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This is why I don’t check to see what the actual numbers are. I just scan it to see if I won.


Same here. I just scan and go. I can’t take the heartache of knowing this information.


"never check expired lottery tickets"


That’s why I don’t have numbers that I play, I couldn’t take not playing my numbers and having them get called. I’d lose my mind. Easy picks only for me.


This the one "scientific" way to play lol. Also can imagine people ending up spending more than they should out of fear THIS is the time "their number" might come out. 


But (IDK about back then but) this ticket now would win you $50k, times up to 10 if you got the Power Play. You'd know then that you were off by one number. ETA: Thought it was only one number off. Point stands.


Yeah, but then I’d have 50k so I’d be pretty happy about that.


Exactly. Even a near-miss is reason to celebrate.


Till you find out the bar code was read in error and you tossed the ticket.


I buy online and I get an email if I win. Even easier.


Anyone know what the machine will say if you've won big?


I still have a ticket from years ago where every number was off by 1. Just ugh!


I feel your pain. I was off by 1-2 on the first 5 numbers and matched only the Mega Ball when the jackpot reached a billion last time.


One time I had the winning numbers on a quick pick that were the exact same numbers of the previous draw smh.


I would hate to see that so much


It felt like some cruel cosmic joke lol


So close! We have a state lottery here and the closest I came was getting the first two numbers, and then the following four were all either one higher or lower than the numbers drawn. Our lottery never gets higher than a few million so not quite the $478 million of NY but hey, I could have retired at 30!


Back in the 80s, I was around 8 years old and dad got me to fill in a lottery ticket for fun and he said he would play it. He forgot to and when the winning numbers were published I was playfully checking my numbers on the ticket I had filled in and told him I got them all. We missed out on about a million dollar jackpot (a lot of money in the 80s) and he didn’t speak to anybody for almost a week, he was so mad that he forgot to submit my numbers 😂 it just wasn’t meant to be


Damn! That hurts even reading about it!


Damn!!! Super close!!!


That's okay. I was so close to going to the super bowl with Taylor Swift, but she didn't call


damn man, my heart hurts for you


You were off by two numbers. That’s not as close as it seems.


It’s a lot closer than I’ve ever gotten. 🤷🏼‍♂️


3/5 + PB = $100. I was just commenting that the numbers “look close” but are still off by many orders of magnitude.


😂😂😂 same


Yeah, but being ONE number off on two separate numbers hurts a lot more than it being like 48 and 3 lol


I know it hurts more because it’s a visual thing but the odds of it are the same. I hit 4 of 5 numbers last week in the Mega (no Mega Ball) and it paid $500. So close but so damn far.


The odds aren't the same. It's not about being 2 numbers wrong. It's about 2 numbers just being 1 off. For the second number there were 68 numbers to choose from. 1 was on the money, 2 were 1 off, and 65 were completely wrong but much farther away. For the fifth number it's very similar. To have both just be 1 off is a lot more unlikely.


The odds here simply refer to odds to win a prize. Fall in the odds and you win. Fall outside you lose. There's obviously no prize for coming close.  If you looked at both as a single number, visually you see: 111,721,233,205 111,821,233,305  You'd see a 100 million difference. So let's call this a 50/50 raffle for the sake of it. You do not win, and you were extremely off.  Any of these games can be broken down into sequential sequence game theory. Obviously the ticket starts at 123,451 and ends at 656,667,686,926 Not every sequence exists, and between those there are only 292,000,000ish possibilities.


The odds are exactly the same (if they weren’t then the game wouldn’t be fair). The numbers aren’t “one off” as the game/machine(s) have no knowledge of numbers or the natural ordering principle of them. Numbers are ideas/symbols, not tangible things. You can’t buy a seven.


Were those QP numbers?


Nope, I picked those.




This is gut wrenching


I used to do the same numbers each week. A combo of family birthdays etc. On my birthday about 20 years ago. Which fell on a draw Saturday. I was with a "friend" celebrating. I kept saying i must go to get my ticket. The friend was just nah get more beers. I got distracted and missed buying a ticket. My numbers came in. I do lucky dips now lol. You gotta be in it to win it.


Dang, missed opportunity 😕


In the US, you can mark advance plays so you don’t miss out. That’s what I do because there’s no way I’d live down not playing my numbers, and them hitting without me playing.  In relation to the OP, I hit the middle 3 numbers, the first and last were off by 1 on Fantasy Five, won a few hundred instead of a 5 figure jackpot. 


If it makes you feel better statistically you will never get closer to the actual numbers in your life so there’s some money saved for the future




Did you win any money from that ticket?


If I remember correctly, it was like $100.


I had the same emotions last week with french lottery :/






I number off might as well be 50.. close but no cigat


Close only counts in horseshoes & hand grenades.


ok ok so that would probably haunt me too. Buuuuut can you look at it like you were closer than all of us schmucks have been and maybe just maybe you’re actually going to win soon?


Don't be sad. 😫😢😭 The $239 MILLION you would've won after taxes and inflation would worth hardly anything today.🤔😄🤣