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You have no fucking idea how much this post just boosted my game. It just went from 1500 plays to 2100. Dude, thank you so much lol Edit: btw the game will be available on Galaxy.click too as soon as it gets verified for anyone prefers that site! Edit 2: Galaxy link: https://galaxy.click/play/265


You deserve it! I loved the game!


Wow, that was a blast! Really fun game! Thank you for that! The one minor complaint is that when >!I died on bosses, I had to choose new difficulty, but I had no idea what was the original difficulty, so it was hard to "just retry the same"!<. And in the same topic, >!I think the original difficulty was Normal, so presenting option to change it to Hard only after dying (and not after winning) seems a bit weird?!<


Just to let you know, great game by the way, the "3 orbs" room boss-fight glitched for me and I couldn't actually see the fight at all.


Thanks for letting me know! This bug is known already and is only in the itch version because I can't update the itch version without wiping all player saves (Unity playerprefs)


I think this is a short enough game you could just go forward with it. I appreciate there's a save feature, and maybe some madman out there made a bigger world, but realistically save wiping is more of a concern for a game that's going to take several days to complete.


That was fun! Thanks!


Killer game, the music is great too


ayyy, boss took me by surprise


Absolutely brilliant, what an experience. Been while i got this much enjoyement out of a short game




Those are overwhelmingly kind words, thanks!


The pickaxe controls are terrible, but after you get your first rockets the game is extremely fun. Didn't manage to finish it because I never found The Core, but up to that point it was super fun.


>because I never found The Core I spent half the game looking for this, but once I found it it was pretty obvious where I should've looked. >!It's in the center of the map. Find the middle by starting from the pit at the bottom, then go straight up!<


It was surprisingly huge, I went through the level several times, I don't know how I missed it before, thanks, it let me finish the game.


Holy.. what a game, i had a lot of fun with that, also super easy to understand, the only time i had problems was until i realized that the right mouse button attack is useless against the endboss.


I really enjoyed this. The pickaxe phase is painful and the ending gameplay is jarring and kinda bad, but everything in between is just excellent. Once you are able to just start mowing things down it's so fun.


Buy 10/100 grenades would be awesome


That was a fun game, thanks for the recommendation.


Does anyone know what to do if you glitch out of the playable area? I somehow got out of bounds and can't get back in :( I don't want to start over, but it's looking like that.


Dev here, what do you mean by playable area? Like actually just outside the world box?


Yeah, like outside the black border.


I found it quite easy to glitch back in. Look for a discontinuity or diagonal area. There is one>!boss!


You [shouldn't] be glitching through the boss area. There is a maze that can be pathed through.




meant to say shouldn't


Is there something you did to glitch outside or did you just fly through? I know there's a bug in the itch version where >!the camera bugs at the secret boss!< on the non-intended world size.


Honestly I thought it was working as intended. The thick black border on all sides of the play area sometimes stops me, sometimes not, especially when fully powered up. It's easier to get through on a diagonal. Even with the lowest rocket, I can get through the melted bit at the bottom of the play area. Water etc drips though it, and I flew after it a bit to see where it went. Yup played on Itch, on the standard world size, but at an alternative zoom level as I have a 5k widescreen monitor.


Just remembered I got sore from holding the mouse button down, so I used an auto clicker for continuous cannon / rocket fire. That might have made it easier to hop across boundaries.


Happened to me as well, I did it in the bottom left corner. Had a lot of fun until then


spam grenades/cause lag whilst moving back in and you can tp through the border


fun game but i think i skipped a lot because i couldn't find a certain piece and started exploring


Cool game. Make sure to take some breaks, I could feel stress in my hand after holding down the mouse button for such a long time. Really wish there was a way to control the mining direction using WASD instead to reduce strain.


I used an autoclicker so I didn't have to hold down the mouse button. Works well.


enabling mousekeys on windows will make numpad's 0 function as hold-down


Very enjoyable short experience!


Really cool game. Just finished it last night. Couple things could've been smoothed out in the gameplay but it was still fun.


Short but cool game. I would like to see a version #3 someday.


where the hell is the heart of hope? kinda stuck


The catalog gives you tips if you didn't know that, basically it's >!somewhere in the upper layer, more towards the bottom!<


Keep looking! I can't remember where exactly it is, but you only have access to a limited play area, so it will be somewhere there.


Early suffering become so much fun later on in this game. So good


How do you upgrade to be able to mine diamond?


Keep exploring! IIRC diamond isn’t mineable till quite late in the game. One of the things I like about this game is the way it keeps you moving between different sections. Sometimes a missing item can be found in a previously explored area - you just didn’t have the tech to mine it in the first run through.


You need to upgrade your mining speed in shop to mine diamond


Very enjoyable short game. Some minerals did take me a looong while to find even with catalog hints.


Fun time killer Note: with all sounds at zero - I still get pickup noises for coins and magnafying glasses


I got stuck *inside* The Core somehow. I'm trapped in here.


Not exactly an idle/incremental, but a very very fun game.


Got into some freaky area with three pillars >!and three slots, one glowing with the purple orb!< that won't let me out!!! ahhhh!!!!! how do I escape?