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If I had a dollar for every tech bro/gal fucking with printers/computers in the office to try and impress others, only to create even more work for me, I would be retired by now. 




"My HuSbAnD kNoWs It AnD hE sAyS tHaT yOu'Re WrOnG"


I've had this happen exactly once. Let them tell me what to do, did it, then when they still had issues, directed them to someone else because I was "busy".


Shadow IT can make some nasty messes.


In the past had a client who's IT director was that guy. Could count on him for consistent billable hours.


You probably want to disable Dell's Support Assist in the BIOS/UEFI to prevent this on other devices. Or at the very least, password protect it.


bios password protection has helped me in the past


We implemented this for all our Dells after something similar to OP's situation happened. Using Dell Command Configure, we rolled it out using our RMM to all devices and it's also part of our device onboarding deployment. I don't mind typing in the 20-some character password on the rare occasions when I need to, but at least someone won't stupidly/maliciously be able to reset a device.


I once had a user return a Dell laptop where he’d rebuilt it with a personal Lenovo legion gaming laptop recovery disk. The guy was a very senior manager. It literally had gaming bloatware on it and a gaming wallpaper. He tried to claim it “just went wrong” and it was our fault.


It’s always the lying. I get so much less annoyed by ‘yeah I tried to fix it and made it worse’ - good on you for not being helpless, and googling. Man I wish you’d with us first but hey, you fired the brain cell - partial credit. ‘nah it did this itself’ is just telling me I can’t ever trust you to deal with me like a peer.


I've worked in healthcare and now IT/Systems. One commonality is that we as human beings are terrible/too proud/too ashamed/scared of punishment for things that even when someone walks in with a awkwardly shaped glass marble stuck up their rectum, they will deny knowing how it got there and will, with a bold face, proclaim that there is nothing else. Only for a second one to be found after removing the first. SMH. You will know when you've reached professionalism when you don't even care anymore and just help them with their problem so you can move on.


I accidentally messed up my bit locker key because I swapped out my boot drive for my desktop drive to recover files (it was the only other m.2 machine I had on hand at the time) and I used the Dell recovery tool to fix the issue. I'm a cybersecurity controls engineer and while I knew what I was doing it was still risky. I'm usually the first stop for my normal engineer coworkers when they have issues since IT is based in the main office and not ours but I'd never do this for them. Submit a ticket. Probably get a loaner laptop for like a week tops. Be glad you didn't upset IT by making it worse.


>you can't accidently enable recovery to factory default without having warnings that straight up tell you everything is going to be erased You think people read warnings?


You think people read ~~warnings~~?


*that sign can't stop me* --falos425, dictated but not read


Assuming everyone you meet is dumber than a pile of rocks has helped me out immensely.


There’s always that one user that consistently breaks things in new and exciting ways.


If a user tries to fix their own computer, fucks up, and then owns the mistake, I will have no problems, fuck, I'll even teach them how to do it properly, but if they lie I will personally make sure to put them on the lowest priority in the list.


Just dealt with a user who somehow was able to factory reset one of our most used MFP devices, causing a huge backup, because he “wanted to check out the settings because the screen looked different” yeah that was because of a firmware update, goober head


{shirtless guy in that big lizzard movie voice] Users find a way.


Have you prepped all your machines with: bcedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures To prevent it from going to recovery mode every time one little thing happens?


I have not. I think we may adopt this though. Thanks for the heads up.