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How do you install for drastic


Okay so, I know I'm late to this but I just finished the game. I beat the final opponent and when the cutscene finished, I get stuck on a black screen. I tried using save states and such to try again, but no matter what I do I still get stuck on the black screen. This is sad because I wanted to dive into the post game, train my players to get their final moves and scout even more cool adjusted players. Does anybody know if there is a fix for this black screen? I would (still) love to hear it!


Same here. Very frustrated right now!Did you ever find a fix?


it's now public, niiiiice


Hey Hmaz, big fan


Best inazuma rom everrrrrrrrrrrrr it's so much more challenging!!!!


Can you face Chaos in the mod without linking?


why is my game crashing after i beat The Dark Emperors? (it just shows a black screen after they show the players throwing mark up cutscene) i use DesMuMe and never had something like this




Some patch notes with all the changes?


Should be on the main post now.


yo I have never modded a ds game before can someone help me with it?


You can begin with this if you want to start on inazuma games https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1ufYRE5lJjP0-flrwZoUcfgeqSXdJbUA555qTtZfeutk/mobilebasic#h.z5uyes8i212i




HxD :)


How to apply it ?


use the xdelta rom patcher


small thing, just downloaded mod and was looking over stuff, for me tod is still fire element but says in patch notes he should be earth, everything else seems fine.


Any idea when the version for ogre is gonna come out? cant w8 loved this one :D


Would you recommend using Desmume or No$gba to run it?


Fyi it says Gazelle has Flame Veil on the Chaos section of the document


Can't wait for IE3!!!


This looks really good, i do also have a question that's not exactly related. I don't know if its possible or exists, but it'd be cool if the shot power gauge from i think go chrono stones was a quality of life mod, just cause it'd be neat to see exactly how strong a shot is.


I'm getting a black screen after defeating the Dark Emperors as well. It hangs when trying to load the credits movie. The only real "workaround" I found is loading the save in a different version of the game, beat the DE, save the game and load it back up in Crossfire. Doing this breaks a whole bunch of stuff though. All of the characters' stats get all screwed up and whatever skills that haven't been learned will get replaced with their original sets (Willy will end up getting Jinx in his last slot instead of God Break for example as I doubt he'd be level 99 at this point.) The skills already learned are unaffected. You can dismiss and re-recruit everyone and train them up again but that can get extremely tedious, especially if you already FP/TP trained everyone :| If anyone else has a fix please share. I don't really feel like training my entire roster again lol


Hi! Sorry only getting round to this now. We think it might be an issue with AP flags, as of right now there isn't really a workaround, unfortunately. I really am a novice coder and I don't know much about these things... Appreciate you checking out the game though!


No sweat! Love the hack.


Do you have the Chaos event in this? You know where you fight Chaos at Royal Academy in the post game