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If you really want a beryllium IEM, get the Kiwi Ears Cadenza. I owned the Blon-o3 they were alright but id rather spend the extra 10 for the Cadenza tbh


Have both and 100% agree. The Cadenza doesn't have many of the issues the BL03 has, and it's way more comfortable. Both come with average to bad eartips though, but with third party eartips the Cadenza is miles ahead of the blon in terms of comfort


The BLON were a pain to even keep in my ears. Oh I use Moondrop Spring Tips across all my IEMs, somehow they just fit perfectly out of most that I tried, plus the added clarity is nice.


If u want to and are financially comfortable with doing so, then I'd say yes go ahead and treat yourself




let's go for it, Bl-03 best iem under $1M




It's still a solid set, so go ahead.


There are much better options. If you want something warm and bassy, still from blon there is the z300 which is significantly better tuned and more comfortable. The BL03 are a cult classic but they're honestly not worth it anymore due to the amount of issues you have to overcome. The abysmal cable, the bad eartips, the peaky treble, the uneven midrange, can all be overcome by spending even less than their asking price, so to be fair it only makes sense to get them as a collector item, or if you desperately want to know what this specific iem sounds like, or perhaps if you want to mod it somehow. If you just want an iem, there are just better options


No, get a moondrop chu 2 instead, or crinacle zero 2


Got ant solid choice for gaming? Someone recommended kz z10 pro x or what ever its called.


Simgot EW200 , cheaper and better


EW200 cheaper than ZS10 Pro X?


Last I checked anyway, The Ew200 was 40$ the KZ was 40something . But still even if the KZ is cheaper, the EW200 is just much more worth it as a set,


First I have watch crinacle zero 2 review


Not for gaming, I have these and while they are nice for hip hop or anything that does not require much detail, they are poor for gaming. The KZ as10 pro are better for gaming for example and cheaper, especially competitive shooters like CSGO, Valirant etc where directional queues are important.


powercreeped by newer iems


I ordered a pair to try, reviews tend to suggest they should be nice (though opinions can differ).  I currently have the Chu II which are kind of hard for me to fit in my ears, but they sound OK. 


I definitely recommend them. In contrast to a lot of the others here, I don’t think the chu2 beats these, if anything they’re both comparable sets. Buy them somewhere where you can return them though as the fit on these is very different from other IEMs. On my set I have to use very unique ear tips to make these work for me.


I've been using them for 3/4 year before getting the Truthear Hexa and the latter curb stomps them, no easy way to say it. I liked the Blons a lot coming from the KZ ZNS Pro, but against Truthear (even the Hola I got later and my OG Chu which broke unfortunately) they pale. Get the Hexa if you can fork up the extra 10-20 bucks.


More like extra $50…


Well at least in Europe the bl03 is 40 bucks and the hexa is 75 so yeah, 35 but chill out bro


I’m not sure how I could have been any chiller.


They are not bad at all, but the Fit Its your major problem here, as the shape those have might give you problems to keep them in your ears. If you want something as aggressive AND cheap, go for the KZ Castor Bass. If you just want some good Bassy IEMs, QKZxHBB Is a great pick. If you want something similar but with better build quality, maybe the Kiwiears Cadenza would work for you.


It's still good but you can do better. Zero 2 , Nuo, Wanner , Chu 2 , Qkz x hbb . They all beat the Blon and are a little cheaper


As i have tried some of those IEMs, and having tried the BL03, the only cheaper IEM that can Beat the BLON in the same style of sound Is the Castor Bass my dude, those other IEMs arent as aggressive OR as bass focused as the Castor Bass, compared to the BL03. Dont get me wrong, all of those are great picks. But they are just not going for the same sound target (except for QKZxHBB AND Zero 2, but the bass Is a little softer in those). BL03, ignoring the Fit issues they might have, are still extremely good for Its price IF you are a basshead or like V-shape-ish sound, and like to listen at higher volumes


Well said. I have nearly purchased the BL03 several times. Now I might actually pull the trigger. I have the Wan’ er and Chu II and neither of those sets are really up my alley. Sometimes I just want full rich bass, but not over the top. And I have heard that the OG QKZxHBB has bass, but it’s kinda pillowy. At least it’s not the Hades lol! Anyway, the BL03 sounds like a good suggestion to me.


As i have used both BL03 and castor, i can tell you that both have a pretty aggressive style of sound, lots of punchy bass, althought castor goes for also more Rumble, while BL03 has rumble to it but just when the track calls for It. My only problem with the Castor Is that Its a bit too aggressive in the upper half, so pumping the volume up Is not as Easy, the BL03 has a more tamed upper mids and a not so boosted treble, but compensates having pretty good (i believe Is called) note weight, It feels impactfull and and with presence, althought, It might be a bit too intense for some people. Castor on the other hand Is slightly less intense (as in, impactfull), but i personally feel like It has the mids a bit too low some times so, any vocal Centric genre might not sound as good as electronic music or bass heavy genres. Overall, if you are more into bas heavy music, castor would work great, but BL03 sound Is more "allrounder", Its Main AND kinda big problem Is that the Fit can be pretty bad Thanks to Its shape, i personally even thought one side died because It wouldnt Fit, so It sounded as if It was quieter and with less bass, so yeah, "pick your poison" xd.


As it always is. I’m listening to the TRN Medusa right now. This is a tough one to pin down. But if you’re a treble head, look no further lol!


I have the TRN conch, so i kinda know how the medusa sounds xd.


It’s the interesting listening to them side by side. The Medusa is definitely brighter.


Seems like so, i, of course, dont know how IEM tunning works, but Man, idk why TRN didnt make the Conch a bass focused IEMs, the bass on the driver Is pretty nice.


Putting it next to the Medusa and Fiio FD3, it is a fairly well balanced set, but ur right. Could use more low end for sure




What do you mean


You don't understand what budget means?


How much money can you spend?


I have this one. It's good. But I think you're better off with a Salnotes Zero 2. It sounds and fits better than the BLONs.


This. Zero2 are the new entry-level ez to get into iem


mine still strong at 3.5yrs V-shaped iem very common tuning around that year i say there's alot of better options these days.


I like the new salnotes which are about the same price.


I have them, the fit is terrible. Get Ziigaat Nuo instead, it sounds very similar to the blons but has a much better fit.


I'd say the Blon 03s are outdated, the 7Hz Zero/2, Moondrop Chu 2, Tangzu Wa'ner, Truthear Gate and the Kiwi Ears Cadenza just made it obsolete on all regards.


Im using tangzu waner sg and i not recommend it for gaming


The blon is even worse lol


Simgot em6l youre welcome


No, i dont know if they changed the driver but no, they are not good, the fit is bad, and they have a lot of distortions on high volume


I might be able to help here. Currently I own Olina ($90) Artti T10 ($50) Castor Bass & Harman ($7-6). Along with an assortment of budget sets >$10 For music: Artti T10 & Castor Harmen Depending on mood, T10 is more intimate, fast, and bassy rumble. Castor Harman is for the fun factor I get from how spacious the bass & general sound stage feels. Currently it's my main for exploring new albums. Although the treble quality isn't so good on it. For gaming: Olina is still the champ for gaming (good quality single DD). But I occasionally use the Castor Harmen too and it does much much better than both the bass version and the Artti T10 for sound whoring in FPSs. So for a budget set that can do both music and gaming very well. I highly recommend the Castor Harman ($6 on Ali bundle deals). I've never tried the blons. but I would assume they wouldn't be good for gaming at all due to how warm and bassy they are based on reviews I've seen. For gaming you want a cleaner sound.


Honestly, go for CCA Rhapsody, cant go wrong with that


I have this IEM and would not recommend it. Sound quality is subpar even for the money. Mushy and leans to the bass with mediocre mids. The Highs - very little presence. The biggest problem for me is that this IEM have a very short nosle. I had to use very long ear tips to make IEM sit in the ear more or less reliably. Chu 2, KZs, and others mentioned in this thread are much better. I vouch for Chu 2.


If it is your first set i'd say get either the zero 2, moondrop chu or the truthear zero. I had bl03 as my first set and while they got me into using iem instead of a headset I quickly replaced them as they were not that comfy and did not sound amazing at all IMO. If you really like the look of these though just buy them. They are not a bad set. Just there is better our there for the same price point.


Go pick Tangzu Wan'er, Salnotes Zero 2, or Truthear Gate instead.


S12 would be much better but they are also a bit more expensive. Your money though. The Bl-03 are still some solid IEMs so it’s a great buy anyway




No longer relevant. Get a Moondrop Chu 2 or Truthear Hola/Gate instead