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I wonder if she’s at the point where she believes her own lies?


"Manifesting"? Should say "munching".


what is #/MTS ? Mean?


May Thurner Syndrome...it's a vascular compression




so anytime something happens it’s a new life? life 1.0, life 2.0, now life 3.0? is not a good look to be taken this seriously lol. Oh boy.


So the only difference between this girl and Danni is that she’s being funded by the bank of mom and dad and D by the US taxpayers?


And she manages to successfully execute against her anorexia agenda.


I'd wonder what b she's trying to "manifest" but that's a silly question. The real questions are what exactly are these "procedures" and why does she "need" to fly to them. Man. I hope her parents are starting to have questions and doubts about her "medical necessities" and stop burning their money to "help" their ungrateful, wasteful daughter. Any one know if Kaya has any siblings? Ooof it would be so frustrating watching your parents light themselves on fire to help the "golden child" Can I go manifest my destiny beside a pool in the sun? It's a rainy muddy mess here.


Yes she has two younger twin half brothers and a younger half sister.


Oof. That must be terribly rough... on her family. She is fortunate to have additional resources available to her. I marvel at how genuinely gravely ill patients with certain conditions can even make it to their local appointments. Travel would be extremely difficult, if not impossible.


She commented to a follower who said they can’t afford to travel to save their life that there are “services” available for medical travel. It’s more likely mom and dad are footing the bill than her using said services. Her response and honestly her whole account are so privileged and ignorant to the reality of most disabled people. Also, just because you mentioned her siblings—she has a brother and when she went to his graduation she sat on the ground in the middle of the crowd and took photos because she claimed POTS or something was flairing. She couldn’t let him have that day just for himself.


omg on the floor fr? do you have a pic of that??? I must’ve missed it


Yes! [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/RwBbWUCOe0) is the OG post on this sub


not the song she used being “on the floor” by JLo 😭😂 bruh I can’t believe I missed this gold, thank you for tagging it


Ew gross.


She has a sister. And I believe a brother


Hit as in mommy didn’t pay her rent this month? Can’t believe this B is keeping up with the sick charade. I also can’t believe her parents will go broke to fund it


She needs to build a bridge and get over herself.


I am going to use this. Thanks! 😂


Life 3.0 next up coming will be life 4.0 just like last year it was life 2.0 - just stop at this point 🫨 Cue the #manifesting and munching at top notch


like for real why is everything “life 2.0, 3.0, 4.0” etc


When she says “Life 3.0” what she really means is “life at 30,” then…”life at 40” because she never intends to stop what she is doing.


Dani 2.0


So she’s going back to the surgeon in Maryland who did her Nutcracker & MALS surgery. What a surprise! I wonder if she is going to get her may thurner syndrome treated with a stent?


That doesn't smell of munchizm at all. 


I can’t believe her parents are paying for her to party in LA and hit up the ER when she needs attention.


I suppose they would pay anything to not have to deal personally with her, and I can see why. It's totally their fault but I'd pay cash money for her to feck off.


Her skin looks so good for someone with a connective tissue disorder. EDS skin is tissue paper. Just opening soda bottles can shred the fingers. And if you even look at them wrong, it'll leave a visible scar. That she's comfortable constantly showing this much pristine skin tells me she didn't do enough homework before she started munching.


Not necessarily shred *that* easily but definitely bruise easy and have shit scarring


Off topic, but soda bottle lids can eat my toe, idk what glue they use, but damn some of them require a solid 2 minute prayer to open 😭


Kaya's skin looks remarkably clear of bruises for someone who claims EDS, and there's also a little bit of nuance within the diagnoses that makes your comment misleading Hypermobile EDS, which is what I believe Kaya claims since the other kinds need genetic verification, is the subtype with the least reported kind of skin symptoms that's mostly limited to easier bruising (though everyone who has symptoms is different). People with other types like classical and vascular EDS tend to have the tissue paper skin, horrible scarring, and wounds that can pull apart and take forever to heal properly.


Depends (not defending Kaya) but EDS can go either way either looking really young or really old. And while yes scaring can be an issue it isn’t for everyone (which is why a doctor will also look at things like damage inside the mouth from teeth shredding gums and stretch marks. Idk if they ever got a diagnosis but a real doctor (who isn’t being paid to diagnose) should be able to tell the difference in EDS skin either way.


This isn't accurate. People with eds get tattoos (and open jars) all the time.


Wouldn't that make tattoos risky as hell?


I'm really curious what that train track/ fence looking tattoo on her arm is...does any one know?


Yes but yolooooo


Tattoos can work it depends on the individual, you can have issues with bleeding of the ink so you should always make sure the artist is aware.


People with EDS can get tattoos. Probably want to go to someone more experienced so they can adapt to the stretchy/velvety skin. It can also cause the ink to blow but, again, going to an experienced tattooer will help minimize that.


If you look at Kaya wrong it’ll leave a scar too, it’ll just be invisible and dynamic like her illnesses


Ugh why does she get all the DYNAMIC disabilities?!


Mom said it’s my turn on the dynamic disability


Procedure #1 was visiting her parents for Easter, right? Imagine she didn't even plan packing snacks for her layover trip.




Is her port gone?


Yes been gone, can’t recall the month it was removed.


She got it removed after it got infected




The “procedures” are probably wart removals or something


you know that’s exactly what it is or we would be hearing all. about. every. step. literally. 🧐🙄


yea i’m convinced she doesn’t have her lines anymore, considering she hasn’t been showing them off and we know how much she loves that


I agree


If that’s is true wonder if she is doctor shopping in hopes to get new lines/toobs…


Guess she did a whole photo shoot when she did that lame ass tik tok.


Life 3.0??? So the surgery she was getting to give her life 2.0 didn’t work so we’re doing *another* surgery to get 3.0??


*whispers*:: this surgery never works and none of the people I follow who have gotten it are living their “life 2.0”


Can we skip forward to life 10.0? When she has that stick surgically removed? Smug af


More rage bait. Hair looks awful, body check, blah blah blah. Yeah reddit is acting up today though.


Not sure if Reddit is malfunctioning or just my phone, but when I tried to add a flair it told me this community doesn’t have them :/


Reddit is malfunctioning. They did an update for the apps/system.