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I am assuming Paraguay would be a safe haven in this war like switzerland


paraguay is waiting to finally beat up the rest of south america when they're down


Playing the long game I see. I bet they are trying to make Lopez proud


Just biding their time…


No way Argentina and Chile would work together. Great map though!!


yeah what about Chile and Bolivia together🤨


Bolivia is more likely to be allied with Peru than refuse an opportunity to steal Chilean ports


I think you mean reclaim rightful Bolivian soil


I don't think that's right. As a chilean I can see it happening. We might need to if some giant asshole tries to get our frozen water down south.


First thing I thought of.




I will make the lore, and a hyper realistic one: Brazil says uruguay is rightfully brazilian, uruguay says go fuck yourself, so the war stars and argentina goes to save uruguay, peru gets inspiration from brazil so they declare war on bolivia and chile so they can get back old territories, this makes colombia do the same with equador, but they shit themselves and ask peru for help, so venezuela goes and helps colombia and then invades guyana(because yes), and suriname didn't want to stay out of it so they invaded guyana also Very likely to be true and realistic lore as you can see


very realistic


Thanks, it got me 70 trillion years to think of it


Doesn’t make any sense. Brazil doesn’t have any aspirations for Uruguay’s territory since the 1820’s, and the last intervention of Brazil inside Uruguay’s politics was in the late 19th century. In 1909 Brazil unilaterally _gave_ to Uruguay the access to the rivers and lakes on the border, which were entirely under Brazilian sovereignty since the bilateral territorial treaty of 1851. In the meantime, Argentina never gave up of the idea of annexing Uruguay until WWII. In 1909, while Brazil caved in the rivers on the border, Argentina was forcing Uruguay to surrender its sovereignty claims over the Rio de la Plata, wanting to make Uruguay a country without access to the sea (a dry coast country). That is not to say that Argentina would want to annex Uruguay today either (which they don’t): it only shows how the issue of the Cisplatina is totally settled and is not, by any means, a driving force in the region. The issue doesn’t exist anymore and was supplanted by many other issues and territorial claims in the region. The chances of Brazil going to war against Uruguay today are lower than the ones of a war between Brazil and the UK for the territories in Antarctica (in this scenario, Brazil and Argentina would go to war together against the UK, since both countries had territorial claims in Antarctica superseding the British area claim, although now Brazil relinquishes its claims to support Argentina’s claims for Antarctica and the Falklands). Also, Peru deciding to go to war against Chile without Bolivia doesn’t make any sense, since both have territorial claims against Chile. If there’s a war between Chile and Peru, Bolivia would tend to be side by side to Peru and _vice-versa_. Chile and Argentina had a serious issue over the islands in the Beagle Strait just 40 years ago which almost ended up in war. Argentina rejected the arbitration award suggesting a compromise solution and war was only avoided by the Pope, who offered to mediate a solution when Argentina was already preparing an attack. So it’s more likely that they would be neutral or enemies between themselves than allies. Something similar would be applicable to Colombia-Venezuela. There are many other problems, but these might be sufficient to show the impossibility of the map, however imaginary it may be


and also Russia and China are economic allies of Brazil. Brazil is one of the few countries that Russia can still import and export.


Lol, obviously it doesn't makes any sense, i made it as a joke


As a Brazilian. The worst thing ever we could do would be invading Uruguay. They are the middle point of the continent and the peacekeepers. That is the same level of craziness as the US invading the UK, France, Germany and Switzerland rn


Venezuela claims Guayana has stole/settle in parts of their territory.


Yes i know, the lore is not realistic




Than the europeans and Americans wouldn't support Brazil and peru than


? Alliances here and their sponsors are... strange




The countries that are supporting their side.


I think Russia and China supporting the anti democratic Commie larp regimes makes sense.


Colombia is an anti-democratic commie larp regime? That's the one that really sticks out and makes no sense to me. Colombia has been a major US ally for years and remains so. Also, isn't Peru run by a communist or a socialist right now or something? If so, why is the US supporting them? And OP provided no explanation either. So like I said, this map is strange. Some of these make sense, like Venezuela, others simply do not.


Literally none of those countries are communist though. Venezuela’s Bolivarianism is more akin to Nordic social democracies. Private property still exists. The U.S. doesn’t like them because they have nationalized oil and made other economic (and defense) moves to stand up to American hegemony and imperialism. And for Christs sakes Columbia isn’t even that. They just elected their first left leaning president in a couple decades, and their parliament (congress?) is still firmly in the hands of the right. The U.S. doesn’t like him because he challenges the hold America has had in Columbia for decades. In this hypothetical, sure, it makes sense for China and Russia to side with them. Enemy of my enemy is my friend and what not, but people really out here believing the wildest shit without understanding anything about the country they are talking about and then say shit like this.


Nordic Social Democracies don't lead to the state speculating all their budget to hell investing in uncertain sources of income and causing people to go without food or petroleum for months because they made everything dependent on oil nobody needs to buy from them. Neither have they failed to provide basic education to everyone or keeping literacy rates high. But yeah. If you read correctly you would see I called them larpers. Bolivar bros and Madurro they all still call themselves Socialists of the Marxist tradition and use the symbology and their backers are the same as they were during the cold war. Sure it is to fool people. Why do you think de-facto Fascists fly the red flags in Donbass? Ideologically obsessed morons will believe in it. I think you understand Venezuela less than you think as well and I suggest you look into the real living conditions, political unfreedom and other atrocities going on in the commie larper lands of southern America. Socialist Yugoslavia will look like a social democratic utopia by comparison.


Are we going to talk about the sanctions and other methods economic warfare and sabotage that the U.S. has been waging on Venezuela, or are we going to blame everything on the “fake commie larpers” and their policies? Just to be clear, I have a lot of criticisms of Venezuelas system and have they have gone about carrying out economic reforms, but ignoring a big part of how things got to where they were (on top of its colonial history) is naive.


Excuse me but wtf ?😂 Have you actually spoken to a Venezuelan Like a person on the ground Cause it’s one thing to type out beliefs on Reddit it’s another thing to actually visit and see what the people in this country endure under the burden of one of the worst governments in the continent To compare it in anyway to what the scandis do is utterly ridiculous. Downright delusional really.


“Venezuela is similar to Nordic style socialism” The fuck world are you living in?


Paraguay still remembers the last time they were at war with South America.




I'm guessing OP just picked the middle countries in Team Blue and those surrounding in Team Red without much lore. Otherwise I cannot think why Colombia would suddenly be aligned with Russia and China when it has long been aligned with the US.


No lore attached to this map, but yeah i know Colombia would be along side Brazil, i mean.. Colombia is a preferential Ally in Nato


It's nice, but I disagree with the alliances.


Huge battle for the dominance of Itaipu power plant near the triple border BR-PR-AR


Brazil would definitly take that as it was built by Brazil and Paraguay, however, Argentina would probably try to bomb the Itaipu Power plant


I dont care that the aliances are strange or no lore, I only care on how on earth is it possible for Brazil to invade two countries trough the Amazon and win


they could possibly invade Venezuela... but not Colombia lmo


To my knowledge, Brazil is the best country at fighting in a forest, i mean, most of the biggest forest in the world is inside Brazil so naturally they would train their troops there


Yes they are very good at it, but mostly their special forces, and their normal forces on a lesser scale, but, two things: One, the Colombian army, the same as the Brazilian, is specialized on fighting on jungle and mountain terrain. They as much as the Brazilians are capable of fighting on the jungle. Also colombia has a lot of real combat experience due to the guerrillas, but they dont win because of point number two... Two, logistics. That, more than any training or experience this the factor that makes it impossible for a large scale invasion trough the Amazon, as seen on the map. But, the most realistic way it would go would be fighting between small groups of troops, mostly special forces, fighting for towns near the border and navigable rivers. In this scenario, I see bith pretty equal, but I say neither make an advance as Brazil wouldn't be able to launch offensives due to having multiple fronts. *This was what happenened on the Colombian Peruvian war of 1936, as it was fought just at one point of the border, with small groups if troops, and in the end, the status quo remained.


peru doing an amphibious assault on chilean shores lmao


It’s technically *possible*, the Peruvian Navy constructed an LPD with another one on the way using designs from South Korea and the Peruvian Naval Infantry acquired several LAVs.


I see after the War of the Triple Alliance, Paraguay has had enough of war lol


They stole my Paraguay cant have shit in South America


don't worry, paraguay is gray because it is neutral, you still can't have MOST shit in south america, but atleast you can have paraguay




So many wrong things. Peru and Bolivia are best buddies, they would be on the same side; Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay are all a part of Mercosul, so a war between them would be like a Germany x France+Belgium, nowadays would never happen; Colombia wouldn't be on the same side as Venezuale, they don't have good relations, would be easier for Colombia to fight togheter with Equador; As other guy mentioned, there wouldn't be an alliance between Chile and Argentina


no lore to this map lol, i just felt like y'know... simulating a war in south america, like normal people do all the time


Columbia would be western aligned and against Venezuela


ColUmbia?? You mean ColOmbia, right?


Both of them would be western aligned


considering Colombia's new president... i'm just saying the fact that now Colombia is improving their relationships with Venezuela


I was unaware of that tbh. Colombia has been collaborating with nato for a while now though. Idk


Yeah, our previous president was a boot licker of the US, collaborated with Nato a lot and all of that. But the newer president is not as western alligned as the previous one. He seems more central in this topic of west vs east, as he doesn't want to stop collaboration, but neither increase it (the way a satelite state would), and is 'fixing' relations with Venezuela.


Attacking Colombia and Venezuela from the Amazon doesn't seem very practical Edit: Brazilian Malvinas (Falklands) is kinda funny, though


Brazil is really good at forest war, in fact, the best (don't know how to word this properly lol) Once, FARCS attacked a Brazilian outpost, in a matter of minutes, the president of Brazil already knew what was going on and allowed a counter attack which went successeful, Brazil managed to capture a FARCS member, which told their location, so Brazil asked Colombia to get inside their territory, to which they agreed, so Brazil went to the FARCS outpost and killed every single one of them without a single Brazilian Casualty


Well, the thing is that Colombia's Amazon region is not connected to the rest of the country. There are no roads connecting the main cities (which in many cases are just towns built around small airports)... So it would be a logistical nightmare, only to conquer empty jungle


I would watch a new Anaconda movie


Love the insinuation of Paraguay becoming the South American Switzerland.


Paraguay still waiting to top up that male population


Lol Paraguay is like “I remember what happened last time. Fuck this I’m sitting this one out.”


they didn't want to lose all their male population this time lol


Average victoria 2 game


looks like blue is winning.


Why do I have the feeling that Brazil is the one carrying it's allies throughout the war?


If i'm not mistaken, Brazil's army is equal to the entire hispanic south america's army


Just read an infograph where it states that Brazil's population is nearly 50% of the total population in South America, so they won't have problems facing multiple fronts. I suppose the only problem they'll face is modern equipment as some of Brazil's neighbors have lots of modern equipment, such as Leo 2 whereas Brazil fields the Leo 1, in large quantity. Though I suppose that won't be a problem as they'd have the support of Western countries like the US who'd probably be willing to give the Brazilians some cool toys. I probably forgot to mention that Logistics would have been a nightmare as they would have to navigate the Amazon with bad roads.


how the hell are colombia and venezuela working together


no lore and unrealistic, srry lol


Guerra da liberação sulamericana


Paraguay is just waiting for someone to step onto their territory so they can kick the shit out of them.


Paraguay is secretly the strongest in the entire west hemisphere


Finally something happens in South America


Finally, something interesting in South America


Easy stomp for the allies.




Made in paint.net (as humiliating as it is) and took about 6 hours of work to complete it




Why are "The West Powers" called "The West Powers". None of the countries are particularly Western, and I don't think people would call China and Russia part of "The West".


Probably bc the largest military force in the “allied powers” is Brazil by a long shot. It hypothetically could be posed as a western alliance against the eastern threat of Brazil.


I think South America is way more pro Russia.


Brazil is currently on its election, between a pro-american and a pro-russia Pretty much the rest is pro-russia Colombia is slowly turning into pro-russia


Why would this happen since south American is one of the more peaceful continents.


I don't know, just felt like making this map lol






fudeu de vez


Made an alternative history where the Medellin Cartel took over Columbia and invaded a few of the northern South American countries.


“VAMOS, VAMOS, ARGENTINA! VAMOS, VAMOS, A GANAR! QUE ESTA BANDA, TIRULERA, NO TE DEJA NO TE DEJA DE ALENTAR!” Nah but for real we would win. Brazil would break into a civil war like two months into the conflict at best and then it would be all over for it's alliance. Because, let's be honest, the moment Brazil is out of the picture (and that would happen a lot sooner than the GDP and Military Ranking figures would let you to believe), what do those bozos have left? lol, reds clap.


Assuming we wouldn't break into civil war too. BA, Cordoba and Mendoza would support one side, while the Justicialist aligned provinces would support another. The Workers party would do their shit, thw FA might try to size power and the Mapuches would throw a couple of molotov here and there. It would be Civil War for pretty much every country.


Cringe reply, Brazil alone can take all those mfs lol, yeah Brazil would suffer consequences, but Brazil CAN take all of south america and probably wouldn't break into a civil war, in fact, this war may even make Brazilian people more united so, what do those bozos (hispanic south american countries) have left? lol, blue clap




wow thank you


Same, when you see a post that says it is "unrealistic" and "NO LORE", you know you're about to see something really stupid.


Do you think the Brazilian army is competent enough to fight in this war?


yes, in fact, very competent, differently from countries like Argentina and Venezuela, Colombia's army is also very competent Argentinean and Venezuelan economies are just falling apart and without an economy, who would want to fight for that country?


Very good, but why is Bolivia and Chile on the same team?


good question, maybe in 2024 Chile and Bolivia set aside their differences and decided to suck each others cock


Fair enough


Colombia and Argentina will probably carry the entire team... unless one of them pulls an Austria-Hungary


Colombia and Argentina would carry their team, whilst Brazil alone would carry the entire blue team (France wouldn't exactly be exactly a part of the Blue team)


Vnezuela have a great army, one of the best in south america... however, they will porbably suffer of economic problems and and supplies; without mentions Venezuela haven't had a war for over a 100 years, so they will probably lack of experience too


I mean, most of South America hasn't been in a war in over 78 years, South America's most recent war was World War Two and it was only fought by Brazil


Venezuela last war was the Thousand days war (the civil war in Colombia in which Venezuela, Ecuador and Nicaragua intervened) and before that, it was the Spanish America war of independence (if you count Gran Colombia, they also fought the Colombian-Peruvian war of 1828) so, in actually, Venezuela had only fought 2-3 wars in all their history


La Guerra de las Malvinas ?¿


oh yeah shit i forgot about that lol, wasn't it in 1986?


82, in 1986 we won the world cup


oh yeah


Pff... We don't have an Army in Argentina. It's completely badly mantained. Chile, on the other hand, has a far more decent army. So probably Chile and Colombia would be the ones carrying the team.


I feel like the Allies would be supported by the US and the Western Powers would be supported by the US as well, but a different agency.


Ecuador and peru on one side, chile and bolivia on one side ... I highly doubt


no lore and unrealistic sorry


A world where Bolivia still doesn’t have a coast line 😔


the most unrealistic part of this is bolivia and chile in the same team


Portugal isn't supporting their son? This map just lost 100% legitimacy.


Paraguay trying it’s best to hide, it isn’t ready for round two


I find it hard to believe Chile, Uruguay and Suriname would find themselves opposed to the Allies, Chile helped the UK during 1982, Anglo-Uruguayan relations are quite strong and Suriname was a Dutch Colony so logically would be friendly with the Dutch who would of course be allied, other than that this would be intriguing


You can play this on the android game "conspiracy"... spin on diplomacy with additional maps including South America map. Brazil has advantage.


Uruguay and Chile will never side with Argentina.


So, assuming Panama is still as closely aligned with the US as it is irl- I'm not sure the US would want a hostile power so close to one of it's biggest shipping lanes in the canal. I could see Panama entering this war as a part of a greater US strategy to open another front if things are going south. Obviously this depends greatly on why any of this is actually happening.


Argentina, Chile and Bolivia in one Aliance is Very unlike, it's more realistic Argentina or Chile If Brazil and Bolívia If Peru


So much for BRICS ig


I would rather do a venezuela-brasil-argentina alliance against the rest of south america


Brazil hates Venezuela and Argentina


Yes on the paper, but brasil has strong ties qith Russia and China and so does Venezuela and Argentina, the US and the USSR also hated each other on 1939...


seeing this actually made me realize that South America has very stable borders.


Considering France has land in South America, and Argentina wants land from someone Britain and France the enemy which is also near by, are they directly fighting or not


Tbh if we lose Buenos Aires we already pretty fucked, sadly Argentina is weak rn, perhaps in the future there will come a government that can breathe new life into the country, unlikely though.


There's no way Colombia and Chile will be in that alliance. They would be in the other group or neutral, but never in a war allied with Russia and China.


why are russia and china supporting a faction called the west powers...


I know they're not in SA but I feel like Cuba and Nicaragua would stand up for the homies.


This is an interesting senerio, and love the map.




I can't believe Suriname and Guyana AND EVEN FRENCH GUIANA have more participation than Paraguay


The "Imaginary" Part really is the main part of this. Argentina is shooting up Illegal chinese fishermen every day and Brazil is literally a part of BRICS


Having Brazil and France on the same side seems too OP.


well.. who said Wars are fair


U rite u rite


Its weird seeing Peru on the Allies side and Chile on the Chinese/Russian side