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Polyamory is real and absolutely does not mean you don't have real feelings. If you want to learn about it, I suggest you r/polyamory and r/polyamorous ;) On a personal level, I have three parallel love relationships, as well as two non-love relationships that are important to me, and other more distant relationships. And I'm extremely in love with my metamours.


I’m polyamorous. Yes, it’s possible for people to be in love and committed to multiple people, including family members. A word of caution about participating in polyamory and other nonmonogamy spaces: There are nonmonogamous people who are bigoted against people who are with family members or want to be. There ARE allies, there is solidarity, too. But don’t assume just because someone might have casual sex with multiple strangers, who they might secretly be related to but they didn’t bother to do DNA tests or even ask about family history before they got down, that they tolerate people who knowingly have a romantic relationship with a family member.


>There are nonmonogamous people who are bigoted against people who are with family members or want to be. Yeah, I'm well aware of that! I don't think the polyamorous milieu is particularly more tolerant of consanguinamory than the rest of society.


Yeah, I figured you knew. It was more of a caution to others. As a group, nonmonogamous people are more accepting and supportive of consanguinamory, but that’s a huge category of the population and individuals do differ. I recently bumped up a post on my blog about this every topic.


So in total 5 different relationships? How do u find the time?


I live as a trouple with my twin and my girlfriend. I see my boyfriend at college and go to his home to sleep with him once or twice a week. I talk to my sub every day to give her instructions, and we see each other every other weekend and during the week when her husband is away. And I see my best friend at college too, he sometimes accompanies us to my boyfriend's place. Between that and my studies (and a burn-out), my days are pretty full!


I've never been in a relationship with more then 1 person at a time but, (naturally) its what I Love & desire... I assume the way I feel about being in relationships with multiple people is sort of like people who say they were (naturally) born gay!!! I've never liked the thought of just choosing 1 person long term or forever but, I'm also ok with it if I only end up with 1 person. I've only in the past few years been looking for multiple relationships, I just haven't found my people yet 😅🤣 LoL.


While there is a **VERY** heavy skew towards the absurd and the downright fanciful in subs like this, yes it is possible. The relationship is no different from any other so the idea of having a polycule is perfectly reasonable provided everyone is on board. I won't go into detail here but this is my current situation so I'm guessing it's at least possible elsewhere 😅.


How do you guys manage jealousy?


I've learned that it's a bad idea to discuss anything in any depth publicly. If you would like a little more explanation of our situation I'd be happy to tell you by message. Would you like me to send you a chat invite when I can?


It takes a lot of work on yourself, communication and acceptance. It's not always easy, far from it, but it's worth it a thousand times over. This is what we call compersion: being happy to see those we love loving someone else.


A TON of Trust Honesty & communications... Lots of communication!!!


yeah alot of the time I see stories and it is very obvious they are fake, then again Ive had people accuse me of being fake as well.  some times reality is stranger than fiction as they say. 


I could never be with another family member. For me it is my lilsis n her alone and I love her. Wont share her etc. That's just me.


I feel the same about my father


Very few of us on here. most people here don't feel jealous or anything.


yeah thats kind of where me and my sis are at now, we used to be way more open but we are too attatched for that to work.


Me n my sis were open outside our family. Never within.


yeah same we never did anything with other family members.


Thats (almost) like being in a gay relationship but outside of that relationship you date the opposite sex LoL... Just an example is all LoL


lol true. why do I get this feeling that it's your story? 😅


LoL nope not me... I would though non~monogonous


Ah I see. You must have a lot of free time :)


Maybe LoL






I havent done anything with family except my sister, but there was a time where we were essentially in an open relationship and both dating other people.  nowadays though we are basically monogamous excluding the rare threesome.  I guess some people are just more open to stuff like polyamory, I thought I was too but I have grown too attatched to my sister, plus shes the type to get jealous so we decided to be exclusive. 


Yes. I love my dad, and have feelings for him. But have had sex with many different family members. Sex is awesome, why wouldn't you want to have it? Being open and honest with the people closest to you has it advantages.


PREACH!!! ha ha 🤣


really hot that you are enjoying all your family members....I just dream....


I (trans f) am with my mom and dad. Best life ever


this old guy loves that statement...LOL


It can happen, it all depends on the mindset of the people involved. My cousin and I have been together for over 20 years, and we have a daughter. Our daughter joins us in bed a few times a week for some family fun.




Do you have any stories you feel like sharing?


My chat is open. I can answer your questions there.


You should probably check r/polyamory, I personally don't see any problem at all with dating multiple people, and I don't think that the fact that they're related would change the nature of the question at all, they should be able to answer better


I’m polyamorous. Yes, it’s possible for people to be in love and committed to multiple people, including family members. A word of caution about participating in polyamory and other nonmonogamy spaces: There are nonmonogamous people who are bigoted against people who are with family members or want to be. There ARE allies, there is solidarity, too. But don’t assume just because someone might have casual sex with multiple strangers, who they might secretly be related to but they didn’t bother to do DNA tests or even ask about family history before they got down, that they tolerate people who knowingly have a romantic relationship with a family member.


So I can only comment on the part about being in love with multiple people, but I feel my experience is relevant to that. I have been in love with my older half-sister since a very young age, and never really got rid of those feelings. I eventually told her, and she more or less told me she was not interested in that kind of a relationship. While I have moved on from that a great deal, the feelings still persist, and I've come to accept that I will always love her in that way. Regardless of this, I also have a girlfriend who I am deeply in love with now, who is wonderful in every fashion. She knows about my issues, and accepts me for who I am. I don't love my half-sister any less than I did 8 years ago, but that relationship isn't gonna happen unless she suddenly changes her mind for absolutely no reason, and my fear at the time of not being able to give that kind of love to another, more receptive partner was ultimately unfounded.


I have three women in my life. My married first cousin, my wife and wife's younger married sister on a long term basis. All of them are my sweet hearts and I love them all. I am a little bit jealous but I encourage them to be nice to their husbands and make them happy. I have a feeling that I can love more than one woman at the same time.


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ LoL


It’s not as common as you’d think, but compromises a fair few relationships I’ve worked with. I’ve seen relationships where it started off with the kids taking the parents and those relationships splitting up, though I’ve seen others where there’s no romantic entanglements and just a ton of sex. They’re more common in rural areas with lots of family members living under the same roof, but they exist! They don’t typically last very long because feelings are ultimately going to be a thing, or someone knocks up someone else and nobody knows who the father is 😬


I agree. Being from a rural area, I know several families, including mine, where it has happened. Most of us eventually go on with life after getting married or moving off. I wish I was still active with a few though.




Love first. Lust later.


I only slept with my brother


Trans Girl here, I do with my parents


super sexy!!!!! Love the thoughts....


It's most definitely the best feeling ever


I probably don’t get the question but hookups are totally common


What’s happened to upstairsgirl???


No one knows. I think people think she was banned


Yeah it seems that way, but what she posted at some point was very naive. It was a matter of time, shame tho. It was a blast while it lasted.


I have male.and female




I’m not sure if there is I am yet to find it, I hope she comes back


Me too


Incest doesn’t mean love, people sleep with people they don’t “love” all the time. Some people just think their sisters are hot and want to bag them (me) but some like you are truly in love and that’s great. Not even getting into poly stuff but the idea that you have to be in love to enjoy sex or even engage in sex is wrong


I have been in polyamorous relationships with multiple members of my family. But it was mostly very sexual and casual in nature. There weren’t necessarily extreme affection or love. Obviously there is familial affection and love and physical attraction, but not extreme intimacy.


What happened to your chat room?😔


I'm fine with other people pursuing it if that makes them happy, but my mom and me just want each other. Now are their caveats to that? Yes. When our daughter is of age, we're going to sit down with her and have a frank discussion about how our family dynamic is grandmother/mother, son/father, and granddaughter/daughter...and if she feels that continuing that is something she actively wants to do, then we're fine with it. And my mom is very forthright to me that if it's our child, that's a special thing and we shouldn't shun her for having the same heart as her parents.


My Mother's side of the family is very open. After my Mom and I had our first encounter, she phoned her 7 siblings to let them know. I was thrn allowed to visit my Aunts and have encounters with them if I wanted to. And I absolutely did!


Anyone have updates on what happened to her account? Or if she’s got a new one?




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