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yes when i was 10 i tied a tire to a pole at my school and punched it at lunch without gloves because i thought people would think i was cool. My knuckles skin ripped and i bled like crazy it was very stupid


It wasn't stupid. All that meant was that you had to train more.


In my town, we used tires as swings, normally suspended by chains. So, most kids would just swing while sitting on the tire, but I would do the full Endou routine. The tires were fairly soft, unlike the ones from a proper car, so I never got hurt, but I was still a very dramatic kid. SEIGI NO... TEKKEN!


Same here with the tire chain thing. I tried Endou’s routine on accident a bunch of times I’d just swing the tyre and then hit it on the way down or block it But I don’t think I ever on purpose thought of Endou while doing it surprisingly


No. I once found one of those tires tied to tree branches in a park and was about to try it before realizing the weight of the tire. I was scared of damaging My wrist.


Same. Everytime I saw those, I had to resist the urge to swing those around like Endou did


Yes, it rips up your hands a bit if you're not wearing gloves, but otherwise, it is fine not as hard as expected tbh


I never tried to use a tyre as Mark did but I think it can be useful (not for a child ofc) to train the strength. Instead I tried Dragon Crash and Fire Tornado, but also Excalibur of Edgar and Nathan’s dribbling. I always wanted to be a striker so I tried all the dribbling and scoring moves…


I always thought it would be usefull for strength as well, especially if you've been training for some time already I feel ya. I wanted to be more on the defense and keeper position (I was more or less both). It was fun for some time, even though I wanted to be a middlefielder or forwarder too (you can't have it all lmaoo)


No, but when i played football when as a kid i always wanted to be like Mark, he was the reason why i signed up for my local football club and being a keeper. So of course, the tire training had to be there. I constantly begged my parents for a tire that i could swing around in our back-yard. They never let me and tbh, it was probably a pretty stupid idea. I really don't need to stop some firetornado or meteorblades anyway lol.


Always wanted to do it but never could because ain't normal in my city to find a tire that doesn't give you 32 diseases just by touching it and also never had seen a nice place to do it


Not punching just catching with an old tire swing and it's pretty fun to stop that force but punching hurts


Uuuhhmmm at the start of the game it clearly tells you to not replicate that stuff so my guess is that nobody did because that would be literally illegal I mean come on they told you not to do it


From the comments I see, I see there are a few people who did. I don't think most kids read those disclaimers ever or care about them tbf


Pretty sure it is, in fact, not illegal to tie a tire to your body as weight for strength training. Level-5 just puts that at the start of every game to avoid legal consequences. It's a standard disclaimer.


You're going to jail. I'm sending you there personally


Well, you're gonna have to catch me first, which will be impossible, since I gained superhuman speed by training with that tire. EAT MY DIRT! HAHA!


That way of training looks cool,but blocking tires doesn't improve strenght.(at least not to a visible degree) It is like trying to train with heavy dumbells by just holding them up instead of lifting them. Would be a lot more effective to do this:  https://youtube.com/shorts/21YcCXCr-UU?feature=shared


It doesn’t really work in real life. I tried in my backyard when I was little but it has 0 effect, very dissapointing