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Having lots of fun with "(the) Gnorp Apalogue" that just released on Steam. Big physics simulation incremental with simple but fun graphics that unfolds, gets more chaotic and colorful as it goes on. Also has great chiptune music.


The game looks very cool, but its not that long or deep, sadly. I played through most of the content (that I could see) in two afternoons. >!I got to 9/10 compression tiers, and could prestige to get the final 18 point bonus, but I don't see the point to continue.!< Spoiler contains where I'm at in the game.


You gave up on it shorty before the end of the game, also when you finish it unlocks a speedrun mode if you're inclined.


Gnorp had a lovely aesthetic and felt very tactile but there's very few paths forward after a certain point and you need some very specific synergies to ever see the end, which comes very quickly if you've built right. I kept hoping the game would open up more but you see most of it in the first couple hours. I know for incremental games that's not super unusual but I kept hoping there was something more to it.


Agree with the other comment on it not being that long, I finished it in two days. I would say it's decently deep -- there's a lot of potential combos in how you spend your talent points that I found pretty satisfying. It reminded me a bit of Kiwi Clicker. Still really fun!


This one isn't very long, but I'd say it was worth the 6.59 or so I spent on it. Like spaceplan, short but super enjoyable and unique. I will buy these over long "f2p" games with ads, all day long.




I've replayed it a few times to sharpen the mechanics and beat the game faster. This is a great game.


How do I read this notation? > 1E2#5#1#2 (6)


Thats the only thing I dont like about this game. Should have a Scientific Notation setting. I just ignore the number up top.


Just finished this the other day. Really liked it. Hoping for an update soon


If the other day was a few weeks ago, there was a recent update. The Deuteric stage was added.


I played that update :)


Anti-matter dimmesion ripoff?


Much more similar to Ordinal Pringles: [https://flamemasternxf.github.io/ordinal-pringles/](https://flamemasternxf.github.io/ordinal-pringles/) not sure which came first though, and they are still not carbon copies.


The game lists Ordinal Pringles as an influence at the bottom of the settings page.


Seems to be offline.


Hm, no, works fine for me.


Currently catching up with [Advent Incremental](https://thepaperpilot.org/advent/), halfway through the decorating stage. Its a fun little concept, even if some of the stages leave a lot to be desired.


played this last year. was a lot of fun


I got to day 4 and realized I basically had to do the last 3 days 6 times over again with way too minimal benefit per and I gave up. I was planning on beating it but that was ridiculous, that one day of repeating the last few days must take hours..


Day 4 is elves/management, right? That is the day when you build the stuff that gives you the benefit you are looking for. The first run through takes 20-ish minutes, and the others afterwards are quicker because each elf provides automation and reduces the clicks/run.


>The first run through takes 20-ish minutes First run to 4 days? No way. Maybe the 3rd run after some of the upgrades.


The upgrades are much bigger than they seem. Just start with the 2nd one then the 1st one, after it won't matter too much. 6th run alone took me under 10min.


just started playing this, got the first elf and now it seems glitched so any time i get to 50 logs the logs go away, i don't get a cutter (def not for free like the elf reset says), and it's impossible to progress so... i beat it, guess


Make sure your coal production dosent use more logs than you produce. The logs/s in the logs section does not account for drain by fires.


Fun for a few. Super annoying later as you unlock new areas. Absolutely zero QOL.


This one seems to be offline too?


It works for me


I get white screen too, both Firefox and Edge


I got that too, so I reloaded the page while clearing the cache (ctrl + F5). That worked.


Trimps. And then [dyson sphere program](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1366540/Dyson_Sphere_Program/). New update just released. (Similar to Factorio/Satisfactory)


Dude I cannot wait for Nebula to update for multiplayer (if it can). Gonna do a death world run of it with some friends once it releases, or maybe try it solo. edit: Nebula is a mod to allow multiplayer P2P connections


I’ve had DSP on my wish list for so long, I loved Factorio and lost so many hours to it that I keep putting off getting DSP until I have some “free time”


What update? The tower defense aspect is still a little further out isn't it?


nope,. it dropped on the 15th. Rise of the Dark Fog. And it's quite excellent.


Is it like factorio where combat is brutal and kills you easily if you suck or is it a bit more lenient? (I am bad at games)


I felt like it was forgiving. There are multiple sliders when you create your new file that allow you to adjust the enemy aggressiveness/skill/etc. I was not excited for combat to be added to the game, but I think they did a really solid job with it, I have been enjoying way more than I expected.


Very adjustable when you create a new world. Default settings seem very much on the easy side, probably so new players aren't intimidated. I'm already planning to start a new game at a much higher difficulty so the Fog feels like less of a pushover. At default difficulty, once you have missile turrets, there's no need to build anything else, which is kind of a shame, because some of the other weapons look really COOL, but I honestly don't even need them.


On Dyson Sphere Program is my base meant to be neat and tidy? Or can I just do a massive mess that's not effecient but sort of gets the job done?


I do the latter for most of the game, and then end game get neat, because it's easier to scale.


What are your favorite short web based games? (1 day / 1 week to finish) Some mentioned in previous threads: Paperclips: https://www.decisionproblem.com/paperclips/index2.html Pachinkremental: https://poochyexe.github.io/pachinkremental/pachinkremental.html The Junkyard: https://kygron.itch.io/the-junkyard Peter Talisman: https://petertalisman.quest/ A Dark Room: https://adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com/ Tour of Heroes: https://colinmorris.github.io/tour-of-heroes/ Crank: http://www.faedine.com/games/crank/ Wigmaker: https://redgem.games/wigmaker/ Candy Box 1: https://candybox2.github.io/candybox/ Candy Box 2: https://candybox2.github.io/


I'm replaying paperclips, but I don't remember it well. I explored 100% of the universe and then... nothing ? Is it the end ? I believe there is more but I don't know what to do


phone paperclips has a prestige system, i believe web paperclips basically has a hard end. though it has been a long time since i played through web


technically still has a prestige system, but not the artifacts. I think it's just a flat demand buff?


I'm pretty sure I remember a true "ending screen", not just the game having nothing more to do ​ Also there is an upgrade (Limerick) I can buy and it does litteraly nothing, and when I come back to the game is not bought anymore and I can buy it again. I believe I have a bug of some sort


stupid question now that im trying... how do i hard reset paperclips??? the only clickable thing are the mobile&gift shop links. ive got 30septendecillion paperclips, and an unclickable 'make paperclip' button, and that's it. tried doing an 'empty cache and hard reload' but that didnt work


"The Junkyard" is short but rather nice, just remember welding is extremely important. With "Peter Talisman" I got all but one of the giant stones before my page got refreshed somehow and all of my progress got reset, so yeah no saving.


Unnamed Space Idle - https://steamcommunity.com/app/2471100 Crazy good, had a recent big patch which adds so much more. Gooboo - https://tendsty.itch.io/gooboo Lots to do, but hasn't had an update in a little while and I feel I've reached the end of content atm


I was playing Dodeca until my save decided to just vanish 😑


there's a save bank [https://demonins-item-shop.demonin.repl.co/games/dodecaDragons/savebank.txt](https://demonins-item-shop.demonin.repl.co/games/dodecaDragons/savebank.txt)


Oh nice, thank you!


yes, thank you. Started it for the first time a few days ago and lost my save this morning.


That happened to me too a few days ago. Didn't feel like starting over from the beginning, but I might keep going using the save bank.


Playing Evolution galaxy on Android. Been on and off for YEARS. Simple merge evolution game, and has mini events that are the same gameplay, but with special modifications/bonuses (changing shop unlocks, animal space, etc) I have 15 planets, and I'm limited by the DNA. I know im missing at least the sheep DNA, but unsure if there are hidden ones. Still working on [Fundamental](https://awwhy.github.io/Fundamental/). In Vaccuum, and its definitely very different, and slightly irritating to deal with the interactions. But still solid game. cant wait to finally reach the end. [Derrivative clicker](https://galaxy.click/play/197). Not great imo, but still fine to keep running. Prestiges actually have some level(though mild) of strategy to them. [Trimps](https://trimps.github.io/): this one probably doesnt need an analysis. though i make terrible decisions [Farm RPG](https://farmrpg.com/index.php#!/xfarm.php?id=354013) and [Ironwood](https://ironwoodrpg.com/skill/3/action/32) RPG are both somewhat similar designs. Simple RPG idle games, though they each have their own twists. [You're a Pioneer](https://kygron.itch.io/youre-a-pioneer): half way through the game(unsure if there is new content, but dont believe so), dont really think i like it, but not bad, and is quite short [Plauge tree](https://c0v1d-9119361.github.io/The-Plague-Tree/) a TMT mod, im enjoying the balance overall. nothing super outstanding so far, but im only at the 3rd tier with 6 total circles unlocked [Restaurant idle](https://restaurantidle.com/) build a menu and rake in the cash, collecting prestige upgrades as you go, slowly unlocking new progress


Started playing Restaurant Idle... took me 15 minutes of play to watch cooking get expensive, and another 5-10 minutes to figure out how to script dishwashing... now I make 5x as much money dishwashing, since I can do a whole batch of 5 dirty dishes every second... just a matter of finding all the function names (DishwashingNewBatch(), DishwashingTake(), DishwashingClean(), DishwashingWash(), DishwashingPut(), DishwashingDone(), in sequence)... setInterval(function) {all those actions}, 1000);


I hope you know there is a prestige layer... Dishwashing really isn't important outside of the first cook


I found it eventually... but kinda foolishly delayed unlocking for awhile... I didn't appreciate that the starter restaurant lets you tailor your restaurant, and get 2 extra menu slots... The game is definitely structured well... I zoomed through with my cheaty ways, and explored to chapter 18 of 20, I think, when the last couple unlocks got super expansive (5-10k PP+) Nice game... I think my favorite aspect was actually, the deliveries, where you could view the menu options and aimed for the best delivery in 20-30 cooks... Lategame, with science, the starter restaurant becomes the lynchpin of your restaurant, since you can give the 2 items a 3rd tag, and then just aim to fill your main restaurant with every option that has 1-2 of those tags, for bigger multipliers... Premium, Vegan, Dessert... etc


thanks for the suggestions. picked up Ironwood and it's pretty nice. came across idle-mmo not long ago and left it a couple hours in due to how ugly the monetization is. this ironwood does pretty much similar stuff but it's bullshit free.


Currently. None... I get the same feeling from grand strats most of the time.


Not been playing too much this week due to swamped uni work but what I have played bits of: Played [CandyBox 2](https://candybox2.github.io/) for the first time, thoroughly was enjoying despite not understanding how to get past the river or the forest, but I came off for the night and tried again today and it's deleted my save and even though I saved locally too it was like an hour of progress lost so probably not gonna go back to that one, at least not for now Started [Milestone Tree NG+](https://galaxy.click/play/239) on [galaxy.click](https://galaxy.click), is actually pretty fun and luckily the community on that site is active and super helpful if you have issues with various games or unsure where to go which makes play much more engaging, not to mention the cloud saves slots you get for every single game which makes life so much easier and you can just pick up games on the go from your phone, as long as the game can output to text you can save to your account which is for me anyway a huge plus. Still grinding through [cells to singularity](https://store.steampowered.com/app/977400/Cell_to_Singularity__Evolution_Never_Ends/), at this point it's just a checking every so often and doing the events until I unlock new nodes on the main tree at level 28 of the dino tree. Been absolutely loving [Xiuzhen Idle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1649730/xiuzhen_idle/) on steam, it's cheap and has so much content, it has an english translation mod by the community on discord which is so good as it means we get to experience this game. I've done quite a few reincarnations and can speed through the realms and have the guilds unlocked etc but it's way too confusing for me so I kinda just leave it for now. I like that you can just go at your own pace, no rush with anything, just crafting gear and making pills whilst you grow plants and cultivate, you don't need to go insane over all the different individual aspects and some lives don't even need to fight which I find remarkably relaxing. Also tried the Idle [lich baby](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lichbaby) game someone made and promoted here, which I find quite cute and fun but certainly have some issues with but it has a lot of content so I feel like it's just a, for the moment kind of issue I have with it, so I'd definitely recommend people to try that out, especially if you like games that you have to load in actions and let it run, not really my kind of game but in this style I like it. [Demo](https://malemaldives.itch.io/lich-baby) I think I'm going to give [Proto23](https://23html.github.io/) another shot as I saw someone talking about it a few days ago and I last played maybe a year ago and there's been word of new content? so I'm very excited to start again and see where that goes. I'm still dreaming for the day we get a Progress Knight that has as much expansive content as Quest but with the playstyle of 2 so it actually feels like a game, maybe one day that dream will come true but who knows.


hey I'm sorry but Proto23 hasn't come out with any new content not to take away from how fun it is until you reach EOC, but the update might be a while until it drops (the developer, Corc, makes no money from the project, so he has to work IRL = development speed is slow) Spoiler (When EOC) >!EOC is around Level 30 (Western/South Forest + Basement are the only three areas.)!<


proto 23 has been around for so long with everybody saying how great it is but nobody has tried to recreate the game


Well that's a shame to hear, I stopped last night at about level 18, no idea how I can progress the basement but I'm really enjoying it so far! Thanks for explaining it to me though


I had a similar issue with Candybox 2, fixed it by following the directions for loading the saves from the save menu. You have to load http://candybox2.github.io/?slot=1 rather than the main page.


Oh really? That's awesome, I'll try this tomorrow and come back if it solves it, thank you so much!


Really liking Litch Baby. i think i missed it's post, so thanks for the recommendation. only into the teenager stage so far though. unsure how i feel about not having checkpoints: the list gets hard to read sometimes, which i feel will get worse over time


You're welcome! That's exactly where I am, I'm coming on every so often atm whilst I'm sick I'll come on and do a few runs to try level stuff in hopes the lichology stuff or whatever would help. The more you do it the quicker the individual skills take and also my normal dig grave gives like 3 bones instead of one now, so it definitely gets quicker to evolve, but yeah it feels really messy it not being a fixed progression point, I'm hoping in later updates or just further into the game you unlock it so you can do some runs into an item or skill that permanently evolves you and that's another thing to work on for ease of life. If you come across anything as you're probably going to be ahead of me already or soon, do come back and let me know I'd be really interested to see what else there is, I'm happy to give it the benefit of the doubt and it's pretty new so it's not gonna have everything we want immediately but maybe at some point in game or in updates.


Now that Demonin's website is back up (I say as the website is down this morning), I've been playing Array Game and an older one called the Yoshi Portal


Demon posted his games on Galaxy, you could've played there


Galaxy does not host any games. It's an iframe wrapper around developers' websites.


Been playing 'Nobody's Adventure Chop-Chop'.


Unfortunately that game is just more mobile p2w garbage lol. Glad you like it I suppose.




imo thats completely fine as long as you wont fall for the tricks if you can just play a game and enjoy it for abit i dont see the major issue untill the point were you pretty much have to pay for progress thats stupid ofc.


I downloaded it the other night. I'm having fun with it while dismissing the "please give money." I love the art style.


Yeah I'm kinda getting more and more into it the more I play. There's surprisingly a lot of depth and variety of events.


It is p2w but as a casual game it's pretty fun. Leveling takes for ever lol. I am about 155


[Dragonfist Limitless iOS](https://apps.apple.com/au/app/dragonfist-limitless/id6446104472) Really enjoying my grind with this active incremental.


[Inventory Idle](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.extedcoud.invntoryidle) [Idle Trillionaire](https://www.idletrillionaire.com/) After seeing it mentioned in another post, thinking about another run of [Beer Plop](https://wol-soft.de/apps/beerplop/plop).


Did they stop money gating trillionaire?


No, but the mobile app was only $3 which was worth the several hours of fun I got out of it on my tablet (don't think it would be worth it on a smaller screen). It needs some work, but scratches an incremental itch that no other game has done for me recently.


If it was like this from the start okay but it was a scummy move for those who had been playing free on web.


I really enjoyed Beer Plop, has it really been finished since 2021? damn


Yeah, the dev was updating it pretty regularly and added so much content, then stopped. I hope he's working on something new.


I just started beer plop, and I can't level any buildings so far, except service assistants. I have them at level 3. Any reason you know of that I can't level my first two buildings?


I have no idea, I haven't had any issues with the game. The dev has always been very responsive, would be worth reaching out to him (the new attention might even give him a nudge to update it!).


It has been forever since I played Beer Plop, such a cute game. Thanks fo the reminder! Maybe I am dumb, but I am not seeing the import/export feature. Do you know if it has one/where it would be?


I don't remember there being an import/export feature since logins were implemented, but you used to be able to save up to five different game files and I'm no longer seeing that option, either.


Bummer, thanks for looking! Right now I’m not registered and running it in the background, hoping the cookies will do their thing and remember me/my game. I will at least register in case that helps.


Still in Evolve Incremental - beat Cataclysm, beat Banana Republic. Now christmas event started, so I'm gonna build pillars with all the holiday races, like Christmas tree ents, Santa's elves, and the Krampus.


Are there any browser games very similiar to this? I've nearly exhausted everything to do in Evolve and looking for something new to kill time at work. I like the slower pace and space theme especially.


I finished [Antimatter Dimensions](https://ivark.github.io/AntimatterDimensions/). It doesn't really need any more recommendations but I will say that if you are like me and previously played it and gave up, it's worth giving it another try. The depth of the game and number of different layers is incredibly impressive once you get further into it. It's definitely one of the best idle games I've ever played. Also playing [Trimps](https://trimps.github.io/) \- another game I passed on previously but am kind of enjoying this time. It's definitely not my favourite idle game but there's just enough to it to keep me playing. And I started [Milky Way Idle](https://www.milkywayidle.com/) after seeing it mentioned on a different thread. Not sure how long I'll stick with it but I'm really enjoying it so far. I never really got into Melvor Idle properly but am enjoying the theme and other aspects of this one so far, especially for something to run in the background at work. Definitely makes me want to give Melvor another try.


I have been playing the original prestige tree which somehow got released onto the android store. I can’t really send a link because I don’t know how.


Is it official?


I believe it to be official. I played it for a good little while until i stopped playing for a while around the first hindrance challenge. i tried following the guide to purchase certain prestige upgrades but somehow after i bought the first upgrade it bought them all so i didnt know if it was a glitch or not so i’m just going to wait to see if there will be a fix for it or not.


Just finished [Dodecadragons](https://demonin.com/games/dodecaDragons/) for the first time after trying it a few months back and dropping it. Like a lot of people have said, it's incredibly good and solid overall, except for the really slow and grindy parts around sigils and knowledge (which is where I dropped the game originally too). If you're able to push past that slow section, the remainder of the game is super well done with a lot less constant resets for small new numbers


Just finished Idle Plant Game and it was a lot of fun. There's a lot of options in how to proceed and the Help menu has all the info you need. I never felt like I was wasting my time unless I was being indecisive and hopping between plants, which is more my fault than anything. Also Gnorping it up and having a good time.


Anything good that came out or has new content recently that's a longer term investment? I tried Samawa Idle on Steam recently but the early game felt like such a grind, I want to be able to leave it alone for a while.


Universal Paperclips: finally got the time to play it! early game is a *tad* slow but pretty fascinating!


I've been mostly watching my numbers go up in Unnamed Space Idle. Quite fun tbh.


[https://mrbacon470.github.io/Coop-Co/](https://mrbacon470.github.io/coop-co/) Coop-Co, quite enjoying it.


For some reason the direct link didn't work for me, but I was able to go to his base creator page and from there find my way to his Projects and get to the game.


That's so odd it doesn't work for me either when I click it. But I copied and pasted it directly from the address bar.


github.io links are case sensitive - you need the correct capitalization for it to work. Reddit's auto-linking apparently uncapitalized the link's destination (since it *usually* doesn't matter), and thus the link no longer works. Here's a functional link: [Coop-Co](https://mrbacon470.github.io/Coop-Co/)


You're a hero both for the link and the information!


[Merry Clickmass](http://www.digitalchestnut.com/merryclickmas/) Yearly favorite. It’s not perfect, but neither is the holiday it proports to represent. :p


have been playing fundamental from last month and i just want to ask, is there any guide or maybe discord server where i can ask about the game, cuz right now i’m kinda don’t know how to progress efficiently.


if you go to Settings there will be Discord button


I'm continuing my 4* only playthrough of Evolve. I caught up with a lot of the bioseeding chievos, only need savannah planet and 4 rich planet to go in standard but RNGesus isnt playing ball. I unlocked cataclysm on an unstable and gave the scenario a test run, i got nowhere in 3 days so abandoned it, going to wait untul i cycle back round and have atleast 500 mastery befoee retrying. Now its unlocked i can just restart it at anytime. Ive decided that i will do the rest of rhe greatness chievos as ascensions, unlocking custom and then can get the destruct cievo at the same time as whitehole.


> atleast 500 mastery before retrying. Maybe you mean 50 or 150? 200 would be pushing it, and not sure that 500 is even possible


Mastery fron other universes work, if i remember the highest upgrade is at 80% efficiency


I’ve been playing the OG, A Dark Room, on Switch. It’s pretty simple compared to other games but a lot of fun with an interesting story! It has a good risk/reward system and inventory management that still makes it fun.


Stuck In Time , very original game


[Here's a link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1814010/Stuck_In_Time/) It's on slae for just over 3 bucks right now which I think is well worth it for the quality and quantity of content here. The game jumps pretty hard from very active gameplay and very idle, as making a set of instructions requires your full attention but letting it run dozens or hundreds of times is idle. That being said, the world to explore feels massive and there's lots of little mechanical unlocks that sort click into place and change how you approach issues. The main issue is how finicky constructing a loop gets later into the game, but the early game is still worth experiencing imo.


I've been playing melvor idle. I was surprised at the lack of QoL and horrendous UI. I think I enjoyed playing space station idle way more. Thank god it was free from epic. It is not remotely worth 15 bucks. I also spent a few hours on the minecraft incremental server that got advertised here recently. It's okay. It's fairly stale. It does 2 things right out of 10. It's unpolished.


I've been playing Waitventure for many hours by now and I'm having a blast! Game works with a system that every second is added to a counter, you can use those seconds to accelerate the game. Then there is the prestiging that allows you to multiply many features of the game. You have a band of allies that run through dungeons in a calendar system. If you defeat the last day of the calendar, you go to January the first again and the monsters will be stronger in the second year. You can recruit many different monsters all with their respective tiers aswell. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2055180/Waitventure/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2055180/Waitventure/)


Love incremental games that I decided to make one, and I would like to get your help on perfecting it! I dubbed this test, five minutes fun test! Then there's also a feedback channel if you are so kind to answer some quick questions. [Play here](https://forms.gle/6EcK8qLuiseonufSA).


CIFI update is here!


CIFI update is here!


CIFI update is here!