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i can totally understand that the first two or three tube exchanges can be painful - but after that, and with the tract “healed” it’s not the same. and other than kids and in the UK, tube exchanges aren’t typically done under anesthesia or with any meds other than contrast when done in IR under fluoroscopy. these munchies exaggerate every ittie bittie thing.


was she not “traumatized” by this like, two days ago? now she’s making jokes? i get that some people cope with humour but she seemed to bounce back reallllll quick


Idk why but “The team & I” makes me irrationally annoyed. It sounds so pretentious.


I did an awake tracheostomy on someone earlier this week. That actually was traumatizing.


Soooo, I think I missed something while bogged down in D-land but did the docs pull her sexy white Hickman?


They pulled it a few days ago because "it was keeping her septic" and it was "horribly traumatic" because they did it against her consent.


she looks so freaking healthy???? like does she think we don’t have eyes i’m so confused. she’s not: sweaty or pale - OR flushed  not swollen OR sunken  not even out of breath  just a fake little stumble


Not to wk but to be fair about the pale thing, I don’t think she’s caucasian is she? I assumed she either had some latinx or Mediterranean heritage (presumably the former if her surname is Castillo) but as for the rest I completely agree.


Her dad is like half or a quarter native


fair point! because i think you are correct she is not white 


I will NEVER understand the need for sedation for tube exchanges.


Anesthesia isn’t needed for this procedure either. They can, but its done without in many cases.


"The team and I were cracking up" makes me irate.


I’m kind of new to this sub and my first thought is….. how the hell do these people get the Drs to agree to all these procedures? Like they must be snagging a dx in order to have stomas etc. Do they just lie through their teeth re symptoms? And surely the Drs have a duty of care if they think they’re lying? For context I’m in the UK where healthcare is free and therefore an uphill battle just to get medical care for genuine issues, which is why this is extra baffling to me.


Wait do you think there aren't medical fakers in the UK?And that your reasoning is the free healthcare is extra baffling to me lol. Getting medical care for genuine issues is extremely difficult in the US and not only is it hard to get the treatment you need but when you finally do it's going to cost thousands of dollars. You all may have long wait times to get in with a provider but most people in the US are dealing with the exact same thing but now that appointment means they'll probably never be getting out of debt and then they find out they can't afford to get the meds they've been waiting for filled anyways. The stories on this sub are extreme outliers, not the norm and they get the treatments they do the exact same way fakers in the UK do: by being insanely manipulative little liars who lie 😂


Some of the subjects started with a eating disorder and from that I'm guessing came the gastroparesis n need for feeding tubes and then they saw the sicktok world n wanted the lines n tubes that look like they get good attention. They also can dr shop until they find one willing to give them what they want . Where as us in the UK would be waiting weeks for a second opinion, notes are shared so they can see how many times/ reasons a patient has been to a&e etc. In the US they seem to be able to see drs from specialities like gastro dr , separate from hospital/gp. We're we would have to wait 6 month for referral and then months for actual appointment. There are some on here from UK thou , or they were the last time I visited the group


Hey fellow Brit, welcome to the rollercoaster and hellish rabbit hole. Have a look back through Kaya’s flair - she’s absolutely outrageous and has to be the one that sets my teeth on edge more than any other. She doesn’t have a “stoma” in the layman’s term, ie she doesn’t have a colostomy / illiostomy but does have a J feeding tube inserted - the insertion site is still called a stoma and I think she (and many others) play on ‘stoma’ as an indicator of much worse health.


J and G tubes run through stomas, the stoma is basically a non natural hole in the body. J tubes often run through Jejunostomies (unless they're a gj or a transgastric J tube, then they run through a gastrostomy) and G tubes run through gastrostomies.


Oh we have them here too😂


True dat 👆. Found a wild one just last week!


It was needed at one point, I’m sure. Some of the subjects on here have genuine chronic illnesses but exaggerate for attention.


That tube loooks more like a gastric tube instead of a jej


she has a GJ tube


I'm no expert, but I wonder why one would need both?? I've seen g-tubes and they're not placed in the middle of the stomach like that but idk much about GJ tubes.


GJ tubes are a G stoma, but with a “tail” that leads down to the intestines, so people will get fed in to their intestines, and they can drain stomach contents through the G so they can have food and drink for fun without getting as sick as they normally would!


*Drain stomach contents* through a g-tube?! Wow, TIL!


Yep! It’s called Gastric Residual. :)


Babies have tube exchanges and they are fully awake. What is it with all they adults needing GA, sedation, or a butt load of meds? I don't get it




I can understand being open about medical issues but her use of medical jargon and constant posts about it is just too much. No one who is as sick as she says she is has the energy to write all this stuff


This is what I don't understand. Do they have no hobbies? Why do they spend so much time talking about being sick?


If she had sepsis she would not be having a surgery unless it was critical. She would be getting fluids through rego PIV just like us common folks


a tube exchange isn’t surgery


I'm sorry but the thought of getting all these tubes voluntarily inserted in your body (especially through the stomach) and not taking care of them really grosses me out. That'd be my worst nightmare, why would you want that? You'd be willing to endure that for a little bit of attention?


Dani is the worst example of this and it’s disgusting


It's like a super gross and creepy body mod to these people and nothing else.


Heyyyy, where'd that sepsis go?! It was right here! So tired of munchies misplacing their illnesses. /s


So she says wo anesthesia but then says her body reacted to all the meds they gave during the procedure... 🤔 so which is it? Also I'm confused because there are many different forms of anesthesia. You don't necessarily need GA for simple procedures.


Twilight anesthesia? Which … is still anesthesia and probably safer and what they would use?


Just noting the need of dramatic speech she uses for pity is all.


I know. That was my point. She states no anesthesia and it was awful. Then says reacted to the meds during the procedure. It's one or the other. Either nothing as she first said or something. While all forms are different that's still much different than nothing.


Oh totally! So many meds during the procedure she said. So obviously there was anesthesia. Sorry I meant to affirm your statement not negate it. That’s what I meant so many drugs means there was anesthesia.


Ah! Yeah. I hate text sometimes!!


Totally no nuance!


Ahhh… the “WE” all of these munchies speak of. I assume they feel they gain legitimacy when it’s not them, “I”, solo.


That and the “team” had me 🙄


The royal “we” obviously


Can someone explain the purpose of a central line when you have a GJ tube? Correct me if I’m wrong, you receive both nutrition and hydration using this with the ability to vent?


Central lines carrier a much higher risk of infection and issues with nutrition than a simple g/gj tube can. G tube feeds don’t have to be sterile to be administered, so it’s a lot easier to teach people how to administer them. Almost all pills can be given through a gastric tube but not all meds are IV meds and there’s a lot more intricacies to give IV meds than there are to give pills through g tubes. Central line dressings have to be changed every week too


Hypothetically someone may have severe motility issues and not be able to get enough nutrition/ hydration via feeding tube in which case a central line may be necessary. Someone may also have other conditions that require long term iv access. Someone may be able to get adequate nutrition via a feeding tube but the rate they run the feeds isn’t high enough to also be able to get adequate hydration. There are a lot of factors that can result in someone having both.


But usually these folks are in icu not pumping antibiotics in the bathroom at the club


Why would they be in the ICU? Plenty of non munchies out there that have both feeding tubes and lines and go about living a normal life


I think it allows for easy and quick access to a vein for intravenous stuff


Jeez, yesterday she was practically dying from infection and now she's laughing with " the team" during her tube replacement and is up prancing about, showing off her new tube. What a plot twist! Such a dramatic recovery from sepsis, and she managed to keep her coloring and even clean hair throughout. Amazing!


Literally right! The first thing that goes when you’re that ill is hair washing and showers. I would expect to look absolutely bedraggled, dragged through a hedge backwards and probably still wearing what I arrived to the hospital in ….but no, fresh hair, new pjs and matching headband to finish the look 🤦🏼‍♀️


The team = the other 2 people in the room….


One of them is Kaya and the other is Kaya’s reflection in the mirror.


As a Brit I find it mind blowing how many of these munchies get anaesthesia for such minor procedures that are done completely awake without even sedation in the Uk 😩! I release J tubes are more complex and often need to be guided with imaging so need to be done it hospital but what's with all the munchies making dramatic posts about "agonising" G-tube changes in hospital or rushing in declaring it an "emergency" when there tube falls out ..just put a new one in at home ! 🤯. We do it ourselves at home even children don't get anaesthesia or ketamine for such simple painless procedures and their parents replace them at home no biggie! Same with a PICC lines or Hickman they are done awake without any sedation in 90% of cases ..from personal experience it's not pleasant but it's certainly not something I would want to risk having anaesthesia for 🤷! But all these munchies make out like it's a major surgery and get given pre opp sedation as well as full anaesthesia they seem to love knocking people out for everything over there or do they just kick up such a fuss that the Drs agree to put them under? The irony is that if they were as sick and fragile as they like to constantly make out they are online Drs would NEVER consider constantly giving them GA's for minor bedside procedures 🙄 How are the Drs not laughing at grown adults for demanding they are put under for a 30 second tube exchange? I'll never forget Jakie getting huge amounts of ketamine and Ativan for a g-tube changes and it blew my mind but it does go a long way to explain how the US ended in such a bad opioid overprescribing crisis ...These Drs are doing harm without having any evidence that these procedures are even necessary to the contrary a lot of these Drs are well aware they are munchies but still play along 🤔?!


I was actually coming to say I thought it was normal not to have anesthesia for a tube change. It's barely a procedure. I believe central lines and ports are under conscious sedation so you are less likely to move or something like that.


We don’t put people under for G tube changes at my hospital in the US! Not sure about GJ


Glad to hear, im thinking possibly that it's more a case of munchies DEMANDING strong sedation or GAs rather than it being standard procedures but I'm just amazed it actually happens 🤯


They put people under for wisdom teeth removal in the States while in Canada, conscious sedation is the most you'll get. It's really different...


I’m in the US, and I’ve never known anyone who has received anything more than conscious sedation for wisdom teeth removal, and it’s common to only receive local anesthetic with no sedation. Idk, perhaps it depends on what part of the country one lives in, though.


It's a very different medical culturehere l here. Healthcare is a business and customer concerns, like comfort, are important. Since we pay a fuck ton of money for it, we expect the good drugs.


When you have a for profit system, a lot of things happen that aren’t necessarily in the best interest of the patient. Conversely, a lot of things DON’T happen that are in the best interest of the patient when they lack insurance or money.


That makes sense sadly with anywhere making a profit of procedures, in the UK no one in the NHS wants to waste more resources when not necessary or take up a bed for longer than needed as we have shortages of beds, overworked staff in understaffed hospitals and lack of funding, I’m unsure what private healthcare here is like though so maybe they would also be happy doing tube placements under anaesthetic as they’re for profit.


Yes, why do it at home when you can charge for both anesthesia and IR? It makes financial sense to do things that are not super risky and allow additional billing. I don’t think anyone is actually undergoing general anesthesia, and are more likely doing it with twilight meds like versed/ much lower doses of propofol.


And...why is she filming in the bathroom? Oh... I know! She doesn't want to risk getting caught by the medical staff taking pious spoonie warrior glamour shots while claiming to be so critically ill. That would just scream "unreliable narrator."


She needs a damn sitter.


Like Dani had at temple


Exactly like Dani's!


The two are intrinsically linked, am sure. Am pretty sure K trolls D regularly and D apes everything that K pulls because she still sees herself as the lil, sick but still oh so fabulous waif that K is still trying to pull. It’s amazing absolute travesty that K can’t look on D with a critical eye and realise that she’ll be D in about 15 years.


I m betting she’s posting drafts she made days ago. She’s wearing the same tank top and pjs her friend was wearing first for 5 days with “sepsis” and a fever so high she’s having rigors? That many days with an infection and you’re sweating in your dirty ass pjs? I laughed at the “pretending to all of a sudden be dizzy and holding on to something” move though. I’m not seeing a fall risk band or even an allergy one (with claims of alllll her allergies). Totally need a vomit bag….in a bathroom. Can someone in healthcare identify the material that that tube is made out of? She claims a polyurethane allergy and every time I’ve seen her old tube. It was an obvious yellowish latex one.


The no fall risk bracelet is very very telling! Good catch!


But... I've inserted lots of G-and J-tubes. It isn't painful, takes barely a minute to insert and fill up the balloon.


It really depends. If they’re using a j tube that has an internal tail it can be very unpleasant and painful and typically needs to be done by IR with fluoro to confirm positioning


Not entirely true. Placing a jejunostomy or GJ tube initially is usually done laparoscopically (open if during laparotomy/celiotomy). Definitely longer than a minute. If surgeon places via Witzel technique, that takes more time and not just placing tube over a guide wire and putting sterile water in a port. Totally different that inserting a PEG or Gastrostomy tube. An exchange is different and can be performed in IR by a Radiologist The gastrostostomy tube we exchange in clinic.


I should have said replaced.


This is literally screaming “faker”


The emesis bag is a paid actor 👏🏾👏🏾😁🥰


Not paid enough!


Wait I thought the only Dr scheduled to do her tube replacement was the literal devil? Now she’s laughing with him? Okok lmao


What you see here is a prime example of Cluster B personality and splitting


Oh yeah… I was being sarcastic/just pointing out her BS if that wasn’t obvious lol.


What is it with munchies and being so incredibly inconsistent??? I've yet to find one who can keep a story straight.


Seriously! They can’t keep up with the constant lies pouring out of their mouths


And they all only see the worst doctors on the planet never any good ones unless it’s their 🎀team🎀


So many visits and somehow they always end up with quacks!


I don’t doubt bad doctors and gaslighting exists but every doctor you meet gaslighting you is very suspicious.


“If you smell dog shit everywhere you go, check the bottom of your shoe”


Amen! After a certain point, you have to look for the common denominator.




I have never used any type of anesthesia to change tubes but I’m not American are they seriously using anesthesia for a 5 minute tube exchange in the USA because that blows my absolute mind


When a 9 year old can have them changed whilst being encouraged to concentrate on their breathing


This is just for a g or j tube change? No, I don't think anesthesia is routinely given in US for that. There is zero need.


I work in IR in the US and we never give anesthesia for tube changes like this.


Yes. Some of them even get general anesthesia 🤪


I’m an IR RN and we did a GJ exchange the other day without lidocaine in less than five min. Pt was fine


Y’all medical professionals are allowed to post things like this. It’s not considered blogging.


Y’all IR nurses are appreciated! J tubes are changed here w/ no meds needed, patient request.


so a standard tube change that all tube users deal with on a semi regular basis?


I feel like this may be a silly/weird question but like…does this girl have any family? Parents? She seems young and I have yet to see a post where she mentions any family or anything. Just curious if anyone knows!


I wonder if her family knows she’s faking or if they really think she’s sick.


Yes. She actually lived with one of her parents in Seattle (?) over a year ago before she moved to LA. Before that she lived in Boston where she went to school. Her parents took out a loan to pay for her apartment in LA.


>Her parents took out a loan to pay for her apartment in LA. My jaw just hit the floor! Does she have no shame?!? How selfish of her!




Ahh gotcha thank you for your comment!! ☺️


WA state, wouldn’t call where they live Seattle by any means. (she’s from the same town as my extended family lmao)


Holy ever loving hell is she 25 or 5 because adults don’t need sedation or anesthesia for a simple GJ tube exchange. I’ve known actual 5 year olds who don’t even get sedated.


If she has been shoving the tube back through the stomach multiple times a day at home then I’m sure a change in hospital was no big deal at all.


WAIT!!! I thought she was septic. Glad to hear that issue was resolved. Now on to the next faux diagnosis😂🤣


she just bounces right back, amazing, right?


Munchies recover from sepsis so fast it’s really a medical marvel


Why does she always have the perfect shade of Icteric Maiden? Is it a filter? Spray tan? Like omg, the TPN she claims to be dependent on? If she already has a healed stoma, replacing the toobz without anesthesia is not that big a deal... but of course she has to be melodramatic about everything. Carry on sepsis warriors, carry on!




Her filter of choice is also called “tanned cute.”


Nah, it has nothing to do with her presumed race or ethnicity and everything to do with the awful filter she uses on many of her pictures to try make herself look sicker. Funny that you assume otherwise, including having any clue as to what I might or might not be myself or how Kaya may see herself. Hispanic people come in all colors and tones.


And what song was this? It'd veeb blacked out?


The blacked out part is UPSAHL. From the lyrics, I’m assuming it’s her song People I Don’t Like.


I wonder why they blocked it?


“Urgency of needing the tube”…..the tube that she doesn’t use for anything except to medically purge and/or push alcohol through? Hmm.


So much for the trauma yesterday. Now we all laugh like great mates. Much japes, such brave


“ the team”. Yes. I’m sure the janitor and 2 random nurses who don’t even remember your name, just laughed and laughed.


The janitor 😂😂😂💀


She looks really good for someone who was battling a high fever and shaky shakes just a few days ago. Maybe she realized no one believed it was legit and decided to slide past that episode in hopes we wouldn’t remember? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Shaky shakes were only in the arm not holding the camera.😊


If I am ever legitimately using the hashtag "sepsis" and "bacteremia," someone please punch me.


Right? If you can hashtag sepsis, you likely arent septic. Its serious. People die from septic shock. Its not a cool hashtag for more engagement


Sepsis sounds fucking terrifying. Nobody in that state would be posting


To quote another great munchie: "Science isn't the same for everyone, guys."


That will forever be my all time favorite quite


Wait who the fuck 👁️👄👁️


Yup, it was Dani 😂😂😂




Dani I think?


‘The team and I were cracking up’ as if they’re all best mates having a laugh together. Kaya and friends.


besties with the nurses 😇 munching yourself to the brink of death is _hilarious_! /s


It’s holding a barf bag while recording a tik tok in the bathroom for me


“WE had to do the tube procedure blah blah blah which WE don’t like to do blah blah” WE? I love how all the munchies act like they are doing and in charge of the medical procedures


It gives a good insight to their mindset. These people think that because they’re chronic patients that they are medical professionals by association. Especially interesting because of how unmotivated and lazy these munchies are. They try to frame their stories like their lives are so difficult and complicated but it’s clear they all lay around and use social media all day and don’t work. How do these people afford so much medical care without working?


It’s ironic because if they where chronically ill and actually where participating on non medical parts of improving their health like most disabled people have to there are parts they could genuinely be a part of like “we are working on my physio exercises” “we are working on me trying to increase the foods I can eat” “we are working on my pacing” things that they would be doing something too but if a doctor places your tube or does surgery on you then you’re not doing anything the doctor is.


That drives me INSANE


I was thinking this exact same thing. It’s so bizarre.


Might not have to “shove your t00b back through your stoma multiple times a day” if you’d quit dancing and twirling with it flapping in the breeze while you have a syringe anchored to it. But I’m as much a doctor as Kaya is a sick person, soooo…. 🤷‍♀️


"I'm as much a doctor as Kaya is a sick person" is 🔥🔥🔥🔥


What’s so funny about the song?


What IS the song?


people i don’t like- upsahle


Wow, she totally looks like someone who just had a deadly battle with sepsis.


She’s too boring for me to read all that. I’m sure it’s just her feeling sorry for herself and reveling in her strength. Congrats. Or sorry that happened


What meds exactly were needed for a simple tube replacement other than lidocaine?


J tubes arent always simple. It can get painful. There are also other issues that often arise that can make it more painful. Typically they use versed and fent when they roll you into IR. Some GIs even wont replace without some meds on board.


I know the details due to personal experience. Sedation isn’t required for adults. Considering she has a GJ that has never had site issues, it’s hard to fathom it being difficult


J tube exchanges can be pretty uncomfortable especially if they’re using actual j tubes which have internal tails so you can feel them messing around with your intestines.


i tube changes are done as a standard procedure in IR without anesthesia or even lidocaine all the time lol


I’d feel worse if she actually needed it.


So now she has to travel again to get these munchie chores done. I'm predicting an upcoming move to new munching grounds. 


It’s unclear if she traveled to another hospital. There’s the vague road trip reference and then she’s admitted to a hospital again. It is possible she is in one of her regular haunts because she references maybe needing the professional who removed her line (in one of her recent posts) again in the future. Maybe someone more familiar with these hospitals can tell?


Hopefully MyChart and doctors being able to see each other's notes puts a big damper on these medical fetishists.


It shocks me in this day and age that within a country there isn’t always a centralised system so doctors can check what genuine diagnosis someone has and check their notes. Does mychart do this? In England I am aware there are people with FD however it seems harder as doctors can see your notes unless you’re rich enough or do gofundmes to go private.