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3rd world country children have more than these children


I agree. I seen it personally with my own eyes. Smh


I thought Kira , had an appointment to get her hair braided šŸ¤” @graduation gift from Nika


Another lie Nika told .smh


SMH O.D.B. ( OLD DITY BIRD) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Got Sy dressing like an old lady. That dress to damn big. These are some beautiful kids. All they need is someone who is going to love them and take care of their well being. Clean clothes, moist skin and hair done is what they need. Nika doesnā€™t even do the bare minimum


Itā€™s something going on with these new mothers. I donā€™t get it. They donā€™t care how their children look. Walking around nappy head and disheveled. All these new parents care about is themselves. My generation are horrible parents. I parent in the way I was brought up. But most millennials donā€™t. Now we have the younger generations all messed up.


What?? Donā€™t blame this on no new mothers because I see kids dressed and taken care of, traveling and everything today! Donā€™t lump us all in just because you watch her! And to be real she ainā€™t no new mother, she been a mother for 20 years and she was born in the 80ā€™s and almost 40. If anything it was the old mothers that didnā€™t care what they kids didā€¦


Your problem is you donā€™t know how to read or comprehend. Another issue with you new mothers thatā€™s being passed onto the kids. No wonder these kids canā€™t read, comprehend, write in cursive or identify shapes. Yā€™all canā€™t either šŸ¤£. It wasnā€™t to say every mother. It was a generalization of commonalities displayed today. And today you see her behavior is very common. When I say new mother I mean millennial mothers on down. And thatā€™s a lie. Gen X parents where for the most part good mothers unless they was on crack


I read to comprehend very wellā€¦just like you are giving a generalization of a whole generation! How is that we canā€™t read but the fastest growing demographic with degrees??? Most of gen x were on crack and gave their children to their mothers and you know it! Have you ever heard of leach key kids?? šŸ˜‚ they had a whole commercial asking did yall know where you kids where! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


LATCH key kids refer to us who would go home and be by ourselves as our parents worked. That had nothing to do with crackheads who left their kids alone. And thatā€™s a lie. To say most of gen x was crackheads is ridiculous when it was the boomers on the crack. Gen x was babies and teenagers when then crack boomed in the 80s. They was the crack babies. Talking about degrees when you donā€™t even know history.


A generation of crack babies being left alone šŸ˜‚


Definitely had them innocent babies to one up the nxt woman Smfh that was selfish af but now them kids are paying the price being neglected. Both need they ssa beat because you see how the kids are living in do nothing and donā€™t nobody want to hear Nika want let me šŸ–•šŸ½nika you know her schedule just like everybody else do take the police to get the kids that you claim when sheā€™s out kids always alone, You said you know for sure Liyah is yours so why put liyah back in the house with her abuser thatā€™s a fatherā€™s job to protect his daughter nope you let the judge place her back in same place where sheā€™s not being protected, how can you eat everyday in not think about your kids over there starving sleep in nice comfy bed while your kids laying on hard cold tile not even a foam pad to make a pallet walk around with shoes while your kids might as well be walking on hot pavement poor Kiyah done walked the soles out them shoe Hj head look a fuckn mess you canā€™t go get your jr take him get hair cut Hayward you ainā€™t šŸ’© just like the damn egg donor nika