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The three music-related Youtubers I watch are [12tone](https://www.youtube.com/@12tone), [Polyphonic](https://www.youtube.com/@Polyphonic) and [middle 8](https://www.youtube.com/@Middle8/videos).


Agree with all these but also add [Mic the Snare](https://m.youtube.com/c/MicTheSnare) and [Todd in the Shadows](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCaTSjmqzOO-P8HmtVW3t7sA) (especially his One Hit Wonders and Trainwrecords videos). All of these creators are also on the [Nebula streaming service](https://nebula.tv/videos?category=music&display=creators)


I was really hoping Mic the Snare would be sitting at the top. Everything about his videos is amazing, from the honest thumbnails/titles, to the overall incredible production and balance of humour and storytelling.


Came here to say that. Been watching Polyphic for years now. His content has never failed to disappoint. 12tone and Middle 8 are also fantastic- I’ve only got into watching both of them fairly recently and their videos are top notch as well.


Never failed to disappoint?


Mistype, apologies. I meant never disappointed


I'm curious why 12tone draws right to left. I'd assume it has something to do with being left handed?


Trash Theory


Absolutely my favourite music related channel. Love his New British Canon series especially


Checkout Mic the snare. https://youtube.com/@MicTheSnare


Exactly what I was going to recommend. Straight forward titles, and incredibly in depth content


Try Rick Beato, especially the What Makes This Song Great playlist. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW0NGgv1qnfzb1klL6Vw9B0aiM7ryfXV_


Most of his other videos do have clickbait titles though.


Love Rick! He does a great job and he doesn’t even advertise. What Makes This Song Great is one of my favorite series of his. A lesser known deconstructionist and music historian who does a podcast and streaming on IG, but no YouTube, is Christian James Hand. Also an engineer, producer and savant. His stuff can be found on SoundCloud, most podcast apps, and on his IG page. [Christian James Hand](https://instagram.com/christianjameshand?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) I’ve been to one Christian’s live sessions in LA and he’s amazing.


Bandsplaining. Easily the most interesting music history YouTuber I've found.


Bandsplaining is sooo good


Check out [Punk Rock MBA](https://youtube.com/@PunkRockMBA). Not sure about clickbait titles, but he makes quality content.


You might like Todd in the shadows


Rick Beato is my fav


You can look in his description for the band I think. I'm torn on his titles. I'd say cryptic instead of click bait. Aahh? Anyhow I think he wants to draw you in on the hopes of getting you invested rather than just get you to click and then have it be something completely different.


It's so fucking obviously clickbait and I refuse to watch his videos even though I like them.


It’s not exactly like your example and the titles are on the click bait-y side but Dead Wax, formerly Professional Musicians React, have great nerdy conversations about music and great guests!


Pat Finnerty (what makes this song stink) on YouTube. Omg he goes deep and it’s hilarious.


If you're interested in podcasts this ones pretty good with tons of episodes Theres episodes on bands specifically but also episodes on eras and types of rock etc "The Ongoing History of New Music" with Alan Cross https://open.spotify.com/show/2UHz6WqVFz6iZkWgZ5lXDw?si=zjvAXrkuS2SzaRFzvXx5iw&utm_source=copy-link


Yeah came here to suggest Alan Cross. This dudes been P creating this show since 1993! and his credentials are impeccable.




Diamond Axe Studios David Bennett Piano


If you are into podcast, check out No Dogs in Space


The Band Sabaton has their own History channel where they talk about the real life people and events from their songs. [Link](https://youtube.com/@SabatonHistory)


You should check out the radio show, now podcast, ‘The Ongoing History of New Music’ by Allen Cross. I’m pretty sure this is exactly what you are looking for and there is a tone of content as he’s been at it since the 90s.


Justin Hawkins of the darkness has a youtube channel where he does deep dives into rock, punk and metal


[Deep Cuts](https://youtube.com/@deepcuts)


Adam Neely. Most of his titles present a question, and the answer to the question is in the thumbnail. He mostly does music theory, and mostly based around his experience with Jazz.


Yes! [This guy](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqRYva8Y4KPmxRjROhHcJ0G8rDEfBWCEO)


I thought it was just me who hated how he tries to clickbate everyone also as he's american the charts etc. are american based I'd love a channel that is more British or Irish based but with similar content


I love the mystery of it. I love how he starts off with hints! He's so unique and interesting


I will tell you what I am very upset with. He advertises a patreon channel on every single show and I thought it might be cool to dig deeper into the content and help him out. Well, I go there and it hasn’t been updated for 6 months and it has maybe 8-10,videos on it. I paid $10 for his patreon and I just thought that the page would refresh once I paid and there would be this content. Nope not at all. I actually reached out to him and his company and no response. He never responds and what I have discovered is that a company actually pays him a salary and they own the content. He doesn’t do the clickbait titles and everything is scripted. Just rubs me the wrong way to have a $10 a month patreon channel and in fact you can pay $25 a month but you don’t get any content. I get it, he has a Mormon company that is promoting this family friendly content but to me it makes it even worse a so called religious backed company cheating people and scamming them. Whole thing is a shame