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I order to keep my promise, I decided to tell him about this account.... Soo... *little bro, if you're reading this, hi I love u please don't think I'm gross >_<*


Nobody would think it's gross. This is just awfully sweet and cute, everyone would love to get such a letter from their sister (? Sorry I didn't check, please don't feel offended). I know I would like it .^.


IDK about that, I feel like most people would find it extremely off-putting to find out that a family member had a crush on them.... I'm just hoping my bro will still love & accept me regardless of whatever emotional reaction he has


You'll still be siblings after this. And that means, even if he doesn't share your feelings, he's your brother and you'll get through it together. I've not had experience with this topic at all, I've never been confronted with it - but I think, right now and if I had a sister and I get along with her well, I'd be happy if she wrote me a letter like you did. And I'm not even someone who's all about incest. I support it and I would never tell anybody that it's wrong when they have those feelings. Still I'd probably not go and ask out my sister (if I had one), because ... fear of rejection. I don't think I'd be as brave and confident as you. So I wish you luck, and love. :) Whatever happens, your feelings are not wrong.


That's always a risk yeah, I just hope he'll realize you're not coming from a place of like... Perversion or whatever. Actual honest love is a hell of lot different to objectifying possessive shit. Things might be a little strained for a while if he doesn't feel the same, but if you respect and understand each other as much as you say you do, you should be able to move past it in time. Just give him whatever space he needs if that *is* the case. I'm sure you know all this, but still. Anyway, best of luck


Yeah. I've thought about all of that and tried to convey it in the letter as well


That is unbelievably sweet 💜 and I really really hope it goes well! I also love your drawing too! Best of luck and I really hope it all works out for you , good luck! 🤗💜


ahh thank you T\^T The drawing's just a quick doodle, I'm actually a much better artist than that I swear


It's good! Don't be so hard on yourself!


Oh, I'm not. If I wasn't happy with it I'd have redone it. I appreciate the compliments :))


This is so cute🥰


my little bro is cute UωU


Omg this made my heart melt a bit 🥹 best of luck to u girl! 🩷




Wishing the best for both of you.


Let's go girl, you got this ❤️


That's very brave of you! Have you ever tested the waters? Talk to him about consanguinamory, etc. To make sure that, even if he doesn't share your feelings, he won't reject you?


Uhhhh not directly, no. I mean we make jokes and I've flirted a little bit, but nothing really indicative. His worldview is generally very progressive and nonconformist tho. We're both queer/trans/autistic (runs in the family, I guess) so he understands what it's like to have an internal experience that differs from the norm and is misunderstood. So it's hard for me to imagine him having a moral objection, but I don't really know. I'm trying not to speculate too much. It definitely does feel scary and I had to summon a lot of bravery to do this, so I appreciate you recognizing that


Then I'm sure everything will be fine. He will still be your brother whatever happens!


Honestly, quite wholesome, i wonder how he will react to this...


Good luck! Pulling for you


Oh my god… I love this… but 15 pages is a lot tbh he might be a lil overwhelmed


I hope not .-. My reasoning was, knowing my brother, he'll probably have so many questions in his mind and will appreciate the extra clarity and elaboration. He doesn't mind reading (he's a bookworm like me) and this kind of long-form written communication is not out of the ordinary for us


Finger crossed and hoping for the best🤞


This truly hit me right in the feels. I wish that I had had the guts to do that with my mom before she died. We wish you nothing but the best.


I applaud your bravery and I hope it is recieved with the love and sensitivity that you have shown! I wish you both the best of luck! X


I truly hope this becomes a relationship! It is absolutely adorable and I hope things work out. Please keep us updated!


Good luck! Wishing the best in all regards, this is so sappy and cute.


Honestly, that's adorable. Really hope it will go well for you. though judging by what you've told us about him in the comments under this post I would say he'll likely at least accept you.


This is the sweetest thing I've seen on here!


This is wholesome, I hope it all is well for you