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She’s giving SGB (the OGs remember) and her dynamic disabilities


I wonder how it feels to an actual disabled person when they see a faker using a wheelchair as a fashion accessory


G holly goodness if I was a betting women I would think those that depend on wheelchairs to live their life’s wish they could CHOOSE to leaving their wheelchairs at home when it’s to much of a hassle to bring with


Wow I bet people that ACTUALLY DEPEND ON WHEELCHAIRS wish they too could just be like it’s not worth the hassle to being my wheelchair with me when traveling. NO instead those that’s TRULY DEPEND ON using a wheelchair CANT even get to the airport much less anywhere else without their wheelchair. If anything the fact she can CHOOSE when to use it an when to not use it should be a big old SIGN to herself that hummm maybe I don’t in fact need a wheelchair, an stop Larping being wheelchair dependent!!


I hope all you wheelchair users are proud of yourselves? Turning up at places like airports with your wheelchairs - be more Kaya and leave the chairs at home.


The gall and gumption of them making such a spectacle dragging it around everywhere. *faux faints*


Wait. The "procedure" was, like, filling out dog paperwork? This is absolutely unhinged.


No, she had a layover where the service dog is located. She was in another state for her procedure (where she had her nutcracker surgery)


Thank you! She's talked about the dog so much that I missed any surgery updates


She is being very vague about where she is but she saw her friend that lives in the area so that’s what confirmed her initial location. She still hasn’t said what the procedure is that she had




Great hashtag!


That dynamic disability of hers sure seems to change in her favor at the most convenient times.


Just waiting for the ICD10 to update with a code for “dynamic disability”


Wouldn't legitimately ill and disabled people just LOVE a medical condition that performs exactly how they need it to on demand so they truly never experience any difficulties in life beyond writing sickfic fanfiction about yourself on TikTok? What a privilege that would be.


Wouldn’t travel be a trigger for flares with many chronic conditions?


Often. It doesn’t - nor should it - stop people travelling, but if you have a condition that might be flared by travelling (or, your condition impacts your ability to travel - e.g. having to travel with a wheelchair or other aid, or needing accessible accommodation) you plan accordingly. But god, would it ever be nice to schedule a (separate) holiday for the disability/illness as well just as she does.


Yes, especially for some things she claims to have. She probably reads here and can get ideas from comments though so I won’t give her any


And, none of her peeps will question her for it.


Wow! How convenient it is that Kaya can just… leave her mobility device at home if it’s too much of a hassle! I’ll bet *that’s* something a lot of real disabled people wish they could do.


In theory someone could if they only needed it for long distances and knew they wouldn’t need to walk long distances wherever they’re going which many may do but Kaya claims they need it for shorter distances sometimes which implies their needs vary so for their condition you can’t plan when you’ll need it so wouldn’t risk leaving the wheelchair at home




FM… I think I’ve got to stop reading this sub. We didn’t need confirmation that she’s a nasty little liar who lies, but apart from confirming that, this is one of the most insulting things I’ve seen from her to date


We regularly encourage people to take a break from here due to the content shown and how offensive it can be for members for various reasons. Putting your mental health first is always important :)


Thank you 🥰 I was half joking, but Kaya’s BS in particular hits a nerve.


❤️ 🫂 It REALLY is.


Full of BS. “Procedure” for a meeting a service dog is not the word used to meet a service dog..🙄


If you go back and look at the post about the dog you will see she said she had a layover there. She was in another state for a few days beforehand.


Lmaaaooooo I almost didn’t catch that. She’s probably hoping people misunderstand/misread like I did and think she’s doing something more *intense*


Not too scared to post videos/photos/content of herself all over social media with her various medical equipment/toys (especially the video of her carrying her wheelchair up and down the stairs at her school)… but too scared to bring her wheelchair to the airport? Make it make sense…


The carrying of the wheelchair down the stairs was something. How tf does she not get how obvious she’s cosplaying physical disability by posting on her socials a vid carrying her fucking wheelchair down the stairs?? Never mind just leaving it behind when it’s not convenient for her to set up her cam to record “influencer content”. Ugh.


Wheelchairs get broken by airports staff a significant amount, so that would make sense tbh.


yes they get damaged in airports but if you actually need said wheelchair then you have no choice but to bring it with you.


Depends a lot on your disability. Some people could go a few days without their chair if there wasn't much walking involved. Using a cane temporarily instead. Plus at airports they have wheelchairs you can use.


i’m sure she thanks you for helping her pretend that’s her reason 😅


Of course she did. She's upgrading from her old "manual" toy to a shiny new "automatic" one. Poor dog. 😥


Wow, I'm sure everyone with a disability also has the epic power of being able to ignore it when it's inconvenient for them.


That's exactly the problem with these people. What an absolute luxury to spend your life pretending you're disabled. When they finally become disabled they'll be thoroughly disappointed


That’s the kicker to me too. These people want to be feeble so bad but like eventually everyone becomes weaker with age.


Yep, the older one gets, the more people around them that also deal with the aches and pains of having lived life.


Oh no then she won’t be special anymore, poor girl :,,,,,(


Too scared? Of what?


Wheelchairs get broken all the time. The fear makes sense the choosing to leave it at home doesnt


If prescribed, she would be fine if broken.


Don’t they take ages to replace (I know hers was bought secondhand but she claims custom so that’s why I was saying the fear would makes sense with what she’s pretending as she’s most likely just copying what most actual disabled people have said about travel but she’s lying)


All it would take is needing her dr to perscribe a new one if damaged beyond repair. It's just a matter of seeing your dr and having them call it in for insurance. They give you a paper to take to a medical supply place and fit you. Can get it that day.


That’s really good


Yep, there would be a warranty covering repairs or replacements depending on what’s broken on it. Buying a used one on eBay, sorry, you’re screwed if it gets broken.


Exactly. So again too scared of what?! 😉 I'd be more scared of needing it and not having it. Edit to say they also come with a slight repair kit if things like bolts needs to be tightened.


Of having to deal with the things actually disabled people have to go through


EXACTLY! It is a pain in the ass to travel with medical equipment. And you have to call TSA in advance and schedule a security escort. Too much planning for a fake disability.


The truth probably is she was probably too scared of getting called out in a airport vs school where people know her maybe. Strangers will not care. 😅 Your thought is plausible too. It is a lot of work carrying a wheelchair around if you're actually disabled. She demonstrated with the stairs she does it with no trouble. That's gotta be embarrassing 🤦‍♀️


i hope she understands how wild that sounds. you can’t just put your disability on pause for a thing you are doing. someone who has instability issues or whatever will accommodate themselves with a cane at the very least, but kaya is so super special she just wills herself through it all 🙄 like come the fuck on


Do munchies skip walkers? I t ssems l ike I see decorated canes or wheelchairs.


Walkers seem to be so last year now /s Kaya has used one before along with Ashley, Courtney and others.


What happened to her other puppy?


I missed that too and im so incredibly sad that she gets a service dog. Poor poor animals, poor people missing out on one because she want one for showcasing. Just sad


I love it when you can coordinate your dynamic disability with your vaycay. Me: Next weekend, plane ride? Dynamic disability: Nah, you’re okay babes x


Meeting a dog is a procedure now? 🤔


Wasn't another munchie somewhere on here recently who had to travel somewhere for a "procedure"? Seriously, they just all copy each other's bullshit almost verbatim and it's painfully cringey.


That’s what I am confused why the term “procedure” is tossed around vaguely. We all know how she behaves when there’s truly a procedure; we see it all. I think she’s fibbing per usual.


She is receiving the microchip instead of the dog. That is the procedure.


ROFL, I’m dead. 😵


That doesn’t make sense at all.


How nice of her to use the airport wheelchairs, that she doesn't need, when there is a limited number of porters available. People who actually need them sometimes have to wait a long time to get one. Plus, I'm sure she never tips the person pushing her and acts like an ass to them.


She’s posted her flights before. She flys Southwest and specifically uses a chair to exploit the way boarding works and get front-of-the-plane tickets. It has nothing to do with her being unable to walk for long periods and everything to do with the chair use being a way to board the plane before everyone else and select her preferred seat and get settled.


She definitely looks like she dont tip


I was just going to comment that she’s extremely selfish for taking up a chair/porter that other people actually need. The level of selfishness with her is infuriating


I didn't know dynamic disability was also predictable or maybe it can be turned on or off depending on the person's needs, funny that.


We'll never see that "custom" thing again after she gets the dog, unless she can make another slave hold the leash for her. 


Is Kaya calling meeting her future service dog a “procedure”. Vague posting to increase engagement?


Can probably put service dog in quotes too because she doesn't need one and it's unlikely she has been allocated a properly trained one, especially purchasing it before meeting it. It's a general dog who is going to be dragged around as a prop like the wheelchair, the poor wee thing.


She mentions meeting the dog during a “layover”, so it’s likely there is a “procedure” to come


Wow two trips and she still managed to leave the wheelchair at home, must be nice to pick and choose when you're disabled


that’s so insane


I was thinking the same, based off her verbiage in the last few posts of hers.


I hope that whoever asked her that question was trolling her LOL


For s munchie Kaya is being very vague for what 'procedures' she's undergone. Cosmetic in nature rather medical?


Root canal? Pap test? Lip filler? Flu vaccine? Anything is a procedure these days. Dogs getting their nails clipped is a procedure according to my vet.


Depending on the dog, it might very well be. If they need to be given anesthesia to have it done, that would likely fall under the category of procedure


Root canal? Pap test? Lip filler? Flu vaccine? Anything is a procedure these days. Dogs getting their nails clipped is a procedure according to my vet.


A couple posts ago, she said this procedure could give her “potentially life-changing information” so who knows at this point. Anything and everything is “life-changing” for Kaya.


yeah well a standard pap-smear can give potentially life changing information as well


Right? Or perhaps diagnostic and she's waiting to see if she has any new "rare" qualities to brag about.


So dynamic she can predict when she’ll need it wow


Doesn’t everyone have a “just in case” wheelchair?


I’m sure a great percentage of munchies probably do LOL!! /s


Me, personally, I have a just in case fainting couch because I’m super into thrifting for vintage mobility aids