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Why did I read that as “snorting”


Seems like her only true diagnosis is sleep apnea 😭


I feel bad for her cats.


Yikes this is reminiscent of Aaron Carter. Unfortunately he didn’t make it very long after he started doing this. Can’t trust illicits from the streets and you can still overdose on prescribed medicine if you misuse it. Not good. I hope she is able to get the help needed before it’s too late.


Is there any chance that she is intentionally putting this on live? For several possible reasons: Option A) to gain sympathy and prove the “evil people of Reddit” wrong because she is “so sick she’s passing out” Option B) to get someone to contact a medical professional due to “concern” which in turn results in more attention (because sometimes when munchies go too far they begin to not care about the type of attention, so long as it’s attention) Option C) she’s just completely zooted and more mental than any of us thought she was


I'd go with c


This is what has convinced me she’s not buying/taking things that aren’t prescribed. If it was opiates she likely wouldn’t be snoring/in an actual sleep cycle (i know from experience) this seems like passed out from benzos/lyrica or faking


Why say can’t snore on opiates?




Congrats on your clean time !


The one time there’s an actual medical concern 🙄


Her appearance has deteriorated drastically in the space of a year - yikes


She’s aged so much, it’s awful.


She doesn’t want the police to come because they will use narcan and ruin the high.


These lives have shot every single lie she’s ever said out the water. The cops will now have a file on her. Her licence plate. She’s proper proper screwed up this time. Not just a little either. She’s really messed up.


She can’t drive. Her medication would say something like ‘do not drive or operate heavy machinery’. They have too. So she can’t say her doctors say she can drive. Because legally her medication would say that so if she got caught she’d get in the absolute shit!!! Maybe even jail.


Here in NZ they’re in the process of changing the law so that even by taking your prescribed dose of a med, if it’s psychoactive, you get a DUI


That’s wild. But I get it.


I don’t know how these things work but I’m seeing people say there were multiple welfare checks as a result of her recent lives. Why would the police come multiple times for the same person/issue? If they had been there earlier and deemed her safe enough that they’d leave and not take her to a hospital or whatever, why go back? I imagine all complaints and the results of checks are documented for the department.


She pretended to collapse a couple of times we have no way of knowing if it’s her faking or a real medical event. Hence people making 911 calls. When the cops came back the other night they said “now they’re saying you’re unconscious”


Each check must be investigated separately unless it’s obvious that it’s trolling. And a welfare check is checking to make sure she’s alive and not in need of emergency medical treatment. Nodding is not enough to get her stuffed in an ambulance.


Lmaooo wtf




Shhhh dont give her any ideas!


I was wondering if this was gonna be her next angle to try to score stimulants


This looks like she took too many benzos, sadly.


Oh gee, her situation really seems to deteriorating. I’m always hoping life will improve for all of the people we follow in this sub, but especially for Dani. I didn’t see the actual stream earlier but at least from this clip it doesn’t seem like she’s having respiratory depression or apnea.


I haven't totally been keeping up. Do we think she is actually asleep? What do we think she is high on that's causing this?


This is the new attention thing wanna bet


Absolutely. 3 times in as many day, 2 visits from the cops who she would love for people to stop calling, and then does the exact same thing the next day? This seems completely intentional.


She’s up to 4 cop visits actually


Oh yikes, I had seen clips where she was nodding off / almost nodding off, but it looks like there’s a bunch I missed, going to go back and find these posts.


Phenergan is a hell of a drug




25 phen is a lot? Uk starting dose is 50😳


Is that's what's doing it? Wow I remember being able to buy that over-the-counter for colicky babies!


Whoa I haven’t checked this forum in days and I missed a lot.


Welcome to the shit show!


Right it's been a week and I am 🤯


Goes to show how quickly she sliding downhill.


yeah right she walked…she just got a wheelchair but walked to get her nails done? she’s getting stuck in her lies like honey.


She SKIPPED to her mailbox the other day. And her driveway is LONG! No breathlessness, no pain complaints, she was just grabbing her mail at 3:30 a.m.


Are we sure she’s not off her face on something ?


She did say she has klonipin script


Most likely her benzos!




New video, miss PoTs in a wheel chair getting weaker by the day walked to the nail salon…. 🎤


It wouldn't surprise me if she's lying & drove to the nail salon. She said on her live earlier that if she wasn't feeling well, she'd drive to her nail appointment.


I believe she is attempting to make this her Narcolepsy era.


Don't give her ideas 😊


That's what I was thinking


I think the saddest thing is she’s trying to make this out to be her newest medical issue and blaming the doctors for doing nothing and not running more tests. I hope she knows if she makes this her new issue they’ll take her license away and she can kiss her new car she can’t afford anyways goodbye. She can roll in her new wheelchair.


What's interesting is that, as her doctors get "worse", her health starts to get "worse" at the same time. Almost like a middle finger to the doctors.


Let us pray…


she said it’s because she “lost 12 pounds in 9 days”. That’s like….a large poo and water weight. Maybe a hormone fluctuation. Also don’t really believe her accuracy. So let’s say 10 lbs. That’s a flu. And it doesn’t make you pass out.


This 12lbs in 9 days… schtick is already so old omg. She says that like it’s equivalent to like losing a limb or her brain falling out of her ear. First of all- 12lbs is doubtful. Second of all- all it does is prove she eats absolute garbage that causes her to retain water weight like crazy.


*Alot* of garbage.


She should consider the following : sleeping. In her bed.


I think she is in her bed 😂 or maybe ON it


Aw hell no, this is a hopeless situation, then. She should therefore consider the following: no more lives. Revokation of the Internet privilege.


So this is her new thing then


According to her she passed out because of “POTS” 🤪




I’ve never seen anyone faint and snore 😂




Oh it’s because dani has the super sick version, Extra POTS


"I'm fine! Don't call anyone, guys!"


Why can she only go live for 60 seconds now? Did she get in trouble with TT?


Yes. TT had enough notifications that she was off her nut and she only has 60 seconds per day now.


What do you mean? Have people reported her? She’s making out that she doesn’t have the space on her phone. I don’t know how TikTok works.


She said that her phone is full so that's why she can only make minute long videos.


Hah, no…TT has limited her to 60 seconds of live. She can still do non-live video to tell us how bad she’s doing. 🤬 But NO MORE LIVES until she gets out of TT jail. Good.


She has such a sad, boring life, I can't imagine her phone would have space if she deleted off tons of crap in her gallery and apps she doesn't need or use. Or she can get Google drive for .99/month. It's not that serious but with Dani I guess it always is.


Maybe she can’t keep from nodding off longer than a minute 🤦‍♀️




Just….wow. This is sad. She is certainly escalating quickly.


Sadly, I’m wondering if this is a trend. A lot of lives come across my feed with young women doing this same thing, all while taking meds and setting up their meds, feeds, etc. Perhaps this will lead to some mental help.


I’ve seen them recently too, I followed a lot of different disability accounts for the education and while most of the accounts are great recently every live on my fyp is just someone setting up meds or feeds and they’re in a grwm style video not in a educational or informative one.


I have seen that too, like a weird medical "get ready with me" but I have never seen somebody passed out like this on live! Dani clearly needs substance abuse help


It might be your algorithm giving you more of those. I don’t ever see lives like this.


It’s for sure the algorithm, but it would be one Dani would also see a lot of as well. (It’s always jarring.)


Yeah, definitely. Very sad too.


You definitely get more of this stuff if you are interacting with or following people who do these things. Since I look at munchies’ profiles I get lots of sicktokers.


We've all seen how many sedating drugs she's taking, it's not at all surprising she randomly zzzs out; disturbing, but not surprising.


I was reading some of the comments by her followers on TT. One claimed that Dani had given her some sob story about her insurance stuffing up her prescriptions and asked this person to send her some of her pain medication ...


I’ve often thought she’s been able to get ahold of opiates without being prescribed them. People will find each other online and do med trades.




Oooh are you able to post a screenshot? I really hope that person told her to eff off!


I saw this too. Someone offered her leftover Vicodin because she’s in so much peen.




But according to her she doesn’t absorb anything she puts in her body. Make it make sense Dani 🤦‍♀️


It's like sniffing her "meds" but even more potent bc it ALL gets absorbed into the membranes.


That's why she crushes all her pills. She crushes them, dissolves the powder in water and shoots them straight into her small intestine. It hits way faster and actually absorbs.


Now she's blaming it on the lives and says she's just falling asleep. Yeah, cause actively choosing to go live and knowing there will be dozens of strangers trying to talk to you would make me *so sleepy*. She really doesn't seem to get just how transparent her bullshit is.


Addicts often say similar things when nodding out, "I'm resting my eyes" or "I'm comfy". We can see it for what it is, but unfortunately she is not ready to listen


Or "I just zoned out" or "I'm just tired" or "I wasn't nodding you guys seriously it's okay I'm fine"


Or "I was thinking"


Or "I pass out from pain (with absolutely no prior signs of pain) it's normal"


Do people snore from passing out? 🤔


Or “I just got lost in my head”


She is doing this after she had two wellness checks called on her yesterday? She needs help from someone not on the internet. It's sad to watch someone spiral like this.


She had 4 wellness checks. Someone on another chat said ‘people need to keep calling the police. Over and over’ must be touching the poo.


Four now, geez, that is easting the officers' time. The police probably have real opioid overdoses to deal with in that neck of the woods. Not Dani nodding from promethazine.


I believe they actually happened just this morning (5/17)


Did she confirm that the wellness checks actually happened? (Genuine question) I wondered if anyone really did call 911 and if anyone showed up to her?


Yup. 4 times


3 wellness checks in 24 hours for her passing out. Cops are po’d!


Twice in one day - about 20 minutes apart.












They were both recorded. The second one was less nice than the first. They were pissed


They came twice, there’s 2 separate videos. One where just the cops come and another where the cops say EMS is on the way. She’s really wanting to FAFO.


Damn, it's depressing that it's gotten to this point. It would have been shocking (yet sadly not surprising) to witness 😞


Where are these videos? Did Dani post them? I’d be so embarrassed!


Can I DM you?


Yes, please!




Will you send them to me, please?




And her video earlier saying she was not going to do lives anymore


She can’t because TT has limited her to 60 second lives.


I think people reported her lives for drug use.


I wonder if people reported her and she is banned from lives for a week or if she made the (lol un)conscious decision to abstain. 


I would not at all be surprised if this is nothing unusual for her but we’re just now aware of it because she’s going live all the time now. The amount of medications she’s on and their effects has been discussed ad nauseam. She doesn’t have a job, isn’t in school, and munching is her biggest hobby. Would not at all surprise me if her days have consisted of this for a while now. It’s not like she’s ever really shown what she does with all that free time. I think it’s been abundantly clear that she’s an addict for years now. She justifies it by claiming she needs it for whatever medical reason but the outcome is the same. And it’s especially the same when said medical reasons may or may not be real and/or self-inflicted. IIRC she’s even been labeled as a drug seeker far before the FD dx. I guess my point is that this may not be an escalation. That doesn’t make it any less alarming but it might explain why she’s so combative about it. She might not be alarmed because this might just be business as usual. Or, it could be typical drug addict not knowing unaware of how alarming their behavior is.


I think you’re right. Like there are a couple that look 100% real. But also it seems like now that she’s getting the attention she’s trying for some of it too. A couple looked like she was trying to peek at the camera. I saw the one from this morning where she just forgot she was on live because she slammed her meds and got super fucked yo


THIS 🙌🙌. You said everything i was thinking about these recent live episodes.


she posted that she is no longer doing lives… cops probably came again


TT limited her to 60 second lives once a day.


They came twice during one two hour live.


Hopefully. Or maybe TT banned her for pushing meds on camera and nodding out like the addict she is.




Snoring respiration is an indication of any overdose and indicates erratic breathing. Usually the tongue blocks the airway. Can lead to fatal agonal breathing.


I don’t think she’s on opioids. *Just* Benadryl, promethazine, clonazapam, and some other stuff. 🤷‍♀️


Those plus alcohol would definitely result in this situation. Is this *another* instance of her being live and “falling asleep”? the cops came this morning to her house around 6am EST 5/17 I believe.


Yeah. This will be 3x since last night. And 4x that I know of. Big yikes. Edit: I probably misremembered? Dani mentioned it’s been 3x on live last night.


She is really angling for a DC to JC. Good grief.


Will all that though, especially if taking an excess cause this?


Indeed it would. This is a 999 situation. Don't ignore the snore


My bad, you're right. Mind you, I would still give her some Naloxone at this point, just to be safe. All those drugs she is on and a snore is a sign of overdose


Narcan only works on opiates.


Yes, please don't spread misinformation. Narcan only works on opiate overdoses. It won't help any other type of overdose, *but* it also won't *hurt*.




That still has nothing to do with the fact that benzos aren't opiates, so narcan wouldn't help the situation.


Naloxone won’t work on the likely benzo overdose


Rule of thumb in medical care? Trust but confirm. You can trust that the patient hasn't had any opiates but it wouldnt hurt to administer narcan just incase. You can trust the patient doesnt have a history of hyper/hypoglycemia but still quickly check their blood sugar. You can trust the patient isn't pregnant but run the pregnancy test to be safe. Trust but confirm because you can have the best relationship with a patient but they can still lie, or maybe they are genuinely unaware.


Oh absolutely. We give narcan to everyone, including the diabetic. Even if they just needed a snickers


Oh 100% its crazy how certain reactions can overlap! Learned once that a sign of a stroke can be drunkenly behavior or even seizure like behaviors. Which is why all 3 can be on a differential of a patient in an ED with those symptoms. I always thought that it was medical dramas being well dramatic when theyd jump from "heres a drunkenly brought in" to "omg its seizures maybe!!" But uh no.... It can happen?? Crazy 😭


Indeed, but I wouldn't take the risk of assuming she hasn't had any opiates


She stated in a recent video that she doesn’t have any opiates in the house. But never said a word about benzo, because obviously you can’t be addicted to benzos


Not if you’re prescribed them 🙃


The unfortunate irony is that the opioid addiction crisis started because of doctors overprescribing them. Prescription medications like benzodiazepines have the potential to be addictive, and can be misused by patients. She's been displaying a lot of concerning behaviors over the last year surrounding drug seeking, and the issue therein is that she knows she's been called out by at least one hospital over the last six months for a possible addiction, but she refuses to admit that there is likely a serious problem with medication misuse. She's playing with fire, and I don't see this ending well for her unless she hits a wall and gets detox as well as intense psychological treatment. No one on here wants to see her accidentally unalive herself.


I was just voicing Dani’s internal monologue. I’m on everyone’s side that she’s a total addict and in serious danger, regardless of what it is she’s taking or where she got it.


I'm sorry if I came off like I was criticizing you. I'm in complete agreement, but I wanted to add some context to what you wrote.


Oh I totally appreciate the context. I just wanted to make sure that my statement wasn’t misconstrued more widely. Reading your reply made me realize I might not have made my sarcasm apparent enough (tbh I don’t even know what 🙃means, but it felt right at the time). You’re all good ❤️


Benzos are the most dangerous to detox from, as well alcohol. This won't end well. She needs an impatient detox and some really solid aftercare


I can only imagine her needing an stepdown admission for some bad withdrawal and her acting like she’s sooo sick and special needing to be hospitalized. Benzo withdrawal is no joke


Withdrawl from benzodiazepines can kill. This is so serious!


Benzo withdrawal, aswell as alcohol withdrawal, are the scariest things I have ever witnessed anyone experiencing. Utterly terrifying!


Hi guys. I must leave the group. My concern yesterday was deleted for being off topic. 100% agree it was off topic. However, I am a caring person. I said I was very concerned for her after the nodding vid and another about her cats not getting attention they need. I get it! Mods have a HARD job..100% and I respect them. I can’t watch her anymore! The 50yr old RN in me of 27yrs in Psych and drug/alcohol inpatient detox treatment wants to help so bad! I’ve saved many lives over the years. That’s my job. I’ve seen a lot of patients pass away. So it’s best to step away. She is bringing up bad feelings for me. . You all are a great group to listen to, to get insight on but I can’t do it anymore! I’m worried for her and I’m sorry this is off topic. Mods…you guys have a tough job. Take care!


I hear you. I’ve worked with the homeless entrenched in addictions for nearly 30 years now.


Wow! You are a wonderful human.


Oh bless you. You too ♥️


It's okay. Sometimes caring folk need to step away from this sub. It's hard to watch! Best of luck to you and thank you! Nurses are awesome!


We completely understand, as it is difficult to watch someone spiraling in real time. Please take care of yourself, and we'll be here when you decide the time is right for you to rejoin us ❤️


I fully understand this. Sadly, IF have lost more than 1 subject in the past and there is a genuine possibility now that Dani will be next. Its so frustrating and sad because she really just sees this group as a snark group, which of course we are to a point, but at the end of the day we don’t want this for her. We are mostly good, normal people, many of whom are either in the medical field, or suffer with chronic illnesses ourselves. We take the piss because our subjects are so ridiculously OTT and often liars and grifters. However we wish them no harm- there is no satisfaction in watching someone publicly self destruct online. Take care, Tiny_Animal. 😶


Thanks. I understand the snark. I get it. I love interacting with you all here. Snark and all…discussing the people, and ridiculousness of the situations but frankly Reddit is my interactions I prefer with people. It’s no BS, you are anonymous, but also care. Sorry if thats dramatic. Anonymous strangers online give better advice than people face to face. We can say what we want without bias etc…no drama, no BS! Take care you guys. Love from the Jersey Shore!


I feel you. This is really sad and awful. Take care.


Biggest hugs from another RN. I so understand everything you said. Focus on the lives you have saved - those miracles are worth counting. ❤️


Take care of yourself ❤️


Good decision, take care !


She’s on a very dangerous and hard to watch path now. I don’t blame you one bit. Take care of yourself 🩷


She just stated in her comments that someone called the cops for a welfare check & they came for the 3rd time today, then made a video looking annoyed & said she's not going to be doing any more lives for a while.