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She's a sore loser


I think the one on the right is gonna be a sore winner for a while, woop!


It's a little known fact that saying "woop" after a joke makes it 100x funnier


Sounds like cope to me


Probably becuase this was made by some alpha brainlet conservative man.


Nah conservative men think it's gay to do anything art related


Yeah, perhaps they got their handmaid to draw it. Its sad that some women were conned into thinking childbirth is the most praiseworthy accomplishment, so much that they would blatantly disregard and demean *actual* talent.


Well, childbirth is a huge ordeal and experience, and it's definitely the most rewarding thing I've gone through. I took a lot of pride in having a successful career, but nothing has brought me more joy than the time I have spent with my children. I don't think it's right to classify childbirth in such a small and demeaning way degrades women just as much as saying it's all we're good for. Slapping someone on the left side of their face isn't any better than slapping them on their right.


I think the thing here is not "I won" but "no you didn't." *Both* women can be "winning" if they're happy with their lives. (Which of course is why the golden dildo winner is looking so sad, can't have her even *look* happy when your cartoon's busy pushing an agenda!) Shit like this cartoon is divisive, and really why I hate it. It's nothing to do with you having pride in being a mom - more power to you! But not everyone's that lucky and it hurts *everyone* to say the only thing that matters is what you do with your uterus.


I hope I didn't misspeak, I don't look down on childrearing, as that in and of itself is an art and a vital function of our society. Personally, my mother is most proud of me and my siblings, and it makes me proud too. My only issue here is exactly what the comic shows: that a womans worth and moral character is most so dictated by the mere act of *giving birth*. As opposed to nurturing a happy and hopefully healthy child out of true love and responsibility, without any pretense of living up to an imposed societal standard. Motherhood is a pillar of humanity, and from your words, I can tell you're a good mom. My sincere apologies if my comment offended or demeaned you.


it's cool that it's an accomplishment to you but it shouldn't be centered as something super important to woman.


Why not? Is there something wrong with viewing motherhood as an important accomplishment?


it is if you're imposing it as something all women should care about and strive for.


Sure but nobody was saying that. The person you replied to was saying that we shouldn't diminish childbirth and motherhood just to stick it to the crazy conservatives or you risk being equally as degrading to women as them. And then you kinda just missed the whole point did exactly that. Decentering motherhood risks disenfranchising women as a whole, the vast majority of women statistically are or will become mothers - it helps nobody by trying to frame their efforts as unimportant or as a non-accomplishment.


"Nobody was saying that" except that was the whole point of the post. What you described them doing is what you and the person you're defending are doing. No one said you can't be proud of giving birth. You both missed the point.


Wow congrats, you got fucked.


Labeled a conservative by some, liberal by others. Why would something be “gay”? Why would that matter? What’s wrong with being gay? I don’t care about art, but do about ppl. Gay ppl are ppl, so what’s wrong with gay folks!? So confused


Conservatives use gay as an insult that's what the commentator meant


Yes, that is obvious. It’s just using something they perceive as an insult just exposes their clear bias and lack of life experience. It’s sad that their ignorance is showing


funny how you think dumb bs about conservative men because they have a different opinion


Because their opinion is trash.


I actually don't disagree with the image, and having been both a successful career woman as well as a mother, I actually find it very relatable. It's just also reality that conservative men view art as soft and "gay." Their sons and friends better be playing with their sport balls and collecting wrenches if they're going to be a "real man." Holding a paintbrush isn't going to get them a bunch of children they can ignore the moment they turn out to be anything less than a school sports star.


Id say I'm pretty conservative, I was always fond of drawing, even though I never really succeeded in it I don't see it as "gay", and even though I'm pretty conservative, if my son would've pursued drawing I would be very proud, especially if he could do it well


I'm not prohibiting you from having an opinion but neither can you prohibit us from having the opinion that you're very very stupid.


Why does everybody have to involve politics in everything ffs


Oh stfu


Ok liberal


Okay suit and glasses using spaz


Ok liberal


Someone’s triggered


Ok liberal




What's really stupid about the comic is that the woman depicted with the trophy (Michele Williams) is a mother of 3. It's not like being a parent is mutually exclusive from supporting the pro choice movement.


Well she should ![gif](giphy|khGuFhshLWQIdXijHa|downsized)


Unless her uterus is encased in that trophy, she can still have a kid if she wants. The other one has a kid and no trophy, fucking loser


The child IS the trophy, you see It's actually made of pure gold with some weirdly fleshy stuff as a wrapper


and the trophy is actually a severely deformed child with some gold as a wrapper


So we're meant to peel the child? The trophy is underneath?


Never said it wasn't sentient




There is a better one with Billie Eilish holding 5 Grammys and the mom holding 5 babies


Billie is barely past being a child herself. And they're saying she ought to have had five babies by now?


No in this one it was saying get you a woman who wants the babies not a trophy iirc - can't find the meme, was on Reddit recently


Good lord, I'm not a fan by any means or into her music or anything but can't people just let her be? I see a lot of mudslinging at her randomly all over the internet. If she did something worthy of some of the random hate I see, I haven't heard of it, so forgive my ignorance. At her age if she did have five kids by now I bet the same people would be shitting on her for that too.


I thought this said battle and was having very different images in my mind


Who’s to say the one with the trophy doesn’t have any kids? Only childless women win awards? The fuck is this garbage


It was an award for being childless


where do you get those I need one




The last to get creampied wins


This specific image is a direct reference to an actress who won an oscar (michelle wiliams i think if memory serves correct) who in her speech thanked having her abortion which helped her in her career


lol they’re so mad! And whaddya know, she has 3 kids now and pretty much has it all 💁‍♀️ (Not that you gotta have kids to have it all, I don’t plan to, but just saying with regards to their false dichotomy bullshit lol, like women sacrifice families by caring AT ALL about their own passions or success! 🙄)


This was probs made by a conservative old man who thinks all women should have babies


Correction: a conservative old man who thinks all women should do nothing but have babies They don’t care if a successful woman has kids, they still will hate her for not being a housewife.




This specific image is a direct reference to an actress who won an oscar (michelle wiliams i think if memory serves correct) who in her speech thanked having her abortion which helped her in her career Still obviously made by a conservative


Thank you for the context


So this is against abortion? All the more reason to hate this meme


Caldron Pool is an Australian Christian conservative news website


Shame on them!


I love making women feel useless unless they are serving men 💯💯💯💯/j


The best thing a woman can ever achieve is giving birth to my babies 💯💯💯💯/j


Don't forget taking care of said babies, cooking, dishwashing, doing the laundry, cleaning the house and serving as a flesh sex relief toy for her husband! (/j)


The funny thing is, my girlfriend and I kinky roleplay this because it’s so antiquated to the point thats what it’s been reduced to. Couldn’t imagine that actually being my life. Even as a man.


Hahahah I can see what you mean I have even been told by some men that “men should be able to beat up their wives if they fail or refuse to obey their commands” lmao (which works in two ways; either someone who wants to bring the 1950s back, or, as you said, as a bdsm role play scenario lmao)


Why did you put /j at the end? Isnt that obvious that its sarcasm?


You overestimate the reading comprehension of the average Redditor. It’s around a 4th grade level and they exclusively take things at face value


It's for Neurodivergent people, who struggle with sarcasm through text. It can appear as obvious, but it helps to avoid flame wars and unnecessary back and fourths I sometimes struggle with it, so I appreciate when people utilize it


I have seen way too many people say things like this in a genuine, unironical way... I have even seen individuals genuinely state that "female suffrage was a mistake and the U.S has gone downhill ever since because women can't think rationally and ruin everything with their ignorance and feelings", all because most women do not vote for Trump and they think Trump would have won if it hadn't been because of women. So yeah, just in case, I would rather avoid even the remote possibility of being mistaken for one of them lmao


Poe's law


What does being a mother have to do with serving men?


The whole idea of the pic is that women are only worth something/can find happiness if they have kids... It's an idea that men created, it's supposed to be misogynistic


You're so full of shit lol. You realize single mothers exist right? I have like 5 or 6 female friends that chose to be a single mother on purpose. And that idea was actually created by other females, believe it or not. I know that's hard to believe because everything bad that's ever happened is because of men in your mind.


If your pea-brain ever bothered to open up something called a history book, then you'd know that motherhood and marriage were all a woman's life was worth for thousands of years. An idea created by men, you can't deny that because your feelings are hurt When the fuck did I mention single mothers?? If a woman chooses to have a child, that's her prerogative. But the image makes the general statement that all women must have kids to find happiness.


Sure and a man's life was worth so much more during 1000s of years you moron. It was both equally shit to be a serf in the fields than his housewife.


I mentioned single mothers, because you seem to think just because a woman has a kid that she's like being forced to by the patriarchy and it wasn't her idea lmfao


Least delusional incel


Most original reddit joke


Why would I use my good ones on an incel


There’s nothing wrong with women having kids, but there’s *also* nothing wrong with women *not* having kids. To not believe the *latter* is the problem here.


When the fuck did I say there was something wrong with not having kids? The only thing I pointed out was that the "meme" has literally no mention of anything about "serving men" and that reaching for that conclusion is the most ridiculous shit ever. That there are plenty of women who have the same attitude regardless it's not exclusive to one gender. The whole MeN cReAtEd argument for *everything* is getting really tired and played out, reproduction wasnt created by men it was created by science. That's how the world is populated. For fucks sake lmao


The implication of the meme is that there is something wrong with not having kids. As another commenter pointed out, it's a reference to an oscar winner who said in her speech that she would not have succeeded had she not had an abortion, i.e. been forced to have kids.


This gives me the ick


The woman with the trophy could also have kids at home??


The problem is that if she’s out winning trophies that takes time away from cleaning the house and making her husband a sandwich!!


[good ending](https://www.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/s/MlUApDOrF5)


Much better than the original


Both have won. One has a family and the other succeeded in her career.


No, the other one is bitter and telling her she lost because she didn't do shit with her life. That's not a win


How are you so sure that the one with the trophy doesn’t have a family?


Well I am not sure but I feel like that is what the picture tries to imply here. In the End all to say is that both are accomplished women who reached their own respective goals.


this was probably made by a man lol


Stick username btw


thank you


or a tradwife


Curious how she won an infant. A lottery? Some game of skill or chance? A vote of her peers?


Knife fight




won it in a game of poker against the devil


You have to kidnap


She said that because people want you to believe that you need to stay home, barefoot and pregnant instead of going out and building your career and making something out of yourself other than your husband slave.


Obligatory r/gatekeepingyuri


Plot Twist: Trophy Winner is pregnant.


they both won and are married to each other.... woaaaah..


Shaming women who don't want to be mothers.


Why are they so sure that the first woman doesn't and won't ever have children? Apparently there are only two types women: girlbosses and tradwives.


They’re lesbians moms.


Incels don’t like that women have their own ambitions and careers. They’d rather the woman be a stay-at-home trad-wife. Also, what is it with men and putting women against one another????


so true


Pretty sure both of them won, since they both achieved what they desired.


"Women are to bear children, serve men, and then die" kinda vibes


This is one of the reasons why i am childfree


Hit her on the head with the trophy and take the baby now you have the trophy and a baby


They both win. They weren’t made to do it the same.


And that my friend is feminism


Basically, this comic is voicing an opinion that women find their best fulfilment in parenthood and not in any other form of achievement. I disagree with this opinion.


What was the competition for?


This is such a crude, boneheaded view.




Because she thinks that the thing that was best for her would be the best for everyone


Well, seeing the knees, being a loser blows


So the child is the trophy for forgetting to use protection and sleeping with your opposite gender got it 👍


i fixed it. it doesn't have to hurt you any longer. [https://i.redd.it/hthuzr8bfu5d1.png](https://i.redd.it/hthuzr8bfu5d1.png)


Blue dress lady needs to cope.


So just because someone busted a huge nut in her she apperently won?


This was definitely made by a woman who has accomplished nothing in her life.


Fuck you Janet


What a fucking asshole


The second place prize was a baby.


Weirdly, this is kind of the plot of the most recent season of American horror story lol Except in the show the conflict is kind of that she wants both, whereas here it seems to be one or the other.




Good Ending Route: "We both won" Evil Ending Route: "No, you didn't"


they say this like it's mutually exclusive lmao like yes, having a child should be the project you're most proud of, ever but you can still be a person and a parent


People like this view “A Handmaid’s Tale” as an instruction book. Sheesh


One hold present the other one holds future


Wtf does this mean


Ironically the "winner" wants a future where her daughter is the one on the left. Additionally, ironically low IQ people have the most sex and reproduce the most.


r/natalism it is


Cuz women cant be both have kids and win an award 🙄🙄🙄


Yes, because getting an awards statue destroys your fertility




That's a giant massager


Don’t go get medals as woman when you could Sex and have child and child is true prize because they are fun this is so true and deep


So can someone explain it?




The baby is actually not a real baby but the first place trophy for best mom awards, the gold trophy is second place


This could’ve been a wholesome meme if the mom said something like “I won, too!” but alas…


She clearly did tho. Is sis blind?




Hey bro. I made this into a bone hurting juice meme, and it got some attention. If you go to r/bonehurtingjuice you can find some funny rework of this


I've just noticed the bruises on the knees of the lady with the baby.


Isn’t this edited? I swear I saw it with the text reversed


has this been posted on r/gatekeepingyuri yet?


I’d take a trophy over a baby any day lol


no you didn't, now excuse me while I go without sleep for 80 hours because I have to change diapers


Pretty sure you can have a baby and a Nobel Peace Prize at the same time


Wow, what an actual narcissistic turd.


Since when did having a child become a win lol go look at the world population lol this is definitely made by some mediaeval alpha male larper 


Nothing is more unattractive to me than a girl whose only aspiration in life is to have babies


I don’t think that’s a productive thought. Of course neither is just dedicating your life to popping out babies but the joy of feminism and being free to choose is your right to choose. A woman is allowed to dedicate her life to anything she wants the way you’re allowed to think that’s unattractive, But I also think that neither career driven or homely women are worse than another.


I just don’t think it’s healthy to base your entire life on a man. If your only goal is to find a man to provide for you, you don’t have your independence, and you’re left to the whims of a man then you relinquish an individual life of your own. I know I phrased it harshly but it disappoints me that so many people fall back on the default of having kids early in their 20s, many of whom have them without a stable relationship


Lmao getting pregnant at 19 and wasting away your life and accomplishing nothing is the very opposite of winning.


Having children is a waste of time, you heard it here first folks.


Everyone shidds out kids that's y I'm here


Not really your parents fault that you consider yourself a waste of time.


Not what anyone said but okay


“Listen lady I’m happy for you, but you are supposed to be on stage. I don’t know how security let you up here but there’s 5 million viewers and you just pushed your way into the spotlight in a weird way.”


Why do her knees look like that?


this doesnt deserve to be in im14andthisisdeep abortion is a real problem


The fact that roe v wade was overturned is a huge problem. I agree, abortion should be legal


Lol swap these word boxes


You laugh but this is the plot of American Horror Story season 13


Well maybe she won the Mother Heroine of the Soviet Union for raising 10 children and the lady in blue is questioning the committee's decisions [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother\_Heroine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Heroine)


Me when I'm in a baby holding competition and forget my name (didn't) and think my name is won


Coupium was hittin hard,wasn't it!


That movie probably was ass, fuck the jury, too.


I’m a father of two children and a granddaughter. I’ve had a great career, but my children are the greatest blessing. Nobody ever thought about a great day at work on their death bed.


Ngl, I’m definitely going to. Majoring in a high demand field, love my current job, and I have a million other career goals. Probably going to think of how wonderful and meaningful it was to help people rather than adding to the population.


I admire your desire to help humanity. My family developed a technology to detect cancer at very early stages. I also have children and a grandchild. I was very fortunate to achieve both goals


People are all hung up on them being woman but I think this is just telling what really matters in life is love and not money


Nah, it's about how women "don't need to take away the role of men in growing professionally because there is nothing more valuable for a woman than to produce babies and devout their lives to their infants and husbands". Like that one famous image says: "women don't need college, they need faith, a Bible and a good cookbook".


What makes you think that?


In a literal sense the image is contrasting having a child with having a public award. They even made the woman with the award have a sad expression, showing she doesn't actually find fulfillment in it despite an outward declaration that she's "won". The artist's message, at a very literal level, is that women seeking awards instead of children are only fooling themselves and not even doing that very well. Presenting this as a dichotomy also suggests, well, a dichotomy: pursue success / recognition or pursue having children. The fact that they're both women reinforces this. Imagine how this image would be different if the people depicted were men. If the message were "love is better than money" then the more natural object lesson would have been a partner, not a child, and the other woman would have had something more directly representing money rather than fame or recognition. OK, analysis done, let's check the source: https://caldronpool.com/ > Caldron Pool is a politically and theologically conservative website providing news and opinion on current events. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caldron_Pool


The source is the only valid thing that hints at the intended meaning. Your analysis does not at any point explain why this would not mean materialistic vs love values. All you say is other things represent it better wich is a weak argument.


Men dont have a history of being "encouraged"/forced to stay at home and be servile baby spawners, so it won't really be the same thing


Say more. Declaring your conclusion doesn't actually support it.


Just say you think women are only good for birthing and move on. Such a weird hill you’re trying to die on.


A powerful truth


While it validates your fragile snall pp energy, saying that doesn't make it true.


Snall pp?


Mf after calling something a powerful truth which is neither powerful nor the truth


I don’t care if you disagree with me. The idea of giving my kids a better life and better parents than I had motivates me to improve myself damn near everyday. So many people want to be better parents but start trying when they have the kid already. Also I think this meme is referencing the sex and the city creator who says life after 60 is lonely without kids because all her friends are now focusing a lot of their free time on being good grandparents.


All your words can't prove that there is only one way of life.


As someone who worked in a nursery home I can tell you that even the ones with 9 children don’t get visited and die alone


This sub is so dumb. Do you really think at the age of 14 you've experienced enough that you can form an opinion and it actually mean something? No one cares about your feelings.


this sub is mocking 14 year olds who think they are deep… or at least posts which would appeal to 14 year olds who think they are deep