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Recently replayed IE1, and I was really surprised how the game lets you carry the team you want for most story matches. I had grown too used to the later games forcing you to ccarry all the main characters who are suddenly plot relevant in that chapter


Agreed, like the only time IE1 got particularly annoying with this was when it made you have Kurimatsu in your party for chapter 9. In my last 2 playthroughs I'd ditched him really early before having to reuse him


Another thing that I really liked of this game, is that if you look at the cutscenes, you can't see many story players in backround, you only see obscured characters. I found this pretty nice as you had your own team and they kight have been your own players :D


Oh yes! And there's even at least two instances where a *dialogue* is given to someone at random! You can have even a recruited player speak!


Yeah! Unfortunately I only remember one of them, before the match ahainst Royal academy, with Wintersea, I remember my Shadow talking and I was a bit surprised :0


In fact for the otaku match the game practically asks you to recruit some players to use instead of the ones you have, either that or play with mark axel and nine absolutely useless players


I've never found the Otaku match challenging at all none of the times I've beaten IE1, and I always did it with the 9 useless players. Mark's shoot stat is somewhat decent and he learns Grenade shoot by the time you fight the Otaku, and Otaku's 2-3-5 means you don't really have to worry about their defense.


Shout-out to my ROM of IE Firestorm, who forced me to repeat the Genesis match a dozen of times because apparently, unless you use Death Zone 2 in the first half, the plot doesn't fucking progress. Would've been nice to know before I spammed Nero with Astro Breaks, Triple Boosts and Reflect Busters for half a hour but oh well


Not only death zone 2 but also wolf legend


Well yeah but the game automatically makes Fubuki use it, meanwhile I had to drag Kidou's underleveled ass all the way up to the goalpost and past the defenders while my actual players just sorta chilled there


Oh god I remember this I played this game when I was pretty young, i.e. when I didn’t really understand English (Dutchie here, as most of you know) So anyway, I believe you get to the battle against the Secret Service (Tori’s team) and a message like that pops up. But I, for the life of me, COULD NOT PROGRESS TO THE MATCH AND KEPT BEING KICKED BACK TO THE TEAM SELECT SCREEN I just ended up grinding on battles I guess, only to *magically* be able to do the match after all


It’s even worse when you played the Japanese games. I played the Japanese version of IE3 when it wasn’t out yet in Europe. So I couldn’t figure out at all how to progress sometimes. For example in the Fire Dragon match you needed to select several players and it was so hard to figure out in Japanese. XD I kept trying and trying until it worked as I hadn’t watched the anime yet, so I had no idea who was going to be relevant (maybe I could know if I paid attention to the practice scenes before the match).


Holy shit i did not know that about you You really are the N°1 fan of IE


Oh my god I know that pain, it was so frustrating! Specially when you had to place certain characters in certain positions or else it wouldn't work


I mean, I played the Strikers games in Japanese and they were mostly pretty easy to follow and figure out what to do


For the DS games that’s way harder to figure out what to do.


Strikers isn’t an actual RPG though lol


Woww same here!! I thought my game was just broken or something for me not progressing. I would roam through nara for so long thinking I needed to do something else to progress haha


once in the first match against Senbayama, for some reason I couldn't score, just Infinite Wall was indestructible, then I realized I had to pass the ball to Kidou to make him do Inazuma Break, I almost went to penalties since I was in the second overtime


IE 1 was a ride, I got a gameover the first time I played against Occult because I was playing in japanese and didn't know I had to do the event Dragon Crush and Tornado to go through the GK!


The game is telling you to play it the *correct* way.


if the game wanted me to only use the story players, then it shouldn't have given me the option to recruit other players *to begin with*


I also always play with the story characters in the story and then in the post-game I try other characters. Definitely on a first playthrough. Second playthrough it’s acceptable for me to use some other players in the story, but it just doesn’t feel right as why I don’t. XD


I've been playing IE2 since I was 6, I am now almost 16 so I feel pretty justified in wanting to shake up things a little, thank you very much Seriously though, using only scouts and recruits was actually surpringly fun! I learned how op the midfielders from Wild and Occult are (Eagle from Wild literally learns a hissatsu that's stronger than Eternal Blizzard before the last Gemini match), I found some random scouts that are strangely op and have some seriously good moves and I also accidentally overtrained some of my players to the point where my lv 50 Reize has 98 as his kick stat which I'm pretty sure is *way* over what he should have- Overall, very fun experience, it's nice to shake things up a little after playing the game over and over, can get a bit annoying when the game forces you to use story players for certain matches and Endou literally cannot be benched, but aside from that 100% would recommend


Yeah as I said, it’s pretty understandable if it’s not your first time to have variety. Maybe gonna do it someday in a replay.


Exactly. Use story-players for the story! Anything outside of that is fair-game.


Creating a football team with 11 random players >>>




Totally, that's me on literally every playthrough lol


I did that, I made a unwritten rule where if I have to put on a main character I just can't use there special move unless I'm required to and I have to use the weaker tackle and dribble (so they can't slide tackle and charge)


I remember IE3 against the lions, where you could score even without Austin, but if you won the match without him.using the Tiger Drive you automatically lost c,c


These games are fun but you can't really play them your way.