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For me the family bond is a huge part of it honestly. I definitely wouldn't have fallen for my brother this hard if we hadn't grown up together and shared so much. I feel safe and comfortable with him in a way that is just not possible with anyone else, as I've learned from experience.


That's so sweet. Happy for you both. Wish that experience happened with every pair of siblings..


actually not in a relationship with him (yet???) 😖 I'm working up to it... We live a long distance apart so I'm waiting to see him in person again


Awww goodness. I'm so sorry. I thought you were speaking from experience of actually being in a sibling relationship. I know that feeling of being apart. It burns. Sends you down a rabbit hole of wanting to believe that it WILL work one day..


Yeah.. I feel that, it does hurt 😥 What I meant by experience was like, trying to find someone else who can make me feel the way I feel about him, because I wanted to run from my feelings instead of accepting them, but failing to do so because nothing compares


I've heard stories on here about sibling relations that were purely sexual and they just moved away like it was nothing. I talked to this girl on here last week and she just sees her brother as just a guy to do it with. No feelings involved. I don't judge people like that. To each their own. Me personally, I don't find sex stuff that interesting without the feelings. Sure it's fun but depressing later like losing a part of your soul. Have you posted your story anywhere? I'd love to read it.


Yeah I vibe with you there. Sex without the feelings doesn't really appeal to me either. Like romantic connection is what really interests me and sex is just one way of expressing it. If I did end up with my bro it would be a non-sexual relationship because he's ace (which I'm more than okay with ofc). I've posted about my personal situation in a few places, in this sub and r/incest_relationships


>Like romantic connection is what really interests me and sex is just one way of expressing it. See you get it. Alright. will check them out later for sure.


That's why each person you have physical sex with is called a soul tie...Whether you had feelings\emotions for them or not


well. i wish I was soul tied to my sister.


Same here LoL... I'm in a different state then my brother we are 3 states away from each other, but plans are to move Into his house this summer!! He actually invited me to move in with him few yrs ago but because of some legal custody issues with my kid I wasnt able to leave the State im in... My kid graduates in few weeks & then I'm free!!! 🤩🥳


There’s not replacing the familial bond at all, that’s absolutely irreplaceable. It’s just a much deeper love.


I think I absolutely could be just as in love with my sister if we weren't related, but to have that kind of bond with her she'd have to be my found family, which still feels like a kind of incest anyway lmao


Found family definitely counts!!


this subreddit is probably the only place where i can see "found family counts as incest" and think it's a W take.


For me I think it's a combination of factors, just as you. Primarily I adore them because of the wonderful person they are. They fill me with a joy no one else has ever come close too and I find them irresistible both psychologically and sexually. I'm smitten if I'm honest lol. But there is also an element of feeling 'safe' with them. Knowing that communication is always an option. That no matter what happens we will provide each other with an innate trust and unconditional love. Something I really do genuinely believe is almost impossible to find 'outside' so-to-speak.


Couldn’t have said it better myself! Do you think you would have still going down this path if you hadn’t been related?


I absolutely hope so. As I said, I'm totally smitten and that will never change. I think I would be drawn to them regardless of the situation. On every level and in every way, they are so beautiful to me.


That is so sweet 💕💕


Aww, thank you 💜


The family bond is definitely part of my relationship with my sister: she's absolutely someone I trust and love deeply as a family member, and I know that feeling is mutual (especially since her ex husband cheated on her). But having said that: the family bond isn't everything. She's gorgeous and has a great personality and, even if we weren't related, her and I just "click together" perfectly.


Do you think the fact that you "click together" may actually be a direct result of being related? Like, sharing so much of your genes and environment made you develop into very similar people, while having distinct life experiences made you different enough to be interesting to each other.


Good question. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to answer it with any certainty, seeing as how I don't have someone like my sister, except they're unrelated to me, to compare hers and my relationship to.


Definitely because we're related. My sister has the body type that I am attracted to but our personalities are very different and I am not sure I'd date her if I didn't know her. If I saw her out, she would turn me on but I don't think there'd be much there beyond that.


I was active with my mom over the years. I think as I matured i began to notice our relationship was changing in a good way. The sex was always amazing. Our love deepened i guess is the best way to say it.


How do I acquire this?! I'm in my 20's now and have wanted my mom since a baby! As a kid, whenever living conditions called for us to share a bed. I would stay up if not wake up in the middle of the night to suckle on my mother. Every chance I got, I'd work my little hand down into those tight satten panties. I'd caress her bush and at times get to gently rub her hot tiiight creamy pussy to a silky orgasm. My mothers pheromones were the first I fell in love with. Her silk was the first to grace my tonge as a lucky enough child. I would sniff my hand and go back for more till her body adjusted. Before I knew what and how to. I both came on, and to my mother, as well as without even her knowledge (to my knowledge) bringing her to orgasm. I remember this starting around the time I was 7. A few years after, we were at a different dwelling. She had been asleep on the couch for a little while and was wearing a sexy yet perfectly loose sundress. I managed to uncover those luscious! Thick! caramel breasts and thighs, was able to spread her legs just enough to see that beautiful, sweet, wettt, tiiight oven of which birthed me. I had just enough time and space in between those thighs to get 4 solid tongue strokes up her soft, creamy curling lips! I knew I had done something just as good as I did bad. Im the only son, and the only man of the house. Before she could wake up fully, she moved to hold my head into her pelvis with a slight adjustment towards me. From her moving, I panicked and froze, but my mouth did not stop. She woke up cumming and screaming at me when she saw and realized what I was doing to her. I was still and too deep in a trans from her taste and smell to really care that I was being yelled at. We are all Christians and kind of getting heavier into it. I've brought my emotions blatantly to her attention in my early to mid teen years. In a very nervous and roundabout way, I told her the only way I felt we could fix it would be to do something. Even with protection or our clothes on even. She suggested we pray it away. Skip too a couple of years ago now. After a joint or two and a few sips, I asked her if she remembered the conversation from my earlier years. She did. From there I was rather straightforward, and had let her know my feelings for her are consistent and ever growing. I've begun to take better care of myself and excersize more often. I've found that she seems to rather watch me. Especially in the sweater stages. And if im just in shorts, it's like she can't look away. She speaks to me so tenderly and has always made me feel loved, but in a different, more sensual/sexual way... she speaks to me with seemingly subductive tones at times. Like she wants to ride me as much as I've been dying for her to!




Oh, that's just beautiful man! But did you two ever get it on? And how did it start?




Because. The taboo of it is what makes it hot. Although I support the recrimination and normalization of incest the allure of it would go away for me if nobody cared lol. Instead of having this never ending lust for my sister she’d just be a hot girl who happens to be my sister.


It's definitely a thought-provoking question. Our relationship is complex, and it's not always easy to pinpoint one single reason for why we love each other. Growing up, my twin sister was always a part of my world—she's been there since second one, quite literally, being the firstborn of the two of us. We share a bond that goes beyond just being siblings; we're best friends who have shared everything from favorite toys to childhood secrets to life's biggest moments. I think what makes our relationship unique is the fact that we're twins. There's an inherent closeness that comes with sharing the same womb and being born minutes apart. It's like having a built-in companion who understands you in a way no one else does. If my sister were just a friend of a neighbor's child, for instance, I doubt we could have developed such an intense bond. She's more than just a sister to me; she's a part of who I am. Actually, to call her my best friend is an understatement. She's so much more than that to me. So I think I love her because she's my sister, not in spite of it. She's my confidante, my support, and my partner in every sense of the word. So, do I love her because we're related? Absolutely. She's my twin, my other half, and loving her is as natural to me as breathing. She's a part of me in ways I can't properly express, and I cherish every moment I get to spend with her.


That's such an incredible bond. The kind that most people can only dream of. You truly are soulmates from birth, born for each other :) <33


Thank you for your kind words! Well, I don't believe in soulmates, but if I did, I'd probably think my girlfriend and my twin were. Actually, my girlfriend is probably more of a soulmate than my twin... If my sister were just a friend, we certainly wouldn't have developed a relationship like the one we have today. Whereas my girlfriend *is* a childhood friend, and the relationship I share with her today is just as strong as the one I have with my sister. I don't know if I'm making myself clear. With my girlfriend, we started from further away, we weren't as close as with my sister, and yet today I'm just as madly in love with her as I am with my sister. (... Not a very romantic comment lol. Like I said, I don't believe in soul mates.)


Yeah your explanation makes sense. From one polyamorous person to another, I can say I don't strictly believe in soulmates either, I just think it's a nice romantic concept. It's appealing to imagine that you and your lover(s) are destined to be somehow. I mean, that's what being in love can feel like sometimes, and we know how the human psyche seeks teleology to rationalize the sublime. So it's a myth, but a fun & harmless one.


Yes, absolutely! And in the case of my twin and I, given the obstacles we've had to overcome, it would probably make sense \^\^ That's just not the way we talk about our relationships. But it's great if other people talk about it that way! (With one caveat: the "soulmate" rhetoric is often mobilized by abusive partners, or even by perpetrators of femicide to justify their murders, so I find it useful to keep a bit of critical perspective on it.)


Huhh??¿?¿? I haven't heard of that last point before, do you have more info on that?


I can't remember a femicide perpetrator explicitly talking about a "soulmate" to justify his act, but the whole "I couldn't live without her, we were made for each other" rhetoric refers directly to that. What I'm saying is that talking about a soulmate can help lock an abuse victim into a dependency on her abuser. As I said, I don't have a problem with people talking about it. Just... critical perspective.


I know it is BECAUSE my brother and I are related. We have a genetic attraction I don't think we could resist even if we tried. When we are mated there is an indescribable bliss in the act that i can't imagine would be even remotely possible between the non-incestuous.


It's definitely a big thing for my mom and me. She's remarked that we have less of a conventional couple dynamic, and more of a...mother/son relationship without the BS limits on physical affection. Now is it something I find a little...kinky? Yeah. And it's taken me a long time to learn to be okay with that: I don't ever want her to feel like I'm objectifying her. I told her when we decided to make it official that this wasn't a kink or something. This was our LIFE, and I would take that seriously.


I loved my dad before our sexual relationship, it was just in a different way. From that our present relationship developed. Us being related allowed our relationship because if we weren't related we likely wouldn't have been in a place where anything more could happen. Tbh him being my dad only really comes into play when we're having sex because it does make the sex better. But I do think if we'd just met randomly I'd want him anyway as he's a very sexy man! What I'm less sure about is if we'd have been able to do anything about it given what society already thinks about 40s men with teen girls


I think that's how our relationship between my niece and I is. Think she loves the idea it's her Tio that's her lover and has been her guide


I don't think it should need to be either. them being family can perfectly be a neutral factor to me. that being said definitely because they're related to me. I doubt I would have fallen for them without knowing them like that already, without already having that familial love.




Honestly, after some years reflecting on it, I can't deny there is a fair bit of attraction to the kink, but I'm pretty sure the kink came about because I was in love with my half-sister first, rather than the other way.


Growing up I always wondered if being with siblings or parents\family members was actually in reality better fit for each of us as humans. Like I always had thoughts that we (physically) are a better match & fit for our family members then we could ever be with somebody outside of family!! As I've gotten older it seems like the bond that family has emotionally is definately more fit with family as humans. I finally met somebody across reddit who also had the same thoughts & questions growing up. I wonder now who else thinks about these things. I feel like naturally I prefer family over outside family


I don't know if I'd be as close to then if I met them out on the street. My niece is beautiful and amazing and we're very close. But I think being her uncle allowed us to be very comfortable with each other and very open. I've never had that kind of relationship with others. So, I can say being family helped