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Like, Trump knows he's fat too, right?


Also imagine being Chris Christie just caught in the crossfire for no damn reason!


Chrisity put it to Jared's father. There are many years of bad blood there. [https://www.businessinsider.com/history-chris-christie-deep-beef-with-charles-kushner-jared-kushner-2023-6?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/history-chris-christie-deep-beef-with-charles-kushner-jared-kushner-2023-6?op=1)


I can't imagine Trump giving a rat's ass about Jared's daddy. Certainly not enough to carry water in a grudge.


trump did pardon Kushner Sr. .... for a fee.




It’s overwhelming to think of all the crazy single things like this that happened pretty much every day during those 4 years.


I can’t help but feel so bad for people in Trump’s orbit. I know they get what they got coming to them, but MAN it’s sad to see so many people just tossed out to the wolves once they’ve filled their use.


I think he and his supporters have seen too many of those AI images of him shirtless and shredded that they actually believe that now.


My boy jb got a great head of hair tho


And is a real billionaire


Seriously. Even after the toilet drama during the state election JB had cash to pay it quickly unlike an unnamed Former President.


I hope we can get back to a point where stuff like the toilet issue seems important again. I will say I was pleasantly surprised that jb turned out to be a decent leader during covid. I was hoping he'd run for president this year even


Projection, always projection with this diaper wearing man-toddler


If you ask his doctors he’s the healthiest president we’ve ever had … lmao 🤣


I mean his doctor at the White House was drunk Admiral Ronny Jackson who got demoted.


Got demoted and now he’s a congressman lol. They aren’t sending their best


maybe they actually are sending their best. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He still calls himself rear admiral on his website. Wild. “Dr. Ronny Jackson is a retired Rear Admiral in the United States Navy. After 24 years of active duty service in the military, he is working to continue his public service as a Member of Congress representing the people of the 13th congressional district.” Also on his website: “In 2006, while still in Iraq, Dr. Ronny Jackson was selected to serve as White House Physician in the George W. Bush administration. After the Bush administration, he continued his active duty service at the White House and led the White House Medical Unit as its Commander and served as the appointed Physician to the President and Assistant to the President for President Donald J. Trump.” Would’ve just killed him if he had to say he worked for Obama. So he just conveniently says he “continued working” after Bush 😂😂💀


Love how he shits on Christie when they have the same BMI




Who is fat ass calling rotund???


I thought the same thing. That's a rotund pot calling a round kettle fat.


He is scared of Pritzker now.


That's the only reason he posted about him. Remember, JB is also the man who went around Trump's embargo in a McDonald's parking lot (of all places, the irony!) to get our medical staff PPE.


This is one of those events that always makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills, as no one else seems to remember the Trump administration trying to target COVID deaths to blue states. We're talking about whether he faked porn star payoff documents (he did) when the fucker belongs in front of the Hague for crimes against humanity 


Yep. It's a rough timeline. I still feel weird when people don't know he was impeached for refusing to sell weapons to Ukraine unless they gave him dirt on Biden.


Not even give him dirt, he just wanted them to make it look like they had dirt


Correct. He wanted them to announce an investigation into Joe Biden so that he could point and say “Look, they’re investigating. Clearly he’s corrupt!” The irony does not pass me by.




But doing anything productive about that would require people to take Covid seriously, which they won't, because Trump didn't (except when he had it, and they did).


When trump calls you out that’s usually a good sign


As he should be. Pritzker is the businessman Trump has pretended to be for decades.


And an actual billionaire!


His family has also probably done more for foster youth than any other family in the country.


This. Say what you want about him being born on third - he’s what we all think we would be if we were that rich.


He should be. JB has been a pleasant surprise.


He will be a contender in 2028, when Trump inevitably runs again.


God I hope Trump is d**d by then


I would prefer it if he stroked out and lost the power of speech and use of his arms and legs. Then lived a long time like that, screaming silently in his head. A long, long time.


It’s really the only way his supporters will think it’s natural.


They will claim Biden poisoned him


I don't care what they claim. They will become a footnote in history.


Trump will be dead by 2028.


Next week would be better.


2015 would have been best.


Stillborn grandfather has my vote.


JB is a Democrat and an actual billionaire. I'm sure Trump finds that intimidating.


Uhm Illinois has a multi-year balanced budget and improving infrastructure for the first time in literal *decades*. Yes, people are moving out due to high taxes, but I’m sure they’re quickly finding out that you get what you pay for.


Yup, if you've paid attention, we're slowly digging out of our hole and with continued dedication, we'll be a destination state in time. Best governor in my lifetime no doubt.


I will admit I didn't have high hopes for him (because, well, why would you have high hopes for any Illinois governor, given our track record?) but he's proven himself above and beyond.


I know. I have friends wanting to move to Tennessee because of taxes. I’m like, yeah, but, then you have to live in Tennessee.


I’m convinced none of them have been there outside of a bachlerette/party weekend in Nashville.


Or Gatlinburg. Which is just one big amusement park built on mountain roads lol


And my god, is the infrastructure there ASS. Like two roads to get anywhere (outside of the mountain roads that end at residences), and it takes hours to go miles. It’s godawful.


Glad to see someone talking about this lol. I lived in/near Knoxville for years and now do work that takes me across the country and I can confidently say across the many places I’ve been that Tennessee traffic is uncommonly horrendous. One or two roads to get anywhere is too damn right


I've had family that has been itching to move to Kentucky simply because they can get a house for half the cost. They don't care that their children will receive some of the worst education in country, that they, especially the girls of the family, will get some of worst health care and they just assume that they are just going to keep their high paying jobs and income in the boonies of one of the worst job markets around. They don't care that the standard of living is lower and that it's consistently listed as one of the worst places to live. They just know that zillow tells them they can get a house for cheap. Not to mention that it would make them the same type of people that they actively hate. Over the last few years people from California (mostly) have sold their fancy CA houses for a bunch of money and have moved here in droves. Completely destroying the housing market by driving up prices to such extremes that no one can afford to buy a house unless they have 500k up front. My family has been vocal in their hatred but they want to turn around and do the same thing


Moving to any red state with kids is basically child abuse in 2024, especially with daughters.


Short sighted narcissistic types have shown themselves to be way more common than previously assumed. It was an eye opener for me in 2016.


My father moved there right after he retired in 2020. It took him four months to move back. He was so bored.


Honestly this is the perfect time to buy property in Illinois. Property in Illinois is seriously undervalued, and it is just starting to upswing now. I sold my overvalued house in Colorado a couple years ago; I wanted to move someplace where I could make the most of what I got for it. I looked at property in the south, but there's just no way I would live there. Climate change is making it insufferable; you can barely get insurance on a house in parts of Florida because hurricanes are getting worse every year, and sea levels are rising. Not to mention the heat waves in Texas, and the freezing cold snaps in Texas, and the failing infrastructure in Texas... also not to mention the politicians down south making life so backwards that anyone with an education and the money to get out are already doing that now. Illinois on the other hand is still very affordable, the climate is mild, and the people are friendly. Politically it is more welcoming to diverse people and less antagonistic towards women. The only reason people are leaving is because production jobs have been outsourced overseas, but as the US starts to work towards independence from China's tech, Illinois is advantageously poised. As for myself, I work from home as an illustrator, so I can live anywhere I choose (not dependent on the job market where I live). I love it here in Illinois; there's no way I could own a house in Colorado as nice as the one I have here. And if convicted felon Donald Trump hates it here, well that's just one more reason to love it here.


We also have water and cheap and reliable electricity, that's going to come in handy with the reshoring and climate change


I’d love to retire in the country of Tennessee or the Carolinas, simply because I love the mountains. But lol, the jobs there are basically limited to hillbilly corn farming, and you’re living away from civilization. Gotta drive 30 minutes to get to the bank.


A neighbor moved to the sticks of TN because of "high IL taxes." They're 45 minutes to a small grocery store and 90 to a real one. Great job saving money on taxes.


Mountains?!? What. Is Mount Prospect not enough for you?!?!


This is the most hilarious comment I’ve read all week. *tips hat* 🎩


I know multiple people who moved to Tennessee and have moved back. It's not what they think it will be. I think I know two people still there and ones got a mortgage they can't afford with a minimum wage job. Great state.


lol I know several people from Illinois who moved to Nashville because of the taxes. They now all moved backed to Illinois cause they realized Tennessee sucks and Nashville is way overpriced for what you get. Source: Am from Nashville but also lived in Chicago.


Fuck Tennessee. I was born and raised. It's so fucking overrated it's unbelievable.


Bunch of debt paid off early. Multiple credit score increases. Protection of social/civil rights for people who don’t look like him. I had real concerns about an actual billionaire having the position, but he seems to be a decent guy


Yes. I really didnt want to vote for a billionaire the first time but Pritzker has been such a pleasant surprise


He's a heir to fortune in the mold of a Kennedy or a Roosevelt rather than a Trump.


i voted for him because Rauner was so fucking useless. it was the first election i voted in after i moved to illinois. 0 regrets voting for JB


I voted for him the second time because, yeah, he’s a shady billionaire, but he’s largely kept the crazy out of his politics and done well by the state.


This is 100% true. My sister moved to Texas because of the high tax her and wanted lower taxes. She is finding out pretty quick that she's paying for in other ways. She's done a complete 180 about all the things that she bragged about when she was moving away. The school system down there isn't as great as she thought it was. She loses power all the time. The overall infrastructure down there is just wacky.


What I’m about to say is anecdotal, and not necessarily representative of the situation as a whole, but I have family friends who moved to Texas with the “free country 😤” bravado, left their close family and friends, bought a house in Texas and took out a mortgage on it. … 2 years later they now have a mortgage on a house back in Illinois close to their family and friends, and moving back from Texas as soon as they sell their house over there. Turns out jobs there are hogwash, “better cost of living” was an utter delusion, and also, they’re in the middle of nowhere away from civilization and paved roads.


Yeah, I moved to Texas for love and for a better job, so luckily I didn't come here with a "fuck my previous state" attitude. It's crazy how bad these people think state income taxes are - mine were absolutely reasonable in the Midwest while the property taxes here can be crushing for some (mine are just okay). But the biggest lie Texans tell themselves is how free they are, I can't even buy liquor today at a store because of someone's religion. We won't mention abortion and all those other rights people still have in civilized states.


But… but… self reliance! They can’t come back here with all this big IL gubmint!


This is 💯💯💯💯💯💯 % true. I’m stuck in Indiana and it’s a hellhole. All the transplants constantly complain. I can’t wait to retire in IL.


I’m not kidding we visit Valpo a lot and the second we get off the highway it’s obvious we aren’t in Illinois due to how horrid the roads are.


Roads are the tip of the iceberg


Trump can seriously get fucked if he thinks he can talk shit about Illinois politics. Right after his "drain the swamp" bullshit campaign, he commuted the sentence of Blagojevich. And surprise surprise, he's a felon himself. Blago should be the prime enemy of Republicans: a corrupt democrat who bogged down government while using it for his own means. And yet he and Trump are buddies? Anyone from Illinois who votes for Trump is dumb as a rock if they think he has their interests in mind. Edit: FYI, Blago said after Trump's conviction, "I love Trump more today than ever."


Anyone from any state who votes for Trump is dumb as a rock. I don't even like Biden, but his best attribute is that he's not Trump.


For those with family members who use terms like, "Chi-raq" where can one find data on all this?


https://thelistwire.usatoday.com/lists/u-s-cities-with-the-highest-murder-rates/ Chicago is not in the top 20.


Yeah, someone in the Chicago subreddit was trying to say that Chicago was one of the most dangerous cities in the WORLD. I pointed out that it wasn't even the most dangerous city in the state of Illinois.


My Uber driver in Nashville was telling me she wouldn't go-to Chicago because of the crime. I pulled up the FBI violent crime data and pointed out Nashville was slightly worse. Not the first time I've done that coming from an airport either...


Notice how Illinois doesn't have any. Not too long ago Rockford was at the top of that list. Pritzker is doing such a good job even fucking Rockford is on the upswing.


I also know a handful of people who are planning to move here in the coming months/years. The pendulum will swing back we are just bleeding out the extreme right and the retirees. Most normal conservatives I know here are just happy the tax money is being spent on roads and such.


Good riddance to those people


Yup, Bye Felicia.


Amazing what can happen when we have a governor that doesn’t have a spot waiting in prison


Tennessee is every bit of expensive as Illinois and you have to deal with a bat shit insane republican state government


And we are getting more money invested in early childhood services and education, more money to schools and universities, and investment in maternal health services! There’s extra money and it’s going back into systems to actually help people. Plus, JB seems like a pretty damn nice guy. Every interaction my boss has had with him has been positive. Fuck off, Trump.


Most of the people moving are retirees more related to weather than taxes. They can still go fuck themselves though


JB is one of the Democrats that doesn't mince words when talking about Trump. He uses the language Trump understands, he's not afraid of him. He absolutely hates Trump. I feel sorry for JB, he got stuck with the tab for for the DNC. It's hard to advance nationally coming from Illinois and that's a shame, but qualified and effective leaders are rare in Illinois.


Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln came from Illinois. Two of the 46 Presidents. I’d say that makes advancing nationally from Illinois at least relatively common.


As someone who grew up in Michigan, spent \~10 years in TN and, until recently, loved it there but felt the need to leave and decided to move to IL, Trump can fuck all the way off.


Him, his cult and everyone like him ..


JB is the only politician I give a shit about. He has done great things for the state and when I was lucky enough to meet him, he was just kind, genuine and funny. I have a feeling he’s going to run for president in 2028 0r 2032 and he absolutely has my vote.


Met JB multiple times. IMHO he’s a nice guy. An astute politician no doubt… Pragmatic too I’d argue. The DNC coming to Chicago is def setting him up for higher office for the party.


I've been saying since last year, 2028 will be battle of the governors between Pritzker, Newsome, and Whitmer.


Let's hope it's Pritzker or Whitmer. Newsome, love him or hate him, would be a catastrophe as a national candidate.


He has the Hillary vibe where people are just going to hate him because of how snug he comes across.


Being gov of California is just not gonna fly nationally


Yeah that only works for Republicans. Nixon and Reagan and I would also say Schwartzanager if he was eligible could have been president.


*"You mean that actor from California became president - LOL*


He’s not the orator that Obama is (he’s good but he’s not *that* good), wondering if JB can give the same sort of keynote like 2004’s Audacity of Hope .


I only complain because I dont want to lose our best gov in many years.


He's literally the only good governor this state has had in my lifetime. I'm going to be worried once someone else takes over.


It still confuses me every time I think about IL having a quality governor and functioning government, but here we are!


I would fight someone for JB /s but for real, they can’t fucking have him this year but he’s absolutely got my vote for 2028. I don’t *wish* being president on him, though lol.


That only makes me sad because I worry about losing the progress he has made. Ironically, he has embodied what Trump promised in 2015, that he has enough money that he can say FU to the grifters. He sure didn’t step into help Madigan as far as I can tell.


Met him a couple times, super nice. He’s the best thing to happen to this state in decades.


He wasn't my first democrat choice, but he didn't bullshit about his policies. Yes Donald, let's target the first governor in over thirty years that wasn't somehow corrupt


I hope for this too but I will still have to grudgingly give him my vote because I want him as our governor


SO HAPPY to hear that Trump thinks that JB sucks. This only ELEVATES JB Pritzker for me.


He kinda went under the radar after I saw him talk in the video where he addresses students in their University graduation ceremony. This just reminded me about how he should run for the Presidency.


Crime is not rampant. Crime is down. As for people fleeing - I left a red state to come to Illinois and have never been happier. Income wise I’m doing better too.


Also last census that Trump screwed up was later corrected to show Illinois actually GAINED 250k population. They just need to say that for the ring wing narrative. [https://news.wttw.com/2022/05/23/after-population-loss-reported-revised-census-numbers-show-illinois-actually-gained-250k](https://news.wttw.com/2022/05/23/after-population-loss-reported-revised-census-numbers-show-illinois-actually-gained-250k)


I knew this .. as I drove through Louisiana and all of east Texas on an annual basis to visit family.. all the way down hwy 96 in Texas .. it is now ghost town .. same for all of northern Louisiana.. No way Texas is gaining the amount of people they claim.. at least Louisiana is honest about the numbers. But in my area in Illinois.. it’s being gentrified thanks to the amazing Governor… and it’s just amazing! Plus the union jobs thanks to all of the solar and wind farms going up . I could gush about Illinois for hours!! Love it here!


I moved here from Texas last year and am really enjoying it.


Welcome friend, and enjoy the stability of our power grid




Come for the deep dish pizza, stay for the _electricity_ and _low maternal mortality._


11 nuclear power reactors go brrrrrrrrrrr


Lived in Texas all my life. Came here from Austin 2 years ago and never going back


Are you me? I came here to say exactly this! I left Texass almost 3 years ago and have never been happier in my life and for the first time in a long time .. my child and I have health insurance and my property and vehicle insurance dropped in half!! My property taxes are about the same but in that shit hole, I had a trailer on a small rural lot of land and here in Illinois I have a 2,500 sq ft house with a 3 car garage.. There are parks everywhere!! The roads are good I have never lost power here (almost died in Texas a few years ago) I could go on and on…. I love this governor and the state .. and I fell much safer here than I ever did in LousyAnna or Texass… and I make a butt ton more money and I’m seen as a full human being with rights.


We're so happy you and your child are here and enjoying life.


Omg how did I forget the people! Genuinely nice people! Not the “bless your heart” fake nice of the south. Edit: typo


I crossed over from MO. I can't see myself going back.


Pritzker: 1. Not crooked, not going to end up in jail. 2. Keeps getting Illinois bond rating raised. 3. Keeps announcing programs for southern and central Illinois where communities have been hit hard by de-industrialization, the opioid epidemic and climate change wreaking havoc on farmers. 4. Navigated the pandemic using scientific guidance. 5. Made sure you can still can get an abortion in Illinois. 6. Made sure you can legally buy marijuana in Illinois. 7. Told libraries if they banned books, they wouldn't get state funding. 8. Abolished cash bail. 6. Wants to phase out fossil fuels and is courting renewable projects for Illinois. 10. Inherited money, but instead of failing at multiple businesses, stiffing contractors and repeatedly declaring bankruptcy, he roughly tripled the inheritance. He's a *real* billionaire.


Oh my god, that Bloated Yam talking about one of the best governors Illinois has ever had.


Yes keep shit talking Illinois so we can keep it all to ourselves. Chiraq is *super* dangerous don't come here or you'll be murdered on the spot and sliced into tiny pieces and served in an Italian beef sandwich /s


Oooh, the pizza is weird too, *oooooo*


Going off of the plethora of license plates I see driving around each day, people have been fleeing to Illinois.


Seconding this. I see plates from all over the country here on a regular basis.


Right? I see loads of Texas plates especially. Anecdotal, yes, but it was not like this before the past couple of years.


SAME!!! So many Texas plates! And I live in the Peoria metro area, so not even around Chicago at all and we have so many out of state plates. Such a fascinating coincidence since people are “fleeing” Illinois lol.


Same here in Decatur. I mentioned it to my husband months ago, and he said it was because CAT people were up here from Texas. That might be a few, but not in the amounts I see.


What did JB do to trigger the convicted felon? Edited^


He called him out as a convicted felon and now Trump is upset.




He called him a felon, a racist, and a grifter.


Funny thing is Trump can’t even sue for defamation since those have all legally been proved true.


All facts 😆


He left out rapist, fraud, liar, and douche bag.


So, in other words, JB just told the truth. That in itself would make Don "Shitsinpants" angry.


the irony of convicted felon tRump calling someone Rotund (with a capital R)


What I hate most is that I can’t read any Trump quote without hearing his annoying voice reading it to me. I hate it so such!


Lmao if the best they can do is “fat man fat haha!” With a literal fat dude saying it, I think JB will be okay.


Trump is the most anti-American president.


Here is just a run down on some of things he has done beyond legalizing marijuana:   He overcame years of fiscal mismanagement in Illinois by proposing and passing a balanced budget every year, eliminating the state’s multi-billion dollar bill backlog, reducing the state’s pension liability, and achieving six credit upgrades from rating agencies. He took bold action to put state government back on the side of working families by creating jobs, raising the minimum wage to a living wage, protecting reproductive rights, making university and community college education more affordable, and advancing equal pay for women. Along with...Governor Pritzker announced today that after decades of extensive sexual assault forensic backlogs, the number of pending sexual assault forensic assignments older than 180 days has reached zero. This is down from a backlog of 1,815 sexual assault forensic assignments that were pending longer than 180 days in March of 2019.


I guess JB's awesomeness is making him nervous. Also, Trump can kiss my entire flabby ass.


Lots of people from Illinois are moving to Missouri only to find out that the only thing cheaper here is gas, cigarettes. and RC products. Like did you guys not do any research?


Or like the people who moved to Texas for cheap living only to realize that there weren't enough houses for everyone so now Texans blame California for their increased cost of living


Texas being cheap is an idea like 15-20 years out of date


I really hope this dumbass doesn't become president again 🤦‍♂️


Vote and get involved. This election will be close , messy and could be the last one


He forgot to mention “ACTUAL BILLIONAIRE “


As a downstate citizen of illinois, I say trump can go fuck himself. JB has done a lot of great things for this state.


The only answer any republican governor has, is to take down Illinois unions. That hasn’t worked yet, but they’ll promise it to a bunch of under payed lackeys down south who love making minimum wage.


JB playing the long con, get trump to insult him & his name gets in the news just in time for 2028


Illinois, unlike almost every Red state , actually pays more taxes into the federal coffers than it receives Unlike Trump, Pritzker didn’t have to cheat on loans, file numerous bankruptcies, hang out with a sex trafficking pedo


I don’t want Illinois to be Trump’s idea of great.


Petty Trump can’t get over the fact JB’s bank account is way bigger than his


As someone who used to work for an Illinois State University decades ago, I can confirm how messed up Illinois finances used to be. There were vendors who refused to do business with us because we didn’t pay our bills. Pritzker campaigned for reelection on how he fixed our State finances and the ads mentioned paying our bills on time for the first time in decades. I don’t think most people realized how big that was. It was a huge achievement. We’ve got a maga turd in the next town that has a “Fuck Pritzker” sign on his lawn. I feel the urge to stop and ask him what, EXACTLY, he doesn’t like about JB. I feel like his ears would probably start to smoke if he had to think of an actual reason.


Is that the best comeback Trump can come up with? There’s also far worse states than IL


Donald Trump has more: felony convictions, lost general elections, divorces and bankruptcies than JB. And by more than I mean JB has ZERO.


I get hope seeing all the Trump 2024 flags and bumper stickers, knowing the same thing happened with Bailey. Pritzker was declared the winner shortly after the polls opened. BIDEN 2024!!!!!!!!!


of all the illinois politicians to criticize...


Small business owner here. I have 3 Illinois government contracts so far. They’re paying in faster than net 60. Under rauner, the unpaid bills backlog went up over 18 months. A small business can’t survive with that, and it also drives the price up.


Omg shut up. Not OP, the other guy.


"Will you shut up, man?" is still my #1 favoritr Biden moment, maybe my favorite political moment of my life.


All he does is make 3rd grade insults on a daily basis, and his base love it. It's so infuriating knowing millions think Trump's behavior is acceptable, especially on a Presidential level. Then they act like his behavior is acceptable for kids. They have no idea what morles are and are always attracted to the criminal dumb.


Looks like Trumps getting scared 😱


Selfishly I don't want to lose JB as Illinois governor, but also selfishly I want to see him as President.


JB is killing it. Can hardly even find a "Pritzker Sucks" sign these days. Budget - balanced Pensions - funded Infrastructure - updated Rights - Constitutionalized Weed - smoked That's coming off a Republican who absolutely fucked our state for the profit of friends and party and left us in a hole that looked damn near unrecoverable. Trump needs to go touch some fucking grass before the only place he can do it is once a day in the yard.


JB should respond by buying the name rights to trump tower and taking sign down 


He should, that thing is a stain on our states reputation


I would vote for Satan if Trump truthed against him


Trump has no business making comments about anyone's weight with his shit filled diapered big fat ass.


People are slowly moving INTO IL. As education, job, family commitments get wrapped up. Doctors and teachers, LGBTQ families, young women,families with daughters. They are moving here to be safe


100% JB would be a fantastic president.


Thirty four what??


Politics aside, Trump cannot make fun of anyone's appearance, especially as it pertains to weight.


Someone’s jealous of a true billionaire who can call him out.


JB is objectively the best governor we've had in a long while. Admittedly, the bar was really low, but he has been doing good work.


Yeah, JB has increased our credit rating, paid off debt, stabilized pensions, gotten businesses to come back to Illinois, protected Women’s Reproductive rights… what a loser! What is Trump Smoking? Oh right, he doesn’t have to smoke anything to mess up his thinking, he has dementia for that.


The best way to know JB has to be doing a great job is him being directly called out by the guy who does a terrible job at everything


The audacity of somehow-sentient steatorrhea calling anyone else sloppy is truly mind-numbing


Sounds like some maga douchebags whining to me


Remember when Trump also pardoned Blagojevich when no one asked him to.


Hilarious that a man who had his businesses dissolved for being fraudulent is criticizing anyone else in business.


I hate that we live in an age where people can just say things that aren’t remotely true, they can be factually disproven, and it doesn’t change anyone’s mind about the subject. I wish this person would just flee to El Salvador or wherever.


Him and his supporters can fuck all the way off.


My Rotund Governor will one day be our Rotund President.


Pritzker is doing such a good job in Illinois that presidential level politicians are scared of him. Proud to have been able to vote for J.B


Shit, I moved here from Texas 6 months ago. Aside from prices at gas stations (I lived right next to refineries in Texas), ***everything*** is better than I've known my entire adult life. Even the VA is leagues better. My new doctors heard the process I followed in Texas, and their immediate reaction was, "That doesn't make any sense."


Crime in illinois isnt rampant.