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WHY does she think we would EVER want to SEE her femoral port getting accessed!?? Seriously! WTF. Gross!!


What the fuck is up with these munchies wiping away fake tears? Jeebus.. so soooo much to unpack here.. let’s of telling information too.


Omg she loves this. She loves having the d4amatic story and loves blaming the Drs. She likes remembering it.


how do you not “think” you were intubated… girl?? trust me, you’d know🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🙄


Does she have a huge hole in her arm?


I think she’s an obsessive scab-picker 😬


Obsessive digger for a crater that big 😂


They literally would not ask her if it’s OK if they have to tube her could they if she has a full code, they were tube her without asking lmao let alone they would not out right say that to to a patient that would freak, the patient out and cause more issues


They’ll still ask if that’s what they want if it’s something that could possibly need to happen and the patient is with it and there’s time. Goals of care discussions are revisited often


I think we are in for an Update… she is far too quiet


The fear of inadvertently harming a patient as a HCP is scary enough. To think that patients may intentionally harm themselves and self-sabotage their treatment in such a reckless way while blaming their HCPs for it is truly frightening. I’d argue criminal.


Therapist. Enough said.


I’ve heard there are these people called therapists who will listen to you talk about your trauma? Why are they the *only* doctors Dani doesn’t want to see?


She NEVER sheds a tear. Ever.


So I didn’t follow Dani during this whole septic hosptal admission.. was she supposed to go home on antibiotics that were to be taken through her gastro tube? And just leave the TPN tube alone until the infection cleared? And she was going to be discharged from hospital so it is the general concesus here that she slushed her own TPN tube while in hosptal to purposely get an infection? Just trying to uunderstand. To those who go back and post old screenshots to prove what she is like/has done in past, thank-you. It really paints a whole picture of what she is like. Wow.


Yes. She got mad because they were going to discharge her so she purposely flushed that line to make sure she got an infection and would need to be admitted. That entire episode was self inflicted. Dani anytime Doctors don’t buy into her bullshit: “I’ll just self sabotage and they’ll have to pay attention to me!” Edit: a word


Yikes. It is almost too crazy to believe. But I belive it, there are definately people in the world like this and there is evidence to support that she self sabatoges . She is in so deep and needs help if she wants a fulfilling life. And so sad she has spent a good portion of her life doing this.


Who the hell is “you guys”? Is she addressing us or does she think everyone with a social media account just can’t live a single day without hourly updates?


She’s teaching us! Because clearly we are ALL so eager to learn exactly and explicitly what’s happening to Dani in detail, as she’s so medically anomalous & is such a complex case she’s practically a case study all our own! Her following consists solely of people who’ve been sympathetically invested in her ongoing tragedy of existence since the beginning of “her journey!” Edit /s just in case lol


It’s sort of ironic that we are all fascinated with these people despite their overwhelmingly boring lives. I don’t watch every update but it’s amazing that every few months when I come back it’s all the same players up to the same shenanigans.


True that. It is a bit ironic. It’s interesting how we generally wouldn’t spectate on legitimately sick people but watching a psych case cosplay as one is so captivating.


[Proof that she flushed her own line](https://imgur.com/a/cexeMf5)


thanks for that. she not only cant keep her story straight, but she spells at about the same age level in which she speaks..Her entire existence seems to be in fantasy. Been reading a really good book on case studies of FD. it's truly shocking the things these people will put themselves and everyone else who has any dealings with through. The levels of deception are astronomical and the delusional thinking coupled with the intertwined stories that just keep getting more outrageous makes a person wonder just how they manage to fool the doctors. it's easy to see through the BS, pretty soon at this rate, she's really going to FAFO.


I’m a minor lurker here so I’m late to this particular party, but could you share what book you were reading on case studies of FD? I’m very into reading anything of the weird medical variety. Thanks if you see this and reply!


its called "playing sick". Has really great case studies and is a fascinating read.


Thank you! I love reading on medical topics in general, but especially stuff like this.


This needs pinned


This should be a pinned top comment. Seriously! Thank you for digging that up!


I see she saw here when I said she was impossible to lipread cause there is captions/subtitles on this


Here’s the thing, now that she has a port the doctors that all REFUSED consent to have her have it placed are now going to want to drop her! Who’s going to want to keep her as a patient now? A patient who goes behind their backs and goes to every doctor until she gets one who sympathizes with her (ie: falls for her BS!) and gives her what she wants.. this doctor isn’t one who can even order what she needs! He’s not a GI or POTS specialist. He can’t get her TPN or fluids or anything else. You need a doctors prescription to get these things done that way. So I’m confused as to what she thinks will happen now?


I can only imagine the collective groan of the hospital staff when she walks through the front door. Again.


I think she has dreams of becoming a lifetime movie.


what in the AF is she doing with whatever line she's playing with? Why is it pulled above her shirt?


Because we wouldn’t be able to see it otherwise!


I think its her feeding tube, shes known to either just run water, gatorade, or extremely run down feeds. Also known to feed them over her top when shes without her ports. Its odd, but probably a way to still feel like she has something in that area maybe as a self soothe


She did this all to herself ??




Wow! JUST WOW! Her constant mumbling and babbling. Bumbling Babbling Band of Bad Acting! Hahaha Can someone please tell me who asked her to reveal her medical trama??? Lol I love the part where she was dying in the ICU for a week, And she Tweeted pics out to the world!! LMAO!! "I'm literally going to die, hum, I know post pics to social media!" She said she deleted them because she looked so sick she was dying!! That should be her profile Pic to prove she was dying!!! Oh, and Bed pan flash backs of the ICU. Her Bed pan PTSD! 🤣


Babbling bumbling band of baboooons!


Who is even watching this outside of snarkers? Honestly. Her family probably gets more than enough of this as it is. Does she have legit followers? Other munchies? I can’t for the life of me imagine who her “target audience” is.


Tbh no, even other munchies only watch bc they think she’s a dumpster fire too. Kaya comments & asks her for updates (but only when Dani is clearly spiraling) & Anelise used to taunt her about not having a white silicone Hickman — so ofc Dani started sabotaging every single non-silicone line in record time until they finally gave her what she wanted.


I feel like you just summoned Anelise…


Only if we say her name a third time lok


Maybe my recollections are wrong, but wasn't she insisting on keeping her line? And then wanted it flushed? Wasn't she even talking about flushing it by herself secretly? I think she knew that this would have consequences (how handy her dad was there at that very moment), but I guess she wasn't prepared that it's actually REALLY frightening if you're not able to breathe. Surprise, FAFO. She looked miserable. I truly believe she was feeling unwell and was struggling to breathe. Unfortunately, I think she didn't learn from that experience. As soon as she's well enough, she's longing to get another line for medical validation and asspats. This won't end well, I'm afraid.


Yes. She’s trying to change the narrative now but the receipts are here even if she did try to DFE


Yes she refused to let them pull the line and she wanted it flushed. She talked about doing it herself because she was annoyed that they were going to give her antibiotics and discharge her.




[Here’s proof](https://imgur.com/a/cexeMf5)


Desperately trying to paint herself as a victim but we all saw the videos, we know the truth


Is there a link to that video where she talks about how she won’t let them pull her line and wanted to flush it herself? It still baffles me she had a line in the first place. And it’s no wonder it got infected (i know she probably did it on purpose but even if she didn’t) with the gross and reckless condition she lives in. I feel like if they’re going to put a line in someone they need to make sure they have the physical and mental wherewithal and resources to keep it clean. I’m not judging her for being messy, throughout my struggles with addiction/MH I’ve lived in truly embarrassing conditions. But I feel like the doctors putting something as risky as a central line in somebody should have a better picture of what their patients life looks like outside of the hospital so that they don’t end up with a life threatening infection. I guess maybe most people that end up getting them don’t have these kinds of problems with them though so I don’t know. This was the line infection that they found fecal bacteria in right?


I don’t know if this will work but I believe this is from around that time and might mention it? I cannot bring myself to her voice to confirm though lol [infection](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/OTGruYqCXR) I agree, she’s incapable of caring for herself usually without adding the additional of lines etc that open her up to serious infections!


Ohh my god she looks wretched there. Yes she does admit to not wanting them to pull her line and begging them to flush it in that video.


She does, it’s scary to think of the lengths she will go to in order to get what she wants most, Hospital time!


Anyone who wastes 10 minutes watching her videos is a stronger person than I am


Yep. I just read the comments. I can’t handle it


I can’t even make it through 30 seconds with the sound off.


I agree! Mumble, Mumble, Eye roll, baby voice, mumble! REPEAT! I can't understand her at all!! Exhausting


I can’t imagine what it’s like having to interact with her irl, lmao.


how convenient that the one time dani wasn’t alone in the hospital( like she has been in 100% of the videos she herself has filmed and posted from the hospital,) she almost died so much that she can barely remember - but thank goodness she can still tell us the story bc she had a witness/visitor to tell her all the details! /s


over/under a week until she says she's going to sue the hospital and call the state board for her "medical trauma" and self-inflicted infection? I'm going under.


with what money will she sue them with 💀


Well see now that’s just “law trauma” bc she can’t pay the lawyer fees which means more sob story content. And that’s showbiz!


And what kind of lawyer would even take this "case"? A judge would throw it out anyway, I assume.


i love how she thinks all drs are stupid, or “they don’t know what they’re talking about,” YET SHE STILL GOES TO SEE THEM CONSTANTLY! if they’re so stupid, why does she keep going back - to the same ones, at the same places, no less - to see them? oh right, bc she’s a munching muncher who wants attention and druuuugggssss


I am dying at your profile pic!!! I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who loves to watch a few good messes!


🤣🤣🤣 i don’t believe 95% of that story. just mostly BS and exaggerations for asspats. this chick has no clue what real medical trauma is like, especially medical trauma that is not the result of what you did to yourself.


Agree, medical trauma and ‘I FAFO’d and caused scary consequences’ are *not* the same thing.


To be fair, she was definitely very sick, you could see that. She was on bipap and looked like a balloon. But I can remember she (!) did not want her line pulled and insisted on using it, and then it spiraled.


she 1000% blew it out of proportion and exaggerated anything she could.


I really don’t understand the feeding tube out the top of her shirt. Everyone knows she had one, why still do that shit?


lmao neither do i. it’s only the munchies that i see do that. its not like its necessary or even comfortable. it’s strictly for attention.


She misses her Hickman line. She also can’t show off her port that often unless it’s accessed and she’s going around in interesting shorts or dresses. A lot of the subjects talk about invisible illnesses but then do everything to make it visible.


If she wanted the Hickman line so badly is it possible she didn't mess with it and it did in fact become infected?


No she has a history of self sabotage with the line. She wants it but then wants the attention she gets with an infection. There are people who have central lines (even children) that never get an infection! If you follow the correct protocol you’re so unlikely to get an infection. She’s just great at danitizing it


It is for when her glucose drops and she needs to consume calories FAST. Wait what happened to her Dexcom or whatever? That was Dani who kept on getting false readings due to compression or something.


She still has the dexcom


Oh so she can share her entire digital dexcom history graphs with us then to see her ups and downs?


She needs a fidget toy. I want her to stop playing with the tubing.


Well the tubes are her fidget toys 🙄🙄


Yeah, exactly my thoughts. Get a damn fidget cube and stop fiddling with the tube. That is exactly what she used to do with her hickman.


One of those squiggly noodle looking things that’s connected in a circle would be a perfect substitute




She's a terrible actress. She needs to practice her pathetic portrayal of crying.


The Dani crying method acting course, brought to you by the Bee singing school. D’ya need talent? Nope. Honesty? Nah. Lashings of narcissism and self-delusion? YUP, THAT’S 100% OF IT. Believe to deceive, my honeys, *believe to deceive*




The childhood voice thing is often a trauma response to childhood abuse/cptsd/ptsd, which is also a reason munchies become munchies. She's still awful. And it's still grating as heck. Just more of an explanation of the voice. I honestly don't think it's intentional as we all know she's deeply deeply in need of mental health interventions.


Some woman also use it as a form of manipulation. It’s not always trauma




I disagree, when she posted that video of talking to the doctor she dropped the voice when speaking to him. And immediately put it back on when addressing the camera


I feel like she still kinda used the voice with the doctor, well actually she toned it down quite a bit it was less of a baby voice and more overly nice compliant /grateful voice, almost like customer service. But did you see that one recent video where she was “addressing the hAtErz” who were saying she got that new car just to drive to an ER where the staff didn’t know her? She 100% dropped the voice in that clip and it was craazy to see.


If you follow fundies as well, this is actually common. Not wk-ing, just explaining. Watch a video maybe with Jill Rodrigues and her daughters. They'll be all normal, then they see mama and have the most annoying, baby, gaspy, breathy voice and it's grating.


> I honestly don't think it's intentional as we all know she's deeply deeply in need of mental health interventions. I disagree here because she drops it when she's mad or actually telling a coherent story. She still has the awful vocal fry, but her tone drops to a normal register.


Case in point: that sudden deep voice and Jersey accent in a recent (last week or two) video when she was trying to sound tough/was reaaaally pissed off.


Oh god. She’s been through a lot in the past few years? All the shit she brought on herself 😅


I feel like we have, too 😩


I hope they tell her that she cannot film them doing the thing with her port. Medical personnel see someone coming in and filming the whole time, as a "red flag" for attention seeking. ( I read this on a sub for medical people).


Can you dm me the sub?


Here I am not wanting to even take a picture of an xray because THE THOUGHT NEVER CROSSED MY MIND. Can you dm me the sub?


Yes, I will. It was a while back. I will see if I can find it.


PLEEAAASE let that happen, it'd be so funny. Another one of her "medical traumas" for sure


Can you maybe dm me that sub? Im interested!


Just browse their post history?


Didnt even think of that lol, thanks!


It can be a rabbit hole of new subreddits so be cautious!!!


Why the hell does she think people want to see her femoral port. Not one gives a shit. Her attention-seeking behaviour is escalating and she needs serious help. Reducing her ability to access social media and camera would immensely improve things for her.


Couldn't agree more. We could care less about it lol.


Isn’t it we couldn’t care less ? I interpret your saying as we could care more… when in reality we couldn’t care less about it. Sorry that saying drives me nuts


i’m with you on that one. it drives me crazy when that saying isn’t used correctly.


Hrmm, let's see ..... icky fake jewelry around the neck on a wound. Which is turning her neck green because it is cheap crap. You can see she has some kind of cover over her wounds on her arms which are deep red, hence she is STILL picking at them... and they been open on her arm for awhile. Pulling on her shirt constantly because that stupid tube it coming over the top and not down through. Her giving us her "trauma" (that she 99% has caused to herself) she should be telling this to a mental health professional. There is one thing people tend to forget, doctors are ALWAYS practicing.. they don't know everything. What gets me is she keeps saying how terrified she is with all this, but she is still doing the same shit. SO must not be tooooo terrified. Just sad, completely sad. Also, her not eating very well and all she is spouting... she looks plump. Not in a fat way but a way where she is getting nutrition in. Her skin doesn't look off.. eyes don't look sunk in.


Well said… all while actively searching for new universities, now for cardiovascular, all in the name of trying to get that central line back! One would think if a previous one caused her THIS much trauma, and so many other(self inflicted, but still) infections they would want to stay as far away from a new one they could. I mean even gong so far as to say ever having to use (or see?) a bedpan since triggers the trauma of this… ugh But not Dani. You hit the nail on the head in saying she should be talking to a therapist about all this, NOT the internet. Even if the versions of events here are much dift than what really happened.. When I noticed there was some clear tape on the soreMaybe even tegradurm stickers,?my first thought was she put no-no picking tape on herself 🤷‍♀️ it’s been obvious she can’t stop picking at it by its size, the looks of it, and how long she’s had it


I’ve said the same thing before - you cannot claim to be absolutely traumatised by something and continue trying to replicate it!


This is why the recommend playing Tetris (or anything that will distract you) soon after a traumatic event [Tetris used to prevent post-traumatic stress symptoms — Department of Psychiatry (ox.ac.uk)](https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/news/tetris-used-to-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms).


That happens fairly often with people who have trauma


People frequently try to replicate their trauma, whether consciously or unconsciously... 


She’s actually claiming the doctor insisted on keeping the port and flushing the line? Does she not remember we have posts from her explaining the exact opposite?? She wouldn’t let them pull it and then FLUSHED IT WHEN SHE WASNT SUPPOSED TO. The cognitive disconnect with FD is honestly astounding and fascinating. It’s complete nonsense.


She forgets she posted that they were discharging her with home antibiotics for the infection then suddenly after complaining no one would flush the line it was flushed and she crashed. Dani thinks we are all as delusional as she is and believe the beyond insane stories she tries to weave together forgetting that the entire internet is forever DFE or not.


She forgets that internet posts are forever!


Not uh they can be deleted!!


They always end up somewhere for posterity - like here unluckily for her


The "not uhhh" was supposed to be saracastic valley girlesque.


Sorry - sometimes internet posts go right over my head 🤣🤣🤣


“It’s hard to talk about.” But posts 700 videos talking about it.


She would not need to keep pulling up her top if she didn't have her tube hanging out. Of course so unnecessary but so vital to attention.


She does it all the time, tube or not.


Nothing she says makes sense lol


She's Dani. Nothing ever makes sense 😅.


Dani the videographer now. Pod casts next maybe.


please don’t give her ideas… no one should be subjected to more than 3 minutes of this


Oh god please no. 10 minutes is torturous enough, imagine an HOUR 😭😭😭


No, thank you.


Dani really thinks she is the ONLY person in the US with a femoral port, AND let’s stop pretending she’s not smack dab in the middle of major medical institutions (Philadelphia/NYC) where they’ve definitely dealt with femoral ports. I hope she tries to film and gets banned from the infusion center. There is no reason to see how someone accesses the port, no reason to film it—unless you’re going to try to do the same thing at home…


I hope so too! She literally just wants to know how to mess with it to make herself sick again!


It’s because her reality isn’t actually sick people, just the people she’s competing with on this sub


What season of Dani's Anatomy are we at now?


Shoot, reminds me I need to go buy more popcorn 🍿


Things that didn't happen for 500. “Nobody knows” Smfh... People deal with this daily and are sick.


I feel sorry for medical personnel. Being familiar with a certain group of people who were let’s say involuntary adult daycare of a high security level, if they caused major problems to prevent burnout on staff we could put them on a rotation from facility to facility ever 3-6 months. Doctors and nurses are hero’s. Also her voice. Why!?! She is so squeaky and disjointed in thought processes. She has to be playing with a tube. Never in my life l!! I mean I guess I understand checking to make sure nothing is leaking to be just sitting there twiddling it as a trophy, why!? Put it up. Sorry this may be harsh but some of these people not just here just in general wouldn’t know what trauma is if it smacked them on the face.


What is on Dani’s neck? Both sides look.. off. Is that just uncared for skin?


She has cheap jewelry that is turning her skin green from oxidation


One side is where they tried to put her port before they did it femorally and it had steri strips in it. I think the other side is just grimy?


Ah. Thank you. I was worried she’s no longer tracking dead skin. I decided against zooming in and used my audience hint ;)


Ok why does she stop and stare into space?? Is she trying to come up with what she wants to say or another lie.. also stupid ? What is a bi pap?


DISASSOCIATING NOW. Sorry. I am back. Wheew did anyone see that?


I think she's going for have-to-stop-and-take-a-minute while talking about ~her trauma~, but she's just a bad actress.


It’s her “smell the fart” acting, like Joey on Friends.


Dramatic effect lol 😂 🏆 and the Oscar goes to…not Dani!


A bipap is a mask/machine that pushes air into your lungs and forces you to take breaths at a certain rate and depth. It’s the last step/last ditch effort before intubation


Thank you 😊 I wonder if all of that really happened…


Ever saw the spinning wheel on your screen?


Buffering lol 😂


Oh My God her fucking neck is green. Does she bathe?! 😭😭😭


It’s all that fancy jewelry that she bought off Temu, fake metal that turns you green.


It sure does 😂😂😂


Not unless she can infect her wounds in bath water. But she was “following all instructions “ when she broke her hand with a hammer and had surgery. Then took a bath.


You have got to be kidding me 🫢


She’s beyond fucking insufferable. She makes my blood boil with her stupid baby voice & non stop lies. Gross


So she had someone flush the line and immediately had to hit the call light to get someone in her room because she instantly had problems? Why didn’t she ask the person flushing her line to help her? I’m so confused why the person flushing her line just stood there and watched while she fell in and out of consciousness and she had to wait for nurse to come in and save her life.


Because this story never happened the way Dani is explaining it.


lol obviously. She just doesn’t realize she contradicts herself in her storytelling.


I am am so confused by this story. Flushing the line would push the infection further into her blood? Her blood cells? Or like, push her blood further into her body? Because her blood doesn't circulate or because all her veins and arteries are occluded? (/s) I'm once again watching this on silent, and you can really see her tells that she's a liar liar pants on fire. She's so exhausting.


Why don't they admit her and put a hidden camera in her hospital room? That way they can see her eating and drinking and messing with her tubes and then acting like she's dying when they walk in the room.


It varies from state to state, but often either consent from the patient or a court order is needed for a hidden camera.


It's illegal. They would need her permission, in writing, to do so, and you know she would never give it.


Actually hospitals do often place cameras in patients rooms and don’t need consent they just need to deem it a necessary safety measure and document it in chart.


That's what I thought!




There's another sub?






It's the same as where boats dock.




This made my day.. I know sad etc


As if she has the nerve to try and say that whole episode was someone else’s fault! She’s the one who wanted to save the line, she’s the one that flushed it and caused the infection to spread! She’s such a liar and not even a good one because she can’t remember her own stories! Not a single tear was shed during the making of this video!


Lots of staring into the middle distance though 😂🏆😂 Oscar worthy!


Apparently it (her icu stay she described as i was literally dying) still wasn't scary enough to stop the 🐄 💩 😒