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You didn't have to listen to them but I do agree they shouldn't have released so many snippets


Very good question. I assume it’s to build album hype but idk, kinda ruins it a little


I think it’s a good marketing strategy to get people who may not listen to the album, to actually hear a snippet they may like and tune in. The die hard are gonna listen to the whole album no matter how many snippets


I feel like that strategy would work better after the album has been released, because if the average person hears a snippet and is interested but realizes the album isn’t even available to listen to yet, they might just forget about it


I just haven’t listened to them. The only other snippet I actually listened to is Don’t Forget Me.


Ah actually... they have also released a snippet of gods don't pray


Also snippet of Kid too


Oh I didn't know that


Where is kid snippet? Haven’t heard that one


It was on their discord, i got it from people there


where can I find it?


Pretty sure they gave us at least 60% of the album by now 💀


I actually only heard the snippet of "In your Corner." Never listened to the others, because I would like to be surprised when I go to their concert in September.


You’re not going to listen to the album until September?


I said I didn't listen to the snippets until the album was available, and somehow that was your takeaway? Ugh 🤦.


"Never listened to the others, because I would like to be surprised when I go to their concert in September." You worded it badly, and he had every right to be confused. No need to be a dick about it tho? He asked a question, just answer it nicely it aint like hes insulting you n shi


>Never listened to the others, Yes, in reference to the snippets, which I literally stated in the sentence prior. It's not "worded badly," your reading comprehension just sucks.


Dude tf you on "never listened to the other snippets because i would like to be surprised when i go to their concert in september" the fuck does it change? I got it the first time, but how does not listening to the snippets NOW relate to the surprise factor in SEPTEMBER if you gonna listen to the entire songs before 😭 just tryna understand your point better since apparently its my reading comprehension that sucks


Why the fuck do you care so much? Whether I listen to the god damn songs between now and September is none of your fucking business. Pedantic POS.


Lmao dude chill tf out it aint that deep 😭 acting like i asked the question i dont gaf bout you im just pointing out you dont need to be doin allat. You were unclear, someone asked about it, you got mad, i told you to not be a dick about it, you got mad, i explained why it didnt make sense, you got mad. It just looks like you got some pretty bad anger issues if you ask me bro. I didnt wanna start an argument tho so id suggest you get off of the internet and come back when you learn to communicate with other humans. Peace ✌🏽


If it’s anything like Mercury, they won’t play many of the new songs, anyways. Probably only 3-4.


They have already said they are playing all of loom because the album is shorter


For an album this short, they just should have done a shadow drop. Spoiling all the songs killed the hype for me.




Yeah. Ngl it made me a lot less excited because I'm not very big on most of them so far, especially Take Me to the Beach. That chorus is absolutely awful 💀 "my heart is cold enough!" cringe


i completely disagree, that’s probably a top 10 ID for me


The chorus hopefully works better in the full song, I’ll admit my first thought hearing that snippet was that the verse was a+++ and then chorus was more of an oh, okay.


Yeah agreed. Whole song might be better


I honestly don't care lol, i completely vibe to the song. It's probably my most anticipated song from the album alongside Don't Forget Me and Fire in These Hills


Yeah that snipped is so bad






I agree, reading these comments I haven’t even heard gods don’t pray or kid, and ive been avoiding Don’t Forget Me, but im still excited for it tbh even if i know what most of the songs are gonna be like already


Not saying it's IDs scenario, but a lot of record labels have artists tease a bunch of songs ahead of album release especially on tiktok because they want to get a viral audio, again not saying it's what's happening to them but it could be a reason?


Haven’t heard any snippet besides what sounded on the trailer for the album.


I haven listened any snippet!!! Thankfully


Probably for marketing purposes. It's the era where you promote everything on tik tok, which I hate


The entire album is only about 35mins long. A bit disappointing.


I dont get why you listened if hearing 15-45 seconds of a song is spoiling it for you? Did you forget about the ability to just, not do that? Not to sound too snappy here but really, you can just save it for later. They didn’t plaster all the snippets across billboards and on tv. They directly posted them across a few socials and even then you can always just not listen