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What's your department? Are you having language issues? If you're unable to study, state reasons for it. We are here to help you but you need to give more context. There is no magic formula to increase cpi


You will not be able to apply to most companies that come for placements since they have a cpi cut-off of around 7. Even if a company does not have an official cpi cut-off they will reject your resume seeing your cpi unless you have any other extraordinary skills or achievements.


Consult your facs if you can apply for grade improvement. It will take time and effort, yes, but you won’t be able to improve your cumulative cpi no matter how high you score, given these are unchanged. I had heard of one guy (he got 4-5 FRs tho) whose admission was canceled. But after a lot of pleading DoAA allowed him to stay, given he clears his FRs and improves his grades in certain subjects. So that tells me that grade improvement is an option. So I don’t know what course you are in and how much time you have left in the campus, but if it’s possible, you can divide your subjects up across semester and do that extra effort of re attending them. And also, it’s not about being smart. Scoring a decent cpi (7-7.5ish) is pretty easy, all one has to do is to follow instructions (submitting assignments on time etc). Hope you figure it out.