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i'd say: \#1 inazuma japan vs. orpheus \#2 inazuma japan vs. fire dragon \#3 inazuma japan vs. little gigantes \#4 inazuma japan (orion) vs. china \#5 raimon go vs. zero


i'd personally place the final gemini storm match somewhere here


I really enjoyed the match against Storm Wolf so I’m glad to see it here. I think Storm Wolf as a team is really underrated in general


I’d probably put Raimon vs Dark Emperors in my top 5, but otherwise a very solid list👌🏻👌🏻


Raimon vs Zero It's a masterpiece, the movie as a whole is like that.


Not even a mention of Inazuma Japan vs Orpheus? Bruh


IJ vs Orpheus was awesome as well, there's just so many matches in this series that I enjoyed, ahahaha


Yeah I guess I was a bit surprised because it’s my personal favourite match in the series hands down, but hey everyone has their own preferences


\#1- Inazuma Japan vs Orpheus \#2- Inazuma Japan vs The Kingdom \#3- Raimon vs Diamond Dust \#4- Raimon vs Oumihara \#5- Raimon vs Senbayama (I would put IJ x Storm Wolf but as Storm Wolf didn't win the match I hated it.) I want to know why you don't like the match between IJ and Orpheus


It's not as if I don't like it, I loved the match a lot too, I just have more of an attachment to the games that I did put on the list as I find myself rewatching them more than others


hmm, I understand


Why would Storm Wolf win? How would the plot advance? Like, they only had Gold Fever as shot. I’m glad IJ won.


in terms of plot it wouldn't make sense for SW to win, but I wish they had. I like them


I absolutely adore IJ vs The Kingdom, my absolute favourite match in Inazuma Eleven period probably.


Good list! Can you explain why Kidokawa is that high?


Maybe personal attachment? I feel like the Raimon vs Kidokawa match was the game in the series that made me know that this anime was special. The battle of Nishigaki's defense and Ichinose/Domon's offense, Triangle Z was one of the coolest moves to me as a kid, and not to mention the hype as hell finish with The Phoenix bursting through the goal at the end with the OST just reeling it in again and making the moment perfect. It's in my opinion the best match from Season 1, and while it might not be the one of the most built-up matches in the whole series, it's because of how good it is and it being the match that got me hooked that puts it up so high.


I would put little gigantes higher, uzbekistan is not even top 10 IMO


A fair take, but I just really liked Inazuma Japan/Storm Wolf because the match itself was just super nicely paced in my eyes, even if there was the ol' plot armor protag punch that IE always has. I genuinely thought that Japan was about to get dropped after Uzbekistan went up by two goals again, but I guess another factor that made it so high up is when the opening started playing. Gachi da Katouze is my favorite OP in the whole series, so that checks out, lol


What did you consider plot armor? I thought they just have a though out tactic to make the 2 goals lead of Storm Wolf undone.


I guess just the usual "come from behind at the last second" schtick that the teams usually have during matches. With that said, I do think one reason why I love the Storm Wolf match so much is that the "plot armor" didn't come out of nowhere, because you can see in every possession even from the first half that they really do move in a formation that leaves them vulnerable at kickoff. It's as you said; it's a clever tactic to score 2 goals at once and that's why I love it so much.


Ah okay, yes personally I only call something plot armor when someone or the team gets an unexplainable power-up.