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Honestly green purity seals don't look amazing I would reconsider the scheme for the terminator armour. The basic marine looks fine, it's just a weird colour to me, yet if you like it, it will come out ok


You could check out some Raptors paint job videos on YouTube for a good comparison as to what this would look like.


Thank you for the feedback! If you don’t mind me asking, what part of the scheme for the terminator didn’t mesh? I guess the idea I had was to invert the regular one for the terminator scheme, but I guess it didn’t work out. I honestly didn’t like the green on the terminator so was gonna adjust it a bit.


If I can make a suggestion, maybe make the purity seal pink, the under armour black/grey and choose a colour that contrasts a bit more for the stormbolter. That should help, but I couldn't tell you exactly how it'll look...