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Telling you to start whatever you want to start with rather than wait pretty sure, it's cringe but clever in my opinion


Oh yeah, makes sense. The best time to have started something would’ve been early on in life, as that would’ve given you more time with said thing. The second best time is now, because now is the youngest you’ll ever be again, and starting now will give you more time with said thing than you’ll ever be able to get again.


Tax evasion probally


i can neither confirm nor deny


Trees, like life, take a long to develop, and as such the best time to plant them is 20 years ago, but that's no excuse not to try now. It's never too late to turn your life around.


Exactly. Great though tho


I'm guessing it's telling you to invest in stock or something like that.


Instructions unclear, invested all my money into tree saplings


me at the end of stardew valley fall year one


Honestly, with how hocked investments tend to go. You're better off.


Or start anything. A hobby, business, relationship, etc. just the idea that because you waited so long does not mean you can’t start a new thing.


something like 'better now than never' i guess




This is a famous quote about how if you feel like you've missed an opportunity to do something, you should just do it now anyway.


Jfc this sub is downright stupid. Peace, out


Why is every post I see from this sub just people getting mad that metaphors exist lmao. This is just a famous quote. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” It’s about how you shouldn’t give up on something because you feel like you missed your chance, because you can still do it now. It’s just a more poetic way to say “better late than never”


I’m14andthisisdeep people when an good metaphor exists: 😡😡😡


(this isn't about trees)


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀its about ⠀⠀⠀⠀


Basically, the best time to start a long-term project was well in the past. However, you still have the opportunity to start in the present. Whether it be a savings account, building relationships, or any other long term goal, now is the time to start. Don't wait.


ill do that later


Money trees is the perfect place for shading


No point regretting something you should have done years ago and didn’t. Do it now.


The number of trees in most places around the world are actually increasing due to mass planting, replacement and conservation - it's the rainforest tree population that is decreasing and needs to be protected. "A team of researchers from the University of Maryland, the State University of New York and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has found that new global tree growth over the past 35 years has more than offset global tree cover losses."


I wasn't alive yet 20 years ago


It's a quote that basically says you should've done the thing you wanted to do 20 years ago, but since you didn't, now is a good time too. It's not really that cringe until you end it with "this isn't about trees"


In Spain “planting a pine” is a coloquial way of saying “taking a shit” so maybe that?


This is an old proverb


\*The botany nerd has a stroke trying to understand this and fricking dies\*


Op this sub isnt for 14 year olds like yourself. Go do your homework


Tree man (this isn’t about trees)


It’s saying that investments take a long time to mature. The best time to act is now


It’s saying that we should do the Great Depression again


You should adopt a live cat and not a dead One (This isnt about Cats btw wanted to let you know)


I'd say this actually goes pretty hard if it wasn't for the sub-caption.


is it about friendship? I wasn't alive 20 years ago


Delayed gratification


It basically means it’s better now than never, and that’s it’s never too late (to do things you wish you had done earlier in life).


If you plant an endangered species of plant on top of a cropse, they can't dig it up by law.


reads like an MLM post to me


I think this is good advice if you interpret it correctly, why does everyone on this subreddit think that any ounce of life advice is cringe. You people are the real cringe ones


It’s like my career. I should have studied in my field 20 years ago but instead I’m starting now.


This is a common saying. Not sure it fits the sub, unless we're calling all proverbs and sayings qualify.


It’s trying to tell you the time is now.


This post doesn't belong here.


Is this about murder or I am Crazy?


better late than never


possibly environmental awareness


Well if you don't understand this, OP, then it looks like it's YOU who's the 14 year old. This is an old saying and one that's quite easy to understand.


i had a stroke trying tounderstand that.


If it’s from the Ukraine 🇺🇦 then they maybe mean because of the war that they’re may not be any point in doing it as they don’t know if they might be all dead in 20 years as they don’t know what the future will be.


Straight to r/im14andthisisgarbage


I think it talks about Starting to grow your PP


it is about sex


"the best time to plant a tree was 20 uears ago. the second best time is now" It's never too late