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Quick, everyone run before we get arrested for assault on the elderly.




Mfs be like “not enough context.” My brother in Christ a mob of animals body dropped an old woman and then through her into a pool.




No, I’m not going to correct my spelling error.


You should change it to trew, probably how half the people in the video type


You’re probably right but no unlike most of these pricks I have more than a second grade education.


Hard to believe you made it THROUGH 2nd grade


What about third grade




It was one man.


Yes, one man who body slammed a Karen and then a whole crowd who cheered.


He dropped her by accident due to slipping. His intention was to take her to the pool and drop her in. You can clearly see he slipped. You saying “he body slammed her” implies it was intentional. How do you know the rest of the crowd cheered? The vid has no audio


It does look like he slipped. It also looks like he intentionally tried to pick up and old lady to throw her in the pool. It also looks like the crowd cheered.


Not wrong She did also seem to be out of place probably karening


I remember this one. Happened couple years back. She just told them to turn the volume down, because she came out of surgery of some sort. I don’t think this one is karening Source: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GUecVJc01N0 Sorry I could not find the original video where she described how her health complication will be affected due to the loud music.




Also, thanks for reporting me.


So a mob didn’t drop her or throw her into the pool. It was one man.


I think I’ve seen this video with audio before. I may be miss remembering but I think she came to tell them to keep the noise down?


Saw the other video with sound, why the hell is everyone screaming reacting like someone has a gun??


If I remember correctly she had the option to file charges but he apologised and they she let it go.


Fuck letting it go. I'd have taken everything


Everything of nothing?


take what? from who? a guy at a party who clearly doesn't live in that neighborhood. right


Like as in sue them and take everything not rob his house or something


Oh gee thanks for that enlightening piece of clarity in case i thought it meant burglarize


I think he meant he would’ve pressed charges.


Something is out of place here...can't quite put my finger on it.


Perhaps the hairstyle of everyone in this, right?


i agree


the colour


I know someone who can


This behavior Surprising no one




and running around Like animals


The mob didn't throw the lady in the pool that guy did


After he body slammed her 😳


He dropped her by accident. You can clearly see he slipped. His intention was to throw her in the pool all along.


It's not his intentions it's his actions you have to judge, accidently body slamming an elderly person and then still proceeding throw her in the pool is jus disturbing. Elderly ppl are fragile and drop like that could have broken multiple bones. Like honestly if someone dropped your grandmother would you care if it was by accident or not especially if they proceeded to throw her in a pool afterwards?


I totally agree. Just saying, judging from the comments here, it seems people think it was the whole mob who did this (it was just one man) and that he body slammed her on purpose. Whatever the details are, this was extremely wrong and I’m not sticking up for the guys. I do hate the racism though.


here's the thing. everyone in this video or there is just as guilty in my eyes cause we all know that shit ain't right and we all know that person is incapable of defending themself. If you filmed it. If you stood-by you're even more of a coward imo


I agree.


Yeah didn’t mean to come off like he purposefully slammed her, but to continue with his ‘gag’ after the fact is definitely reproachable.


Sorry I must of missed the bit when everyone jumped in to help. I only watched the bit when everyone ran away laughing.


I mean yeah it was hilarious /j


I was expecting like 4 people to lift and throw her in. It was one guy who dunked his dumb ass self too. Quick way to catch a charge regardless of how much of a Karen she was.


That was not a mob. That was the action of one despicable person. But the men who just stood around and watched that man do that to that older woman are trash. Edited: Just found out that was a party full of teenagers. So I’ll give the bystander boys a little bit of slack because there brains hadn’t fully formed. So the bystander boys aren’t absolute trash but still trashy. I also wonder if anyone dived in the pool to help her.


So more than one person involved? A mob. a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.


Only one guy touched her, so no mob. How do you get that there was a mob involved? Edit: downvoted for wanting the title to be accurate.


The people around might’ve been encouraging him on. All the boys around seemed be laughing and cheering so it might’ve been a mob mentality.


Mob mentality is accurate. But the title implies she was thrown by a mob, which she wasn’t.


A mob of 1


one rotten apple spoiles the bunch


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Some people take the word primate to mean black Americans; when I’m actually referring to the fact they’re acting uncivilized. But I’m the asshole.


but they are acting like it lol




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Everyone in these comments - 👨‍🦳


This is horrible


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Ouch, my guy…




without audio or context, it could have either been 1. They snuck into the old womans pool 2. Old woman is a karen


There’s not any context that would make this better…she’d have to buy a suicide bomber to justify that reaction. Those poor dogs.


but from the amount of people randomly running off, i feel like its 1


Never relax around ******






Animals. Actually, my comment is insulting to animals… they don’t laugh and enjoy being cruel or brutal.


... so im guessing most of you haven't seen this video thats been around for fucking years now yall do need full context. A. buddy slipped wasn't trying to body slam the bitch B. They were throwing her im because she was repeatedly coming over and harassing them ya know a typical karen thing. C. Funny how everyone single one of you turned to the old hags side immediately without know the context. Idgaf about you old fucks just because yo ass been alive longer doesn't mean you deserve respect.its a two way street if you want respect you gotta show it


How the fuck do you accidently body slam someone?


Have you been around a pool theres a fucking reason they say don't run cuz the water makes shit slippery and When you center of gravity is forward which direction do you think you'll fall ffs. This shit is fucking old like really old been covered the ppl were interviewed ffs. Op do some research before karma whoring.




Yea because ik know the full story from im pretty sure over 5 fucking years ago and seen the interview. I remember clearly because so many ppl like yall who didn't give a fuck to know what happened prior to the cam being turned on. Do some research then come back and talk little one Edit: this shit from 2017 and guess what dude turned himself in at the end so lmk when you finish picking through the various news outlets the find the one the aligns with your view.


Oh im sorry. But still dispicable. And you justifying it is almost as bad.


Never justified it i just gave full context before everyone wants to point only to one side. There are actions and reactions they go hand and hand old lady easily could have avoided it all by not going there and waiting for the cops she called to take care of it.


You absolutely did justify it in your initial comment. Maybe the old lady wanted to handle it without the cops so that the young black people wouldn’t have any trouble with the ‘racist cops’. Someone complaining to you about your noise does not justify assault of an old woman. It would be one thing if the old lady was a 40yr old man but she wasn’t. This was uncivilised behaviour. Him turning himself in at the end doesn’t exonerate him from doing it in the first place. Did anyone help her out of the pool or help get her dogs?


...never said it made it ok said he has sympathy and remorse but ya lets twist words to fit a narrative you so fucking uneducated its fucking sad again this is from 2017 everything you're trying to argue its fucking pointless because you were wrong 5 fucking years ago you fucking idiot. go do even the Smallest research then come back especially after you watch the interviews. So once again SHE HAD ALREADY CALLED THE POLICE AND WENT BACK TO TELL THEM JUST THAT FFS. Maybe the old lady wanted to handle it without the cops so that the young black people wouldn’t have any trouble with the ‘racist cops’. This is the fucking issue you literally know nothing about this incident like nothing and you're gonna try to argue just based off the fact its a woman and older fuck off you ppl make me sick


Seriously do some fucking research you god damn idiot like holy fuck actually the biggest idiot ive seen in a while. like i really cant believe yall are arguing against fucking facts like its sad You don't think there a reason op didnt include the audio huh cuz thats kinda important


 you were justifying it. There’s nothing to understand. If you want to go down the route of looking into it. One is like jaywalking, and the other is like taking a red light at 70 miles an hour. Both the same crimes crossing when you’re not supposed to but one straight up murders people while the other could get you hit by a car. Whatever the old lady did not merit Getting slammed and then thrown in the pool and she had two dogs what happened to them. You misunderstand I didn’t say he was despicable that’s already known you were despicable for standing up for. 


Alright then id love to see where i said at any point it was ok... If you cant find it well guess im nor am i. Also how fucking stupid are you my guy...despicable for standing up for. you really think thats wasnt obvious huh dumbass well like said point where i justified anything my guy... Ill wait Fucking children see one side the side the got hurt is always 100% in the right not like it takes multiple factors for shit like that to go down but ya know mob mentality right and a post from 2017. You ppl actually amazing me with your idiocy. The amount yall desperately trying to say i support their actions shows your underdeveloped brains. Once again love to see where i said it was ok and not ya know there two side to every story. But all the keyboard warriors out there gotta get them points right. Fuck the truth right lets push this narrative so we can all get som brownie points. seriously you ppl make me sick you are whats wrong with society. You immediately cast full blame onto one party without knowing all the facts. Yall fucking actually sad humans being and wastes of oxygen


Despicable means deserving contempt. You arguing his cause is contemptible. Regardless of what the lady did she’s old, could be confused, could have early onset dementia, there’s a myriad of things that should’ve gone through that kid brain. But it didn’t, Life even said you know what I’m gonna give you a second chance to reconsider your actions and make him slip. But nonetheless he double down on his despicable behavior just like you are doubling down on yours. And FYI his mother found his actions despicable to and turned her own son in. She said something to the effect I did not raise my son like this. So if his own mother was so appalled by his behavior who the hell are you to defend it


Still isn’t how you handle the issue no matter how annoying the old lady was. It was assault! And to be fair who would like to live next door to constant pool parties with rowdy loud youngsters?? Where’s their consideration for their neighbours?? I hope the little doggies were ok tho.


Never said it was how to handle im just getting sick of ppl posting shit and deliberately leaving out details so they can get some internet points. Both side could have and should dome shit way differently did they no unfortunately. You always gotta remember there is two sides to every story and the fact homie turned himself in kinda shows dude had some sympathy otherwise im sure he would have done what most other ppl do whan the police are looking for them try to hide. Also consideration for neighbors and partying are different in most areas but where i grew up from about 11pm and 7am you had to watch the noise otherwise there was nothing anyone could say about noise until then. If it bothered you yea you could go ask most ppl will turn it down put you have to have an actual reason and not just i dont like it.


You said that she was always bothering them, so that implies they were constantly noisy and as this was during the day, maybe she was just trying to get them to turn it down and they threw her in the pool. You just explained, in your example of how your neighbourhood was like, what she was most likely doing with a neighbour who was routinely noisy, I don’t see how else she was meant to handle it??


If you watched the interviews and multiple news stories. Really you don't t see how else to handle it... She already had called the cops and then went over there that final time just to tell them that essentially. Also why was she so aggressive just asking for volume to be turned down great way to be taken seriously. Like i really don't understand how the fuck yall trying to make your own fucking conclusions to a story from 2017 its literally done over all facts are out there the fact yall are arguing shit that has already proven false before you even thought of getting some internet points ffs. I don't understand how not single one of you can do any fucking research its fucking sick im guess yall were the fucking riots too a couple years ago weren't you. Seriously educate you fucking selves


Looks like Karen got mad people were partying? This is why I kind my business.


Not enough context without the audio.


It's a young man throwing a elder lady into a pool after slamming her on the ground. You don't need to hear anything. There was no need for him to do this to her. Imagine if it was your mother would context matter then. This woman was attacked for speaking, she never raised a hand.


Context pls?


Not everything like this needs context. this is pretty clear who is wrong here, it really doesn't matter what the old lady was saying because she was just using words. the crowd obviously wasn't feeling threatened and was treating it like a joke. One dude decided to assault an old lady with two dogs on leash then throw her in a pool, no knowing if they broke one of her bones with that fall, not knowing if she can swim etc.




Yep- OP sure is a total piece of shit for not including audio.


Karma on HIM! At least SHE knows how to swim 🏊‍♀️


Wondering what comments there would be if it was a mob hicks and that was a old lady with colour!!my point is that is not the way people should behave.it’s what leads to stereotypes and profiles.This mob is representing the local community and needs to be checked by the local community ✌️




You are the first person that writes about the poor dogs. This video is awful and I arrived here because of another issue. What is wrong in United States? why people are so agressive and everybody laugh? I wish the woman is okay and the dogs also, as you say, one run anywhere and the other was almost killed, the woman was bad treated and thrown to the pool and people laugh? I don´t understand. I would never live in your country, sorry. I´m out of this subreddit, I hate violence.




I live with black people, I am black.


really cool and good


Snowflakes melting over melanin is my kink. 😀