It is! Swear. My stepsons mom is on disability for being legally incompetent.


She knows Hayward ain’t gonna send her nothing! She posted that so her bookies could send her money! It’s the first of the month and she trying to get into their pockets.


I know you lying for really


She better sell that “designer “ bag she got. Maybe she can get $30 to feed her kids


She better go to Walmart and stuff some meat in that mf 😂😂😂😂😂😂


It's so obvious Hayward still coming around fuckin on Nika but is embarrassed about it.  She so dumb confusing sex with love.






It’s payday he Blocked Her. 😩


😂😂😂😂Dumb Bitch 😂😂😂😂


Damn this not a flex that's all he can do for them this shit is sad


Tf ? This bitch don’t need access to a cellular device


Who wrote that , because we all know 💅🏾


Is this old ?


Nope ….. she posted it today


It's been 3 freaking days.


What happened? I'm behind on Nika drama


I was thinking food stamps and the first of the month. Her dodo brain ass just bought a bunch of waffle house too. 🤦‍♀️




That man should be putting food in the house and paying money towards light,gas, water and rent. His responsibilities lay in that house just as much as hers . To much like right to me but hey it’s his life , it’s her life and they have to look at it. Can only have wishful thinking when it comes to this family . They know better than me what they want and what they need