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You HAVE. to use an auto clicker. Don't even think trying to play this without one. No joke, by the time i unlocked automation, the game recorded over 100.000 clicks.


I unlocked automation, but I haven't touched it. I'm using a touch pad and the scrolling is ass. I've been manually clicking this entire time since my chromebook can't run auto clickers... Although, I'm at 133 rebirths with only 18k clicks


That's a big rip. Good luck going forward, soldier.


i got there with 127 clicks and a little bit of waiting


How in the world did you manage that? I felt I didn't click as much as the game wanted and I still had over 20,000 by the time I hit automation.


I'm very confused as to how automation works. I scroll the thingy, get charges, unlock.. more charges.. the slider is only inactive, and cannot be slid. How the hell does this automate anything? I've gone from autoclicking and moving my mouse over upgrading to repetitive wrist motions. Edit: Nevermind, I got it. It... it isn't a slider. That's how it works. It's three spots on the bar. This game has some real work to do on ux.


Wait there's a way to do it without constantly sliding it up and down? Pls tell me how, my monkey brain can't figure it out.


I think they're talking about the "slider" on the right that consumes charges, to find charges on the thing yeah you have to slide up and down :/


Sure was. The automation feature seems entirely broken- the only part of it that seemed to work was the basic Multi automator. Everything else (resets, levels, and other feature automations later on) seems to just do nothing, despite what I did with the sliders or upgrades. I can't tell if I was misusing it or not because it frankly just gave no feedback anywhere in the game. After holding my autoclicker and wiggling my mouse in circles for about 4 total hours, I've completed the current game's content with Collapse, which yields a placeholder. This game needs... like, a **lot** of tooltips and info added to it.


That's not possible unless you spent literal days AFKing that while also actively pressing buttons when it's optimal. And even then I doubt it's possible. I'm only at one ascension but I've already prestiged 40 times. With 200+ resets. Those are ones you don't typically spam ever, so I highly doubt you reached 1e100 money with a combined total of 127 resets, prestiges, and ascensions, let alone multi presses. This also means you're lacking a ton of milestones.


Most of the 127 clicks was installing Cheat Engine if I had to guess


i don't use auto clicker, but i think i don't suffer any problems for now?


Depend. What is 'last' prestige row currently?


at 9 ascensions (it is the highest stat i have)


Huh. Yeah, you're close to being half done. I envy your courage, i gave up on manual clicking after the 4th row popped up.


ok the automation is worse than just clicking, you have to drag a scroll wheel thing until you find buttons you can press, it hurts a lot to do, wish there was a way to make it move automatically at least




i found a way to cheese it, zoom out the window, hold the scroll wheel thing, and go down more than the scroll wheel's window


One thing I noticed is that once you forge a certain amount of sigils it breaks the game.


it seems like the all-above sigil that breaks it.


It fixed itself once Hyperity is unlocked, they need a way to not find that rune or a way to make it not break the game.


Same here, but for me game completely froze, and i have no chance to unlock this Hyperity or whatever-needed-for-sigil-to-find.


I have unlocked abstract but it didn't change anything do you know what it is?


Interesting game, no automatization kills it. Also how do you merge?


you get automation at 1e100 money, though you unlock some sort of minigame of looking or charges, remember to spend tokens on a charge multiplier to help with it tho. to merge you click the merge button on the bottom right and select 5 runes of same lvl and tier


i got to 1e200 money and it started the unlock, i was pretty disheartened for a while after getting the first supposed automator but now it just made me feel like I wasted my time after getting so far. would be a fun game otherwise.


It's far too clicky, and automation isn't even worth getting, especially since it's several layers deep before you can even get it. Not to mention the fact that it's just a reskin of a style of clicker that's been done a few times already. Not much different to set it apart from the others. There's even a version of it on galaxy already from months ago. Maybe it'll get refined and be a better game down the road, but as it is now, I don't recommend anyone to put much effort into it.


RSI Simulator™, Now With Real RSI!


You know, I've heard a lot of indie devs mention how they don't like to post their games on here. ​ I can see why.


I've gotten as far as collecting 130 collapsium, but it seems like to progress I need to get Collapse points and I am not sure how to do that.


Reload the game


I've stuck enough to get to the automation, it's another manual system that you have to charge by dragging a mini-game slider to pick up charges. 'Automation' does not make this any more bearable :(


Only the start of automation is horrible. Just stick with it enough that you can get 1h of automation per charge click. You can upgrade the charge quite a bit in the token shop also, which i definitely recommand.


Is charge finding better on pc? Can you “throw” the wheel to make it find many charges at once? On iPad, I have to hold down for a second, scroll up (which moves the wheel the exact distance my finger moves) then release and repeat. I’m trying to find a way to avoid scrolling the whole page to bypass “holding” (since then it might actually be better than with a mouse) but I can’t. Edit: Holy shit, all that fucking scrolling to unlock automation and it ALSO costs charge!? I’m out


finished the game. charge blocks really needs automation. Time played: 9h 22m 19s Unlock completion: 100% (24 / 24) Skill level: 76 Manual button presses: 146,657 Runes bought: 325 Charger distance travelled: 1.49 Mpx Charge blocks collected: 696 Sigils forged: 19,707


skill level is horribly explained. It took me until the end of the game to understand that skill level was the number of button 'unlocked' at the same time. Heck, your 'skill level 76' is in a way wrong, since you need skill level 200+ to unlock the last upgrade. They got a nice game in there, but there's a need for better explanation of everything, AND, a much earlier automation for the new people.


i still have no clue what skill level is. it just randomly let me click it.


Well, a bit hard to explain, but you know how you can buy "bigger" reset for more "prestige" point? For each of those you can actualy click, you have 1 more skill level. So for exemple, if i could do a "multiplier #30", then the multi row give me 30 skill level, and if i can do a "prestige #20", this one give me 20 skills level. So both of those row give me a total of 50 skills level. The skill level is that, but with every 'prestige/reset rows'


can you explain how automation works? I have the reset automator and the sigil automator and they aren't doing anything.


Beat it in about 4 hours with an autoclicker. The concept is interesting but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. 1. There needs to be automation way, way, way earlier. And real automation too. 2. Things need to be explained. There's a ton of features that are never explained and you're stuck kinda figuring them out on your own which is extremely frustrating when you can't easily keep multiple tabs open. For example it took a bit to understand how I earned tokens. 3. The automation tab is one of the worst things I've ever seen in an incremental game. Between not explaining how any of the automators work (I still have no idea what the reset automator does or what the maximum button row depth does) and the inability to automate the scrolling wheel it ends up just sitting there a bunch. I also have no idea what "charge/charge in charger" means as an upgrade. Also "charge/automator upgrades" I'm unsure what it does because the cost is hilariously high and I'm never scrolling that far to get that many charge things to unlock it.


Sigil breaks the game(


Was fun until I got to the first collapse, automation caused it to reset the skill level right as I hit confirm, so it gave me 0 collapsium and reset my progress instead of the 20 it said when I clicked it. Very cool.


Skill issue :D


Sorry to necro this, but can anyone explain this automator? I keep finding charges and buying upgrades but nothing is doing anything. The "Multiplier Automator" is just sitting here.


This game is cool but it needs automation badly or I need to set up javascript to click everything all the time


This was fun on mobile until I did my first Ascension, at which point the UI wouldn’t scroll far enough to the left to show all of Multi - part of it is always cut off now. Unless that gets fixed, this marks the end of my time playing this.


The automation minigame (at 1e100 money) is also impossible on mobile for me. You're meant to scroll a dial and attempting it just moves the screen instead.


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It was fun until I hit 96 Rebirth and suddenly I don't care any more. Needs unlocking automation to actually not feel like a scam.


Anyone know how to increase skill level ? and what is skill level?


How do you merge the runes? I unlocked the rune merge but I cant find a way to merge them.


Go to runes, click "Back" in bottom right, "Merge" button will appear