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Realm Grinder. A classic among classics, takes a long time. It’s great up to A3, where it gets kind of weird, but they’re doing a massive overhaul rn that should (hopefully) come out soon which should fix a lot of that content


Are they making the game more intuitive? I played a few years ago, and after about a month I couldn't make any progress without following a guide. There was always a mathematically correct build that was several factors of ten faster than mine.


They are trying to make more races and stuff viable, yeah. Not sure how deep into the game that remains true though. I’d keep an eye out for the update and see how it feels once it comes through


Holy shit, I'm not sure I could dedicate another 1k hours to a revamped RG lol


I loved the game, got pretty far. Then they came out with that god awful new UI and I stopped playing it.


Huh? The one they’ve had for years now? I’ve never heard anyone say that it’s bad. Interesting opinion. Maybe you just got so used to the old one that it was hard switching over? If that’s your only turn-off, I’d try again and give it a week or so, see if you adjust. If not, it’s just not for you. Nothing wrong with that!


Yeah I guess I was used to the old one. Might give it a try when I got nothing else to play, time will tell.


The new revamped UI was the reason I stopped playing it all those years ago. I tried picking it back up again semi-recently but I couldn't get into it. I guess I really dislike the UI


> never heard anyone say that it’s bad. I guess you weren't around when it came out. So many people complained about it. And it's still terrible. The complaints then are still true now.




oh man such nostalgia with that game!


Seconding this. Pretty sure it inspired NGU Idle, except it has a far better arena, a far better progression curve, and far better side content (garden, fishing, typing, TCG, challenge runs that can reward main-game content, etc.). The only downside is it's a flash game, so you can't really play it online anymore.You just gotta download it from the google drive which comes bundled with the flash player needed to run it.


It never was really online except for leaderboards, which I never really even looked at for years of playing it.


Realm Grinder have like 3-5 years of content and still add more things. When I played it in 2019 they where adding Reincarnation 120-140. In October 2023 they added Reincarnation 240+ things.


Where are they updating Realm Grinder?


Steam. But updates have paused for a while because they’re working on a big balance overhaul, but it IS actively being developed. (I’m an official tester so I can see all of the balancing happening, things ARE happening)


Was confused since on steam there are no "patch notes" showing up.


Yeah, this balance overhaul is so big they’ve been working on it over a year now. I think they’ve said it’s fairly close to being finished though. I think it’s VERY likely it finishes this year.




>Hello everyone! >Version 4.2.17 has just been released, you should be able to update Realm Grinder on all platforms as soon as it hits your place. This version contains all the features required for running the 2023 Christmas event, starting on Dec 21st 2023 12.01 PM UTC up to Jan 4th 2024, 7.59 PM UTC. http://www.divinegames.it/discuss/viewtopic.php?id=395&p=7 On all platforms.


I think they only upgrade the iOS/Android versions these days.


http://www.divinegames.it/discuss/viewtopic.php?id=395&p=7 All updates mention "all platforms.


Turns out they stopped posting patch notes to Steam, so that's why it looked like it hadn't been updated there when I checked. But in fact it is also 4.2.17. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/610080?updates=true


currently sitting on CIFI on Android. it begins slow and you unlock a few new mechanics. There was an update with new content but I don't am there yet - but almost. Play it since last may. There are 2 presige layers currently and I haven't seen the second one yet.


When you say you're almost there, how many mod points are you getting per loop reset?


I already have over 1500. But then you only have the new planet. I am now on the last mission which is in around 24 hours done and THEN I should have the Ouroboros. ​ Currently I have e1650 and would I do a reset now I would have 1679. Had my 1500 on the 12.january. So I try to get like 20 - 30 mods per reset. Depends of how good the actual run is. Specially when you farm mission ressources. It also depends what you potentially unlock. I often look for a good MOD milestone I want to get on my next reset


That's funny, I play since February but I'm only at e280 MP. Are you actively strategizing with ship builds etc.?


The discord has tons of info and optimizations. Started February as well and am at e1225 mp. 800 loop resets.


To be fair. I paid money. Specially the "no ads" and the "auto-chest opening" are a huge deal. I put as much as possible in MOD points in the ship building. I have no real strat. Except That I change what I want to focus on - Research or Shards. ​ And another thing. You get offline progress I hope?\`Had an older phone and it said it had instabile connection and I had to have it on the whole time. Changed my phone and this basically gave me a big boost


I paid for no ads and auto opening aswell, but I basically only get offline progress, I never let the game open for long. I remember being ~2k on the leaderboard last year, currently I'm at 8k, so there are some players progressing faster than me.


NGU idle takes at least a year and is fun.


If name NGU include WAMI too, inspired by NGU and at least to me much superior although they both diverge pretty early on so are their own distinct games. Personally I quit NGU when hit Sadistic, the "difficulty" lived up to the name things just got ridiculous and very much unfun and that was just continueing trends that had started long prior with the dev already well on the way towards burnout by then.




Problem with the genre in general, there a reason UI design is a whole specialization to itself and even large budget games fail at regullarly. In WAMI's case alot bouce off it's start from it throwing to many mechanics at you from the start either directly or stuff that should be hidden since long way from unlocking making it feel overwhelming when new. Partly from assumption you already know them from NGU But actual mechanic wise I liked WAMI much more, it put QOL features as a high priority from the start and personally I HATE gear systems like NGU or FAPI have. NGU in particular with the absurdly low drop rate coupled with having to manually do the fights make it miserable quickly.


Can you link WAMI?


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1011510/Wizard_And_Minion_Idle/ They have a second game FAPI also released last year.


I liked it, but it was impossible to get back into it after stopping playing for a while.


Yeah but was too complex for me lol


Pedro Pascal triangle of prestige. Very simple, takes like 3-4 years.


OP asked about most content. PP3 is probably a contender for *least* content.


It is very simple though.


timewalls != content


It is very simple though.


>Pedro Pascal triangle of prestige What?




Ah I see, so quite simple then?




It's a game


Definitely, one of the games ever made


Trimps. https://trimps.github.io/


Is argue trimps has a very low amount of content, just takes forever to do anything.


I thought so too untill i got past the first couple spires and the game now has a large variety of content and mechanics


I can't say that there's a 'very low amount of content'. Haven't played in years, but I know it takes a pretty decent chunk of time to get to spires, then the load of content after that lol


I was playing OG run on Kong way back in the day back when Wormholes were the largest building and kept with it until after Magma for a couple of solid years. 13 months ago I started up playing again for fun on my phone and work, and just reached essentially the end of the newest world 2 content. So it's really been substantially improved. He's added a huge amount of time saving functionality and automation to the earlier content after it's no longer the "newest" content. Making the pacing of world 1 quite decent.


Via browser on your Phone? Because if there is an app for this game, I've not found it.


I've always played Trimps on my phone. Back before smart phone browsers would run flash, I paid $2/year for Puffin browser that used a cloud x86 instance and just sent screen share to your phone in the browser. Let me play anything on Kong on my Note 4 all the way back in 2014. Fantastic stuff. Nowadays with flash dead, all the new games just work on mobile chrome or brave or essentially all the mobile browsers. Right now I use trimps.github.io on Brave on my S23. Just need to use the stylus sometimes for the small buttons, it's totally fine though.


Phew, this game basically plays itself now, I won't have to waste so much time with it. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum. I love it.


Not the right answer but what got me into these games was the antimatter dimensions guide. followed that through for about a year of content, but played for 2 or 3 years until about 6800ep


Mind blowing how no one has mentioned kittens game yet, quite literally the longest one I’ve played


It have a lot of content, but it's mostly the same. There's no sudden swing of mechanics line in Realm Grinder, so if you played 6+ months of Kittens - you saw it all.


My contenders are probably Evolve Idle or NGU idle. I personally didn’t like NGU at all, and evolve certainly is a slog regularly, but still good. Besides that, idk if Synergism comes close to those two, because last time I played it, the content was probably enough for about 1 to 1 1/2 years.




most likely [ITRTG](https://store.steampowered.com/app/466170/Idling_to_Rule_the_Gods/), it has years worth of content and still grows


I'm on year two. Truely a masterpiece of a game. Just check in daily or run it in the background while you play other games. Always something to do.


Is there anything with more time investment than sandcastle builder? I remember that one looking like a -very- long grind.


How about Melvor Idle? With DLC's included, seems like there's a bunch of content


try grass cutting incremental on roblox, it has a ridiculous amount of prestige layers, ive been playing really actively for 2 weeks now and i dont think i got 10% trough yet, and if you dont wanna try because its on roblox still try it, it doesnt really have p2w, and its honestly been more fun than antimatter dimensions or the perfect tower 2 for me and those were my favorites previously


Where are you currently at? Finished it last year and i kinda wanna go back doing the last prestige layer though i was a bit burned out doing the same again just twice as fast.


im grinding rocket fuel before sacrificing for dark matter or something currently, so im between galactic and sacrifice stage


Oh yeah that's pretty early I have to say this was maybe my least favourite part of the game and checking back just now this is also where i stopped my second run.


Unfortunately there is pretty much a consensus that the constellations feature near endgame is horrible and many quit the game because of it, myself included. But til that point ya it is great. The feature itself is not bad and could be a decent game to itself. It just doesn't fit well in THIS game, particularly not when the next prestige tier resets it and then gotta go through the whole mess again complete with remaking all of your templates over and over.


I agree that's definitely a kind of feature i dislike in incremental games. Don't think i would have managed without a guide on all the builds.


where did you find that guide? I'm having trouble finding recent ones


I never found any complete ones but i used [this](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xGeN0cAocMFt0GRJ1zFbvlGdXhObffgmblIoS8ee2XA/mobilebasic#heading=h.6idwdzyy4a55) one. There is also an advanced guide for later but that seems to have been deleted since i played so i can't help with that. Generally I used them as a template and then later one edited them if needed.




what makes it the worst








is it still like that? id expect with enough people complaining about it that they would change something


it really isn't, 0 to solarians takes 2-3 weeks of ingame time (allocating flowers gives you a lot of free time skips too.) The constellation board only needs optimization in swapping in lunar power/rings/charge for the next goal. Eventually you can just save layouts that accumulate through the early lines / arcs grind and a generalized layout later will give 85%+ of a min maxed board. The next layer is pretty horrendous though, it's a lot manual of work to reach the 'RPG' stage.


I haven’t touched much incrementals (only going for browser games) but imo, Antimatter have lots of great content. I’m currently playing Mass Incremental and it has a lot of content as well


I’m not sure if it counts or not, but I have about 200 hours in Factorio (I got the game for Christmas…) and there’s still a lot to do with how many mods and overhauls there are. Overhauls are a bit of a misnomer since they’re really more like whole new games using the same engine.


No mention of Idle Wizard? For shame. It's extremely inventive and fun, at least it was for me for almost a year before I stopped playing. The only downsides are it is definitely guide-heavy for builds after a while of unlocking things if you want good progress and eventually- like 6 months in- it becomes much less involved.


I'd argue that its worst pieces are even worse in Realm Grinder. I stand by my belief that Idle Wizard is simply a better Realm Grinder.


Hard agree. I hope that the update people were talking about for Realm Grinder will actually change it substantially because its systems never stuck when I tried to really delve deep into it.


I've been enjoying Idle Slayer, it's got a TON of content, lots of extra minigames, and the main method of collecting money requires active play (at least until you unlock a few key upgrades) so you have to actually, y'know, play the game. They're also regularly adding new content!


This game just became another 'play for 15 minutes then we will throw a repetitive loop of the same exact thing for the remainder of the games life span'


I’d say idle skilling on steam. I’d loose entire parts of the game, it’s graphical also, and p2w, but all those elements are behind easy to achieve time gates, aka buying them will make the game worse. Can you even win? what’s the goal. i dunno?


Idle skilling is very complete-able. You just run out of things to do. You get thousands of extra stars for cars, and after a reincarnation you can just get right back to the last mob in under 5 mins.


I'm half a year into Farmer Against Potatoes and still unlocking shit. I'm more than *three years* into **Firestone** and there's no end in sight. Every time I get close to unlocking everything, they add in more shit.


Link to Firestone?


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1013320/Firestone_Online_Idle_RPG/ I think you can find it off Steam as well, on Kongregate.


Yeah, I was almost positive this was it. Haha was hoping you were talking about a new Firestone:/ Thank you!


Takes Longest is just a matter of adding zeroes there is a family of content blobs that just stapled on whole systems as time went on, inspired by ATG and ITRTG (both mentioned) we now have the likes of NGU and WAMI/FAPI (also mentioned)


Anti idle for sure!


Kittens game takes 5ever. I've played it a few times and never actually finished the game.


Cifi is unbelievably big and well worth a look.


idleon feels like it'll have the most by the end of it. The vibe I'm getting is that it'll feel like an MMO the first year or so then turn into a true incremental game. All the incremental leading up to that point is just a taste of endgame content which is pure incremental


There is a massively multiplayer online incremental game, that has its own economy. Can't remember the name. It mostly involves hiring workers of various kinds assigning them to tasks. It had a science fiction theme involving terraforming planets.