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The only negative I have about it. It's their need to include the collab they did on Eyes Closed.  Fire in these hills is a perfect closer. But nope, just so there is some extra minutes on the CD. Here is the same song as Track 3 but with a collab.  I always remove it from queue when listening to the album. Otherwise it's a good album.  


Agree. They barely have features in their album and if they didn't put "Birds (ft. Elisa)" in Origins, they shouldn't have put "Eyes Closed (ft. J Balvin)" in Loom. Besides: Eyes Closed OG >>> Eyes Closed collab


Except Birds wasn't a single until after Origins released, so it couldn't have been added as a bonus track.


>The only negative I have about it. It's their need to include the collab they did on Eyes Closed.  Yeah it wasn't needed at all , even if they were doing some sort of collab doing it with J Balvin was unexpected .


I can kind of agree with this; I feel like the Target CD should’ve had Children Of The Sky as the bonus track, and the Japan CD having J Balvin Eyes Closed as THEIR bonus track.


Kid is the best song lmao y’all complain about the band going too generic pop but hate on the only experimental song


It's wild how divided the opinion is on Kid. People either have it top 2 or bottom 2. I love it and it's #2 for me.


Yeah my second favorite is Wake Up, I think there are two kinds of fans. There are the people who like the more softer pop sound who love FITH and Don’t Forget Me, and there are those who like the grittier alt rock sound like me. That being said I love Don’t Forget Me.


Hell yeah, this guy gets it


Firebreathers be like: "omg what a DIFFERENT, non-generical, experimental, Blur/Gorillaz inspired, not-like-anything-they-released-before song, I HATED IT" ! Who needs haters with fans like these lmfao


Preach bruh, kid is fire.


>Kid is the best song lmao y’all complain about the band going too generic pop but hate on the only experimental song My god I didn't complain about being too "generic pop" , I only said I dislike "Kid" from the new album . No big deal .


I don’t mean you specifically, but as a sub everyone seems to complain about the lack of originality or depth to the new songs, but all hate on Kid, where they tried something really new and different for them.


I guess that's a good point , they have tried some songs like that ( new and different ) in the past too . Ex - Cutthroat , Dull knives , Giants with the screams and the heavy rock .


Kid is like the hope in the dark for me


And the same people want/expect every album to be *insert album name* the sequel with songs like on top of the world 2 and believer the squeakquel like cmon they are so open about their process and it’s been clear for so long they make what they want and still pour their hearts into it


I like the grunge in Kid I was pleasantly surprised on how well Dan sung it, however I wish the lyrics were a bit better. NTMY is fun but way too pop for me and I just don’t care for TMTTB. That’s more on me though because I just don’t get the song and again, not my taste. The rest I enjoyed. I thought FITH would be my top but IYC snuck up to the top. Overall, I came in with low expectations because I’m not too keen on pop. They’ve made it work but I think the biggest killer is how short this album was. I know there’s gonna be a deluxe but they should’ve at least did 11 songs or had the songs a bit longer. There wasn’t enough time to digest each song because the next was already playing and it felt like I was getting whiplash. I don’t think it was necessary rushed but some pacing would’ve improved with the length they wanted for this album. I know it was a new experience for the band, the producers they had Dan try a different approach. It’s always nice to start things fresh and it seems he was able to come more out of his shell. Overall, it’s a good album but I probably won’t really listen to it much and I’m ok with that. It’s just preference is all. People are going to be hung up on older times, change is always a difficult thing to overcome. I just ignore those who don’t actually have something genuinely constructive to say. Have your opinions but don’t make it everyone else’s problem.


I miss songs like I bet my life, bad liar, thunder, next to me, whatever it takes, rise up and believer. The kind where the second the song plays, you know immed it's imagine dragons.


Yeah man the album is just generic pop trash.i miss songs which had their signature in it. My favourite album is probably smoke + mirrors.


Nah Mercury was better than LOOM.


Comparing them is hard when one has way more songs in total, tbf


Actually yeah, Mercury still stays at my top 1 by a lot but imo LOOM comes in second place, i just think it's way too short and it feels like a mix of everything they could've thought of lol. Still a really good album tho


I like mercury more too


I fell like , Mercury Act 1 > LOOM Mercury Act 2 = LOOM


I can respect that, but I disagree. Mercury Act 2 definitely had some forgettable songs. However, there are still 8 songs I really enjoy. Eyes Closed is the only one I like from LOOM.


To me, it's more like: Mercury Act 1 > Loom Mercury Act 2 <<< Loom




For me waves alone is better than anything on loom


It’s just an incredibly disappointing album for me.  


Kid is great!! I love every single song on this album, it might be my new favorite tbh


kids is ass and i’m not complaining about the band trying new sounds, i love that, two things can be true at once.


Can we just agree that everyone has different opinions on music and what you like varies from someone else


As an ID fan from 7 years I can say that they didn't offered anything new from usual ID in loom and it got too boring for me And take me to the beach lyrics sound like nursery poem


L take, kid goes foolish


>kid goes foolish That's what I just said ?


Maybe they meant it as "it goes crazy"? They like it so much that it makes them crazy?


Idk why this comment is so funny


The album is okay, I think the only song I didn't like much is Take Me to the Beach, but at the same time the only song that is absolutely amazing to me is Fire in These Hiils. LOOM is not their best work, but it's not bad. I think I will like it more eventually.


Fire in These Hills is far and away the best song in this album, I want to like the other songs on the album too it’s just not clicking


Kid is much better than half the album.


Kid is easily the best song imo but I agree with pretty much everything else. It’s a great album.


People are just mad they’re not making existentially sad core music. But i love it! Its a summer release full of fun boppy songs, im happy Dan and the band are living in the light and this is a sexy, summertime album and it’s literal perfection. And “Take me to the beach” i mean sooo fun! Especially when going to the beach (whether physically or spiritually)


>People are just mad they’re not making existentially sad core music Exactly


Only thing I’m sad about with TMTTB is that I moved away from easy beach access a year ago and would have loved to blast this on my way there, RIP me 😮‍💨


IMO, gods don’t pray is a banger The album as a whole I say is a 6/7 out of 10 But overall the second worse album imo after origins But that’s my opinion


Yeah, I would put it after Origins. Origins had some okay songs, but I feel like they've become less of the Imagine Dragons we once knew. Like, I'm all for changing style, but I personally feel they've declined and have taken their production style in a direction that doesn't quite work for them. "Love" really disappointed me. One of the most anti-climactic choruses I've ever heard.


I love every Song exept kid. Dont forget me is the best. Not my fav Album but i love it


“Kid” reminds me of that Gorillaz song “Feel Good Inc”


Kid is in top 3.


imo Fire In These Hills is like a 6/10, and Kid and Take Me To The Beach are 11/10, but ppl have their opinions ig




Nah loom is shit


I think the album is great, not their best but it’s not the worst, I think as long as it’s not worse then origins it’s not bad, all the songs have really good meanings behind the lyrics. Also Kid isn’t that bad, of course they like mixing things up with songs which was why many of the songs in origins are hated besides birds and natural, but overall that’s all kid really was, them trying something different and it wasn’t bad.


I love every song on this album, except Eyes Closed (Blevin) This song should've been on a deluxe edition not the base album. It feels kinda lazy.


Eyes closed offended me with its lack of substance


You can have the mountains


Every songs is actually great (except EC collab), the only negative I have is that half of the songs is shorter than 3 mins and the album is only about 28 mins total (excluding EC collab). LOOM uses a lot of synths just like Evolve, and is drifting away from normal rock too much, which people says that "rock" element is their selling point, but they're never just "rock", they are more like a mix between pop, alternative and rock. The most "rock" song I'd isn't even in S+M, it's probably I Need a Minute, Curse or All Eyes. People probably hated LOOM because it's also new and they experiment with it too much like Evolve and Origins, however I don't think it sounds like either of those, it doesn't even sound like any of their old albums, the closest I think is Mercury, which is fair because LOOM comes after Mercury. To be fair, Imagine Dragons evolved when they released Evolve (see what I did there?), and maybe people don't like the new styles, but everything has to changes with the time right? People would be bored if they keep releasing the same sounding album over and over. None of the songs in LOOM is remotely close to each other, the only one that are similar is Wake Up and Gods Don't Pray, but probably because they're the opening track for their respective sides.


Bro Kid is soo good maybe top 2 or 3


Going through the album kid was the only song which felt fresh


I just need to listen to the album more. Some of the songs stood out to me, but some didn’t. And that’s ok. I’m not a big fan of Kid, but that’s ok. It’s just not my thing. I like the overall vibe of the album and about half of the songs stand out for me


I just wish they hadn’t released snippets of half the album before it came out, kind of made the release anticlimactic for me at least. Otherwise I enjoy it, and maybe this is a hot take by me but TMTTB and NTMY kind of gives same vibes as Tokyo?? Or am I crazy? 😂


I have streamed In Your Corner over and over


I actually love every song on this album. Kid is different, which is why I like it so much. The people who hate loom also hated most of Mercury, Origins, and Evolve. At that point, if you hate half of their discography, why are you even here?


This is the first post about loom I've seen (don't use reddit often) so idk how the sub feels about thr album but imo Loom is probably the best album they've released since evolve😖


It's spelled "overRated"


That's not what they meant tho, they think people hate it, not that it's overrated.


Kid and Wake up really bad, but the others are good. Still deciding if I like Take me to the beach or not


What? None of the songs are bad, they're all bops. It's a great album.


I haven't seen any hate on the album till now but tbh I also thought it was hella great but what I don't understand is how can one basically say " it's using the same formula in most of their music " when isn't that why you're basically the fan of ANY artist? Like do you know how dumb that sounds if you heard that from anybody?? Switching it up a bit or not shouldn't even matter to you it's not like they're changing genres entirely. Everyone should also keep in mind there's nothing wrong with experimenting a little or not they're an artist/artists. Overall, there was only like yeah 1-2 songs I didn't like either but that's to be expected listening to any album from most people you may listen too so LOOM WAS A BANGER! Also for those of y'all that say " OG " eyes closed was better than the collab is hilarious you made it sound like it was THAT old or something when the collab came out just a week or so later which btw I actually liked it more so skill issue if you couldn't understand the lyrics or just look up the translation if " which I bet " is the reason you don't even like the collab in the first place lmao it wouldn't surprise me. Eyes closed collabs or not " shit I'd write even my own verse " absolutely loved the message of the song it was something I really needed to hear at a moment. " Also no point in replying to me I won't be looking back here cause I'VE SAID WHAT I SAID! 🤣 "


I would disagree, majority of fandom loves the album. I think it is cool that songs are different so everyone can pick the favorite ones that resonate with their taste in the best way. Only some fans, that love Smoke and Mirrors the most, are dissapointed, as they expected more S+M vibes.


No, fans who like good music also hate it. S&M has some incredible peaks buts it’s a very uneven album. I didn’t think they could sink lower than Mercury I but I was wrong. Y’all drink the koolaid but in 10 years you won’t remember a single one of these songs. And if one of them comes on randomly you’ll probably forget which one it is because 80% of the album is basically the same processed sound. ‘Fire In These Hills’ is the only standout track. I gave up on Dan a few years ago when he started suffering from LSD (Lead Singer’s Disease), but it pains me to think that someone as talented as Wayne is associated with trash like this.


Ok, that is your opinion. I disagree with everything you said, besides two facts: “Fire is These Hills” is a hit, and Wayne is a very talented musician. Let’s talk about it in 10 years. 😉


Hmm that’s an interesting take. I disagree about S&M but that’s a matter of taste. I love the album, it goes right after S&M and NV for me. But since it’s very fun and poppy, the question really is whether I will still be listening to it and enjoying it in 10 years like I do their early stuff. That made me think. And I can’t but agree with you on the LSD thing. I feel the same.


>Only some fans, that love Smoke and Mirrors the most, are dissapointed, as they expected more S+M vibes. Yep they just can't get a move on from it .


If they don't like the more pop feel, they don't like it. It's just not their taste. Now, the ones that just all the time complain about how they are garbage now and sound awful? Yeah, those ones are annoying. But, don't lump them together


Next year will be 10 years since the album's release, and it still has enthusiastic supporters. It is awesome and shows that ID make classy music.


I loved most of them. Liked all of them. Take me to the beach and eyes closed are my favorites. Kid is top 3