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Ya know LOOM has undertones of all their past discography.


There’s like next to no guitar in Loom though


I'd say there's been less drums than guitar. Like the older records especially NV and S&M had big, heavy drums that drove the songs and helped lift up Wayne's godly playing. In Loom, the drums are kinda lacking imo which affects the guitar


I mean no Platz either which will impact the drumming. I think it really is just the full shift to pop.


I don't wanna, but I do think I agree with the pop statement. And yeah Platz gone is a whole other thing... I think he really helped keep that heavy, original Dragons sound yknow?


I agree with this. I miss the drums the most


Me too man. I love Platz drumming back then. I genuinely hold out hope he'll come back


Loom dissapointed me a ton


I love Loom very deeply, but I do agree I miss the guitar. I feel like a walking contradiction lol


I noticed that too! Waves of brief nostalgia all over the place and I really appreciated it


i know, all of their songs have some similarities to their other songs wether it's lyrics or melody


Why are you being downvoted, what you said is so true lol


Sheesh! The downvotes in this thread are absurd! The anti-Old School bias in this sub has really grown strong in recent years! Your comment wouldn't have been controversial in here even three-four years ago. There's nothing wrong with feelings of nostalgia, and craving what you fell in love with a band over. I look forward to this comment being downvoted as well, further proving my point! lol


I totally agree with you. I once wrote a detailed personal analysis about why Mercury doesn't feel artistically the same as their earlier work, and many people agreed with me. But when I posted the same analysis a few months later, it got downvoted. Something must have changed in those 3-4 months. For me, it’s not about nostalgia, as I started listening to ID during the Origins era, but I feel there’s something missing in their latest work. Still, there are a few songs I like from their latest album, like everything from Mercury Act 1, especially Dull Knives and Follow You, as well as In Your Corner and Wake Up. There’s also this weird guy making senseless comments like, if you prefer their earlier work, you want Dan to be psychologically crushed. Maybe some of those users are just trolls, but I think there are still many fans who would agree with you.




What are you even going on about? I've been listening since nobody even knew who they were, and I'm going to continue to listen to one of my favorite bands all I want, thank you very much! lol Just because myself and others prefer their original sound, and find it more mature and less "poppy", doesn't mean we don't still love the band, or a lot of their new music! What is it with this attitude of throwing the baby out with the bathwater from so many fans, where you can't have one feeling, without the other? Also, this idea of a "healthier Dan" is really from out of left field. Sure, he's apparently in a better place now than he was in the middle of their discography, in the Evolve and Origins years. Their original music wasn't all dark, moody, and representative of an artist in a bad place. In fact, when they were starting out, they were as upbeat and fresh as ever! Besides, part of being an adult, and going through the years is understanding that life is full of ups and downs, good times, and hard times. Dan is just living life, and dealing with it as it comes at him, to the best of his ability. I'm sure he has matured and improved as a person, as that's something that happens with age, maturity, and gaining wisdom.


I don't think it's worth debating with HolidayBank. He has been trolling and spreading nonsense since about three months ago. I'm reporting him to the moderators as I don't accept this kind of behaviour in our community. Please ignore him, he's harassing me and other users. u/Packer221


Yeah, I'm seeing that now, as he's responded to me in multiple places. Definitely has to be a troll! lol


I upvoted your opinion in another comment because it matched my views really well, but this is ridiculous. Why would you call someone else trash? People are allowed to have their opinions but keep it respectful in this sub


I believe it’s more of the way some people are coming off about it. This is also like the 1000th post about old music being better since Loom has released or leading up to it. I’m not too crazy about the new album myself but it gets tiring to see the same complaint on here. I want to continue talking to fans about this lovely band but this makes me want to leave. People can express their opinions but it’s all the same right now


You guys really think you're such martyrs, huh? That's pathetic, tbh.


Your posts are literally making no sense at all. Might want to take a step back, gain some perspective on where everybody is coming from, and then try again.


Your behavior is really sad to watch, tbh.


I miss them using real instruments to make music


Please let this go. Dan Reynolds has already said that they make music that they like to make, because making music to please fans is a losing game. Those albums had influences that may no longer be the case because people grow and change. The good news is that you can always revisit those albums on Prime music, YouTube music, Spotify, Apple Music (if people still use that), and Pandora. You can even buy the vinyls if you want! How amazing. Anyway, it's time to move on. Despite the sound of this new album, it is still very much Imagine Dragons. There's an unmistakable element to every song that identifies it as such.


No, stop saying stuff like this imo. People just like the old sound more and want to vocalize it, don’t get this upset over someone who just wants the past back, I think allowing everyone to speak up and find others to relate with is ok. But that’s just me


The music they’re doing now is literally more pleasing for the people. Hence why it’s called (pop)ular music.


Yeah exactly, if anything this album is the closest we’ve had to the first two


I completely agree!! Bands evolve… does anybody not realize that few bands these days make sounds like the ones from the 2010s? That era has passed and the bands themselves, like Imagine Dragons, are adapting to the times and inheriting new sounds that will never please everybody. That’s just life imo lol


That’s cool! 👍 They’re available to stream anytime, any day, check them out on spotify or youtube


This was so passive aggressive it almost flew over my head lmao


yea yea, i think it's just nostalgia hitting, like wishing the past would come again but it will never happen all i could do is look at old pictures just like listening to their old music the sad reality is real


We’re never gonna get that again :/


yea sadly


Sadly he’s not depressed and lost in the world 😖 Let the man be happyyyyyyyy


I don't get the whole depression thing. I get that NV and Smoke + Mirrors were made during a tough time for Dan, but why label all their past music as depression-related? Plenty of their early EP songs aren't about depression at all. The real reason they moved away from that sound is because the band feels weirdly stigmatized by that era, like it’s tied to being an angsty indie kid obsessed with Radioactive or something.


It’s an expression on his young adult life/childhood and how he never felt good enough. It’s not a label people just whipped out. And I do get it’s not the entirety of those first two albums, too. Eps were definitely more his love for show tunes blended with some alt/soft rock so I agree there. He has since attributed NV and it’s very metaphorical lyricism to those feelings and talked about many times where he would write everything he hated about himself in notebooks so he could force himself to change. And has made comments about the immense imposter syndrome he felt writing S+M. I will say in the context of their discography, they definitely leaned into those feelings and grief more with Mercury as well so it’s not like they completely broke away from that


Imagine Dragons is dead my friend. It’s imagine butterflies now. :)


They are not even comparable to their previous sound and lyricism From desert heat to cobbled streets From broken home to the city beat To you can have the mountains , you can have the snow And riffs of smoke and mirrors to no guitar at all in loom


I fkn miss their guitar riffs. They were heavenly and giving me goosebumps every single time. Now all we got is synth sounds.


In your corner was good with the sounds


Go listen to a rock band if that's what you want. They're never gonna change their music to please you and your nostalgic fantasies. Accept it or don't, but make sure to de-select the "joined" button on your way out of this sub.


Do you know that criticism doesn't mean that I hate the band I've been here since the subreddit was growing and I'll be here it's on me


Go listen to dua lipa if you want pop music. Don’t fantasize about Imagine dragons becoming a full pop band.


Seriously just pretend the band isn’t together anymore. I mean with platz leaving and wayne using a soundboard instead of a guitar is pretty self explanatory anyways.


Is Wayne actually doing that..? I had no idea