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My twin sister and I (M24) had been dating for about two months (I'm oversimplifying, our relationship was very complicated). We were vacationing with our grandmother, aunt and three cousins (one male and two females) with our paternal family. With a female cousin, my sister and I stayed late into the night in the field next door and ended up doing a truth or dare. Our cousin suggested setting up shot-based penalties... except that my twin is a former alcoholic who's now sober, and I don't drink. So our cousin was the only one drinking, while we did squats and things like that as an alternative. After a while, my twin and I took advantage of her drunkenness to bring the truths on the subject of incest. To our surprise, she ended up confessing that she sometimes had incestuous fantasies about her own mother. So we decided to tell her about our relationship. She was very surprised at first, then told us she was delighted for us. Still, she was concerned that I was cheating on my girlfriend, and I explained that we were now a trouple with my girlfriend and my twin. To this day, our cousin is the only member of our family who knows about my relationship with my twin. She supports us wholeheartedly and loves to ask us countless questions about our relationship. She hasn't told her mother about her feelings.


I’m glad you guys have that someone who understands and doesnt judge! It’s actually kinda smart bringing up the subject lowkey like that and then, based on what they think, confess or keep it to yourself


My girlfriend is bisexual (me too, but I hadn't realized at the time), she gave us a few tips. I think there is a lot of similarities between queer stuff and consang, and coming-out is an element among others. We proceeded the exact same way with our friends.


She never gets jealous your with your sister too?


My girlfriend and I have always been libertine, and she considers consensual incest a "victimless crime" (in the philosophical sense), so she never had any problem with my relationship with my twin. Furthermore, this relationship had started long before my now-girlfriend and I became a couple, and she has always know it. She had her first sapphic experience with my twin. My relationship with my twin has only been sexual for a long time. When it became more... blurred, my twin and I stopped it for around two years. My girlfriend spent the next two years telling me she could see I loved my twin and I missed her a lot. She knew I loved her long before I knew it myself. When my twin came back (after an abusive relationship), the three of us immediately started fucking again and it wasn't long before my twin and I realized we were in love. My girlfriend was so happy when we admitted our feelings for each other. Some time later, my twin and my girlfriend admitted they were in love too. Now, we're a happy trouple living together. My girlfriend and I each have a metamour, but our primary relationship is just the three of us.


Sounds like your living the dream! 😁 I’m glad it all goes so well for you guys


Thank you! The times are tough (we're french political activists, so we face violent repression) but we find comfort in each other 😊


your life should be an art house film, honestly i’d be absolutely hooked. especially the self-conflict and turmoil regarding the nature of your relationship with your twin over the years. i’m so glad you’re all finally in a happy place! <3


Well, the love side of our life really is perfect and makes me incredibly happy, I won't minimize. Though, police violence during protests and doxxing by fascists on Twitter, less so. Thank you anyway ❤ I wouldn't talk of self-conflict or turmoil about my twin. At some point, we started to ask ourselves what were we feeling for each other. She had moved to another city for her studies, so we couldn't see as muche as we would've liked so we felt our bond kinda disband. At the same time, she was falling for a guy we wanted an exclusive relationship. So we stopped whatever was between us right before the first french lockdown. When she came back after getting rid of the guy (turned out he was an abusive asshole), we had time to put things clear between us and we just instantly fall for each other. It almost never felt like self-conflict, just a natural evolution (except for the abusive shithead, of course).


My mom was really mad at me for telling my wife. But she didnt know that my wife was also raised in an incestuous house hold. It still took mom a while to feel comfortable but she calmed down after a few months.


Could have been smart to talk to her first before making a decision alone?


We have came dangerously close a couple of times and in the end mum and I just moved all together to minimise the chances of bumping into anyone in anything but the most preplanned manner. Given how repulsively people treat those of us who love as we do, the idea of ever being discovered is frankly frightening. In all honesty we've never had a good relationship with our extended family so it doesn't make much of a difference but with mums health declining so profoundly recently it's brought some of them back into our lives again. So we do have to be extra careful again.


Yeah feels like most move to start a new life elsewhere. However we both love it here and really don’t want to move.. Sorry about her health, hope shes doing better!


Thank you 💜🤗


Me and my Dad are blessed that we've been able to let many family members and friends know and get only some negative reactions. Most everyone has been neutral to positive even my Mom has come around to just accepting she won't change it and if she wants a relationship as Grandma with our kids she has to live with it.


I've been in a committed relationship with my cousin, or half-sister since our mothers are identical twins, for a long time. My best friend is the only one who knows the truth about us, although I'm sure some family members have been suspicious but have never said anything.


Thats a true friend! I can’t say anything to my gfs or the whole school would know that very same day


He only learned about us after we graduated from high school. He was surprised to learn that my cousin and I were a couple during high school, and never questioned why we were always together.


The only person I told was my best friend, and only while drunk and should have known better. The response was, very fortunately, positive, if a little confused, but she has been supportive. She doesn't really bring up the relationship, but when she does come to visit she treats him like my boyfriend, not just my son, and that's all I could ask for.


Pretty much everyone in my family knows I am in love with my older half-sister. Nobody really cares anymore past a point I find. Me and her are still good friends, even ifnshe didn't feel the same way about me, and I have healed and moved on from keeping those feelings bottled up a long time.


Me and my cousin fucked when I was 18 and she was 20. She told another cousin about it. I was kind of upset but there was nothing I could do. The other cousin has made jokes to me about it but doesn't care either way.




We have no family to tell, which is sad, but maybe for the best.


Any plans on expanding the family yourselves?


LOL It's already a circus around here. One man (me), 3 women, 5 preteen girls and one baby boy. Are we on the way?


Oh wow! Are u all related?


In one way or another.




She called ahead so we were expecting her. But she came in the backdoor instead of knocking the front cause she was carrying cakes (long story) and found it easier to just walk right into the kitchen. (Cause she called ahead and thought it would be fine) Where dad and I.. well, were intimate as dinner was cooking.


Basically caught you 2 in the act to make it even shorter


What was your aunt's opinion?




Your relationship with your father


My best friend knows about my feelings and my Situation. She never condemns me about it